April 23-26, 2023. 2023 National Lectureship of the Churches of Christ Download File. Simply Amazing - Glenn Colley conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 11-14, 2018. PowerPoint Sermons - English | Des Moines Church of Christ We add to this the role that lectureships have placed throughout the years. In the end all that matters is that we get right with the Lord, while we have the opportunity. (281) 998-8184 Gospel meetings and lectureships provide an opportunity to underscore the power of preachingovercoming ignorance, false doctrine and worldlinessjust as Paul and his companions did time and again in synagogues, on Mars' Hill and even by a riversideanywhere people were willing to listen to the spoken word of God! The Christian Courier - Wayne Jackson. Southaven church of Christ hosts: POWER Lectureship 2017 Included are videos 1-3 of POWER Youth Rally 2017, and videos 4-29 of POWER 2017. Grid View List View. The subject church discipline is important but too often misunderstood. The Embrace of God's Grace - Dan Winkler conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 5-8, 2017. Through this study, men will hopefully imbibe more of the divine nature and prepare themselves to meet their Maker and Redeemer at the gates of Eternity. Lectureships Questions Surrounding the Second Coming - 26th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2022. Affiliate disclosure: As an Amazon Associate, we may earn commissions from qualifying purchases on Amazon.com. We cherish the word of God and remain dedicated to making sure His word is preached faithfully, every time we assemble. Such preaching requires a redemptive-historical approach to Scripture. Welcome to the 77th Annual National Lectureship of the Church of Christ website. DATES, EVENTS, AND TIMES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. What benefit and influence do gospel meetings and lectureships offer? As one song leader humorously said to the preacher, I like to follow your sermons with a rousing hymnsomething that really gets the blood flowing again! Jesting aside, the combination of uplifting singing and powerful preaching has provided quite the platform for the word of God to reach the masses effectively. Vanguard Solutions Consulting, 301 West Bay Street, Suite 1400 #14501, Jacksonville, FL 32202-0000, United Stateshttp://www.vanguardsolutionsconsulting.com You can revoke your consent to receive emails at any time by using Learn the importance, source, character, nature, and saving efficacy of faith. Baptism is more than a ceremony. 2 Peter 3:9The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance. March 1, 2023. 17th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2012. "The sexual act itself is a part of marriage & procreation. New TestamentAll Gospel Art - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Its our responsibility to learn and understand His word, so we know what we must do to be saved. Once you download and decompress this file, you will have several folders full of PDF sermons. We can also see changes to such by noting that day services (in addition to those held at night) used to be normal years agosuch is quite the rarity today. Our rich legacy consists of great preachers of our past who were quite successful in these gospel meetings (J. D. Tant, Marshall Keeble, Foy E. Wallace, Jr., G. C. Brewer, T. B. Larimore, N. B. Hardeman). 3, by Wayne Greeson. This question sits at the heart of man. Scooter & Wheelchairs. Each of these men contributed eight outlines for the making of this book (69 pages). The Gospel Of Liberty, is a collection of nineteen expository sermon outlines on Paul's epistle to the churches of Galatia (88 pages; PDF file size: 918k). gospel meetings and events of churches of christ - Facebook Christ-centered preaching both encourages belief and challenges unbelief. Elders, preachers, and Bible teachers should give this subject careful consideration and make the appropriate application to the matter of watching for the souls of men. 4067 Leo Lane, Palm Beach Gardens, Florida 33410. Friday Night Program. 48th Annual Lectureship. 75th Annual National Lectureship - Church of Christ - YouTube These outlines reflect the depth of their knowledge of the Word and an approach to preaching that fast being lost among Churches of Christ. The good news of Jesus Christ is both the reason and power for change ( Rom. Brother Hardeman then invited brother Boles to serve as a guest teacher for this lectureship, which began in January 1937. When we become Christians, were united to Christ, indwelled by his Spirit, and empowered to new obedience (John 15:5; Gal. 25th Annual Lectureship (2014) "Why the churches of Christ are Not Growing at the Same Rate as They Did in Earlier Years". Acts 8:37 Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said, I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.. This version was prepared for the Bible Workshop and published by Bill Mosely around 1978. Pocket. Please come join us Jan. 22 - 29, 2023 For Our 2023 Gospel Meeting "Does It Matter"? The lectureship was a great success, and Freed-Hardeman University has conducted such a lectureship ever since (they just held their 76th Annual Lectureship earlier this year). PowerPoint Sermons - Paulding church of Christ Some good timely articles. Lectureship | Coleman avenue church of Christ Seek The Old Paths - Back Issues of the Plumline by Wayne Coats. Searching The Scriptures - All Issues Online For the years 1960-1992. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead. Gospel Meetings and Lectureships - Church of Christ Articles Administrator:. Old FashionedGospel Temple Ministries, Nevada(ClarkCounty) is made up of people who are simply believers in Christ who have chosen to come together to praise, worship, magnify and lift up the name of Jesus Christand you can be too! NEWRETREAT DETAILS. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by A. W. Goff, Wayne Goff, and David Goff. The National Lectureship of Churches of Christ will be held Saturday, May 23, 2020 through Thursday, May 28, 2020 in the beautiful and magical city of Orlando, Florida. 3:1415). Christian Courier - Published Bi-Monthly by "One-Cup" brethren since 1966. Sowing The Seed, Vol. Dale Chamberlain. Here, at the Vegas Drive Church of Christ, we work together as the local church, following the pattern set forth in the New Testament of the Bible. The Church (2018) * Set Ye Up A Standard In The Land (Jer. 3:1-6 ). Please make sure all fields are filled out. Below are links to free publications published by the Board of Publications for the Church of Christ. 15th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2010. Such preaching thrived in a time when preachers would boldly speak out against sin, Christians were much more aggressive with their evangelism, preaching was distinctive and forceful, exposing sin and condemning immorality without apology, and preachers would exhort those who longed to hear the spoken word of God toward obedience in clear language that included Bible examples. He has spoken clearly about what happens if we are not washed of our sins. 25th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2021. He earned his MDiv from Covenant Theological Seminary and his PhD in preaching from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Brothers, preach Christ. "In the Bible, the theological metaphor for the Gospel is marriage NOT sex," Bradley continued. Here are four elements that will help preachers to bring Gods Word to Gods people in gospel power each week. All content 2012 Cold Harbor Road Church of Christ . Acts 2:38 Peter said to them, Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.. 21st Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2016. PowerPoint Sermons What Must I do to be Lost A Little Seasoning A Plea from the Graves Up to the Mountain The Work of the Children The Diseased Soul That Still Small Voice Amazing Grace Building a Marriage Dealing with Adversity Dealing with Cancer Defending the Faith Do I Forgive When Not Asked Emblems of PowerPoint Sermons Read More Gospel meetings and lectureships provide an opportunity to underscore the power of preachingovercoming ignorance, false doctrine and worldlinessjust as Paul and his companions did time and again in synagogues, on Mars Hill and even by a riversideanywhere people were willing to listen to the spoken word of God! 629 likes. The Online Version of the Printed Edition. There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, God's Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church (PDF file size: 376k). 16th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2011. The Lectureship will be June 17, 2023 - June 22, 2023 at the Hyatt Regency Downtown Houston. Southeast Lectureship. or CD of individual books in PDF, can be purchased by contacting: Contending For the Faith at 281-350-5516 or dpbcftf@gmail.com Spring Church of Christ Physical Address: 1327 Spring Cypress Road, Spring, TX 77373 Mailing Address: 25403 Lancewood Drive, Spring, TX 77373 springcoc@gmail.com 281-353-2707 Such preaching is biblical, missional, motivational, and worshipful. Acts 8:37Then Philip said, If you believe with all your heart, you may. And he answered and said,I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.. Dashboard; Login; Register; Sermons. And it is through OBEDIENCE that we are covered by GRACE. Lectures - Nesbit church of Christ. Lectures Presented by Bellview Church of Christ. Our meeting placeis located at 1303D ST, Nevada, just about a mile just shy of the north end of the Las Vegas Strip. Bible Based Articles for the Edification of All Creation. LET GOD BE TRUE- 2022-2023. Looking at the Lord's Supper (1 Corinthians 11.23-30) Jeremy Paschall 02/26/23 - Sunday PM. New TestamentAll Gospel Art. When we think about the role that gospel meetings has played throughout history, our minds may go back to the days of revivals. 03-05-2020 - Eternal Truth Lecture Series - Live Stream - Cameron Freeman, Jonathan Burns March 3, 2020 Our goal is to present the Word of God without theatrics orstage show effects. On most Sundays, it feels like I come with more unbelief than belief. Christ-centered preaching is missionalchallenging unbelief and cultivating belief in all types of listeners. 2015 AL State Lectureship Audio Sermons "The Perils Facing the LGBT Movement" - Bro. church of Christ Gospel Meeting, Lectureship Programs & Events Gospel Meeting | Series | Phillips Street Church of Christ Nothing more, nothing less, nothing else, Sunday: 9:30 a.m 10:30 a.mSunday: 6:00 p.m 7:00 p.m. Leo Looney. REGISTER NOW. The Christian Worker - published continuously since 1903. Church Discipline, by Ed Dye. 13th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2008. May we resolve to restore the power behind the gospel of Jesus Christ (Rom. Let's Reason Together (e-Tracts, Media Archives, Articles and Downloads), The Gospel of Christ - Norman, OK (Newsletter, Free Media and Archives), Banner of Truth Online - Walter Pigg, Murray, KY (Currently 2000-2013). 28th Annual Lectureship (2017) Lectureship 2017. IT IS IMPORTANT FOR US TO CONTINUE TO SELF ISOLATE IF WE TEST POSITIVE, REMEMBER THAT THERE ARE STILL BUSINESSES THAT REQUIRE YOU TOWEAR A MASK, AND JUST TO BE SAFE DON'T FORGETTO WASH YOUR HANDS FOR 20 SECONDS OR MORE. Pasadena, TX 77505 Avondale church of Christ since 1997 and was appointed as an elder in 2009. * Required information What I Want My Children To Know, contains the title sermon and ten other sermon outlines directed toward families with children and young adults.These sermons, whether preached from the pulpit, studied as a class, or used for private encouragement, should be helpful to Christian families struggling with the challenges of our world (PDF file size: 468k). Topics include "Wise Advise," "The Abundant Life," "Little Foxes," "Giants and Grasshoppers," "God's Law Of Harvest," and "Have I Become Your Enemy?" In the nineteenth century, parlor lectures began to become popularthe act of inviting guest speakers for private lectures. The Church of Jesus Christ built financial stability through tithing and consecration. The Truth Shall Set You Free - David Lipe conducted a Gospel Meeting at the PBL church of Christ on March 3-6, 2019. Spiritual Growth Lectureship | Linder Road Church of Christ Non-Christian unbelief must be challenged; they need to repent and put their faith in Jesus Christ. Program Book Ads. Break 8:15 P.M. How Do You Know Which God Exists Jeff Miller FRIDAY: October 15 9:00 A.M. PDF Thirty-Seventh Annual St. Louis Area-Wide - CHURCH OF CHRIST Identifying the New Testament Church; What the church is NOT; Sermons. By checking this box, you're consenting to receive marketing emails from: . 27th Annual Lectureship (2016) Lwctureship 2016. The Gospel By Which We Are Saved, the 2001 Dumas Drive Lectureship book. Christian's Expositor Journal - by One-Cup Brethren. Twenty-four full sermon outlines by Ed Dye, A. W. Goff and Elmer Moore. 11th Annual South Florida Lectureship hosted by the Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ in 2006. Jesus and His Ministry in Galilee (Part 2). There are six outlines each on the four theme topics: Ephesians: The Church the Manifold Wisdom of God, Gods Holy Temple: The Work, Worship and Organization of the Church, What Is the Church of Christ?, and For Christ and the Church. This approach has relieved its members and helps in times of crisis. Proverbs 14:12 - John 4:23-24. STANDING IN THE GAP LECTURESHIP. What do I mean? 2014 Washington Street Church of Christ - Warrensburg, MO 64093, Serving The Cause of Christ in West-Central Missouri. Gospel Meetings Archives - Palm Beach Lakes church of Christ One Sunday after worship, a long-time member said to me, I deeply appreciate that you speak to unbelief. These lessons were prepared by Edgar J. Dye and first appeared in mimeograph form about 1966. 5:16, 25). Whether or not we believe God exists determines our conduct before Him. Free Sermon Outlines by Jeff Asher, Church of Christ The Gospel Guardian - Foy Wallace - No longer Published but has some back Issues. Certainly, it underscores the public pronouncement of heralding the good news of the gospel. (ZIP file size 10.4 MB), A Wedding Homily. What does God say we must do to be reconciled with Him? Michael Ramsey's modern classic The Gospel and the Catholic Church is as relevant today as it was when it was first published some 70 years ago. Jesus came to seek and save the lostand God has appointed preaching to be the primary means by which unbelievers are converted. United: Becoming One In Christ. 2020 Lectureship | Coleman avenue church of Christ Gospel Radio Network.org -- Online Version of Reflections On The Book Divine. (File size: 1.1 MB), The Person And Work Of The Holy Spirit. These authors and their surrogates have advanced views of the worship and advocated changes altogether unknown to the New Testament. St. Louis Area -Wide Lectureship Sept 21 23rd, 2017 Hosted by the St Peters church of Christ Thursday, September 21 st 2 pm Enriched by His Grace Eph 1:3 -18 Matt Stewart . The assault on worship has been underway for a long while. 4:1114). There are two ways, Thomas Chalmers explains, to displace love of the world in a human heart: expose its worthlessness or replace love for the world with something more beautiful. Our priority is to glorify God and extend His kingdom by living and proclaiming His truth in the world (John 1:1). Bro. (Eight sermons; PDF file size: 2.1MB), Stepping Out With Jesus.
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