Cause still to this day he still the same non caring attitude just for his self only. As strange as it may seem, an assertive Aries woman and a passive Pisces man play off one another well. And for better or worse, they are there to impress. He persued me, was all over me for the first 8 mths. Oh Aries, here is where I fail you. His actions scream to me that he likes me, the calls, the sharing all his life info, telling me everything. What should you do? So yeah, plenty of mixed messages/signals. Welcome to Popular Astrology. He always accusing me of lying & cheating but Im in his presence @ all times. What give them the right to lie and take or even ask if you could pay a bill for them and never repay you back your money or take a christmas gift from you and leave you with nothing. I found this forum and suddenly am feeling so much better that things that have been bothering me are shared by so many.. Aries and Libra Compatibility - 3 years. Drop me a comment below to let me know what you think. Filed Under: Aries Personality Traits, Featured Tagged With: aries, aries men, ignoring, relationship, zodiac. I tried to contact him but he didn't respond so I drove to his house to talk. We're Talking About Hey There Ariens And Fellow Arien Lovers! (aquarious)We broke up from mid Dec-end of march. I will be faithful though and not sleep with other guys but i would have other guy friends I do other activities with except having intimacy and by so doing you are giving your aquarian man space which make him wonder what you are up to. The sex was the bomb! Make use of your me time to look at what has gone wrong between you and your partner, and immediately take corrective action to save your love life! Unless its something serious, theyll be over it in a few hours. You never need to wonder if an Aries man is hurt, hewilllet you know by the fire in his eyes and the redness in his face. One day of all the sudden I confronted him about a lady he was talking on FB and he cut me and did not call me ever again. They will date other women while they date you and you won't even know. Based on science. On the third date we became intimate and on the last date (which was last week) it was like he doesn't want to know. It seem like we both had issues with cheating and me being a cancer took things very deeply. But to find out he was cheating on me in the end. At work, Aries put others in shame with their efficiency. Dont be too pushy as this guy needs his own time and space; yet, he will return if still loving you and strongly having feelings for you. An Aries woman has a vitality that gives the languid Pisces man a boost. Thing is I was so busy with my own life that I was very aloof in the beginning. An Aries woman is bold, decisive, and strong-willed. He has texted me once during this time because he said he missed me. And I know they all have this fondness for me bc they say they know I'm wonderful/loving but I'm detached to all of them. I just let him. Never ask him where he was, who he was with, what he's been doing. Pisceans frequently have escapist inclinations and need alone time to replenish their energies. As if things weren't already bad enough! Don't push him into a romantic situation. The response I got was" I understand, I just need some time to figure things out. They are very career-oriented and are focused on whatever they do. Im a cancer woman I was in a long distance relationship with a Aquarius man 6 months of nothing I regret even opening up to him because all he did was blame me for everything and never took responsibility for nothing he told me he loved me first now I feel like a fool for even saying it back. But he still didn't fight back. When the Aries male really likes a woman, he will approach her quickly but later will regret that he didnt take things slow this is the reason for his pulling-away act. Preface: One woman army of the zodiac. We are going to find out the reasons for the question: Why Aries man ignores you?. He's on my Facebook and I have sent him messages first to talk to him and just recently I sent him a message saying I want a relationship and no friend thing if he's not ok with that to delete me off his Facebook ..well he hasn't deleted me but hes still on with ignoring my messages. Lets see what makes Aries unique! It never bothered me bc he was always honest with me about it. Life is too short. As one of the Fire signs in the zodiac, he is definitely irresistible, charming to the opposite sex. While Aries is quick to fight, here are a few key things that really make the ram wage war. 2years we've been having a 1 st friends with benefits , 2 nd yr companionship he calls it . Aries woman who has embarked on a very strange (for me) and confusing relationship with an Aquarius male and just don't know where I stand, but then again reading all these postings it seems that maybe I never will! Let go and Move on. Plus, both are idealistic romantics who have faith in new beginnings and tend to look at the world through rose-colored glasses. Neither of them feels comfortable with compromise. Not giving the attention she wants will unleash this attitude. This is one of the Taurus man's greatest strengths because while he's listening, he's learning a whole lot. Have you felt like hes kept you on the sidelines in his social life? But im in the period of Telling him how i really feel about him dissapearing.. Additionally, both individuals are more than their Sun signs. our connection was unbelievable. At the time, I didn't either. They are lover boys who are dependent on their women for emotional support, so if he starts calling you for that sort of advice, hes fallen in love. He is verbally respectful, caring, sweet and will do anything to help me and anyone else. Aries woman is a very strong character and is very charismatic. An Aries man who keeps coming back to you cares about you. WHY IS IT SO DIFFICULT? Aquarians are widely known for their 'disappearing act'. All right protected on content of, Why Aries Man Ignores You (Top 3 Signs Hes Pulling Away). I mean everybody has issues but 4 me my good out weight the bad. It's strange. i cant stand it and i think he is serious so i should give him another change, and after a month we got together, he said "we need to tal" he said i still same i still funny and cute but he is just doesnt love me as much as before! He would start keeping you in the loop of whatever plans he has for the relationship and what not just so you give in to his desire of wanting to be with you. Been dating this Aquarius for almost a year and its the slowest process ever! So, if an Aquarius guy brushes off an invitation and tells you he's busy, does that mean he's lost interest in you? What will be will be I guess. yo arian female advicer, but doesn't truly believe on astro anymore. All the thoughtful gifts and attention would work that magic. I love him and I don't know why because he doesn't do much to deserve it. If they cant be together romantically, they will likely end up as best teammates in work because they understand one another well. i got frustrated like everyone else, i thought what a jerk! YOU DESERVE A GOOD MAN REGARDLESS OF HIS SIGN!! the best> In a period of 24 hrs 20 were for sex, We saw each other only during week ends and he would call me every day. First 2 years he was in and out. That shit right their can cost him his life if not careful. My name is Reid Suarez. He may mean well but don't talk about if it you're not about it. Sammie is currently the executive editor for Preparing for Peace, covering everything related to love & dating, relationships, and marriage. See? I don't get it. I agree not to ask them where they are or calling as if u r investigating on and if u do that, the aquarian man will lie to you so as not to hurt your feelings. You don't want inconsistency in your life, trust me. Hes never going to believe you. By mature, I mean that he is marriage minded and looks for his future instead of mindless fun that other guys seem to have. Ladies, if he doesn't marry you or commit to you with in 2 years. They connect the dots of these little things and make them bigger and more beautiful. I live my life with or without him. I have been in relationship with Aries man for six months he told me he would never leave me . And if he calls and I decide to give him a chance (doubt it now) I will tell him if he disappears again to stay gone. Who doesnt love Aries woman? Tips to Get Aries Man Heart, What Type of Women Do Aries Men Like (3 BEST Traits He Looks For). We talk almost every day, into the night, and we have talked about EVERYTHING. Just messaged 'all the best' on the days he had exams. The answer to these questions would help you draw a done line between a man who cares for you and keeps showing up and the one who shows up to take advantage of you. i was falling in love wrh him! Today I did some P.I work and saw that he had reactivated his okcupid account. It's easy to do. And they wont back down. I left him thinking he would fight for us. Big mistake. They do love challenges and adventures fortunately, so they get excited around the other. Aries and Sagittarius Compatibility - 3 years. This happened to my bestfriend, but for 8 years she was with this man and he did finally get engaged to her but kept putting the wedding off, she even went out and bought the wedding gown, parents rented the wedding hall, only for him to make up an excuse, so some things started getting fishy and she found out he had been cheating on her all 8 years they were together. Related:The Ultimate Course: How to Attract an Aquarius Man. And again called me up like nothing. They are very good at playing games. I (Scorpio 10/25), usually, have a hard time communicating, opening up, being weak. Simply click here to return to, All these dates can vary slightly by birth year and location. When angry or hurt they arent afraid to burn a bridge or twoeven if theyll regret it in a few hours. Lol. Then he wanted more. Oh, you are so right. The aquarius guy has everything we need to keep us interested forever. I just ignore him back. Lol. Oh I love this man to my core, but I couldn't understand why he could be so contradictory (common, I'm a Gemini and I know contradiction). Ive decided if he never calls me again, and after I see him next week (I frequent where he works) if he still doesnt call me or offer an explanation, he is going to get a nicely worded letter about his behavior and I will close the door on this chapter. I spoke with mine yesterday, if I haven't heard from him by Monday I will need to decide whether I send this txt I have drafted or just leave it and see what happens. How accurate is it? Questions about where I've been, what I've been doing, why I haven't responded, just make me feel bad and usually make me lie, so I don't make you feel bad, too. we live in different country so yea its abit hard for him i understand!, he kept postpone his coming (bla bla bla many excuses) i cant handle it anymore so i broke up with him! I am 45 and consider myself to be a very good judge of character yet even my mature years cannot work this one out. Not only giving and taking, but each side also needs to guide, mellow and heal their significant other. If whatever he's doing doesn't bring that feeling, walk away sister! i found out he is still in contact with his ex!! Another aries woman I am an Aries woman in love with a younger Aquarius man. If you want someone that can feel what you feel, go to Cancerians. I feel like he is trying to hint at me that he is not gone, but he knows I'm off this week and I have heard nothing more. While the Sun sign does lend its light to the entire personality, it's only one factor among many. and then he never called me again but he still send msg on fb =.= i still love him, what should i do to handle him? I remind him were both single we both care for each other I'm falling in love with him again & we won't say the love word or relationship the closer we become he freaks will desapear no more than a week out of nowhere will text like nothing happens. His impulsive act often makes the woman feel like shes neglected, unloved, and uncared. Ha, ha, what a joke. But does he miss me? ok I typed it all in notepad first bc I've experienced losing it service and having to re-write everything. However, as a couple, they are passionate, enthusiastic, and fiery. So we started a relationship. If you have a job and your own business than why do they lie and take from other femals, that stuff is not right. Eventually, he may open up but will definitely not give up his secrets, even to his close family members. Their no-filter authenticity pulls people towards them. Yet at 45 I find myself wanting this man more than I have ever wanted any man that I feel compelled to try to understand him (hence visiting websites such as these, MAD!. However, Aries men aren't the best lairs so I'm sure he'd slip up soon, just keep guard for the signs. An Aries woman is confident, carefree, wants to be where the action is, and she is always eager to try something new and fascinating. They always seem to have some excuse as to why they can't spend some quality time with you like they used to. One minute hes all over me, wanting to spend time, then the next time I see him, he treats me like we just met yesterday! While it may seem like Aries getsmadateverythingas their passionate nature and fiery temper gets them riled up at every little thing. Need an unjudgmental listener? Is it normal when Aries man acts distant? They are the first ones to submit their homework at school. 3. This is the first step in his anger cycle. Right now he is asking me to hang in there with him, he loves me more than I can imagine, but how about showing it it like he did in the beginning bent over backwards to get me, do it to keep me. But I hope it works out for you. In general, they should open up and be more tolerant to one another. 3 Ways to Get a Aries Female to Fall in Love with You - wikiHow Omg, this iscel exactly what im going through.The Aquarius thats putting me through this is my ex.We not together anymore but he keep bugging me about us Getting eachother name tattoed..that also confuses me, I met aquarian man who did nothing but showed me enthusiasm and interest buti wasnt interested because i found him quite ude, abrupt, dominatind and unappealing but saw him every day as he was doing work on my home with my uncle. when i asked what he'd been up to, it was always 'busy with friends.' Been with my Aries man, for 6 months. yes! While they ' re usually fearless and up for anything, sickness takes everything out of them. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. But i know he is not the man 4 me. Ive already written a post on clearsigns that he likes youandsigns that he might be in love. fine. When he does come around, I'm happy to see him but I'm not gonna jump in his arms or anything. Once an Aries woman is in love they show their caring side and always tend to the needs of their partner. And sexy, and intelligent - and the chemistry is amazing. I do hope all of my articles here can help you understand more about Aries natives generally. luckily i'm at a point in my life where i'm not needy for attention and don't want to be with a man that hasn't really thought it out and is actually brave enough to face it. It hurts so much to have someone waltz back in and tear the walls it took you a while to build in a couple of seconds. Reading the Aquarian man can be even more complicated than with most guys. But, before we get into the meat of why an Aries man is so often like this, let me introduce a tool that can help you understand what hes doing when youre not around. I will not deal with this again. We have done the break up thing 5 times. It's a fictional book about a black woman and man who struggle with society's views, relationships, and life in general. No, you cant have your cake and eat it too buddy. Ok. A few days ago, he thanked me for my patience, and let me know it goes a long way. He suddenly became distant and different annoying things like texxing and then disappear in the middle of the conversation. He told me upfront he didn't want a relationship. Learn how your comment data is processed. Who could ever figure out any of this and who has a hundred years to do it? These personality traits of Aries drive people away and may harm themselves in the end. weird and ridiculous. They'll always want to be around you, suggesting things that relay you spending quality time with him. To find out that over the 10 years he has regretted disappearing on me was confusing. Does he want to do everything on his terms? I have never tried so hard to accommodate another person in a romantic relationship. Any help on this? Yes he swept me off my feet, everyday saw me, took me out, called all day, he told me he loved me first and wanted to marry me, etc.