It also says "cmc 1579" next to one of the lobes. cale Cale Dam*it! CWC manufactures engine components (crankshafts, camshafts, balance shafts) for a variety of applications including automotive, agricultural and power sports engine programs. Cam Identification? - The only numbers i can find on it are CWC and CMC stamped at the front, D4 and a 5 stamped on opposite sides of a bearing, 1579 cast at the distr gear and 940995 an F164 stamped on the end. Fighting CWC camshaft wear, VG valve springs? - Ratsun Forums It has "7140" and "GM 1" on the front end. What do the numbers. rr lash lash int exh btc abc bbc atc int exh int exh int exh Hope it helps. LOL, according to the post count I'm an "expert." Come join the discussion about performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! notes: On EFI engines, performance camshafts work only with mass air induction systems. Tips for Identifying a Camshaft - YouTube CWC is a technical leader in lobe hardening required in most modern engine applications and is sought after for its technical expertise and focus on quality. the cam with a degree wheel during installation. spec sheet You must be logged in to view this image or video. The OP is talking about a car. CWC and 1579..ID the machinist (his/her initials) and employee #. CWC makes camshafts that are mostly manufactured for factory vehicles, and finding a camshaft is actually the engine builders job. I know the heads on this motor had stock springs. by 4banger Sun Nov 09, 2014 10:32 pm, Post The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. my friend gave me a cam that he got at a swap meet. by MadBill Sat Oct 02, 2010 6:26 pm, Post All the markings are different also. So a few things you need to consider while buying it includes: CWC camshaft identification is a pretty easy task if the name is laser etched on the back of the cam. We supply both completely finished and semi-finished camshaft cores (UGL) ready for customer specific lobe grinds. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Corporation's growth story is being scripted by building upon the areas of Capacity Augmentation, Modernization, creation of warehousing and logistics infrastructure, Asset Monetization, Rail operations, Cold Storage . JavaScript is disabled. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Pistons aren't cheap so you may be money ahead scoring a complete 454. You can see that in the following image collected from the official website of CWC. It's the internet, you have to weed through the junk in order to find what you're looking for. Take the 899C and add it to the model prefix. Now its time to check out why CWC Camshafts are the most sought-after ones in the market. In 1956, Textron Inc. acquired CWC, which later became a part of the Kautex family when Textron sold the assets to the company in 2003. The only stamped markings on the front are 951758. Then go hunt up Mike, (aka, CamKing), on the Boards and flat ask him to help you out. Sorry for the other non-car-guy responses. How To Properly Replace Ignition CoilsContinue, What are the factors to look for while choosing a transmission? I pulled the Chevy 350 apart today and I'm trying to identify the camshaft. Oher markings are EP-19, 16* 81 and 07. Seems like a guy could set up a nice cottage industry by throwing cams in an empty block and measuring them for guys to identify the billions of unknown cams out there. Pontiac 326 Vs Chevy 327 Differences & Similarities. The letters CWC stand for Campbell, Wyant and Cannon. After spending 8 years in plant production engineering, Noah wanted to join Engine Addiction as a key member of all cars specific guides, reviews, repairs, suggestions, and more. Do not enter the -2 on dual cams part numbers or the (I) that indicates intake or (E) for exhaust. Roller cam, left; flat tappet cam, right. Oct 8, 2010 #2 Z z28rod Veteran Member Apr 30, 2009 4,472 hopewell junction,ny Ask Away! with Jeff Smith: How to Decode a COMP Cams Camshaft The intake cam has a single white band The exhaust cam has 2 blue stripes You must be logged in to view this image or video. by Greenlight Mon Nov 10, 2014 1:56 pm, Powered by phpBB Forum Software phpBB Limited, General engine tech -- Drag Racing to Circle Track. Reply to this topic; Start new topic; . camshaft identification - Don Terrill's Speed-Talk Strong low & mid range torque, daily driving. Attention: Due to Covid 19 many materials and products are delayed. Its because CWC makes blank or white-labeled cams under different brand names. on the back of the cam are the numbers 497140, infront of the distributor gear C5 D5 are stamped, around the middle is CWC and 1579, and near the front is E8 26. any help on what this cam is would be greatly appreciated. I think they supply OEMS' as well. An unarmed man can only flee from evil, and evil is not overcome by fleeing from it. Classical Pontiac Camshaft Reference CWC's selective tempered ductile iron (SADI) process exhibits the strength, ductility and wear-resistance for applications up to 255 KSI HERTZ. Hence, you wont find any additional markings (like top or bottom engravings) that can help you (mainly the engine manufacturers) with CWC camshaft identification. However, luckily many CWC camshafts have the name CWC laser etched on the back. Sounds confusing? There are two ways you can identify CWC Camshafts; Lets discuss both these methods in detail below. CWC manufactures engine components (crankshafts, camshafts, balance shafts) for a variety of applications including automotive, agricultural and power sports engine programs. Secondly, by checking the marking on the camshaft. I tried searching & googling these markings with no luck. When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. PDF Ford racing camshaFts smaLL BLocK V8 hYdraULic roLLEr taPPEt camshaFts It provides a spark plug with the high voltage needed for combustion. H-O Ent. It is stamped Z087 on the end and has a couple of other markings on it, CWC and EP1. Take the experts help for the right-fit cam since experience has no alternative in this regard, There is a wide range of specs in camshafts, such as lift, lobe separation, duration, etc. by pdq67 Sat Oct 02, 2010 8:01 pm, Post Today, roughly one-third of the vehicles produced in North America contain CWC camshafts. ID3 >"oTPE2+ Lil Zay & Gucci ManeTRCK 1/1TIT2A Didn t Believe - SongsLover.comTPE1+ Lil Zay & Gucci ManeTALB1 Didn t Believe - SingleTYER 2023TPOS 1/1TCON Hip-Hop/RapTCOP' www.SongsLover.comTOPE' www.SongsLover.comTCOM' www.SongsLover.comTIT1' www.SongsLover.comTIT3' www.SongsLover.comTDRL' www.SongsLover.comTCAT' www.SongsLover .,, Your, Alloyed Gray Iron: Material Specifications, Horizontal Cope & Drag / Green Sand Molding. EP1 is the type of core. Where is the Chevy 350 Coolant Temp Sensor Location? While it is kind of unusual for non z owners to post here, there is nothing wrong with it as long as they post in the appropriate forum. Answer Chad & Vy's call and join them on a mission! #1 Hi, pulled down my engine a while back and was just doing a clean up and pick up my old cam, and found some markings on it it says CRAN no E, and can find a listed part number, Also marked with CWC , C2, D2, F6, and the number i think to be 2802, ANYONE? On the shaft the #'s 1539 are stamped in one spot, and CWC is stamped in another spot. But again, its generally the engine builders or an experts job, so buy an aftermarket cam based on expert opinion. Crower's cam specifications and printable cam card finder Valve lift is computed for stock rockerarm ratio (1.73:1 for 400, 351-C & Boss 302: 1.60:1 for all others) Source of information: Ford Performance by Pat Ganahl, an excellent reference book on Ford performance engines Just to be clear, are those the numbers on the face of the cam behind the timing gear? Roller: 202/206 .403"/.415" 8.5:1 115 '87 350 Corvette and IROC Camaro: But they can sometimes be labeled as CWC EP1 to ascertain that its actually cast by your desired brand CWC. Kautex is a subsidiary of Textron Inc. and is rated among the Top 100 Automotive SuppliersSee this and similar jobs on LinkedIn. On the shaft the #'s 1539 are stamped in one spot, and CWC is stamped in another spot. Camshaft Identification * lots of pics - Virtual Mechanic CWC made/still makes camshaft blanks for many camshaft suppliers. CAMSHAFT SPECIFICATIONS Part No. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 6 of 6 Posts. dia. what cam is this?? | Dodge RamCharger Central Now zero the indicator and turn the engine backward until the dial indicator reads roughly .100-inch. The other is a "mystery" camshaft because the end is longer and has been ground down. This is a job for professionals and the mechanically-inclined. 1978 Jeep J-10 360. Help identifying camshaft. | Just Commodores A flat tappet cam will be much more pointed, similar to the small end of an egg. The radiator, hoses, timing assembly, belts and fan will need to be removed to access the camshaft. Brian Crower 272 Part number BC0101 Right out the box. 1. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Disclaimer: Remember to always consult with an expert first before trying anything at home. 49 BBC -6 ATC 223 78 BBC 32 ATC 290 .298 .447 . Being a blank cam manufacturer theres every chance that youre buying their camshaft or already have it under a different brand name. Unless there's a "P55" on the opposite side of the "EP1", It's their standard small block chevy core, and it's good for hydraulic, and mild solid grinds. Like said in the very first sentence of the very first post, I found this forum by searching the net for cwc cams. However, CWC is a humongous name in the camshaft market for factory vehicles, and weve seen facts regarding how wide their coverage is and what makes them so superior. CWC is the foundry that cast the cam blank. Thank you for your patience and understanding. It controls the quantity of engine airflow. We had another thread that had "Z025" on it. It does have the two large squares like a L20B cam. Contact. The solid color is advertised duration. The engine appears to have been rebuilt at some point and has a non-factory (i. The camshaft is a critical engine component that decides the torque curve and horsepower of the engine. Re: Cam Recommendation (was: D4 EP 15 Camshaft) I'm only after mild cam to work within the parameters I listed. It also has the D2 and C3 180 from each other. There should be numbers stamped on the back and/or cast into the barrel of the core. These words, spoken by CWC founder Donald J. Campbell, in 1908, still inspire CWC's attention to quality and customer focus. CWC Camshaft Identification: How Easy is It to Identify? Camshaft Specifications and Terminology - Speedway Motors Like the moderator at Chevelles said, you will have to find someone that uses BR as a prefix on their cam grinds. Never accept imitations. The premier site for everything to do with Hot Rod, Customs, Low Riders, Rat Rods, and more. i think these are the specs for that cam. JavaScript is disabled. part no. At one time they supplied 85% of the blanks in the world. This is an involved process, requiring the removal of the engine's front end. Project Greenlight 6 posts Page 1 of 1 Return to "Engine Tech" But there are no other markings engraved that could identify this camshaft. After discovering that I was missing lash pads, and that I had a unknown aftermarket CWC billet camshaft, I have a few questions. Materials and Process of CWC CWC camshafts include unique materials and manufacturing processes. As Tony said, don't be put off by the "non car guy" answers, there are people here willing to help. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. Torsion Beam Vs Multi Link: Who Wins the Battle? Meta: Do you find CWC camshaft identification difficult? stamp paint len. you have a major hassle on your hands. No. Cam Identification (LC Engineering Stage 3) President's Day Sale has begun! When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. Required fields are marked *. There are two ways you can identify CWC Camshafts; Firstly, by checking out its material and process Secondly, by checking the marking on the camshaft, Let's discuss both these methods in detail below. Chevy-Small Block Cam Identification Welcome to Club Hot Rod! no. 350-455. I finally tore into it and am having a problem IDing the Camshaft that was in it all ive found is its a CWC K11 marked by the gear and 636 on the but. Camshafts: GM Performance Motor Flat tappet sbc cam. K1302 debating on crank and rods choices are a little limited staying with the stock stroke. What Is the SBC Header Bolt Torque? And on the front face 16331 which is the Crower part number. I had an Isky cam that was a "Z66" check Isky's web site. Cruise RPM 2200-2700. Identifiers: Letter R, CWC, EP1, C4 and E8. I appreciate it! CWC cam castings | ZCar Forum I have a camshaft in a motor that I am trying to identify. On the shaft it reads "CWC" and on the end it has 274 stamped into it. cam shaft i.d. Camshaft identification - Maintenance/Repairs - Car Talk Community the best way to determine what the specs of the cam are to put it in a small block and verify duration with a degree wheel. CWC has been flame hardening camshafts for many years. Check out the article to know how you can identify a CWC camshaft in the easiest possible way. I'm not sure if the OEM cams had FOMOCO on them or not. Camshaft Machine Company manufactures internal combustion engine and fuel system camshafts for use in automobiles, trucks, heavy equipment and stationary engines. 0288 cams were used on Hi Compression engines. Should wind right up for ya. CWC I-5. Cam Recommendation (was: D4 EP 15 Camshaft) - The Forums CHAD & VY WILL CALL YOU! Ford Camshaft Identification | Classic Cars - Small Block Chevy SBC Camshaft Identification? - YouTube spread int exh .050 dur. Mainly curious I'm building it for a tourque monster mid lower to upper middle 5700 or so should go good with the muncie and 356 gears. Camshaft Identification help | Durations at .050" cam lift are 188 degrees intake, 202 degrees exhaust. Come join the discussion about restorations, builds, performance, modifications, classifieds, troubleshooting, maintenance, and more! For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Got this info for ya. Usually there are engraved or stamped numbers on the face. April/'97/14th..the zero is there because it is a single digit monthit is a place holder. Competition Cams even has their Camquest Cam Selection Software available to use on line ! Im amazed at the detail but also at how anyone has the time to type all that in. Our content is merely suggestive, not intended to use without proper safety precautions and advice. Paul Wright Premium Member Joined Oct 17, 1999 7,186 Posts Followers 1. Was curious what cam they were trying in it. I'll post it on another sight which has a few cam designers and grinders on it frequently. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Although some camshafts have casting numbers or stamped numbers on the cams, they have nothing to do with the identification of a camshaft. Part Number: Type: DUR @ .050" Lift: C/R: LSA: Usage: 14093643: Hyd. They became one of the top manufacturers of blank camshafts, and at one time, they supplied about 85% of the blank cams around the world. Because during the lower units oil change, you can go through the issue that the lower plug, Read More Yamaha Lower Unit Drain Plug Size [Explained Everything]Continue, Among the crucial parts of a vehicle ignition system is the ignition coil, also called a spark coil. You could just put it back in the engine and put a degree wheel on it and see exactly what it is. The only # on the cam itself is EP93 with a blue dot. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. 1982 Jeep J-20 360. The camshaft manufacturers are sorted alphabetically and are listed in terms of duration. joel, Nov 16, 2014 SHARE POST #12 indyjps Member from Chicago - Far West Burbs 460 to 480 lift sounds a lot better. cam lift valve cust. Nothing on the rear end. Three years later, on April 20, the Campbell, Wyant and Cannon (CWC) Foundry Company was founded. Well that shows your intelligence. That means they make raw castings for different cam-core companies, such as Engine Power Components, Competition Cams, and Camshaft Machine Company. Post CWC camshaft identification | Team Chevelle CWC is known for its best-in-class rough-cast engine parts, lobe hardening processes, rough machining, and superior manufacturing techniques mentioned in the table. Most cars use more than, Read More Does It Matter Which Ignition Coil Goes Where?
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