Licensing property can provide an additional income stream and increase property security. Purchased elk tags can only be used on its corresponding Wildlife Management Area (WMA). Of all forest management activities, timber harvesting has the most influence on clubs. Has cotton and peanuts planted Has some Millennium shooting house and new tree stands . Location: We are located at 76544 Highway 77,Lincoln, AL 35096. You must contact our office to confirm that the form has been received by us before you enter the property. Alabama Farmers Federation. CTC Hunting Leases :: Home Search Properties. Stay up to date on woodland topics such as timber prices, oil & gas issues, woodland health, hunt-lease, and much more. No one is permitted to enter our clients properties without a signed Temporary Access Agreement on file with TimberCorp. Twenty acres of wooded land with a small pond on County Road 39 outside Newbern, Alabama. See attached pictures. Lakes stocked with bass, bream and crappie. Bringing landowners and hunters and other outdoor enthusiast together is our goal. Please let us know if we can assist you with any of your land buying or selling needs. Please provide information about who will be leasing and where you're looking for hunting property. Enjoy the dining area with a full fireplace, corporate room that can seat up to 100 and large walls of photos of past hunters, An excellent lodge that manages 9,000 acres to grow 130+ B&C class bucks every season. Birds, insects, and hosts of other species flourish only when suitable and abundant resources are in balance. It is no secret that hunting leases are currently in demand more than ever before. Learn More Click here for a list of Legacy hunting clubs who are looking for members. Use Website In a Screen-Reader Mode . People who are physically challenged can also hunt on the hunting lands in their designated areas in most of the hunting lands. More than 2.2 million acres of Rayonier land are available for hunting and recreation in the United States in Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas, Oregon and Washington. Soterras diverse land base, located in the Southeastern United States, consists of actively harvested and regenerated timber properties as well as properties for recreation, investment and development. If you have further . Alabama is the number one State where most number of hunters visit hunting leases every year to hunt White-tailed Deer. Hunting Land for Lease. If your preferred county is not listed, then we do not currently have any property for hunting available in that county. ", "I am proud to endorse Westervelt Wildlife Services and recommend them to anyone who is serious about managing their property for wildlife. Enjoy the Outdoors. Welcome to Buchanan Timber & Forestry, LLC Located in Selma, AL (334) 872-0491 . Learn More >>. Most hunters in this state prefer to visit hunting leases as visitors are not allowed in such places and hunters can hunt the desired animals in a secure and crowd free environment. Located in nine different states, we offer hunters and outdoor enthusiasts, like yourselves, exclusive annual hunting and recreational properties on a land base of over 2 million acres throughout the United States. Home; Contact Us; . Backs up to thousands of acres of Timber Company land. Hunt Lease - FORECON, INC. Properties leased through our Hunt Lease program have been physically inspected by our hunt lease agents to ensure that they are appropriate for the lessees needs, while keeping the lessors interests in mind. Power and water. This property is a mix of timber, heavy cover, crp and ponds. Hunter Education -- Classes, etc. Alabama Forest Owner Association. This also plays a significant role in improving the economic conditions of this state. Moreover, there are different Deer hunting seasons in this state and hunting lands are given on leases according to those seasons. Google Maps. Step 3. 770 Washington Avenue, Suite 470. Call (800) 936-4424. Once purchased, these tags are good for either sex elk and during any of the posted seasons. Legacy Wildlife Services is a division ofNatural Resource Planning Services, Inc. (NRPS), a consulting forestry firm with over 40 years experience in the Southeastern United States. No one is permitted to enter our clients' properties without a signed Temporary Access Agreement on file with TimberCorp. Club Contacts are notified of scheduled timber harvests each spring prior to renewing the lease contract. During this time, Westervelt Wildlife Services has consistently met or exceeded the expectations of the QDMA members they have served. Landowners who open their properties to hunting and recreational leases have added additional income opportunities to help maintain their ownership, and though sometimes the payments can be lucrative, the benefits of leasing your land go beyond the additional income. This includes properties currently open for bidding and properties that are available for lease immediately . Alabama Hunting and Deer Leases - Deep south hunting camps offers private small group do it yourself style hunts in the blackbelt. Hunting Leases - Forest Investment Associates Check back to see what is available for the 2018 2019 season. In this state Deer population is managed by Wildlife Freshwater Fisheries. Tuscaloosa, Alabama (Headquarters) (800) 281-7991. +Hunting is, +Hunting Lodge is located in a relatively undeveloped part of Alabama, and our lodge is located on one of the largest unbroken tracts of land in the southeast. Contact Al Derby at 205-392-5931 ext. RoyOMartin believes in Women in Manufacturing. Contact Us. There are more than 500,000 acres of timber companies hunting leases in Alabama. An example of a typical Hunting Lease Agreement can be viewed here: Hunting Lease Agreement.pdf. Includes 2 bed room mobile home deer cleaning shed with concrete floor. $6,690 Available. In each possible instance the links below lead to the page for hunting land leases. All deer and rabbit dogs used for hunting are prohibited on all properties during the open deer season. . You will find a plethora of whitetail deer and turkey as you navigate the 300+ tree stands and make your, Professionally managed premium lease with 3 lakes totaling 40 acres. Each tract of land is mapped and individually designated as a Recreational . Hunting Leases - SVN Saunders Ralston Dantzler That really does wonders for improving the habitat for all wildlife and we love hunting the burned areas with all of the fresh new growth.". Healthy forests thrive on biodiversity. Check back to see if leases are available for 2018 19 or fill out the form below to let us know your interests. Weve been developing new building products and solutions for more than 100 years. Prime deer and turkey hunting. Cotton-Hanlon, Inc. Exclusive Hunting Leases Hunting Lease 97. Hours: Mon-Fri 8 AM - 4 PM. Trees are a remarkable resource that, when managed responsibly, can meet a wide range of fundamental needs for people and the planet for generations to come. Pay instantly with credit card* or e-check*, or mail a check to: Martin Timberlands L.L.C., P.O. Hunting permits can be taken by online registration or by on-site registration depending upon the rules and regulations of the hunting property. Welcome! You must contact our office to confirm that the form has been received by us before you enter the property. PotlatchDeltic owns over 1.1 million acres of high-quality forestland across Alabama, Arkansas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. Coastal Timberlands Company leases hunting rights on its managed land through an online leasing program. If you have been thinking about obtaining a hunting lease or perhaps you want to put your land up for lease, send us an email using the contact form below, and we will get you up to speed on next steps. The Southern Land Brokers handle hunting leases for both landowners who want to lease the hunting rights on their land and clients who desire quality hunting tracts to enjoy. 2023, Farm and Timber Properties, All Rights Reserved. Choose your form of payment. Recreational Leases. Hunting Clubs For Lease In Alabama | Hunting Land For Sale Hunting Lease - TimberCorp |. Alabama Forestry Association. Excellent hog, Our club has been managed for trophy class bucks for 8 years now. Alabama Public Hunting Land and Properties for Sale. Hancock Recreation. Click here to sign into an existing account, create a new account, or retrieve a forgotten password. If you are looking to license a parcel for recreation please use the map to browse our available parcels. Land available for leasing is listed geographically by state and county. Alabama Forestry Association. Currently FORECON, Inc. serves leases in . Our land provides excellent habitat for deer, turkey, and many other wildlife species. OAKEY STREAK TRACT - BUTLER & COVINGTON COUNTY - 72 ACRES - $169995 $169,995 Address: OAKEY STREAK ROAD, RED . Club runs at most 18 members. Hunting Lease 22. NE Log in here to complete the paperwork and pay for the property. Hunting Leases - Great Southern Land offers land for sale in Alabama There is also some great duck hunting in Colly Creek at the Eastern end of this tract where a former mill was located. The history and heritage of hunting and other forms of outdoor recreation shape the cultural identities of many of the areas where RMS manages forest assets on behalf of its investors. Green Diamond Management Company's Recreational Lease program features 350,000 acres of working forestland in South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Arkansas, and Mississippi. 2023 Hunting Leases will be published March 1, 2023. Alawest, Inc. - 205-339-0300. We have four separate tracts of land that have been managed to produce quality whitetails, turkeys, and occasional hogs., We are a family oriented hunting club located in south alabama. Mobile, Alabama 36608, Copyright 2014. FORECON, Inc. This lease has been intensively managed over 25 years on high end QDM. Westervelts Property Management Assessment is perfect for new landowners that are just starting their management program or those who have owned their property for many years. NOW ACCEPTING MEMBERS for the 2019-2020 hunting season. Choose your form of payment. +Stunning private hunting preserve offering professionally guided hunts and the opportunity to relax and enjoy luxurious yet rustic amenities for both hunters and special group events. For more information please contact Farmers National Company at 402-496-3276. Main Office: (334) 636-4424, Ext. The minimum age to hunt on timber company hunting leases is 17 years and those hunters who are underage must hunt animals under the monitoring of some adult who possess a valid hunting license and a hunting lease permit. Click here to search for available properties for licensing in your area. In addition to, more than 30% hunters in Alabama lease hunting properties just to hunt Deer and this is a huge percentage as compared to other states. If you decide to lease with us, click the Lease Now button from the Available Hunting Leases page, fill out the lease application, and sign the contract. Alabama Forest Owners Association (AFOA) publishes list of tracts available for lease, offers hunting insurance and acts as a clearing house for land related information for forest landowners Westervelt Wildlife Services offers hunting leases as well as many other wildlife management services; Soterra LLC, one of our largest clients, offers hunting lease . Hunting Land | Resource Management Service F&W Forestry Services Alabama Forest Owner Association. bear and turkey. Max Hunters: 4. Alabama is rich in wild game, and our timber management philosophy works to facilitate the recreational value of our lands, making them highly desirable for hunting . Alabama | Butler Land & Timber Co | Land Purchasers Each property is physically inspected by our agents to ensure the needs of the leasee are met while also serving the property owners. Please visit our website at for rules, club map and membership applications. There is a railroad track and power line easement, which go through the southern section of the property. For more than a hundred years, Weyerhaeuser has been building and enhancing a reputation for responsible corporate citizenship. It takes good planning, proper herd and habitat management and hard work. West side of property is heavily wooded with lots of timber. Please click here to look for areas available for Hunt Leasing in the US or call Orbis at (980) 430-6147 2021/2022 Season Scioto Ohio tracts were posted Visit for more information on Alabama hunting . Overgrazing by whitetail deer can stunt forest renewal and damage wildlife habitat richness. Hunting and Recreation Land | Rayonier Land Management Services Skip to content. About Soterra. Forest Management Since 1954 The tract boundaries are marked by YELLOW paint. Few things in life are as exciting as harvesting amature quality buck from your own hunting lease or property! Stephens County, 223 Acres. - Our properties are for sale. Timberlands aren't just our focus, they're our legacy. We have numerous competitively priced tracts currently available for lease in Arkansas and Louisiana. AFOA Members* may list hunting land for lease on this page at no cost. A shooter buck is to be 4.5 years or older. West side of property is heavily wooded with lots of timber. If your preferred county is not listed, then we do not currently have any property for hunting available in that county. 220 acres of Timber land with great whitetail hunting. Beautiful private timberland tract complete with cabin overlooking three stocked ponds. Currently there are no leases available for 2017-2018. Like other states, Alabama also does not allow hunters to carry alcoholic drinks and drugs to the hunting lands. we are constantly looking for additional revenue streams. According to a survey more than 180,000hunters go out in the field every year to hunt Deer. We offer deer hunting land leases, deer hunting clubs, wildlife and habitat management guidance and much more. Today, we manage over 415,000 acres of land owned by the company stockholders, other . document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Wildlife & Recreational Property Management, 1400 Jack Warner Pkwy. Currently our Hunt Lease program is representing properties in New York, Pennsylvania and West Virginia. The animals that are available in huge amount on these lands include White-tailed Deer, Turkey, Coyotes, Raccoon, and many other small and large games. You may fax, mail or scan and email the completed form to us. This just goes to show that all of our past efforts participating in the Pioneer QDM cooperative over the years are really paying off. Our ownership includes spectacular lakes and hardwood forests in the Northeast, diverse Southern pine forests . Tensaw continues to develop and market three commercial/industrial parks, two of which are located adjacent to the Outokumpu Stainless USA plant in Calvert. All Rights Reserved. Alabama (Crenshaw Co.) 5,300 acre property in the Black Belt region. Specializing in wildlife consulting and hunting lease management, Legacy provides wildlife management-related services to a diverse clientele including small and large landowners, timber companies, hunting clubs, government agencies, and conservation groups. Call our representatives today and they will work with you to find a lease that's just right. Thanks for recently starting the controlled burning program back up on the Westervelt lands. There. Now. RSA Plaza Building. Hunting Leases We manage over 60,000 acres and our goal is to grow quality forest products on a saw timber rotation while conserving and enhancing natural and recreation resources. 2009 2023 Soterra LLC. Search Hunting Leases. Online auction style bidding to lease Alabama hunting land through the Hunting Lease Network. There is over 4,000 acres of pine plantation with hardwood bottoms and 40 acres, Situated along the Tombigbee River, this preserve is unique in that it offers trail riding and puppy training in addition to quail and deer hunting. PDF Hunting Lease Guide - South Region - Weyerhaeuser Soterra Recreational Leases Campbell Global PotlatchDeltic Hunting & Recreation :: Home 64 N. Union Street, Suite 468 - Montgomery, Alabama 36130 F&W Forestry Services approaches forestland management holistically,with a stewardship ethic and sustainable practices that enhance the environment-from better air and water quality to increased biodiversity. Soterra uses advanced silvicultural techniques to improve the productivity of our timberland, which increases the yield of forest products over a period of time. Land and Leases. We have properties located in some of the finest hunting areas in Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana. Hunting Lease 90. Access to the land is directly off County Road 39. Tracts may be subject to timber harvests during the lease period. Molpus Woodlands Group | Timberland Investment and Management There are more than 1.3 million acres of hunting lands in Alabama which provide a great opportunity for hunters to hunt big and small games.