"On the one hand, he argues, Im the inventor of this technology. On the other hand, he's telling you that the technology is doing an enormous amount of harm," Offit said. "You can take the first step in the technology, but that doesn't mean that you invented the technology. The 100 Greatest TV Shows of All Time The initiative was inspired by a Dec. 31 episode of The Joe Rogan Experience, the wildly popular podcast hosted by comedian Joe Rogan which featured Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist who has been . He said vaccinated people are more likely to be infected with the highly contagious omicron variant than unvaccinated people. epidemiologist at University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, says that she considers Rogan a menace to public health for continuously platforming anti-vaccine ideology to his enormous audience. Over 200 experts respond to Joe Rogan podcast with Dr. Robert Malone Joe Rogan, host of Spotify's popular podcast,"The Joe Rogan Experience,"is seen during a weigh-in before a UFC event on May 12, 2017, in Dallas. He said hospitals are so financially incentivized to claim COVID-19 as the cause of patient deaths that a hypothetical patient "with a bullet hole to the head" would be ruled as a COVID-19 fatality if they tested positive. Moreover, several studies have shown that Covid-19 is more likely to cause myocarditis than the vaccine. But back to 2021 and Malones interview. "Bringing ('The Joe Rogan Experience') to Spotify will mean that the platforms more than 286 million active users will have access to one of cultures leading voices," the company said in a May 19, 2020,marketing release. And how did that happen?, Since this wasnt an episode of the TV show Jeopardy, Malone quickly answered his own question with, The answer is mass formation psychosis., Malone continued with When you have a society that has become decoupled from each other and has free-floating anxiety in a sense that things dont make sense, we cant understand it, and then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere.. So, Malone seemed to be painting a not-so-happy picture of the U.S. circa 2019. 0. He also offers insight into the modern propaganda machine that has corrupted the scientific community.Sponsors:The Ministry of Pre-Born and Blaze Media are partnering up to help rescue babies from abortion in 2022. On the December 31 edition of his Spotify podcast, Joe Rogan invited scientist and COVID-19 misinformer Robert Malone to promote the upcoming Defeat The Mandates D.C. rally, which aims. "Fox offers Chris Wallace's Sunday spot to Candace Owens.". 270 Scientists And Doctors Sign Letter To Spotify Over Joe Rogan Covid Tony Hinchcliffe is a stand-up comedian, writer, and actor. 1 podcast on Spotify's charts. Others have questioned Malones inventor claim. Mr. Rogan: But I saw the shot where Joe Biden got it on TV and they didnt aspirate them. Send us a tip using our anonymous form. Very intelligent, highly educated population, and they went barking mad. Twitters move to deplatform Dr. Malone and remove the interview from their site is the latest in a string of censuring individuals who dissent against the COVID-19 vaccine and vaccine mandates. He's the host of Secular Talk" on Youtube and co-hosts "Krystal Kyle & Friends" with Krystal Ball on Substack. You probably havent told your significant other, your cooking is a product of mass formation psychosis or your boss you are the product of mass formation psychosis. ", The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines, photographed here in Jackson, Miss., onSept. 21, 2021, resulted from decades of research involving countless researchers. Several prominent musicians and podcasters have left the streaming service to protest what they described as Mr. Rogans history of promoting misinformation about the coronavirus and vaccines. Spotify's Joe Rogan promotes anti-vaccine rally with serial misinformer He bills himself as the "inventor" of mRNA vaccines and has leveraged that title to push one false claim after another. Yet Rivera believes Spotify has an enormous ethical obligation to do so. Although Rogan let Malone talk rather freely throughout the interview, how much hard evidence did Malone actually provide to support his claims? Leaning on his early contributions to research around the mRNA vaccine technology now used in the COVID-19 vaccines, Malone has billed himself as the inventor of mRNA vaccines. Was he referring to particular political leaders and TV personalities trying to push Covid-19 conspiracy theories? hide caption. And his appearance on "The Joe Rogan Experience" triggered Neil Young so much that the musician requested that Spotify pull his music all because Dr. Malone would rather speak freely than toe the approved line. Most real scientists recognize the fact that major scientific breakthroughs rarely have a single inventor. www.breal.tv, Mariana van Zeller is an award-winning investigative journalist, and host of Nat Geos "Trafficked with Mariana van Zeller." www.chrisdcomedy.com, Shane Gillis, Mark Normand, and Ari Shaffir are stand-up comics, writers, and podcasters. What was it exactly? The C.D.C. The conversation included a false equivalence between the vaccine and Nazi medical experiments, baseless conjecture that President Biden is not actually vaccinated and inaccurate interpretations of government data and guidelines. Spotify prohibits content on the platform which promotes dangerous false, deceptive, or misleading content about Covid-19 that may cause offline harm and/or pose a direct threat to public health. Joe Rogan Experience #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD - playlist by gkercsik | Spotify Home Search Your Library Create Playlist Liked Songs Privacy Center Privacy Policy Cookies About Ads Your Privacy Choices Cookies English Preview of Spotify Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. Spotify's problems are bigger than Joe Rogan | Engadget first reported Wednesday by Rolling Stone. While Spotify does not disclose how many people listen, his show ranked as the platform's most popular podcast globally for the last two years. Joe Rogan, 'mass formation psychosis' and why people really believe Joe Rogan Mengancam Akan Keluar dari Kesepakatan Spotify $200M Jika Dia The episode featuring Malone, which is more than three hours long, is still available to streamas of Wednesday afternoon. Joe Rogan, seen here during a UFC event, recently, interviewed Robert Malone, MD, who used the term "mass formation psychosis" to describe what's been happening in the U.S. in recent years. No credit card needed. Joe Rogan is currently one of the most popular personalities in the world of MMA and UFC, largely thanks to his commentary skills and also his podcast. Big Tech may be able to censor information on their own platforms, but they cannot censor the Congressional Record., The Washington Free Beacon By Ben Wilson February 17, 2023 Federal agencies under President Joe Biden are using taxpayer dollars to promote inclusive language guides, instructing Americans to abandon common terms like homeless people for left-wing alternatives like people experiencing unsheltered homelessnessprompting backlash from Republicans who want to defund the woke initiatives. Spotify declined to comment to NPR. Anyone can read what you share. The group of doctors claim that Spotify has failed to mitigate other instances of misinformation on its platform. Im just asking questions. Rogan has also platformed many discredited physicians and academics who have spoken out against the vaccine, such as Dr. Peter McCullough, a cardiologist who inaccurately claimed that COVID-19 vaccines are experimental and that the pandemic was planned., Katrine Wallace, PhD, an epidemiologist at University of Illinois Chicago School of Public Health, says that she considers Rogan a menace to public health for continuously platforming anti-vaccine ideology to his enormous audience. He'salso been the lead reporter on the Twitter Files, which come out on Twitter at @mtaibbi. His new comedy album, "Chrissy New York Comedy Club", is available now. Were not the best, but were definitely not the worst.. And many of the spreaders have been anonymous social media accounts posting misinformation like graffiti on a bathroom stall. The letter discusses at length a Dec. 31, 2021, episode of "The Joe Rogan Experience" that featured Dr. Robert Malone, a figure known for pushing false anti-vaccine information, according to PolitiFact. A Massachusetts psychosis? The episode featuring Malone went viral, and was shared widely in right-wing media circles as well as on Facebook, where the link on Spotify has been shared nearly 25,000 times, according to CrowdTangle data. The Joe Rogan Experience: #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD excerpt (link While the controversial episode remains on Spotify, YouTube has removed a video of . The 200 Greatest Singers of All Time And who were the leaders that according to Malone may have been exploiting the situation? And if you look at some of the outrageous, unscientific things that are said on social media in general, it typically takes a fair amount of pseudosciencing to get booted in this manner. "Wherever you have users generating content, you're going to have all of the same content moderation issues and controversies that you have in any other space," said Evelyn Douek, a research fellow at Columbia University's Knight First Amendment Institute. 20006, Florida So the truth is, it's the unvaccinated that are at risk from the vaccinated." Images from Hunter Bidens laptop show Joe Biden naked with a young girl. On Rogans podcast, Malone began talking about his background and then Covid-19 vaccines before segueing to Nazi Germany. One person rarely is the only one to come up with an idea and then disappear into a fully-equipped, self-funded lab by himself or herself to then later emerge with the solution. A massive rock formation? Shane is the co-host of "Matt and Shane's Secret Podcast" with Matt McCusker. Dr. Malone, has close to 100 peer-reviewed publications which have been cited over 12,000 times. The catalyst for much of the controversy was a December episode of his podcast that featured Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist and vaccine skeptic. Doctors demand Spotify change policy on COVID-19 misinformation after 5% of ALL SPONSORSHIP proceeds goes to Justin Wren and his Fight for the Forgotten charity! Mr. Rogan and others have wrongly suggested that Mr. Biden has not actually received the vaccine since his shots were not aspirated. All rights reserved. Spotify has been rocked in recent weeks by the controversy engulfing its most popular podcaster, Joe Rogan. As a high-level scientist, hes been involved in the response to every major outbreak since AIDS. "We're not talking about fringe ideas," she said. The episode was an interview with Dr. Robert Malone, a virologist who touts himself as one of the architects of mRNA technology. Bartletts article and others have questioned Malones continuing claims that he was the Inventor of mRNA vaccines and DNA vaccines. Making such claims on LinkedIn is not quite the same as saying that you are a passionate thought leader who is driven to activate synergies and change or something like that. In September,Rogan announcedhe had contracted COVID-19;he also said he took ivermectin, a medication often used in livestock thatsome who distrust vaccinationshave pushed as a treatment for the virus, despite no scientific evidence that it is effectiveand FDA warnings about its potential harm. The episode immediately raised alarm bells for Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago's School of Public Health, who signed the letter. Tidak ada hasil . Derek Wolfe is a 10 year veteran of the NFL, Super Bowl 50 champion, bowhunter, outdoorsman, and host of "The Drive" on Denver Sports radio. Malone made baseless and disproven claims, including falsely stating that getting vaccinated puts people who already have had COVID-19 at higher risk. https://www.youtube.com/@WOLFEUNTAMED95, Russell Brand is a comedian, actor, author, activist, and host of the podcast "Stay Free with Russell Brand." Over the past decade, theres been plenty of competition for such a title. On episode 1757 which aired on Dec. 31, Rogan invited virologist and self-proclaimed "inventor of mRNA", as per his LinkedIn bio, Dr. Robert Malone on his show The Joe Rogan Experience (JRE . But the role physicians can play in promoting vaccine hesitancy predates COVID-19. In 1998, Andrew Wakefield, a physician later stripped of his medical license, falsified research that wrongly claimed a link between the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine and autism. On the other hand, it would be reasonable to postulate that many in the U.S. have been more susceptible to suggestion, influence, and bad actors. Okay Spotify, Now Do Misogyny - diarylib.net-freaks.com Fact-Checking Joe Rogans Interview With Robert Malone That Caused an Uproar, https://www.nytimes.com/2022/02/08/arts/music/fact-check-joe-rogan-robert-malone.html. Were not focused on something as small as just one episode or Rogan. Some social media accounts have been asking people please share this far and wide with this being a video of Rogans interview of Malone: Gee, telling someone to share a video far and wide could work really well among people afflicted with what kind of condition again? Of course, you could probably list yourself as The King of All Dinosaurs on such a social media profile if you wanted. It wasn't the first time Rogan or his guests have floated dubious or outright false information about the pandemic. Wirtschafter says as more people become aware of how misinformation spreads online, audio deserves the same scrutiny as social media. made the determination that they were going to make a core assumption if P.C.R. No credit card needed. Official govt docs expose Michelle Obamas 14 year history as a man., "Woody Harrelsons 60 seconds in the middle of his monologue was cut out of the edits released after the show., BREAKING Trump preps Marines to stop presidential coup.. He has claimed young and healthy people don't need COVID-19 vaccines. All Rights reserved. Theyre explicitly inconsistent with the Belmont Report. Dr. Malone. And thats terrifying, says Dr. Ben Rein, a neuroscientist at Stanford University who co-authored the letter with Rivera and other doctors and educators. Ron Filipkowski, an attorney in Florida, described Malone as absolutely the worst spread of vaccine disinformation on social media in the following tweet: OK, there wasnt an official competition as to who was the worst spreader of vaccine disinformation on social media. There wasnt an Americas Next Top Vaccine Disinformation Spreader show and a single winner. We have an infodemic going on that is prolonging the pandemic and it is causing people to make bad choices and actually die. Rogan responds to Spotify protest, COVID advisories | AP News Tom Wood. Doctors Demand Spotify Puts an End to Joe Rogan's Covid Lies - Rolling In fact, who knows how many unsung students, post-docs, lab staff, and other scientists may have been involved yet will never get the credit that they deserve. Though Spotify does not appear to have a clear policy regarding misinformation in its terms of service, in the past the platform has removed episodes containing misinformation regarding vaccines. But the actual number of doses administered during that time was more than 800,000. Though a spokesperson for Twitter did not say which of Malones tweets were in violation of the platforms policies, archives of Malones page show it was littered with vaccine skepticism. Malone has also suggested that the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines might actually be making the coronavirus more dangerous and that the Pfizer vaccine was not fully approved. Visit megaphone.fm/adchoices. Dr. Robert Malone invented the original mRNA vaccine technology in 1987 when he was a 28-year-old graduate student. What's right and wrong in Joe Rogan's recent interview with Dr. Robert Malone, from our audio podcast The VPZD Show, subscribe here: https://link.chtbl.com/vpzd Transcript and links and. For example, the following tweet mentioned a stolen moment as well as a conspiracy theory that Keith Richards is actually John F. Kennedy, Jr.: And Sarah Reese Jones, Editor-in-Chief of PoliticusUSA offered the following interpretation of the mass formation psychosis term: Other social media posts presented mass formation psychosis as the reason why people have been listening to certain politicians, TV/radio personalities, or self-proclaimed experts who continue to spout off conspiracy theories and claims about Covid-19, Covid-19 vaccines, and other Covid-19 precautions such as face mask wearing that arent backed by science. It doesnt matter whether they lied to them or whatever. protest the "Joe Rogan Experience" podcast. Taken together, mass formation psychosis may represent a situation where mob influence can leave an individual with rather disturbed thoughts and perceptions and unable to fully distinguish whats real from whats not. www.lexfridman.com, Build a beautiful podcast website in 5 minutes. When Malone appeared on Bannons podcast in August, Bannon described him as "the opposite of an anti-vaxxer," according to the Atlantic. Real science doesnt work the way that its been portrayed by Tony Stark in the Iron Man and Avengers movies. He compared the podcaster to "really well-paid rappers" on Spotify, saying, "We don't dictate what they're putting in their songs, either.". Huh? to suggest that Covid death counts are inflated. 2022-03-30 17:16:50 - Paris/Prancis. ', Rogan has also promoted taking ivermectin to treat Covid-19 symptoms, despite the fact that there is limited evidence to support ivermectins efficacy as a Covid-19 treatment and that ingesting it can lead to such side effects as dizziness and uncontrolled vomiting. Vaccine mandates do not violate either the Nuremberg Code or the Belmont Report, sets of ethical principles for conducting medical research involving human subjects, given that the Covid-19 vaccines are not experimental. Other comorbidities would be listed on that death certificate, but the underlying cause is still Covid-19. #1757 - Dr. Robert Malone, MD - The Joe Rogan Experience | Podcast on Spotify Home Search Your Library Create Playlist Liked Songs Privacy Center Privacy Policy Cookies About Ads Your Privacy Choices Cookies English Preview of Spotify Sign up to get unlimited songs and podcasts with occasional ads. Rogan has the world's most popular podcast, which streams on Spotify. Dr. Malone is the Medical Director of The Unity Project, a group of 300 organizations across the US standing against mandated COVID vaccines for children. Dr. Robert Malone talks on his phone as he works from a home office in Madison, Va., on July 22, 2020. Numerous real scientific studies have supported use of the vaccine and other precautions. In a way, perhaps some. I dont know if this guy is right or wrong. (It does not.) Robert Anderson, the chief of mortality statistics at the C.D.C.s National Center for Health Statistics, said on a podcast in January that a car crash victim who tested positive and died would not be counted as a Covid fatality in most cases., Maybe the person comes in and theyve got a very severe injury and they simply test positive for Covid and there are no symptoms that are likely to be incidental to death, he said. They get Covid in the hospital and theyre showing some symptoms. To donate, dial #250 and say keyword BABY, or go to https://preborn.com/glennFormulated by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko, the world-renowned doctor that President Trump credited with his successful early treatment protocol, Z-Stack is Kosher and GMP certified, and is produced right here in the USA. Yet Rivera was even more horrified to discover that people in her life, whom she considered to be quite wise and discerning, were hoodwinked by Malones patina of academic credibility, considering his views on the vaccine legitimate. When we stray away from our core principles of freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of debate, democracy is lost. Nils Lofgren latest musician to pull music from Spotify Rather, it is calling on Spotify to develop a comprehensive policy prohibiting misinformation. Dr. Robert Malone was banned from Twitter for violating the platform's COVID-19 misinformation policies. All those other steps had to occur. Joe Rogan Podcast Robert Malone Video: Joe Rogan Experience #1757 | What Is Mass Formation Psychosis? And did any of this have to do with the song WAP? But they want the company to be more transparent about its rules, do more to moderate misinformation and make it easier to flag these kinds of baseless claims. But he has emerged as one of several anti-vaccine voices who, touting their medical credentials, have gained online attention amid the pandemic. Having things like this on the Joe Rogan podcast gives a platform to these people and makes it a false balance. By the way, can I have a promotion? Its not clear whether mass formation psychosis has been an established scientific term or is a new/recent amalgamation of two existing terms. The signers of the letter, who describe themselves as "a coalition of scientists, medical professionals, professors, and science communicators spanning a wide range of fields such as microbiology, immunology, epidemiology, and neuroscience," want Spotify to institute and enforce a misinformation policy for its content. Malone appeared on Joe Rogan's Spotify podcast shortly after being permanently booted from Twitter last week for "repeated violations" of their Covid-19 misinformation policy. Joe Rogan interview with Dr Robert Malone taken down by YouTube | The The overwhelming evidence is the vaccine works, and it is safe., Related Stories An early 2000s breakthrough from the University of Pennsylvanias Drew Weissman and Katalin Karik, for example, uncovered a way to keep the immune system from attacking injected mRNA. He cited the federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, an unverified database that cannot be used to assess causality, and claimed that it shows an "explosion of vaccine-associated deaths." ULASAN. Douglas P. DeFelice/Getty Images He's a member of the rap group Cypress Hill, host of several podcasts, including "Dr. Greenthumb" and "The Smokebox," and founder of Dr. Greenthumbs and Insane Cannabis, Phuncky Feel Tips, and Insane Clothing. Thats False. He said vaccine mandates are illegal. And in the comment that has generated the most attention online, Malone likened the U.S. to Nazi Germany and said Americans are trapped in a "mass formation psychosis," in which "anybody who questions" the prevailing narrative is attacked. It would also be reasonable to say that certain political leaders and TV personalities have been taking advantage of this susceptibility. When I saw they were falling victim to this, I spoke to some colleagues and we said something has to be done at this point, she says. Indeed, on March 22, 2019, Christopher Ingraham wrote for The Washington Post an article entitled, Americans are getting more miserable, and theres data to prove it, citing data from the World Happiness Report and the General Social Survey. MMA News: Joe Rogan voices support for podcast guest Dr. Robert Malone Recently, Joe Rogan aired an interview that scientists are up in arms about with Dr. Robert Malone. When content that violates this standard is identified it is removed from the platform, it said in a statement to the Verge last April. Douek says it's also harder to ferret out falsehoods and hate speech in podcasts compared with posts written on Facebook and Twitter. A big thanks to our sponsors: Podcorn Hydronique Hydration Hydronique Amazon This week we discuss Joe's podcast guests as always. His Twitter account, before it was suspended, said the same thing. Concerned about being deplatformed, Rogan created an account on Gettr, a pro-Trump alternative social media platform, and told his followers to join him there. Soon after, YouTube removed videos of a controversial interview he did with Spotify. And then their attention gets focused by a leader or series of events on one small point, just like hypnosis, they literally become hypnotized and can be led anywhere," Malone said. He has promoted taking ivermectin as a treatment, which the Food and Drug Administration has warned against. (Read more about our partnership with Facebook.) On December 31, Rogan's Spotify podcast "The Joe Rogan Experience", which reaches 11 million people per episode, featured an interview with Dr Robert Malone. Not understanding these facts would indeed be losing touch with reality. ", A compilation of images shows what Joe Biden has done to our country., In Ohio, there are 75,000 acres of farmland, fertile farmland, that are all now being poured down with acid rain..
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