Castelle, B. et al. 43, pp. J. Clim. Kilian Vos. Each of these aspects are intricately linked. It consists of a great string of islands in a northeast-southwest arc that stretches for approximately 1,500 miles (2,400 km) through the western North Pacific Ocean. In the following sections we will examine the current status of Japans coastal zone relative to the three functional aspects of coastal zones important to humans mentioned above-disaster prevention, human utilization, and provision of ecological services. Given that the average erosion speed for sand-pebble beaches is 0.168 m (approximately one-sixth of a meter), and that the average width of these beaches is 30 meters (Ministry of Agriculture, Forest and Fisheries et al., 1990), a simple calculation reveals that at this speed all such beaches will be lost in 180 years. Coastal erosion is a natural process which occurs whenever the transport of material away from the shoreline is not balanced by new material being deposited onto the shoreline. 0000000736 00000 n
For example: in the US, beach nourishmentwhere sand from outside locations is used to fill in eroding beacheshas long been a popular plan of attack for coastal defense schemes. and more. Higher frequency of Central Pacific El Nio events in recent decades relative to past centuries. Whats more, other companies have caught on, with things like Tetrapod-shaped ice molds now available for purchase. Coastal Erosion in Japan. Google Earth Engine: planetary-scale geospatial analysis for everyone. Reg. 0000003144 00000 n
416-417. River Bureau of the Construction Agency. References. Japan, on the other hand, has what Fuminori Kato of the National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management describes as steep coasts, where mountains run directly into the sea and tectonic plates meet nearby. 0000001358 00000 n
On the topic of whether or not some people believe that the addition of concrete is ruining the visual beauty of the beachfront in Japan, Kato quickly notes that those people living in impacted coastal regions (about 130 million of them) are far more concerned about their safety than any picturesque viewespecially in the wake of 2011s devastation and continued threats. Sixteen years of bathymetry and waves at San Diego beaches. These practices can be incorporated in the developing concept of ICZM in Japan. & Wittenberg, A. T. ENSO transition, duration, and amplitude asymmetries: role of the nonlinear wind stress coupling in a conceptual model. Most of Japan is threatened by flooding and high waves during the typhoon season around September. The Massachusetts Coastal Erosion Commission was established in 2014 as part of the FY 2014 Budget Bill. It is bounded by Japan and Sakhalin Island to the east and by Russia and Korea on the Asian mainland to the west. The event occurred on March 11, 2011, when a massive 9.0 magnitude earthquake occurred off the eastern coast of Japan, one of the five largest quakes of the modern era. Current Coastal Environment Status J. Climatol. Cont. Tanaka, Shigenobu, Koarai, Mamoru and Fukazawa, Mitsuru. Earth Surf. That means domestic areas arent as prone to the type of seismic activity that propagate earthquakes and tsunamis. (1963, 1973, 1983 and 1993) Coastal Statistics. & Cai, W. The defining characteristics of ENSO extremes and the strong 2015/2016 El Nio. 11, 946958 (1995). Credit: Sophie Day, Author provided. Then came the once-in-a-thousand-year tsunami. 22, 615632 (2009). In 2018 alone, the total cost of erosion in Nigeria's states of Cross River, Delta and Lagos was estimated at $1.9bn or 1.6 percent of their combined gross domestic product (GDP), according to . Eng. Sorry, but your browser needs Javascript to use this site. Geomorphology 333, 6172 (2019). Sample Chapter(s)Chapter 1: What is Beach Erosion? Overview1. Bracs, M. A., Turner, I. L., Splinter, K. D., Short, A. D. & Mortlock, T. R. Synchronised patterns of erosion and deposition observed at two beaches. Li, N., Yamazaki, Y., Roeber, V., Cheung, K. F. & Chock, G. Probabilistic mapping of storm-induced coastal inundation for climate change adaptation. Softw 122, 104528 (2019). From an engineering point of view, erosion of the rocky coast may be neglected, except when unconsolidated strata of the sea cliffs are eroded. The eroding velocity of the rocky coast with its large compressive strength is extremely small compared with that of the sandy beach. Freund, M. B. et al. Change 7, 568572 (2017). A constant reminder of this complex interplay are the concrete structures that line more than 40% of Japans jagged coastline. Process. Int. Your subscription plan doesn't allow commenting. The Japanese islands, adjacent to convergent-type plate boundaries, have been subject to active crustal movements, volcanism and metamorphism, which yielded complex geological structures and a variety of rock types. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Originally published in Japanese (2004), this updated version gives clear practical guidance to coastal engineers working to prevent irreversible beach erosion and sustainable coastal development policy. 122, 17451770 (2017). However, at the same time, nutrient salts supplied from rivers and abundant light in the shallow waters support high primary productivity. Mar. Res. Additionally, the roots of plants help stabilize sand along a beach. Thus, prevention of disasters related to typhoons, tsunamis, and erosion is one important functional aspect of coastal zones that must taken into account in any ICZM schemes developed in Japan. Wolter, K. & Timlin, M. S. El Nio/Southern Oscillation behaviour since 1871 as diagnosed in an extended multivariate ENSO index (MEI.ext). Coastal Long-Term Vision Research Bulletin. Geol. Approximately 3000 fishing ports and 1000 commercial ports have been built nationwide, as well as 2532 large dams being constructed in the upstream basins of large rivers. Observing and predicting coastal erosion at the Langue de Barbarie sand spit around Saint Louis (Senegal, West Africa) through satellite-derived digital elevation model and shoreline. But the wall itself holds less interest to me than its supporting cast members a few hundred yards out into the water. Van de Lageweg, W. I., Bryan, K. R., Coco, G. & Ruessink, B. G. Observations of shorelinesandbar coupling on an embayed beach. Some 37% of Ghana's coastal land was lost to erosion and flooding between 2005 and 2017. Mentaschi, L., Vousdoukas, M. I., Pekel, J.-F., Voukouvalas, E. & Feyen, L. Global long-term observations of coastal erosion and accretion. J. Climatol. However, coastal erosion and construction of coastal preservation structures are adversely affecting these ecosystems. Structures have been built along about two-thirds, or 9382 km, of this portion. 0000012109 00000 n
Phinn, S. R. & Hastings, P. A. You are using a browser version with limited support for CSS. Coast. Today, the Maniapparel founder boasts over 50 stuffed Tetrapods of various sizes inside his own home, and clearly hes onto something. Consequently, humans must monitor and manage each facet in an integrated manner to ensure that the human relationship to coastal zones remains harmonious. Soc. Coastal areas which are 20 meters or less below sea level account for about 31,000 square kilometers, which is approximately 10% of the total land area of Japan. GitHub - kvos/CoastSat: Global shoreline mapping tool from satellite imagery (GitHub, Inc., 2023). The impact of the 200910 El Nio Modoki on US West Coast beaches. So how do we live with it? Blossier, B., Bryan, K. R., Daly, C. J. Geosci. As a result, it is vital to protect these ecosystems. Vos, K., Splinter, K. D., Harley, M. D., Simmons, J. By continuing to browse the site, you consent to the use of our cookies. AAaaaaaaaaaaaagh . Tetrapods, nightmares coming back. Mar. & Yu, J. Y. ISSN 1752-0894 (print). 16, 140146 (2023). Needless to say, there are also engineeringworks for coastal dis asters caused by wave overtopping, tsunamis, blockage of river mouths . It is more than four meters on the Ariake Sea coast due to its unique topography. The worst recorded typhoon-induced damaged was experienced in the Ise Bay Typhoon of 1959 which caused a high tide deflection of 3.4 meters and resulted in more than 5000 deaths and damage to almost one million buildings. Vos, K., Harley, M. D., Splinter, K. D., Walker, A. Sokolewicz, M., Bergsma, L., Schemmekes, L., Nguyen, H. & Boersen, S. Use of remote sensing techniques and numerical modelling to predict coastal erosion in Vetnam. CNMN Collection (316 KB). Earth Surf. Proc. A final objective is to comprehensively integrate the separate efforts undertaken to achieve the first three objectives. Although no codified system exists in Japan, restoration of the environment, creation of new environments, and concern for the environment are present. As momentum grows around the world for reforestation, due in part to the need to sequester carbon, Japan's experience can inform countries like China, Pakistan and India. As part of the Government's 200 million flood and coast innovation programme, 36 million will be invested to explore innovative approaches of adapting to the effects of coastal erosion. There is also historical experience within Japan of coal-mining cities, such as Yubari in Hokkaido and Omuta in Kyushu, that have struggled financially after Japan's energy system moved away from coal in the 1970s and domestic coal mines closed. This coincides with increased landfill in bays. Coastal erosion is the process by which local sea-level rise, powerful wave action, and coastal flooding destroy or carry away rocks, soils, and/or sands along the shore. Geophys. Please add and to your list of allowed sites. The coast of Okinawa Island has been subject to significant alterations leading to habitat loss (63.2% of the coastline artificially altered) and fragmentation (remaining coastline divided in 239 distinct tracts of mean length = 1.05 km). While it can be said that the coastline has been protected, it can also be said that the coastline is no longer natural. Turner, I. L. et al. Extreme oceanographic forcing and coastal response due to the 20152016 El Nio. Soc. Learning from the past: Japan's tree-planting efforts provide lessons for other countries. Table 2 shows a comparison of the Tokyo Bay and San Francisco Bay areas. 0000001796 00000 n
Japan has established no ICZM system for maintaining the integrity of the coastal zone. Mimura, Nobou et al. We thank the United States Geological Survey/NASA for providing high-quality open-access data to the scientific community, Google Earth Engine for facilitating the access to the archive of publicly available satellite imagery, NOAA for maintaining updated time series of the major climate indices, ECMWF for the reanalysis ERA5 data and multi-mission altimetry dataset, CNES/LEGOS/CLS/AVISO for producing the global tide model FES2014 and F. Briol for developing the Python wrapper and the OpenStreetMap project and contributors ( for their extensive geospatial database. Their attitude is one that feels more practical, and bleak, than anything ever expressed in the US when it comes to natural disaster prevention. J. Geophys. H\j0~ The source code to estimate beach slopes from satellite-derived shorelines and modelled tides (CoastSat.slope) is available at 136, 155174 (2014). High tides in the three major bays of Tokyo, Ise, and Osaka, as well as in the Ariake Straits, can be amplified by storm winds. K.V. There are four types of erosion: Hydraulic action - this is the sheer. and K.D.S. Oceans 112, 7 (2007). PubMedGoogle Scholar. The global Landsat archive: status, consolidation, and direction. Res. Coastal Erosion in Japan. Analysis of changes in the coastline reveal that as artificial coastline has increased, and that natural coastline has correspondingly decreased. Damage caused by flooding has diminished in recent years, but it is unclear whether this is a result of efforts to protect the coastline, or the lack of severe typhoons in recent years. One can only imagine, though, the hackles that would rise if a large percentage of our coasts were suddenly aesthetically shackled with concrete blockades. The seas around Japan are deep, while those around the Gulf Coast arent as much, Kato says, also noting that Japan loses 1.6 square kilometers of beach a year to erosion. In places like Sendai, coastal engineers are creating more holistic systems to help fend off environmental threats, incorporating various layers of breakwater barriersTetrapod clusters a few miles out to sea, sturdier sea walls lined with native trees and vegetationin order to provide multiple stop gaps against the tempests of wind and water. The simulation results showed that the shoreline would retreat approximately 20 m by the end of this century owing to the rise in sea level; nevertheless, the wave climate change would not cause a. Appl. Nat. Environ. 45, 101798 (2021). This, of course, hasnt stopped some people from lamenting about the jarring nature of the visually bleak coastal additions. Am. State Authority 15 3. KATOKU, Japan Standing on its mountain-fringed beach, there is no hint that the Japanese village of Katoku even exists. Coastal erosion is a problem of utmost importance in Japan because coastal erosion compromises the ability of coastal zones to act as front-line defenses against floods, tsunamis, and rough seas, to provide adequate utilization functions, and to maintain the integrity of shallow water ecosystems. Londons investment appeal is unraveling as Arm heads to the U.S. Iceland shows the worldhow to run on reliable and clean energy, Family office of Nintendo heirs says patience is a superpower, Anger among Japan's opposition over plan to clear student debt for having babies, Japan's Cabinet backs use of GPS trackers for defendants on bail, Infinity and beyond: Yayoi Kusamas next evolution. Environ. The state of the worlds beaches. 3.1 Regional Case studies on Coastal erosion . As another example, a block shaped, gently slanted seawall on the Sumiyoshi coast in Miyazaki Prefecture was constructed so that sea turtles could lay their eggs on the beach. Japan is part of the Asian temperate monsoon climatic region, and it is bathed by the warm Japan Current on the Pacific side and Tsushima Current on the Sea of Japan side of the country. 0000002342 00000 n
The coast in the vicinity of the artificial channels accreted and there was erosion on the down-drift side of the river mouth. Copyright 2023 Nautilus Institute. Geophys. It is an artificial coastline. Nat. A stones throw off the coastline, dozens of gigantic, 10-ton concrete structures known as Tetrapods form a long row and lookif were being honestas if a giant dumped a behemoth box of jacks into the sea. 40, pp. (1996) Reinvestigation of Coastal Zone Characteristics Evaluation Methods based on an Awareness Survey, Papers on Coastal Engineering, Vol. Eng. A wide variety of structures have been built in Japan with the express purpose of preserving coastal areas against the above-discussed problems of typhoon-flooding, tsunamis, and slow coastal erosion. SENDAI, JapanIts a blustery day and Im standing on a giant concrete seawall, staring over the water. Environ. Geosci.) Conclusion & Qian, C. Why were the 2015/2016 and 1997/1998 extreme El Nios different? Walls of water swept over the coast of northeastern Japan, claiming more than 15,000 lives and destroying hundreds of thousands of buildings, together with 60 percent of seawalls. Another example is found in Hiaijima in Kumamoto Prefecture where a 19,000 square meter transplant site was created to replace an eelgrass site that was lost with the creation of an artificial recreational beach. 43, pp. 3, pp. Wang, G. et al. The different laws result in differing responsibilities by different government agencies. J. ICZM seeks a long-term and broad-based perspective in coastal management. Japan, island country lying off the east coast of Asia. New Tools for Erosion Management 17 1. 95, 351355 (2020). Website developed by Computer Courage. In addition, a sand control dam was constructed with a sand flushport so that soil is expelled during normal hours. - Sanriku coast, Japan. Coastal erosion, the combination of rising sea levels, storms, and human activity that leads to the wearing down of land, beaches, and rocks along the coast, has estimated economic costs of $500 . 150, 160174 (2019). Coast. 12, 4089 (2020). Capotondi, A. et al. Water Research Laboratory, School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, UNSW Sydney, Manly Vale, New South Wales, Australia, Kilian Vos,Mitchell D. Harley,Ian L. Turner&Kristen D. Splinter, You can also search for this author in Correspondence to Comparison of those cities, towns, and villages which border coast lines with those which are landlocked in terms of their area, population, value of industrial shipments, and value of commercial sales shows that despite the fact that waterfront municipalities do not exceed 32% of the total area, they account for 45% of the population, 47% of the value of industrial shipments, and 77% of the value of commercial sales. J. Geophys. Automatic extraction of shorelines from Landsat TM and ETM+ multi-temporal images with subpixel precision. (1990). How is erosion affecting the recovery of the Fukushima area? Coast. Kuriyama, Y., Banno, M. & Suzuki, T. Linkages among interannual variations of shoreline, wave and climate at Hasaki, Japan. To translate the full report, please use the translator in the top right corner of the page. Japans first formal coastal zone management scheme was embodied in the Coastal Act of 1953. And with the earthquake that occurred this week in Fukushimaan aftershock of 2011, experts believethis effort seems more pressing than ever. Analysis of erosion speeds of sand-pebble coasts as determined by comparing of past and present topographic maps shows that coastal erosion has accelerated in the post-war era (Tanaka et al., 1993). December 6, 2018 At first glance, Nishiawakura a village in southern . Ashok, K., Behera, S. K., Rao, S. A., Weng, H. & Yamagata, T. El Nio Modoki and its possible teleconnection. In addition to the first edition, six new examples of the beach erosion in Japan are included, as is new analysis of the BG model (a model for predicting based on Bagnold's concept), which can be applicable to various field problems. The difference in tides at flood stage on the Pacific coast is approximately 1.5 meters, and approximately 0.2 meters on the Sea of Japan coast. xb```b``vf`e`ad@ AGG' rD:/by~AA gy-q=XxVC.w7QXxJ&4ibJMEmZ#Sa"/b)t
.eh-b1ocd>F$+X&jHDtF!(CV"/)`*J}}+3e0X911CMM0!( Springer Nature or its licensor (e.g. Coastal erosion in Japan. . It was the largest in Japan's history, and created a massive tsunami that impacted Japan's northeastern coast. Day and Robert James Nicholls, The Conversation.