While we are sure there are fish in there by now, we havent heard of many people going up that way. Submit your photos to cory@alaskaflyfishinggoods.com or tag us on Instagram (@alaskaflyfishinggoods). While the salmon weren't being cooperative, the halibut exceeded my expectations and the crab was also delicious! Juneau, Alaska (KINY) Coast Guard Cutter Munro (WMSL 755) arrived in Juneau, Alaska, for a scheduled port visit Monday. Cory, Brad, Mike, and the rest of the crew at AFFG, *We love using our customers' photos in our future fishing reports, but we really want to encourage ethical treatment of fish. The fish availability and specific itinerary for your trip will depend on the time of year, weather and tide conditions, and the overall physical condition of the group. These can hold a lot of salmon and trout as well as some dolly varden. Look for deep spots in the river, eddies, and structure. We have the latest info from local guides, anglers and of course all of us here at the shop! October 2018 Marjorie F. Juneau, AK. Fishing in Juneau There's a lot to like about Alaska's state capital. If youre surf fishing the Gastineau channel, fresh bait with plenty of waits attached to stay put will catch any species that are in the channel. Team Supreme. May 2017 Today was our fourth and final full day of fishing down south. July 2017 Bait prohibited, only unbaited artificial lures or flies may be used year-round, Closed to sockeye salmon and Dolly Varden fishing. Juneau offers great shore fishing, with most of the city being on the coast or a short drive away from a stream. The larger tide swings happening over []. The only difference would be the depth at which the fish are living, this is when youll find fish in deeper water and will only be able to find them with either a charter or your own boat. Highly recommend. Any stream that has runs of pink and chum salmon will also have aggressive trout. For freshwater fishing, using smaller baits than normal can help your catch rate go up. January 2020 Submit your photos to, or tag us on Instagram (@alaskaflyfishinggoods). If you have additional questions, don't hesitate to call - we're here to help. The low tide is the most productive and right by the boat launch, directly across from the launch by the boulders, or out near the sand spit are the most productive spots. The Juneau Assembly has joined Petersburg , Wrangell , Sitka and Ketchikan in supporting Southeast Alaska's king salmon troll fishery against a lawsuit that could threaten its future. Brownell said he'll bring copies of the album for his scheduled three-day visit to Juneau, although he isn't sure what he'll spend his time doing here beyond signing them after the concert "I. Remember this resource is only sustainable if we all help do our part. It did not take long before we found a large school of yellowfin and they stayed with us until the sun went down, with 2-5 fish hanging the whole time they kept us plenty busy all afternoon. March 2020 Lunch is sweet and sour pork with
What would you recommend to anglers fishing in Juneau, Alaska for the first time. The best way to get a king is to put the time in. The Daily Alaska empire. The shop will be closed on the 4th, but well be back open at 9am July 5. 9. August 2016 If youre going for salmon, early to mid-fall would be a good option, and if youre going for halibut, anytime during the summer will work. December 2019 Waders, fishing gear, flies, and snack will be provided, although you are welcome to bring any personal gear you have. The river winds from the lake to the northern coast of Juneau where it dumps into the ocean. We fish rain or shine! A detailed fishing report for the Auke Lake will make the difference between a good fishing here and a bad one. juneau alaska Fishing Reports For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. The Sculpzilla, Mini Tungsten Dolly Llamas, Make It Rainbow, or Fish Skull Stinger Zonkers are also good choices. Rates do not include $20.00 non-resident fishing license. March 2021 "He was the strongest fish I ever felt, and my best fish ever. This means that while the Dolly fishing has still been good in the saltwater, they will be starting to make their way back into the freshwater. March Hours: Monday Friday 10am 5:30pm. January 2014, All My friend Chad Hood tells the fishing story which is kind of every day for him but would be a fantasy for most of us. Restricting to just Salmon OR Halibut OR Rock fish just doesn't work. Be sure to sign up for our travel e-newsletter to keep up on what's new in Alaska's capital city! This port visit marks Munro's final stop before returning to its homeport in Alameda, Calif., after 11,500 miles and 105 days away from homeport. The best season to book a charter will depend on what species of fish youll be going after. In early and late winter, the creeks and rivers should still be open, but the lakes will most likely be frozen. Closed Sunday. For more information on fish run timing in Southeast click here. We worked hard to get our hundred fish today. October 2016 FISHING, L.L.C. By clicking the links below, you will be taken to the charters respective profile on Fishing Booker where you can read reviews, learn more about the charter, view photos, and book online at the best rate. May 2014 If youre planning an afternoon trip to catch lingcod, theyll be more active while the water swells as the tides are rising. The company's principal address is 570 Kirkland Way Suite 200 . You cant run out of spots in Juneau, with plenty of tributaries, you can stay occupied for the entire season. November 2021 Purples, blacks, blues, and reds all can produce fish when things get tough. We're assuming this king is getting prepped for the holiday weekend. As for tributary fishing, having a nice day helps, but isnt necessary. HiTime Charters offers daily whale watching, sightseeing, and fishing trips from May through September. You need no experience or knowledge, they walk you through everything. They do however prefer when the tide is going up, and usually will steadily bite until the tide is on its way back down. Report inappropriate content Lots and lots of schools that didn't cooperate all that well. March 2022 For a first time fisher person this works out well. He used 40-pound line, a Penn two-speed reel and a Seeker Black Steel 6470 rod. October 2020 For up-to-date information, look up the fishing report for the water of your choice. Tons of salmon coming through here. Check out the gofishak page on the ADF&G website for the new Juneau/Glacier Bay interactive map to discover popular fishing locations and information on species run timing, fishing gear selections, and boat and angler access tips thru the Sport Fish wefishak pages. April 2018 August 2017 Field staff November 2018 Juneau can be found in the great state of Alaska. Will there still be salmon to catch at that time of year or are we better off changing it to whale watching? Their season starts in early summer and ends at the end of September. Surf/Pier, westpalmbeachfishingclub.org/silver-sailfish-derby-standings/, New Year's Weekend Fishing Outlook (12/30-1/2/2023). June 2018 Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. : Air Alaska Marine Highway Ferry Cruise Unsure August 2015 June 2021 Chances are Cowee Creek out the road already has some Dollies in it, but with the hot weather it will likely be blown out until we get some rain or cooler temperatures. Stayed at private residence in Juneau so could do that. Very good rockfish angling continues into October. If youre out in the ocean, using crankbaits, spoons and live bait are good options, using smaller bait isnt a bad idea if youre looking for silvers as they tend to run smaller than kings but are in larger groups. Sport Fish weekly fishing reports, Alaska Dept. This means that while the Dolly fishing has still been good in the saltwater, they will be starting to make their way back into the freshwater. An added bonus is the chance to see whales, sea lions, eagles and more! Tomorrow we will be traveling up cleaning the boat headed back to San Diego for a Friday arrival. Offshore The burbot had a great average size. November 2017 All waters of Alaska, including drainages, from Cape Fanshaw to Point Sherman, including Berners Bay, Lynn Canal south of a line from Point Sherman to the Haines Borough boundary, Point Sherman, and all of Admiralty Island. While there will be [], As we move solidly into mid September, the coho fishing news is quite the mixed bag. Our trips include both remote fly-fishing and bear viewing opportunities that are designed to take guests to . There is just nothing quite like a king on the swing using a spey rod! There are a bunch of dime-bright chums in front of Peterson Creek and as of tomorrow we can fish for them! December 2018 The larger tide swings happening over [], It has been a tough week for coho fishing and the next few days aren't looking a whole lot better. Anglers may be added to other groups. Your Trip Your guide will pick you up at your pre-arranged place and time. Web orders are shipping daily! This port visit marks Munro's final stop before returning to its homeport in Alameda, Calif., after 11,500 miles and 105 days . May 2022 2/0 Mega Clousers account for a number of kings caught every year. Montana creek runs on the northwest side of Juneau, the river offers sockeye, and silver salmon, along with rainbow trout. They can be caught all throughout summer in the ocean surrounding Juneau. July 2019 Reports in the shop are sounding more like coho season in August! Today was a bust fishing wise but the dinner was a bonus! FreshwaterFishingAdvice is compensated for referring traffic and business to these companies. A salmon run is a yearly event and is when the salmon go into the rivers and streams to spawn. This has to be hands down one of the better king salmon returns we have seen in recent years. Pinks are just starting up at Echo Cove as well. They are the biggest of the pacific salmon species available in Alaska. The Lingcod season runs July through the end of August. "He fought for 45 minutes," said Geoff. Your guide will have fishing licenses on hand for sale for those who don't already have them. However, one has to become more patient because of the obvious (and that is no different than just about anywhere) reduction of the available fish to catch. Halibut like to sit around rocky deep water reefs. HiTime Charters - Juneau Alaska Salmon Fishing - Halibut Fishing - Whale Watching Call Us Today . When one door closes, another one opens as they say, and tomorrow marks the end of the steelhead closure at Peterson Creek. Youll want to fish for them during the morning and evening as theyll be roaming quite a bit more and looking for food. The. +9 Fishing Reports from Juneau Action packed charter with limits on Hsl July 17, 2018 Before the salmon start dropping eggs, Dollies will be on the lookout for food and swinging flies in the rivers is a great way to get them to eat. February 2016 Wrangell, Alaska (KINY) - The Alaska Fisheries Development Foundation (AFDF) announced the winners of the Alaska Symphony of Seafood during the Awards Ceremony on Thursday in Juneau, where contestants, industry representatives, the Alaska Legislature, media, and other special guests gathered to celebrate and toast the winners. This would be a solid pattern to try if your arms need a break. Juneau has a great setup for night fishing. Juneau Fishing Report June 06, 2022 King Salmon Fishing around the Juneau Area With the June 1st opening of the Juneau Hatchery Sport Harvest Area, in Gastineau Channel, Fritz Cove, Auke Bay, and Lena Cove, many marine boat anglers took advantage of the nice weather and the opportunity to harvest king salmon. Cory, Brad, Mike, and the rest of the crew at AFFG, *We love using our customers' photos in our future fishing reports, but we really want to encourage ethical treatment of fish. September 2018 Explore our pages and find your next fishing . They will usually hide under sand or on the rocks and wait until a baitfish or squid swims by and ambush it. Full- and half-day charters carry no more than six people at a time to assure lots of rod time for each passenger. Hey everyone,
information from bait shops, marinas and fishing guides. What a season! We fished the exact same as we did yesterday but only in reverse. Pybus Point Lodge: Fishing - See 151 traveller reviews, 574 candid photos, and great deals for Pybus Point Lodge at Tripadvisor. Juneau Alaska is a top fishing destination that draws local and international travelers. If its hard to find spots like this, just try to cover as much water as possible. [volume] (Juneau, Alaska) 1926-1964, January 02, 1942, Image 1, brought to you by Alaska State Library Historical Collections, and the National Digital Newspaper Program. Hoover said he baited a sardine on a 3/0 Super Mutu hook. 8. Round-trip transportation from Juneau, AK by seaplane or our new 'fast-ferry' Fully-guided 10+ hour days of fishing or sightseeing . For a complete breakdown of the best times to catch halibut in Alaska, please check out this helpful article I wrote. Fishing reports are provided for the major fisheries throughout the state. Needless to say we got out of there and headed up to where the weather is nice and there is a plethora of fish. with 1 day ,do not complain about . Dinner is shrimp Diablo. The reports, and as I can attest personally, the bugs are really truly something to behold. While there will be [], As we move solidly into mid September, the coho fishing news is quite the mixed bag. Whats a guy gotta do to get a little rain and cooler temperatures? Lame is what I would call it. April 2017 Some of the most popular spots are on the Gastineau channel that runs between Juneau and Douglas Island. Sheep creek is another creek that gets Dollies fairly early. February 2019 April 2015 Hawaiian fried rice. The river offers excellent salmon fishing while they are running. They are usually more active in the early morning as compared to other times of the day. python-sdk.
June 2014 Juneaus season for rockfish spans from mid-May to the end of November, with the best months being June and July. How the Salmon and Trout runs are progressing. Training Provided: Interns will receive training in wilderness first aid, CPR, aircraft and boat safety, shoreline survival, defensive driving, bear behavior, pepper spray use, and radio use. I had great time. If youre looking to catch as many fish as possible, no matter the species, going during early fall will be a good time for you. August 2018 If you havent caught a chum on the fly, you are simply missing out. Location: 11175 Auke Way. October 2014 Interns are housed at the Juneau Ranger District Bunkhouse within walking distance to the ranger district where they report each morning. Fly fishing is also a common tactic, the fish will put up more of a fight and the reward is better because of the effort put in to catch it. November 2020 For a complete breakdown of the best times to fish Sitka, please check out this helpful article I wrote. Using mouse flies for salmon at night is a popular tactic as mice are more active and near water at night and salmon that is big enough will feed on them. Now is prime time to work over your rotator-cuff and fill the freezer! The river starts at Mendenhall Lake, which is a deep, clear lake that holds salmon and trout. Mike Myer of La Mirada won third place for a 37.6-pound albacore, but declined to stand in the lineup, so Gene McKenna of San Jose stepped up with his 30-pound dorado. Berners Bay RECEIVE FISHING REPORT UPDATES! Every species of salmon loves inline spinners, they imitate the salmons natural diet and can cover a lot of water with just a few casts. The balance is due the day of the trip. August 2019 The bay has a few spots you can fish from shore at but its most notable fishing comes from charters. From $395 6 Hours, 8 Hours Salmon & Halibut Fishing Combo The exception south of town is the slide path and the beach along AML. September 2019 Fishing by the mouth of the creek can be a great time, but as you get further away from the ocean, the trout fishing starts to get better. We have 16 Bluefin Tuna in the 60 to 80 pound class. Hot fly patterns and techniques to get into the fish. October 2019 For a complete breakdown of the best times to fish in Kenai, please check out this helpful article I wrote.