Division of Elections. 11. Upon processing the voter registration application, the county recorder will mail a voter registration card to you. May 27, 2022, at 9:29 p.m. Arizona Governor Vetoes Voter Registration Cancelation Bill. You can conduct Arizona Motor Vehicle Division (MVD) business online, any time from a computer, tablet, or mobile device. Once this occurs, a voter will be moved back to active status. The state Supreme Court agreed Friday that the measure l. The conclusion: 281 of those 282 voters were alive and kicking when they cast ballots. Hobbs vows not to carry out execution scheduled by court, South Carolina traffic stop leads to drivers brain tumor diagnosis, Dead woman found tied up, wrapped in tarp in abandoned Monroe County building, sources say, Events, things to do in Phoenix this weekend: March 3-5, Arizona Water Crisis: Federal government looking at paying farmers to idle some farmland, Teens who spent years in foster care getting pictures and mentorship, Thousand in Southern California still stranded in snow, Grand Canyon University students, teachers take part in cleanup efforts. Who can use Voter to register to vote in an Arizona election? A person who declares that the person is a resident of this state for the purpose of obtaining at resident rates a state license or tuition fees at an educational institution maintained by public monies. Ducey vetoes election bill, says it could allow 'bad actors' to cancel voter registrations. Under the leadership of Editor-in -Chief Huey Freeman, our team of staff reporters bring accurate,timely, and complete news coverage. The general registrar shall acknowledge receipt of the authorization and advise the voter in person or by first-class mail that his registration has . Theres a bill to ban unmonitored ballot drop boxes out of some undocumented fear that Eeyore is lurking about and another to return to voting in precincts, never mind it leads to more voters being disenfranchised when they show up to the wrong place to vote. b) Compare people who are registered to vote in that county and who the county recorder has reason to believe are not United States citizens with the systematic alien verification for entitlements program maintained by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services in order to verify the citizenship status of the people registered. HB 2617 will now go to the Senate for consideration. Driver License/Identification Card Replacement. A.R.S. How do I ensure my mailing address is correct? Complete the digital form and submit it online. Ducey, a Republican, said the bill could allow for subjective decisions and lead to peoples voter registrations being canceled "based on fiction rather than fact." This bill helps safeguard election integrity by requiring criteria by which counties would have to ensure and maintain their voter registration files are accurate, said Rep. Joseph Chaplik, the bills sponsor. A.R.S. Arellano said that will deter voter registration efforts and new Arizona residents will have less support in registering to vote and voting.. Our agents investigated all individuals that Cyber Ninas reported as dead, and many were very surprised to learn they were allegedly deceased, Attorney General Brnovich wrote in an August letter to then-Senate President Karen Fann. A resident, for the purpose of registration and operation of a motor vehicle, is defined as: ServiceArizona is available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day with the exception of the following time periods:Transactions cannot be performed during the scheduled maintenance periods: If you have any questions about Voter Registration, or any questions about voter registration in general, please contact the Secretary of State at (602) 542-8683 or toll free within Arizona at (877) THE-VOTE (M-F 8 am to 5 pm). _____ (Print Full Name) Signature (Required for cancellation) Date of Birth (Required for Identification purposes) Mail completed form to: Pima County Recorder, P O Box 3145, Tucson AZ 85702 . Register to Vote / Update Your Voter Information, Requerimientos de la Prueba de Ciudadana, Information for Recently Naturalized Citizens, Information for Members of Federally Recognized Tribes, Sign a Candidate Petition or Give $5 Qualifying Contribution, Contact Information for County Election Officials, Make An Electronic Campaign Finance Filing, Ballot Measure Committee campaign finance reports, Requirements for Paid & Non-Resident Circulators, Information about Recognized Political Parties, Historical Election Results & Information, Professional Employment Organizations (PEO). Your voter registration must be received by the county recorder at least 29 days before the election for you to be eligible to vote. Democrat Katie Hobbs said Sunday she won't share a stage with Republican Kari Lake. It violates federal law, Jen Marson, of the Arizona Association of Counties, warned the committee. State lawmakers across the country appear poised this year to continue a trend of revisiting rules for granting voting rights to people who were convicted of a felony. To report a voter's death, please use the Notification of Deceased Voter Form. Civil Rights/ADA | Derechos Civiles/ADA | Website Policies. NOTE: If you have been convicted of a non-disqualifying felony and have completed your sentence, you must register to vote, even if you were previously registered to vote prior to your felony conviction. Section 6 of the NVRA requires . In total, she had voted eight ballots sent to her deceased fatherover time, while Mohave County failed to remove the deceased voter from their rolls. If you've moved, changed your name, or want to update your political party affiliation, you need to update your voter registration. If your name or address changes, you will need to update your voter registration. Local journalism is important, and we are asking for your help to support it by subscribing to the Star. Moss Brennan. Watauga Board of Elections completes biennial voter list maintenance, number of registered voters changes. Senate Bill 1566 would wipe Arizonas voter rolls clean every 10 years, requiring millions of Arizonans to re-register to vote. Check your voter registration status to confirm that you're able to vote in the next election. This means that when you change your address on your vehicle registration, it will automatically change the address on each vehicle on which you are listed as the registration recipient and on your driver license. By Howard Fischer Capitol Media Services PHOENIX -- A new lawsuit is challenging an Arizona law set to take effect next month which would require county recorders to cancel the voter registration of anyone they have a "reason to believe'' is not U.S. citizens. If you have your vehicle registration form and your address information on the form matches your current address, your address is correct. If you are registered to vote and would like to cancel or withdraw your voter registration, please follow your state and/or local election office's guideline s. States and local jurisdictions have different options for voters who wish to cancel their voter registration. You're all set! Fifty-six percent? 6. Then all three voted yes and the bill passed on a party line 5-3 vote. Plate Gallery. a do-over of Maricopa Countys 2022 election, Your California Privacy Rights / Privacy Policy. Copyright Arizona Department of Transportation All rights reserved. Click Record the date you processed the form to maintain a paper trail. The measure, sponsored by Republican Rep. Joseph Chaplik of Scottsdale also would have required election officials to cancel voter registrations if they learn someone has obtained a drivers license in another state or is not eligible to vote on Arizona. States and local jurisdictions have different options for voters who wish to cancel their voter registration. Sen. T.J. Shope, R-Coolidge said he doesnt view the bill as legitimate. Each member submits its voter registration and motor vehicle licensee data. To cancel, you should contact the appropriate elections office and request that your name be removed from the voter rolls. Register to Vote or Update Your Registration Register to Vote Online Now Arizona Registration Form Federal Registration Form Arizona Voter Registration Eligibility You must be registered 29 days prior to an election to be eligible to vote in that election. 10. Cancelling your voter registration (CYVR) is a method of direct action; more specifically, it is a legal remedy that can be used to implement strategic withdrawal. 16-166(E). The data includes names, addresses, date of birth, last four digits of the Social Security number. Yet another conspiracy gone kaput consigned to the graveyard of crazy to rest in peacealongside Sharpies, green buttons, bamboo ballots, hacked machineryand all the other supposedly nefarious ways in whichArizonas 2020 election was stolen from Donald Trump. Residency requirements Arizona law requires 29 days of residency in the state before a person may vote. 16-165. The measure was opposed by recorders who said their offices are not designed to be investigative agencies and warned that the measure was poorly written with the potential to cause significant confusion. The ninjas, as part of their five-month audit of Maricopa Countys election,reported that 282 dead voters cast ballots in the November 2020 election. Specifically, the bill prescribes specific criteria that County Recorders and the Secretary of State should use to maintain and correct proper voter registration lists, including removing dead voters. Specifies that, to the extent practicable, each month the county recorder must: a) Compare the countys voter registration database to the social security administration database; and. Certain types of ID can be used at the polls, and the name on the ID should match the name . Log on to Service Arizona Select your language preference, then click "Begin/Update Voter Registration" Verify your voter eligibility Enter your information in the required fields Update your address if you have moved, otherwise select No on question A & B and click continue. June 9th, 2016. Be age 18 or turn 18 on or before the next election. You already receive all suggested Justia Opinion Summary Newsletters. A bipartisan effort among states to combat voter fraud has found itself in the crosshairs of conspiracy theories fueled by Donald Trump's false claim about the 2020 presidential election and This includes a rigorous inspection of IBM technology, procedures, training and personnel. You can explore additional available newsletters here. "Our lawfully registered voters deserve to know that their right to vote will not be disturbed without sufficient due process," Ducey wrote in a veto letter. 16-410 - Cancellation of certain elections; appointment to office; filling vacancies Article 2 - Election Precincts and Polling Places 16-411 - Designation of election precincts and polling places; voting centers; electioneering; wait times 16-412 - Effective date of new precincts 16-413 - Precincts; special district boundaries 2. They came up with only a handful of potential cases, all of them isolated instances. Lawsuit challenges Arizona's new voter-registration-cancellation law, Lawmakers want to strip 19 cities' rights but Tucson is real target, Celebrity Las Vegas chefs opening Tucson restaurant, A bunch of photos of today's snow across Tucson , The highly anticipated Portillo's is now open in Tucson, 'Attainable' apartments coming to northwest Tucson, A big ol' guide to this weekend's Tucson Festival of Books, Watch: The most notable things Tommy Lloyd said after Arizona's heartbreaking loss to ASU, New game, entertainment center makes southwest Tucson a bigger draw, South Tucson motel sold to soup kitchen for housing, 100 fun events happening in Tucson this March 2023 , Tim Steller's column: Converting Tucson's big boxes, vast parking lots into housing tantalizes, Tucson lawmaker loses first bid to dump cities' rights, 'Extreme weather' closes parts of Interstates 17, 40 in Arizona, Here's why we're adding subscriber-only content to Tucson.com, Initiative to make voting easier is knocked off Arizona ballot, Feds: Arizona could face lawsuit over voter ID law, Arizona AG finds no evidence of 2020 voting by hundreds of dead residents, Hobbs refuses to debate Lake in Arizona governor race, Rep. Juan Ciscomani on bilingual upbringing, Alaskas Iditarod kicks off with ceremonial start, Recapping Christopher Clements' trial in Tucson, Removal of golf course saguaros stirs controversy. California . Only thing is, he told U.S.. Yes, a military address may be entered as a mailing address. Voters that have a legal name change (perhaps through marriage or court order), should update their voter registration. Additional voter registration and election information can be found at the Secretary of State web site . If you have not received your voter registration card within three-to-six weeks of completing Voter Registration, please contact your county recorder for status of the Voter Registration Card. After filling out the one-page application, follow the instructions, and mail it to the designated location in your state. Simply fill in the required information, print, sign and mail the completed application directly to your county election office; Request a PRINTED APPLICATION. a U.S. citizen. The bill passed along party lines, 16-13. If the voter does not respond and does have any voting activity by the second even-year federal election following the notice, the voter's registration is cancelled. Instructs the county recorder, before canceling a voter registration, to do the following: a) Send the person notice that the registration will be canceled in 90 days unless the person provides satisfactory evidence that the person is qualified and if the person does not provide such evidence, the county recorder must cancel the registration and notify the county attorney and Attorney General for possible investigation; and. Name Change. The AGs Office then said it spent hundreds of hours investigating those claims. Ken Bennett, R-Prescott, and John Kavanagh, R-Fountain Hills, agreed. Quickly and securely renew your registration. help_outline contact_mail Voter Registration Before beginning, please choose a language from the list below: Antes de comenzar, elija por favor un lenguaje de la lista debajo: (Please allow three to six weeks for delivery.). All rights reserved. Directs the Secretary of State, each month, to compare the statewide voter registration database to the driver license database and notify the appropriate county recorder if a person who is registered to vote in that county is not a United States citizen or has changed the persons residence address. Howard Fischer is a veteran journalist who has been reporting since 1970 and covering state politics and the Legislature since 1982. If you are not offered the opportunity to register to vote at any of these offices, please notify the Secretary of State's Elections Division. Stipulates that the Secretary of State, within 10 days of receiving the list, must provide to the appropriate county recorder a list of registered voters in that county who have been issued a driver license or the equivalent of an Arizona nonoperating identification license from another state. You may be eligible for a reward of up to $1,000 if you make a report of voter fraud that leads to a conviction. Theres a bill to ban ballot tabulators, never mind that hand counts are considered less accurate and more expensive. Arizona's chief election officer told a federal judge there is merit to claims that two new laws could interfere with the rights of some peopl, For Star subscribers: A federal judge has blocked the state from enforcing a new law that he said could inadvertently make felons out of volun. In August, the attorney general of Arizona wrapped up his investigation into the Cyber Ninjas claim that hundreds of dead voters cast ballots in the 2020 election. In just Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia we found over 54,000 same address duplicate voter registrations. Curiously, Borrelli didnt mention the findings of the Attorney Generals Office after all those hours of investigation. Download this article. The chairwoman of the House Municipal Oversight and Elections Committee is Rep. Jacqueline Parker of Mesa, who, like Rogers, was a co-sponsor of then-Rep. Mark Finchems 2022 proposal to decertify Arizonas 2020 presidential election. If the address where you receive mail has changed, please update your voter registration. Completing the voter registration application questions. So naturally, theres a bill in the Arizona Legislature to take care of this nonexistent problem by cancelling your voter registration. 14-5101). There is no fee to register to vote. here The Republican governor said Friday that the bill could allow for subjective decisions and lead to people's voter registrations being canceled "based on fiction rather than fact." "Our lawfully. On Monday, the Arizona Senate passed HB2617 to require county recorders to cancel voter registrations for individuals who are proven to not be qualified electors, such as those who aren't U.S. citizens and those who have a driver's license or other non-operating license in another state. You do not need to re-register to vote before each election. You have permission to edit this article. Change your voter registration by mail You can update your voter registration or register to vote by mail as well: When you move to a new state you are not formally required to cancel your prior voter registration, but it is no longer valid for voting because you are not a legal resident of your former state and not entitled to vote. All confidential records are kept locked inside an "electronic vault" protected by IBM's most advanced security technologies and among the most comprehensive security programs and services in the industrythe IBM Secureway (tm) line of products. For Star subscribers: Rules taking effect next month create "arbitrary" investigations into voter eligibility in Arizona, the lawsuit claims. After being tapped by Senate President Warren Petersen to run point on election bills this year, Rogers vowed to engineer a do-over of Maricopa Countys 2022 election, though it seems more like a fundraising gimmick than an actual plan. You must complete a voter registration form to: Register to vote Change your name Change your address Change your political party Military Personnel/Overseas Citizens: If you are in the Military or are an Overseas citizen click here. But Mesnard said his legislation will make it clear what the law requires. she had voted eight ballots sent to her deceased father, Arizona Rancher Seeks New Probable Cause Hearing In Shooting Of Cartel Guide, Multiple-Generation Hoop Dancer Wins World Championship, AZ Legislature Week In Review Week Ending March 3, 2023, Jake Plummer Shifts Attention To Wellness, Natural Health Remedies, USBP Agents Horrific Injuries Revealed As Defendant Awaits Next Court Date, Arizona Senate Moves Reform To Probate Courts, Homeless Encampments Torn Down, People Charged Under Arizona Bill, Arizona Court Orders Execution Of Inmate State Didnt Want To Execute, Douglas Man Sentenced To Making False Statements In Connection With Firearms Purchase, Goldwater Sues City Of Phoenix For Hiding Union Records From The Public, State Taxpayers Will Pay For 5 Year Border Surveillance Program In Cochise County, Arizona Senate Passes Food Tax Repeal Bill. Inactive voters will be eligible to vote only after updating their address with the County Recorder. A County Recorder may move a voter registration to inactive status only after sending the voter two pieces of Official Election Mail that were returned to the County's office by the United States Postal Service marked "undeliverable." How can I obtain a reprint of the Confirmation/Receipt for my online Voter Registration transaction? Or that a hand count of up to 70 races on 3 million or more ballots is likely to last until Christmas. Scan completed form and email to: voter@recorder.pima.gov In recent months, Americans have felt the pain of increased gas prices . Its fast, secure, and personalized for you. Rather than just being a non-voter or an ex-voter, cancellation essentially gives the middle finger to the State and tells them that you are . Contact information for your county recorders and the Secretary of State can be found at https://azsos.gov/sites/default/files/voter_registration_form_092222-standard.pdfhttps://azsos.gov/sites/default/files/voter_registration_form_092222-standard.pdf. A subscription helps you access more of the local stories that keep you connected to the community. Ive not gone to investigate.. Please excuse our site and file changes as we transition to Secretary Fontes. When will I get my voter registration card? The data paints a dark picture. Support local journalism: Subscribe to azcentral.com today. There was no vast graveyard full of dead voters determined to deny Donald Trump his due. You may also want to fill in the voter registration number. This week, the Arizona House of Representatives approved a bill, HB 2617, that requires County Recorders and the Secretary of State to clean up the voter rolls. So I had my audit team go through voter registrations on dead voters and bounced that against the people that voted, he recently told the Senate Elections Committee. General Information. AG investigators also checked out four other reports of up to 6,500 supposedly dead people who either cast ballots or were on the voter registrationrolls. PHOENIX Groups involved in signing up people to vote are asking a judge to block a new law that could leave some voters who move with no registration at all, and could make felons out of volunteers who get people to register. this Title, 16-101 - Qualifications of registrant; definition, 16-102 - Power of attorney; prohibited use, 16-103 - Qualified person temporarily absent from state; persons in the service of the United States, 16-104 - Registration in incorporated cities and towns, 16-105 - Registration required by city ordinance or charter, 16-112 - Driver license voter registration, 16-121.01 - Requirements for proper registration, 16-122 - Registration and records prerequisite to voting, 16-124 - Public officer residing in county of post of duty, 16-125 - Change of residence to different county during twenty-nine day period preceding election, 16-126 - Authority to vote in presidential election after moving from state, 16-131 - Registration of electors; deputy registrars, 16-132 - Voter registration assistance; hunting, fishing, trapping licenses; definitions, 16-133 - Voter registration events; website posting, 16-134 - Return of registrations made outside office of county recorder; incomplete or illegible forms, 16-135 - Change of residence from one address to another, 16-138 - Voter registration database; federal only voters; analysis; annual report; investigation, 16-139 - Registration expenses as county charge, 16-140 - Voter registration assistance agencies; definitions, 16-141 - Armed forces recruiting offices; voter registration assistance, 16-142 - Secretary of state; national voter registration act; uniformed and overseas citizens; voter fraud hotline, 16-151 - Forms for registration supplied by county recorder and secretary of state, 16-153 - Voter registration; confidentiality; definitions, 16-161 - Official record of registration; federal form; reporting, 16-162 - Retention of registration forms and record of cancellation, 16-163 - Assignment of registrations to general county register; exception; notification to elector; electronic storage of registration forms, 16-164 - Change of registration on new registration form effecting change of precinct, party, address or name, 16-168 - Precinct registers; date of preparation; contents; copies; reports; statewide database; violation; classification, 16-168.01 - County contributions to the voter registration system fund; exemption, 16-169 - Disposition and use of precinct registers; signature roster; form, 16-170 - Transmittal of signature roster to county recorder; comparison of names by recorder, 16-171 - Preservation of signature rosters as permanent records, 16-172 - Use of county registration rolls by political subdivisions, 16-173 - County recorder to file data processing system or program, 16-181 - Return of registration; violation; classification, 16-182 - False registration; classification; cancellation of registration, 16-184 - Additional violations; classification, 16-192 - Use of state, special taxing district resources to influence elections; prohibition; civil penalties; definitions, 16-193 - Active registered voters; applicability, 16-202 - Notice of offices for which candidates are to be nominated at primary, 16-203 - Primary election for nomination of candidates in municipalities, 16-204 - Declaration of statewide concern; consolidated election dates; definition, 16-204.01 - Declaration of statewide concern; city, charter city or town; political subdivision consolidated election dates; voter turnout; definitions, 16-204.02 - Implementation of consolidated elections; term of office; alternative expenditure limitation, 16-205 - Election dates; notice; administration, 16-212 - Election of presidential electors; electoral college votes; vacancy; replacement, 16-213 - Election of United States senator, 16-214 - Issuance of proclamation for general election by governor; publication by clerks of boards of supervisors, 16-221 - Special election to fill vacancy in Congress, 16-222 - Vacancy in the office of United States senator or representative, 16-223 - Issuance of proclamation for special election by governor; publication by clerks of boards of supervisors, 16-224 - Proclamation by governor; time for electing delegates to convention for ratification of amendment to the Constitution of the United States, 16-225 - Special district election dates, 16-226 - Nonpartisan elections; local elections; time of calling; definition, 16-227 - Publication of call of election for nonpartisan elections, 16-228 - Notice of election for nonpartisan elections, 16-230 - Vacancy in certain state or county offices; election, 16-241 - Presidential preference election; conduct of election, 16-242 - Qualifications for ballot; nomination paper, 16-243 - National convention delegates; vote for candidates, 16-246 - Early balloting; satellite locations; additional procedures, 16-247 - Write-in candidates prohibited, 16-249 - Certification of election to parties; automatic recount inapplicable; tabulation, 16-301 - Nomination of candidates for printing on official ballot of general or special election, 16-302 - Failure to nominate candidate in primary election, 16-311 - Nomination papers; statement of interest; filing; definitions, 16-312 - Filing of nomination papers for write-in candidates, 16-313 - Filing of nomination paper and petitions for special primary election, 16-314 - Filing and form of nomination petitions; definition, 16-315 - Form of petitions; registration of circulators, 16-316 - Secure online signature collection; candidate petitions; five dollar contributions; statewide and legislative candidates, 16-317 - Secure online signature collection; municipal, county and precinct committeeman offices, 16-318 - Secure online signature collection; federal offices, 16-321 - Signing and certification of nomination petition; definition, 16-322 - Number of signatures required on nomination petitions, 16-331 - Election of superior court judges by declared divisions of court, 16-332 - Election of justices of supreme court or judges of court of appeals by declared terms, 16-333 - Preparation and filing of nominating petition for certain judicial offices, 16-341 - Nomination petition; method and time of filing; form; qualifications and number of petitioners required; statement of interest, 16-342 - Special election nominations by delegate convention, 16-343 - Filling vacancy caused by death or incapacity or withdrawal of candidate, 16-344 - Office of presidential elector; appointment by state committee chairman, 16-351 - Limitations on appeals of validity of nomination petitions; disqualification of candidate, 16-351.01 - Nomination challenges; expenses, 16-401 - Applicability of general election law to primary elections, 16-402 - Absence from employment for purpose of voting; application therefor; violation; classification, 16-403 - City or town primaries; duties of officers, 16-404 - Preparation of polling place; voting booths; ballot boxes for paper ballots, 16-406 - Public display of voting equipment, 16-407 - Election officers; qualifications; certificates; certification programs; plan; exemption; election training fund, 16-407.01 - Election administration; private monies prohibited, 16-407.02 - Elections training classes; statement; water; registration form, 16-407.03 - Election deadlines; filings; violation; classification, 16-408 - Cost of special district elections; bond, 16-409 - Certain cities, towns and school districts; mail ballot elections; report, 16-410 - Cancellation of certain elections; appointment to office; filling vacancies, 16-411 - Designation of election precincts and polling places; voting centers; electioneering; wait times, 16-412 - Effective date of new precincts, 16-413 - Precincts; special district boundaries, 16-441 - Effective date of article; approval of counting equipment, 16-442 - Committee approval; adoption of vote tabulating equipment; experimental use; emergency, 16-442.01 - Accessible voting technology; recommendations; certification; applicability, 16-443 - Authorization of use at all elections, 16-444 - Definitions; applicability of general laws, 16-445 - Filing of computer election programs with secretary of state, 16-446 - Specifications of electronic voting system, 16-447 - Voting devices; inspection; specifications and number of booths, 16-449 - Required test of equipment and programs; notice; procedures manual, 16-450 - Location and acquisition of vote tabulating devices, 16-452 - Rules; instructions and procedures manual; approval of manual; field check and review of systems; violation; classification, 16-461 - Sample primary election ballots; submission to party chairmen for examination; preparation, printing and distribution of ballot, 16-465 - Arrangement of candidates' names at primary election, 16-468 - Form of ballot; optical scanning system; sample ballots, 16-501 - Compliance with primary election law as prerequisite to printing name on ballot, 16-503 - Duty to prepare and provide ballots; cost of printing ballots and instruction cards as public expense, 16-504 - Antifraud ballot paper; vendor certification; antifraud measures, 16-507 - Presentation of presidential candidates on ballot, 16-508 - Number of ballots furnished each polling place, 16-509 - Delivery of ballots to election officers, 16-510 - Sample ballots; preparation and distribution, 16-511 - Duty of board of supervisors to furnish election supplies to precinct officers, 16-512 - Displaying United States flag at polls, 16-513 - Instructions for voters and election officers; overvote notice, 16-513.01 - Right to vote a provisional ballot; notice, 16-515 - "Seventy-five foot limit" notices; posting; violation; classification, 16-531 - Appointment of election boards; qualifications, 16-532 - Instruction of election board inspectors and judges; certificate of qualification; optional training; instruction of counting center election officials, 16-533 - Filling vacancy in election board by electors, 16-534 - Inspector as chairman of board; powers; power of board and clerks to administer oaths; oath of members, 16-535 - Election marshal; appointment; powers and duties, 16-536 - Compensation of election board officers, 16-537 - Powers and duties of election officers with respect to special elections, 16-542 - Request for ballot; civil penalties; violation; classification, 16-543 - Application for ballot; United States service; emergency procedures, 16-543.02 - Federal write-in early ballots; procedure; registration form, 16-544 - Active early voting list; civil penalty; violation; classification; definition, 16-548 - Preparation and transmission of ballot, 16-549 - Special election boards; expenses; voting procedure for ill electors or electors with disabilities, 16-550 - Receipt of voter's ballot; cure period, 16-551 - Early election board; violation; classification, 16-552 - Early ballots; processing; challenges, 16-558 - Special districts; mail ballot election option; conduct, 16-562 - Preparation and arrangement of polling place with voting booths and ballot boxes, 16-563 - Posting sample ballots, instruction cards and notice to voters before opening polls, 16-564 - Opening, exhibiting and locking ballot box before receipt of ballots; removal and opening of box, 16-565 - Hours polls opened and closed; proclamation of opening and closing polls, 16-566 - Opening and closing of polling place; unused ballots, 16-570 - Conduct of election; duties of officers; placing machines, 16-571 - Poll lists to be kept by election clerk; posting, 16-572 - Delivery and custody of ballots at polling place, 16-573 - Substitution of ballots when official ballots not available, 16-574 - Repair or substitution of machines; use of paper ballots, 16-579 - Procedure for obtaining ballot by elector, 16-580 - Manner of voting; assistance for certain electors, 16-581 - Elderly persons; persons with disabilities; inaccessible polling places; definitions, 16-583 - Voter not on precinct register; inactive voter list; procedure, 16-584 - Qualified elector not on precinct register; recorder's certificate; verified ballot; procedure, 16-590 - Appointment of challengers and party representatives, 16-591 - Grounds for challenging an elector, 16-592 - Proceedings on challenge; disposition of ballot, 16-593 - Rules determining residence of voter upon challenge; reading of rules upon request, 16-594 - List of challenges, grounds and rulings, 16-602 - Removal of ballots from ballot boxes; disposition of ballots folded together or excessive ballots; designated margin; hand counts; vote count verification committee, 16-603 - Inspection of ballots by party representative, 16-604 - Election integrity fund; purpose; exemption, 16-608 - Delivery of ballots; electronic voting system, 16-609 - Questioned legality of ballots; procedure, 16-610 - Uncertainty of voter's choice as cause for rejection, 16-611 - Certain defects invalidating vote for particular office, 16-612 - Determination of write-in choice of voter, 16-614 - Signing of tally lists after completion of tally, 16-616 - Preparation and disposition of unofficial returns, 16-617 - Transmittal of signature roster and precinct registers after election, 16-621 - Proceedings at the counting center, 16-622 - Official canvass; unofficial results, 16-623 - Copy of abstract of vote of certain counties filed with secretary of state, 16-624 - Disposition of official returns and ballots, 16-625 - Electronic data and digital images; ballots; security, 16-642 - Canvass of election; postponements, 16-644 - Effect of want of form in precinct returns, 16-645 - Canvass and return of precinct vote; declaring nominee of party; certificate of nomination; write-in candidates, 16-646 - Statement, contents and mailing of official canvass, 16-647 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election, 16-648 - Canvass for state offices, amendments and measures; postponement, 16-649 - Determination of tie vote; notice to candidates; exception, 16-650 - Declaration of election to office; delivery of certificate of election, 16-651 - Proclamation by governor on amendments and initiated and referred measures, 16-661 - Automatic recount; requirements; exemption, 16-662 - Certification to superior court of facts requiring recount, 16-664 - Recount of votes by automatic tabulating system, 16-665 - Determination of results by court; distribution of copies of order of determination, 16-667 - Supplementary nature of article, 16-672 - Contest of state election; grounds; venue, 16-673 - Statement of contest; verification; filing, 16-674 - Contest of county or other election, 16-676 - Time for hearing contest; continuance; findings of the court; judgment, 16-677 - Inspection of ballots before trial; petition; bond; appointment of inspectors, 16-678 - Inapplicability of article to contests of election of legislators, 16-701 - Applicability of election laws, 16-703 - Qualifications of candidates for delegate; nominations, 16-705 - Determination of delegates; vacancies; delegate bound to vote in accordance with pre-election statement; classification, 16-706 - Meeting of delegates in convention, 16-710 - Compensation and mileage of delegates, 16-711 - Congressional provisions as superseding article, 16-801 - Representation of new party on ballot at primary and general elections, 16-802 - Representation of new party on ballot for county or municipal election, 16-803 - Filing petition for recognition; submission of petitions to county recorder for signature verification, 16-804 - Continued representation on basis of votes cast at last preceding general election or registered electors, 16-805 - Findings of fact and statement of public policy by the legislature of the state of Arizona concerning steps which must be taken to protect the fundamental rights of the citizens of this state and the safety of this state from international Communistic conspiracy, 16-806 - Proscription of Communist Party of United States, its successors, and subsidiary organizations, 16-821 - County committee; vacancy in office of precinct committeeman, 16-822 - Precinct committeemen; eligibility; vacancy; duties; term, 16-823 - Legislative district committee; organization; boundary change; reorganization, 16-824 - Meeting, organization and officers of county committee, 16-825.01 - State committee; vacancy; filling of vacancy, 16-826 - Meeting, organization and officers of state committee, 16-827 - Executive committee of state committee, 16-901.01 - Limitations on certain unreported expenditures and contributions, 16-905 - Committee qualification; requirements; exemption; adjustments, 16-906 - Committee statement of organization; amendment; committee limitation, 16-907 - Committee recordkeeping; treasurer; accounts, 16-911 - Exemption from definition of contribution, 16-912 - Individual contribution limits; requirements, 16-913 - Candidate committee contribution limits; requirements, 16-914 - Political action committee contribution limits; requirements, 16-915 - Political party contribution limits; requirements, 16-916 - Corporation, limited liability company and labor organization contributions; separate segregated fund; limits; requirements, 16-917 - Partnership contribution limits; requirements, 16-921 - Exemptions from definition of expenditure, 16-922 - Independent and coordinated expenditures, 16-925 - Advertising and fundraising disclosure statements, 16-926 - Campaign finance reports; contents, 16-927 - Campaign finance reporting period, 16-928 - Filing officer; statements and reports, 16-931 - Biennial adjustments; committee registration; contribution limits, 16-933 - Transfer and disposal of committee monies; limitations, 16-934 - Termination statement; filing; contents, 16-937 - Failure to file; penalties; notice; suspension, 16-938 - Enforcement authority; investigation; reasonable cause; notice of violation; appeal, 16-941 - Limits on spending and contributions for political campaigns, 16-942 - Civil penalties and forfeiture of office, 16-943 - Criminal violations and penalties, 16-947 - Certification as a participating candidate, 16-948 - Controls on participating candidates' campaign accounts, 16-949 - Controls on spending from citizens clean elections fund, 16-950 - Qualification for clean elections funding, 16-952 - One-party-dominant legislative district, 16-953 - Return of monies to the citizens clean elections fund, 16-955 - Citizens clean election commission; structure, 16-956 - Voter education and enforcement duties, 16-959 - Inflationary and other adjustments of dollar values, 16-1001 - Applicability of penal provisions, 16-1002 - Counterfeiting or distributing unlawful ballots; classification, 16-1003 - False endorsement, knowing destruction or delay in delivery of ballot; classification, 16-1004 - Interference with or corruption of election officer; interference with voting equipment; violation; classification, 16-1005 - Ballot abuse; violation; classification, 16-1006 - Changing vote of elector by corrupt means or inducement; classification, 16-1007 - Election officer ascertaining or disclosing elector's vote; classification, 16-1008 - Election officer changing vote of elector by menace or reward; classification, 16-1009 - Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer; classification, 16-1010 - Refusal by election officer to perform duty; violation of election law; classification, 16-1011 - Counterfeiting election returns; violation; classification, 16-1012 - Intimidation of elector by employer; classification, 16-1013 - Coercion or intimidation of elector; classification, 16-1014 - Corruption of electors; classification, 16-1015 - Election wagers; classification, 16-1016 - Illegal voting; pollution of ballot box; removal or destruction of ballot box, poll lists or ballots; classification, 16-1017 - Unlawful acts by voters with respect to voting; classification, 16-1018 - Additional unlawful acts by persons with respect to voting; classification, 16-1019 - Political signs; printed materials; tampering; violation; classification, 16-1020 - Signing of petitions; violation; classification, 16-1021 - Enforcement by attorney general and county, city or town attorney, 16-1022 - Campaign finance violations; classification, 16-1101 - Redistricting; legislative district designation, 16-1103 - Legislative and congressional redistricting; census enumeration.
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