We are lucky to be alive. Despite the distance between states, Turner and Bagby initially tried to maintain a long-distance relationship. He set out on an epic transatlantic journey to retrace the steps of his childhood friend, from California to Newfoundland to England Kate Bagbys homeland and where Andrew Bagby spent his summers. You can also read the documentation to learn about Wordfence's blocking tools, or visit wordfence.com to learn more about Wordfence. This is a fascinating,horrific and humbling read. She has to veer away from the image and instead see him as a living being. Our 100 journalists strive to inform and improve our East Coast communities by delivering impartial, high-impact, local journalism that provokes thought and action. ItsaCheckmate allows restaurateurs to focus on what matters: serving up delicious food and delightful dining experiences. David Bagby - Sales Manager - Tommie Vaughn Ford | LinkedIn Than they are able to see a light at the end of the tunnel when she announces she is pregnant with Andrew Bagby's child, to be named Zachary. If such laws had been in place, Zachary Turner would be 6 years old and wrapping up first grade. Mrs. Kate Holland Bagby, age 101, of Flowery Branch entered into eternal rest with her heavenly father on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at her residence, following a short illness. [22] The Dr. Andrew Bagby and son Zachary Bursary Fund supports students at the Memorial University of Newfoundland.[23]. He had been shot in the head, face, chest and twice. Select this result to view David Warren Bagby's phone number, address, and more. You will then receive an email that helps you regain access. Being from Newfoundland,I was well aware of the happenings in this book as they were happening. STORY CONTINUES BELOW THESE SALTWIRE VIDEOS. Andrew was 28 years old at the time of death. As devastated as he was by the deaths of Andrew and Zachary, Kurt Kuenne was far from the only one touched by both tragedies. He was a man with great stories and a knack for telling them. Facebook gives people the power to. On 13 October, Turner told Bagby that she was three months pregnant. Then, 8.5 months after Andrew Bagby was murdered - July 18, 2002 - Turner gave birth to a boy, who she named Zachary Turner. However, in January 2003 Justice Welsh again released her, arguing that the murder "was not directed at the public at large" and that Turner was presumed to be innocent.[10]. The film, in combination with David Bagbys national bestseller, Dance with the Devil: A Memoir of Murder and Loss, has incited a firestorm of awareness surrounding the issue. The ending was so shocking, I was screaming with David Bagby That bitch! On November 6, Andrew's body was discovered in a park near his residence in Latrobe, PA. Parents Kate and David Bagby's story of identifying Andrew's body is devastating. This preference was made especially clear during Zachary's first birthday party at a St. John's McDonald's, after which Turner said to Kathleen, "He obviously loves you more than me, so why don't you take him? By the summer of 2000, Turner had completed the requirements of her residency training and was qualified to practice medicine. For Kuenne, the answer to that question began in childhood. After the shooting, according to Kate, Turner called her claiming she was trying to reach Andrew. David and Kate Bagby must have been saints to have had to tolerate personal dealings with their only child's murderess,and basically have to groval to her to even see their precious only-ever grandchild.Yet,they did whatever they could for the sake of Zachary.Most people (myself included) would have made away with Shirley Turner the first chance they got.Why should they have even been put in that insane situation in the first place? She was a homemaker and owned and operated a broiler grow out business with her husband. Justice Gale Welshmaintained that "there is no indication of a psychological disorder that would give concern about potential harm to the public generally.". While that change felt good, David wanted more. Subscribe here. I had NO idea what the outcome was going to be. We thought of him as a hostage, said David. Throughoutthe film, it's really difficult to watch a reasonable man consider such extreme and desperate measures. But its also the emotional toll of attending trials and hearing gruesome stories like theirs played out in court over and over. Though the Bagbys story isnt over, the love of friends and their work to spare the next family from a similar struggle keeps them going. We cant do that anymore, David Bagby said, explaining in part its because of their age. DAVID BAGBY OBITUARY. Kate Bagby feels her son was too trusting to agree to meet Turner at the park the day he was killed. Its hard carrying this big boulder on your back the rest of your life. But their relationship with their grandson wasnt always as innocent as the images depicted in home videos of Zachary taking his wobbly first steps as a toddler on the rain soaked sidewalk or of Andrew Bagbys friends first encounters with a miniature version of their beloved friend. These incidents left the supervising physician with the impression that: I felt I was being manipulated whenever I spoke with Shirley Turner. Three years later, Turner and her second husband divorced, and she was granted custody of their daughter. Obituaries David Bagby later wrote a book about their tragic ordeal, choosing the title Dance with the Devil. On November 4, 2006, Dr. Andrew Bagby broke up with his girlfriend, Dr. Shirley Turner. David expresses his intense rage and his intense patience with Turner superbly. I truly commend the Bagby's commitment to exposing (and trying to bring about change) a corrupt judicial system, even in the midst of their tremendous loss. California filmmaker remasters documentary on the lives and - SaltWire -Managed leading Egyptian companies' accounts with the firm, including in the oil and gas, financial, consumer goods, real estate and automotive sectors. I became very emotional with this horrifying tale of injustice. Its a day the couple would most likely prefer to spend quietly, avoiding the phone. To make a long story short On several occasions, he had summoned state troopers to order her to leave. He had been shot five times in the face, the chest, the buttocks, and the back of the head with CCI .22 bullets. Although it's hard to watch, it's a must-see. A week after Andrew Bagbys murder, while American police were building a case against her, Turner fled to her native Canada. No one in my entire library system owns it either (30+ libraries), so I wound up having to get an interlibrary loan and have this book shipped to me from another state. One of the most heart-wrenching books I have ever read. After helping Kurt Kuene with his documentary Dear Zachary: A Letter from a father to his Son I was honored that David Bagby sent me his book as a thank you. Bringingattention to this film, after all,supports the cause of Kate and David Bagby, who, since becoming activists for bail reform, have helpedshepherdseveral positive changes to the Canadian legal system. Turner left her car parked near his home in the Kelligrews area of the town, with photographs of herself and Zachary, as well as a used tampon, on the front seat. Ensure local journalism stays in your community by purchasing a membership today. Meanwhile, Turner exhibited possessive behavior towards Bagby and harassed him over the phone. 2023 SaltWire Network. They also went to Ottawa to push the case for Bill C-464, which had been introduced by then Liberal MP Scott Andrews, at a committee hearing. 'Nothing to lose' - Morgan Hill Times | Morgan Hill, San Martin, CA The world is a better place because David and Kate are in it! Please consider joining us in this mission by becoming a member of the SaltWire Network and helping to make our communities better. By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. Andrew Bagby and the Tragic Murders at the Heart 'Dance with the Devil' Turner later drove home and left a message on Bagby's answering machine. The man contacted the RNC on three occasions to complain about Turner's harassment, which both violated the terms of her bail and was considered grounds to lose custody of Zachary. In the wake of the shocking turn of events, Andrew's father, David Bagby, wrote a true crime memoir that is described as "a eulogy for a dead son, an elegy for lives cut tragically short, and a castigation of a broken system." Ensure local journalism stays in your community by purchasing a membership today. Hed be about to enter senior high and might be planning his future. ", Is there a greater nightmare than people hinting that your child is gone but not confirming it? On October 31, 2008, filmmaker Kurt Kuenne premiered the documentary Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father at Slamdance Film Festival. If one thinks the American justice system is slow moving and against the victim most times, then one should encounter the Canadian justice system. Choosing Bagby as his best man was one of the easiest decisions Oetinger ever made, he said. Promotional still from "Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father" via Oscilloscope Laboratories. Canadian officials also released her on bail even though she was detained as the culpable suspect in the case. Dead.. Subscribe here. This book ends in heartbreaking tragedy. Written and directed by Kurt Kuenne, MSNBC Films and Oscilloscope Laboratories released Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father on 31 October 2008. People see this film and realize that they are so incredibly lucky to have everything they need to be happy.. Bagby came from Sunnyvale, California, and was the son of Kathleen Daphne Bagby (ne Barnard), a registered nurse and midwife from Chatham, England, United Kingdom; and David Franklin Bagby, an American former United States Navy serviceman and computer engineer. In mid-December, the Bagbys talked to The Western Star about the rerelease of the documentary, Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father, by Kurt Kuenne. It's widely believed that if she hadn't been released, Zachary would probably still be alive today. The documentary was originally released in 2008. Senior Writer and Project Manager. The day after her flight arrived back in Iowa, Turner began a 16-hour return trip to Pennsylvania to confront Bagby, bringing a handgun with her. A tragedy that could have been prevented. It didnt take long before the relationship began to sour, and the couple appeared to be drifting apart. Zachary Andrew Turner (18 July 2002 18 August 2003)[2]:78 was a Canadian child from St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, who was killed by his mother, Shirley Jane Turner, in a murdersuicide. It pains me to award only two stars to a book written by David Bagby, but I want to use the Goodreads' ranking system more accurately. On November 4, 2006, Dr. Andrew Bagby broke up with his girlfriend, Dr. Shirley Turner. One Canadian judge released her on the condition that she behave and another gave her custody of Zachary Turner. Some other equivalent (to Shirley Turner) could have been anywhere Andrew went, he said, allowing what happened had nothing to do with Newfoundland as a place. As the two got older, Bagby helped to fund Kuennes film projects with money that he was saving for medical school. They still have friends in the province, people Kate said they wouldnt have survived without. Turner's husband raised the child as a stay-at-home dad while Turner continued her studies. In 2010, Bill C-464 added a clause to the Criminal Code of Canada allowing bail to be denied if deemed necessary to protect a child, a change spurred by the Bagbys. In the early years, that included David writing a book, Dance With the Devil, about his sons and grandsons murders, and Kuennes documentary. There are 40+ professionals named "David Bagby", who use LinkedIn to exchange information, ideas, and opportunities. A few months after Bagbys death, Turner gave birth to their son, whom she named Zachary. If you dont figure out how to live with it, youll kill yourself or waste away and die, Bagby said. The film went on to win jury and audience awards at numerous film festivals and was named one of the best films of the year by Slant Magazine, The Oregonian, Time Out Chicago, and the National Board of Review of Motion Pictures. In August 2000, Turner moved to Sac City, Iowa, to begin work for Trimark Physicians Corporation. Within days of the ruling, however, Turner sent her daughter back to live with her father in Portland Creek while her other two children were sent to Parson's Pond to live with their paternal grandmother. A portion of the film also shows Kuenne meeting Zachary in Newfoundland in July 2003 to celebrate his first birthday, one month before his death; Shirley Turner is present during the visit, but Kuenne avoids her. Andrew was found dead Nov. 5, 2001 in a state park just outside Latrobe, PA, where he was a resident in the local hospitals family medicine programme. Some say they don't have the authority to tell her, others say their office is closed, and others say there's "nothing to do. Since 1982, Turner had taken out baby bonuses for her children from a scholarship fund with the expectation of sending them to university. Society as a whole should take the lessons derived from this book and just pray the same tragedy never befalls their own family. The movie had me in tears and in rage all at once. Bagby agreed to talk with her about the pregnancy during a wedding that Bagby was scheduled to attend. I cried all the way reading this, and also while watching the documentary. His body was discovered . On 23 October 2009, Scott Andrews, then a Liberal MP from Newfoundland and Labrador, introduced Bill C-464, or "Zachary's Bill", which would change the Criminal Code of Canada to allow the courts to justify refusing bail to those accused of serious crimes in the name of protecting their children. [4] The case led to the passage of Bill C-464, or Zachary's Bill, strengthening the conditions for bail in Canadian courts in cases involving the well-being of children. Hoping to gain custody of the child, the Bagbys moved to Newfoundland.