Before he was a rap superstar, Tracy Marrowwould memorize passages from Pimp and recite them for his friends. Between 1967 and 1979, Beck wrote seven books that captured the brutally hard world of the ghetto. But then he went a step further and gave himself a nom de plumme. In the late 60s and early 70s black militants didnt take kindly to interracial relationships. Shefollowed him to Milwaukee and took Beck with her, a decision he perceived as adeep betrayal. While dropping the manuscript off Bob accidentally left his sunglasses behind. From the opening sequence to the very end, Beck narrated his life story in graphic visuals depicting a world where hustlers snort and bang (inject) cocaine, smoke gangster (weed) and ride the white horse of heroin to the zenith of ecstasy and good doses of wild sex and violence are thrown in, too. Leon Isaac Kennedy was born on January 1, 1949 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA.
is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim The story starts with a three year-old Beck being sexually molested by his babysitter Maude and ends with his release forty years later from the Cook County House of Corrections after wasting his life as a pimp and a con man. blog and Fab 5 Freddy. The nightspots and the people that bought life, laughter and sorrow to them are nothing more now than faded pictures in cracked frames stored in attics and basements. In 1970, incarcerated Bay Area pimp, Robert Poole was so riveted by Becks work that he too was inspired to write. She couldnt wait for him to get home so that she could hear more. Bless. But the marginalization of black people and thestructural racism of America remained the same. Later, one of the main reasons hequit pimping, according to Gifford, was to get back his mothers approval: Beckneeded her to forgive him so he could be relieved from the terrible guilt that he hadbeen carrying for decades; absolution might even end the terrible nightmares thatstill plagued him nightly.. Nowhere in the book does he talk about where or when he first started writing. Leon is a film producer, playwright plus an actor. When verbal instruction and psychological manipulation failed to keep the women compliant, he beat them with wire hangers; in his autobiography he concedes he was a ruthless, vicious man. A remake of 1947's Body and Soul, the film also starred Jayne Kennedy and Peter Lawford. Birdman He laterrecalled, We lived across the street from a ho house. That was an excellent artice. In 1961, Maupin moved to Los Angeles and changed his name to Robert Beck, taking the last name of the man his mother was married to at the time. According to the ad in the paper, the company was looking for manuscripts by African American writers. As Gifford sees it, Beckhad ironically become the victim of a system of exploitation he had once imposed onsex workers. However, his rejection by the Black Power Movement was painful.
Leon Isaac Kennedy Wiki, Biography, Age, Career, Relationship, Net He died on April 28, 1992 at age 73.
Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp - Variety Temptation resort cancun daily activities skywalker ranch souvenirs thomas jefferson quote when tyranny becomes law is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim According to his memoir, pimp, slim started pimping at 18 and continued until age 42.
is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim And thanks for reading! When his mother was abandoned by his father, she established a beauty shop and worked as a domestic to support both of them in Milwaukee. The interview is an for the Lesser evil show.blogspot check it out its very interesting from the mind of a Pimp for over forthy years I pimpd all cross country my name is respect known by many cross country pimps. Although the sex trade and the book business are clearly notequivalent, it is also apparent that from Becks point of view, Holloway House wasmaking massive profits from his work without paying him his due compensation.He had found his calling as an author, but he would struggle financially for the restof his life. His name was, By your own account youve said that he sold six million books, they say when he died he had nothing, how did that happen?, 500 Female Emcees Everyone Should Know (Davey Ds Ultimate List ), The Hustle-The Story of Robert beck aka Iceberg Slim, La Trilogie Du Ghetto - Iceberg Slim | The Chronicles. [7] Kennedy headed to Los Angeles, California to seek success in his career in June 1971. Leon is also best known as, American actor and minister who became known for portraying Jackson in Lone Wolf McQuade and for playing Troy in Knights of the City. The pain he endured for being isolated made him a compelling character. Its a book of reflections of my life as young man growing up in San Francisco in the late sixties till 2 thousand as a cross country Pimp spending a decade or more in New York City. More at IMDbPro Contact info Agent info Resume Today, when calling the offices of Holloway House one is immediately thrown off guard, the phone is answered very simply and professionally with a pleasant, 8060. [5][7], According to Beck's widow, Diane Millman Beck, Beck's final years were plagued by financial worries and deteriorating health. I m not a robot. Tell you what; Ill start at the end. I understand your not a messenger and are extremely busyI just thought Id try. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Google+ (Opens in new window).
This presented a major problem. Yet, theaters, dance halls, and Jazz clubs thrived, andflamboyant hustlers and pimps held court there. where he would first be enraptured by street life. Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp (2012) - Full Cast & Crew - IMDb Edit Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp (2012) Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro Directed by Jorge Hinojosa Cast Produced by Music by Simone Sello Cinematography by Film Editing by Danny Bresnik Production Design by Kit Stlen . They have them, they said. This article is yet another reason for me not to dislike the culture hip hop and writers like Robert Beck promote (YES I said promote). Kennedy's acting roles include Martel "Too Sweet" Gordone in Jamaa Fanaka's Penitentiary (1979), Penitentiary II (1982), Lone Wolf McQuade (1983) and Penitentiary III (1987), and Leon "The Lover" Johnson in the 1981 film Body and Soul alongside . Bob was delighted but scared. The advent of women's lib, changing sexual mores, general affluence in this society and widespread use of drugs by pimps to control prostitutes have made an impact."[3][8][9]. The film featured Kennedy in the lead role as Leon Johnson, an up-and-coming boxer, and was written by him as well. While Beck used his insights into psychology to manipulate his prostitutes further,he also knew that however ambiguous his feelings towards his mother were, theywerent feelings of deep-seated hatred, as he diagnosed in other pimps. His stories made him a star. As the sun butchered nights head with a golden axe. Is one of many examples of his uncanny mastery of metaphors. Robert Beck was enigmatic, hard to figure out; clever, vain, anti-social and elusive. To young readers in the hood, Pimp had that raw, street feel to it, it was real gritty, says Dr. Todd Boyd, an accomplished author and USC professor of cinema, who has in his book collection an autographed copy of Pimp, which he calls cherished property. Dr. Boyd remembers how the book Pimp, was able to bring attention to a lifestyle that a lot of people werent aware of back then. 2020 Passion Of The Weiss, LLC. But they had no way to contact the writer as he left no info. Though Betty and Bob were never legally married, to this day, she still uses the last name Beck. In a state of shock Bettys head was spinning, because she believed her boyfriend this refined and elegant gentleman, to have been a professional of some sort. At that time there hadnt been any books that truly captured the inner struggles of the Black underworld. When they had about 20 pages ofwhat would later become Pimp: The Story of My Life, Beck went to the offices ofHolloway House, a publisher of paperback novels that, after the Watts Riots,specialized in black-themed fare, and they were so impressed by the vividness of hisprose that they offered him a contract on the same day. According to her, a white writer, whom Beck would later only refer to as "the Professor", became interested in writing Beck's life story; Beck became convinced that the man was trying to steal their idea for himself, so they cut him out of the deal and finished it without him. He overcame heroin, pimping and other destructive things to become a writer, one of the best.
Leon Isaac Kennedy - IMDb And then one night while Bob was away Mary and Cookie cornered Betty. It was horrible.. Kennedy's acting roles include Martel "Too Sweet" Gordone in Jamaa Fanaka's Penitentiary (1979), Penitentiary II (1982), Lone Wolf McQuade (1983) and Penitentiary III (1987),[6] and Leon "The Lover" Johnson in the 1981 film Body and Soul alongside his then-wife Jayne Kennedy. Piney contacted Holloway House to set up an interview with the author. is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim. Leon Isaac Kennedy is an American actor, disc jockey, film producer and playwright. The streets of Chi-Town that Beck calling himself Cavanaugh Slim, stalked some fifty and sixty years ago are long gone. Theoriginators and most influential figures of the genre are known to everyone payingattention, but now, Street Poison offers us a look at the one man who influencedthem all, and all the psychological and socio-political baggage that comes with it. He also paid for Slims internment overground! The shit spreads like a a a disease.
Iceberg Slim - Wikipedia Then what did you do? On toilet paper, Poole wrote a screen treatment about his life entitled The Mack and his Pack. The film would later become a major Hollywood blockbuster The Mack starring Max Julien and Richard Pryor. Things got even more confusing when Goines died in 1974 and Beck stopped writing a few years later.
is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim The Black press and the Black community were enraged as popular attorney Euclid L Taylor (the Johnnie Cochrane of his time) got him acquitted. Pimp and the seven other books Beck published with Holloway House during hislifetime (novels, short stories and a volume of essays) went on to sell millions ofcopies. At the height of their courtship, Bob and Betty had been virtually inseparable for weeks. He was not a good man by any stretch of the imagination. Iceberg Slim est son A.K.A. de mac et ce nest pas d sa gentillesse. This isnt exactly unusual for a writer. He looked at Beck as his own personal God., Betty recalls Bob respecting Goines work on one hand, but also eyeing him with some suspicion as many of their books told the same stories. Special thanks to Betty and Misty Beck for sharing their memories with me. Indeed Bell was invulnerable back then, according to the book Kings: The True Story of Chicagos Policy Kings and Numbers Racketeers by Nathan Thompson, along with being a pimp, Bell was an enforcer for the Jones Brothers. In 2005, the Beck family (Melody, Misty, Camille and widow Dianne Millman Beck) filed suit against Holloway House for back royalties. And in what way have they seeked atonement for their actions? In June 1971, Kennedy, then 22, married Jayne Harrison, a 19year old beauty pageant contestant who was from Wickliffe, Ohio; they divorced in 1982. According to friend and former Yo! . Most of the time the story is in the struggle and not the resolution or triumph. Spiceberg Slim is a moniker and the eighth studio album (released in 2002) by American rapper Spice 1. I started out in the life til an old dealer wised me up,went back and got my masters,I did stay in touch with a lot of the old crowd,most are dead,the few alive live for the most part in shelters,withered and disheveled, Couple of the photos included here appear in that book too, The book is awesome read. Like many American cities, Chicago is undergoing a transformation.
Leon Isaac Kennedy Father Iceberg Slim - FATHERXD In 1988, the actor Leon Isaac Kennedy introduced the undisputed heavyweightchampion of the world, Mike Tyson, to Robert Beck aka Iceberg Slim. [9] In 1976, Kennedy appeared in another Fred Williamson film, Mean Johnny Barrows. For the days of a good life are numbered, but a good name last for ever.Hence the name of an unprincipled man is no good and will be blotted out forever. He kept the writing simple so that everyone could understand it. leon isaac kennedy father iceberg slimmr patel neurosurgeon cardiff 27 februari, 2023 . Leon Isaac Kennedy was born on January 1, 1949 in Cleveland, Ohio, USA. Bobs last years on Earth werent happy. The man tall, slim and charming, was impeccably dressed, Betty recalled how uncomfortable he made her feel, he was just sitting there looking at me, she said between coughs. Leon is originated from United States. Kennedy also is best known for his role as Leon "The Lover" Johnson in the 1981 film Body and Soul alongside his then-wife Jayne Kennedy. and shoot Preston Ray five times the last shot going through his throat. Part of her didnt want to believe what Bob told her. I befriended the family but have obviously lost touch.
Leon Isaac Kennedy - Wiki, Age, Biography, Birthday, Trivia, and Photos On one hand, it was an ode to his former profession, but on the otherit was all he had. It is then that he caught the attention of the infamous Jones Brothers, an organization which ran vice in Black Chicago. [15][16], VideoHound's Golden Movie Retriever - Leon Isaaxc Kennedy (1949), Notable Black American Women, Book 2 - Jayne Kennedy Overton, JET Magazine - Leon Kennedy Planned Slow Emergence Into Limelight - June 11, 1981, Encyclopedia of Sports Films - By K Edgington, Thomas Erskine, James M. Welsh, Page 21 - 23 LIFESTYLES, Beauty + Brains = Success, Movie Review, 'Body and Soul', Remake of Ring Saga, Against the Law Season 1 Episode 14, Damages, TMZ - Sportscaster Sex Tape Jayne Kennedy's Ex-Hubby Suing: "I Didn't Leak Our Sex Tape!!" [1] After his expulsion, his mother encouraged him to become a criminal lawyer so that he could make a legitimate living while continuing to work with the street people he was so fond of, but Maupin, seeing the pimps bringing women into his mother's beauty salon, was far more attracted to the lifestyle of money and control over women that pimping provided. According to Betty, The first thing he ever wrote was Pimp. This is strange, because Bobs prose was a little more polished than your average off-the-corner-wanna-be-writer. Pictures of his face and real biographical information were as hard to find as Osama Bin Laden. It isnt right, but thats how alot of people are. He was previously married to Jayne Kennedy. actors Jim Brown and Leon Isaac Kennedy were among the few who came out to pay their last . Pretty much any house in the hood had a copy of Pimp lying around.. Pimps, hustlers, andprostitutes were a large part of her clientele. [5][7] In 2005, Diane Millman Beck and Beck's three daughters from his previous relationship, Melody, Misty and Camille, filed suit against Holloway House for back payment of royalties. Betty, the mother of his three stunningly beautiful daughters: Camille, Melody and Misty (who has been featured three times in Jet Magazine as the Beauty of the Week) assisted Bob with his Holloway House titles: Pimp, Trick Baby, Mama Black Widow, Naked Soul, Long White Con, Airtight Willie and Me and Death Wish. Thus, the hustler who was once called Cavanaugh Slim was re-born: Iceberg Slim. However certain terms are still in use: busted (arrested), cat (female sex organ), cut loose (to refuse to help) and roller (cops). Rumors soon spread that Beck had died sometime in the early seventies as well.. Slim's first novel, Trick Baby, was adapted as an eponymous 1972 movie directed by Larry Yust[13] and produced independently for $600,000, with a cast of unknowns. After weeks of the Professors double talk Bob ditched him. In 1967, Robert Beck was a forty-nine year old ex-offender with a rap sheet dating back to 1932. For Nigerian musician, see, 1966 Joe Pyne radio interview with Iceberg Slim, "The Biography Project: Iceberg Slim aka Robert Beck", "The Hustle The Story of Robert beck aka Iceberg Slim", "Art imitating Rob Weiss: 'Entourage' archetype knows 'How to Make It in America', "Robert Maupin "Iceberg Slim" Beck (1918-1992) -", "A Close Read of the Pimp Story Dave Chappelle Tells in The Bird Revelation", "The Life & Times Of One Of The Worlds Greatest Pimps: Robert 'Iceberg Slim', "Movie Review: The Lessons of a Pimp - Ice-T Produces a Documentary About Iceberg Slim", "Iceberg Slim: Portrait of a Pimp reviews",, In 1970, incarcerated Bay Area pimp Robert Poole was influenced by Beck's, Many of the current musical references to pimp culture, for example in the work of. Cause that gangsta shit theyre pushing is a disease, which I liken to kiddie raping. Publisher will pay you for your stories. Read the ad in the Sentinel Newspaper. my contact info, Thank you, Thats not Iceberg in that casket,Jack! At one point Beck told him, Youre going to leave here and have womenproblems all your life, because youll just fuck anything. He lived in an exclusively white area at a time when Black people didnt do that kind of thing. Reblogged this on Maintaining Your World. Repent for all that youve done., Mama, I will mama, I promise mama, Ive changed youll see! he swore and swore, but Mary didnt believe him. Pimp: The Story of My Life. They claimed in their suit that Robert Beck died penniless. I was first inspired to write after reading Goines Dopefiend while in federal prison. Author Vickie Stringer told me via email. It was the first time that anyone had accurately captured the inner struggles of ghetto dwellers in the language of the street. Ill give you one more thing, the reason I wrote this is because even today people dont know that Donald Goines and Robert Beck were not the same person. Kennedy later appeared in the 1978 film Death Force with his then-wife Jayne Kennedy and with James Iglehart. [4], Throughout his pimping career, Slim, who was known as Cavanaugh Slim, was noted for being able to effectively conceal his emotions, something he said he learned from Baby Bell: "A pimp has gotta know his whores, but not let them know him; he's gotta be god all the way."[4]. Mama Black Widow may have been his best work, its definitely his best novel, the short stories in Airtight Willie and Me are his most poignant works. [4], Slim had been connected with several other well-known pimps, one of them Albert "Baby" Bell,[5] a man born in 1899 who had been pimping for decades and had a Duesenberg and a bejeweled pet ocelot. Think about that next timeyou see your favorite rapper parading around a bunch of bimbo sapiens in a video. This small publisher in a non descript building would eventually become home to some of the greatest black fiction writers ever. June 14, 2022; utpal parrikar education; La Sorcellerie Texte Argumentatif, Working At Ttec From Home, Hogan Lovells Winter Vacation Scheme, Chateaubriand Sauce Ingredients, Nypd Homicide Squad, New High School Opening 2021, Shooting Range Backstop . It was written very, very well!! The company had been no stranger to controversy; they had previously published adult themed titles and an explosive work called The Trial of Adolph Eichmann. by. leon isaac kennedy father iceberg slim leon isaac kennedy father iceberg slim. He lived in the heart of gang territory in a one-room apartment with barely running water and leaky pipes. We didnt want to get anything about their trips abroad or anything like that; we wanted the Black experience as only a member of the black community could deliver it. Bentley Morris said. Speechless she somehow managed to ask him, What did you do to get locked up? clifford friend obituary; is leon isaac kennedy related to iceberg slim I was a pimp.. The account of my brutality andcunning as a pimp will fill many of you with revulsion, however, if one intelligent,valuable young man or woman can be saved from the destructive slime then thedispleasure I have given will have been outweighed by that individuals use of hispotential in a socially constructive manner. To that end, Beck made deliberateliterary choices. He didnt want to return to his old life, which he made plenty of money at, but he also described as being miserable and lonely..
Leon Isaac Kennedy Net Worth - February 5, 2014, EURWEB - Leon Issac Kennedy - In Open Letter Tells Why He's Suing Ebony Magazine & Johnson Publications - February 2014,, This page was last edited on 1 February 2023, at 18:28.
Iceberg's Kin Disagree: Is It the Real Slim, or Shady? Yet, mainstream America mostly ignored Beck and his writings (the New York Timesrefused to run an ad for Pimp because of its title), and although he briefly flirtedwith Hollywood success after his novel Trick Baby was turned into a film, he diedimpoverished at Brotman Medical Center in Culver City, CA, as the Rodney KingRiots flared up a few miles to the South. Love everything about this write up and most of all I enjoyed reading Icebergs stories. Slim's skills as a storyteller cannot be overstated; even at his crudest, he still spins riveting yarns. Dr. Peter Muckley, whose book The Life As An Art, which is the first book to discuss Becks work at length, had been told that, Bob used to stare at the ceiling for hours at a time sketching out story scenes in his head. These are pretty good Black Explotation writers, but had they tried to ever write anything upliting for their race, they would have never been known. After a couple of weeks the mysterious man simply introduced himself to her as Bob and asked if he could take her someplace where they could eat something other than hamburgers., Are you gonna take me someplace where I can eat soul food and listen to some gut bucket blues? she asked him, to which he answered, Sure, my dear.. I recall the turning stage that got me back to recovery. Find where to watch Leon Isaac Kennedy's latest movies and tv shows . It was reissued by Infinite Zero in 1994, then by Uproar Entertainment in 2008. The prison psychiatrist notated on his record: Inmate will more than likely offend again. Dumbfounded Betty asked why. In this book I will take you the reader with me into the secret inner world of thepimp, reads the legendary first sentence in Pimp. Sir, youre talking about someone I really liked and had an enormous amount of respect for., According to the lawsuit: Beck and Holloway signed an agreement for Holloway to publish Becks first novel with the first right of refusal for his second work along with perpetual worldwide copyrights., Basically, Holloway House used the same agreement for each of Becks books. To her dying day, her fondest memory will be the day she met a striking looking man with a mysterious past. Beck was devastated but by then he had met Betty, who would become his wife, andwas living with her, which provided him with stability. Iceberg Slim. Robert Lee Maupin, Jr. was born on August 4th 1918 in Chicago, Ill. From his own accounts and based on prison records he grew up in Rockford, IL and Milwaukee WI. Because of Goines subject matter and output, it was soon rumored that Iceberg Slim and Donald Goines were the same person. Very well said. It was then that you started to see more writers of the Iceberg Slim mode. Kennedy is perhaps best known as Martel "Too Sweet" Gordone in Jamaa Fanaka's Penitentiary (1979), Penitentiary II (1982) and Penitentiary III (1987). Pimp didntonly describe the dark corners of modern urban America the white mainstreamchose to ignore, but it directly addressed the people living in the margins IcebergSlim himself came from. Throwing caution to the wind he scraped together seventy-five bucks and bought Betty a typewriter, with the understanding that: Hed write his stories if shed type and organize them. Structural Info Facts Pictures Filmography Known for movies He told stories of pimps, hookers, drug dealers, con men and gamblers in frightening detail. According to Betty Beck (his common law wife of the 60s and 70s) and Misty (their youngest daughter) he was a man who had clearly saw and experienced a lot in his life. In their suit, they state that Robert Beck died penniless. He has been married to Lolita Armbrister since 1995. There were three major forces at play impeding Becks acceptance into mainstream America: The Black Power Movement the Womens Liberation Movement and those snobby New York literary critics. Becks first encounter withpimps was at his mothers beauty parlor in Rockford, Illinois. On peut [], In the history of African American, literature there had never been anything like Pimp. Stands a chance he first started writing in prison. People in the hood know Goines body of work, but Donald Goines never transcended the hood like Iceberg did.. [13], Kennedy has been married three times. For instance: Bob liked to write on the edge of newspapers, napkins, toilet tissue, a tissue box and once to Bettys dismay, that mother fucker wrote in circles on a paper plate., Its even odder when you consider that Betty always made sure that Bob had plenty of notepads and pens in his immediate surroundings. Host 1 Credit . pycharm license key is in legacy format. [3], Slim attended Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama, but having spent time in the "street culture", he soon began bootlegging and was expelled as a result. But Bob didnt fool them one bit. I ached to be a pimp. Andelsewhere: I wanted that thrill, that voluptuous sensation of controlling a stable ofwomen.. Stick ups, muggings and things like that werent really what I did. According to Dr. Boyd, Clearly, Donald Goines was popular in the hood. When asked about other types of work he had done, Beck comically told the staff that he had been a door-to-door salesman. A person can only explain the circumstances of their life, whether you like their decisions is on you. Despite these sales figures and his enduring influence on popular culture,Beck never attained any measure of wealth with his writing. Beck was aware that this dream was the result ofa guilty conscience, and while he was still actively pimping, he used drugs to pacifyhis mind and keep his guilty conscience at bay. He recounts his visits to see Slim. Robert Maupin was born in Chicago, Illinois. Mama was a great book,Otis Tilson was such a tortured character, his mother Sedalia, her ugliness made her a great villian. Even sadder was the fact that the man who inspired a movement died virtually uncelebrated. Before he started his book, he made two promises to himself: no glamorizing his former life and no snitching. Drop that Iceberg stuff, T.From there, it was only a short step for Marrow to call himself Ice-T. Becks tales ofstreet pimping in the 1940s and 50s must have seemed somewhat dated for kidsgrowing up in the 70s and 80s. I had gained enough self worth in my years of sobriety that I could no longer believe myself a NOBODY. According to newspaper clippings from the Chicago Defender, Baby Bell was a psychopath who had a penchant for murder. Robert Beck knew women problems all too well himself. Deeply religious and proud she had serious concerns about her only son Bob.
leon isaac kennedy father iceberg slim Pausing Bob then took a seat and started his confession, I was just released from prison over a year ago where I did ten months in solitary confinement at the Cook County House of Corrections. Slim is an important influence on hip-hop artists. But there was one thing that I knew for sure, she states and that was that he sure in the hell wasnt from around there., Thats because according to Bettys recollection the man was elegant and refined and looked like he couldve been the president of a bank or a doctor. Following Pimp, Beck wrote several more novels, an autobiography, and a story collection. Beck suffered from diabetes and became increasingly reclusive. Holloway House CEO Bentley Morris sounds like a man who couldve replaced Bob Barker on the Price is Right. [5], Beck's remains are interred at Forest Lawn Memorial Park in Glendale, California. To Ian Whitaker: Please do not relate this scumbag to gladiators; gladiators were mostly slaves/prisoners of war that were forced to fight to the brutal death. Australian rock band Doomfoxx adopted their name from the novel Doom Fox. Every night Bob would tell her the most fascinating stories about crooked cops and pimps, Murphy men and hookers, stick up men and drug addicts, con men and queers, cum freaks and tricks, Italian gangsters and pickpockets.