Back to calendar. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly Sign up to receive our email alerts. in 1.8 million cubic yards of waste in fiscal year 2022. Green Valleysonline bill payment portal is no longer active, while we are transitioning account information to Granger. until further notice. 0000071435 00000 n You will be able to register an online account with Granger once you receive your first invoice from us. Be sure to note the specific parameters for each guide or refer to the map provided, as NOT ACCEPTED:wax-coated boxes, 6-, 12- or 24-pack beverage cases. Any bulk pickups already scheduled will be completed, but may be on a different day with a different truck. This program began in June of 2015. Green Valley Recycling & Disposal is now a part of Granger! Thanks for your patience as we work to service customers while keeping our workers safe. Place newspaper, magazines, direct junk mail, first class mail, other printing and writing papers, phone books and envelopes loose in Curby Recycler. 0000177451 00000 n Can any Granger customer use recycling service? We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our recycling calendars that is prohibiting them from populating correctly. Unless you are under a municipal contract that includes recycling, you will need to add recycling to your service if you would like to use it. 6 49 All contents and materials Copyright 2023 Granger, Bulk Collection Suspended Until Further Notice. Most of our curbside recycling customers have. If you were going to pay an outstandingbill today, pleaseuse one of the alternatepayment methods below: 1. Includes bottles and jugs with narrow, threaded neck; plastic tubs (margarine, sour cream, etc. NOT ACCEPTED:plastic, foam, wax- or foil-coated boxes, refrigerator or freezer boxes, including 6-, 12- or 24-pack beverage cases. Boxboard includes items like tissue boxes, cereal boxes and paper towel rolls. Please note, you can still go to the page for your community to access your recycling guidelines. Y/+`O[8x8PU vik}a/K$0j-b@bx2(G*qg3t@a9!v[jH [: WebRefuse should be placed at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on your collection day, but no earlier than 8 p.m. the night before. Web2022 RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE Recycling collection is every other week using a green or blue week schedule. All contents and materials Copyright 2023 Granger, Bulk Collection Suspended Until Further Notice. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. WebThe new 2022-2023 Tompkins County Curbside Recycling Guidelines brochure is now available. 0000161580 00000 n Lean more about using our Customer Portal by reading these frequently asked questions.. How do you create an account in the Customer Portal? Republic Services is a leader in recycling, waste and environmental services. Thank you for your patience. WebService of Legal Process on the City of Lansing City Clerk About City Clerk Chris Swope 2022 Voting Precinct Map City Council Meetings Internships Public Notices & Documents on File Passports, Licenses & Records Other City Clerk Services Passport Services Business Licenses Municipal Code & Ordinances Marijuana Operations Licensing 8:00 AM TO 4:30 PM, MON. If you were going to pay an outstandingbill today, pleaseuse one of the alternatepayment methods below: 1. Item collection is also available curbside. 2022 (All day) This Event Repeats. For the safety of our associates, we have suspended collection of bulk items (furniture, appliances, etc.) Recycling, Trash & Yard Waste. This website has useful information and articles for the recycler in your household. Let us know! Observed holidays can be found here. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: HW WRZVX 1dad!\sGbcyH"?[69('_|~^5w. WebTo view your pickup schedule, simply click on My WM from the menu and either log in or continue as a guest.. From the My WM Dashboard, go to My Services.Pickup Schedule will be displayed, along with the next pickup date, holiday schedule, and other service requests.. We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our recycling calendars that is prohibiting them from populating correctly. PHONE: 607-273-6632. 0000002919 00000 n until further notice. 0000080828 00000 n 0000016577 00000 n 0000024236 00000 n Sign Up For Email Alerts. Mail in payment to PO Box 602, Comstock Park, MI 49321. We apologize for any inconvenience. Extra Trash Collection - If you require extra volume of trash 0000003118 00000 n WebThe City of Lansing provides recycling services for commercial and residential customers. All other containment guidelines do apply (see above). Call in payment to616-647-1400 or 1-877-977-3783, 2. 0000001694 00000 n Outlook (iCal) Google. We feature single-stream, non-separated collection that makes it quick and easy to prepare your recycling for pickup. Simple Recycling Collection (curbside collection NOT ACCEPTED:plastic bags, string, twine, stickers, coins or plastic stuck on papers. WebCustomer Service Hours Monday - Friday - 7:30 AM to 5:00 PM For All Time Zones // Call Wed-Fri for shorter wait times Saturday - Login/create account for self-serve options. ` "~ endstream endobj 7 0 obj <>>> endobj 8 0 obj <> endobj 9 0 obj >/PageUIDList<0 1479>>/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/Properties<>/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 10 0 obj <> endobj 11 0 obj <> endobj 12 0 obj <> endobj 13 0 obj <> endobj 14 0 obj <> endobj 15 0 obj <> endobj 16 0 obj <> endobj 17 0 obj <>stream Travel west on Lansing Road until reaching Millett Highway. The City of East Lansing offers curbside and drop-off recycling to East Lansing residents. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Curbside recycling collection takes place on a bi-weekly (every other week) schedule for each address. Any bulk pickups already scheduled will be completed, but may be on a different day with a different truck. Visit/self-haul-disposal/for information, including directions, hours and pricing. The City offers weekly curbside trash removal. We are experiencing some challenges servicing our customers north of Grand Rapids and will likely continue to do so with the snow thats forecasted for later this week. 0000080715 00000 n The Lansing-based company has taken initial steps to reclassify an old 60-acre landfill that was closed in the 1980s. To get started, just click the button below or call us at 888-990-2246. You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: 0000092184 00000 n Web2022 Friday Recycle Schedule Lansing Your recycling is picked up every other week. The Recycle Coach app can also be downloaded to mobile devices from the App Store or Google Play. The City of East Lansing provides refuse collection for single family households, duplexes and households with one to four units. East Lansings Recycling Contamination Reduction Project launched in late 2022. 0000098727 00000 n If we are unable to service you this week, well be happy to pick up any extras at no charge on your next scheduled service day. Learn which materials are restricted from being disposed of with household and commercial trash. 0000083710 00000 n 0000177414 00000 n 0000098469 00000 n We are currently experiencing problems with our phone system. Any bulk pickups already scheduled will be completed, but may be on a different day with a different truck. )South Bath Township (south of Clark Rd. Web2022 Monday Recycle Schedule Lansing Your recycling is picked up every other week. Most of our curbside recycling customers haveevery other week collection. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. 0 10+ 111 location (s) in Michigan Adrian Allen Park Ann Arbor Auburn Hills Battle Creek Bay City Berkley Beverly Hills Big Rapids Birmingham Brighton Township Burton Cadillac Canton Alternatively click on the link below for a PDF of Ingham County Recycling Sites and Transfer Stations. Are you looking for solutions for your business? - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. Lean more about using our Customer Portal by reading these frequently asked questions.. How do you create an account in the Customer Portal? We are experiencing some challenges servicing our customers north of Grand Rapids and will likely continue to do so with the snow thats forecasted for later this week. If you have small appliances to dispose of, you may still set them out for collection as long as they will fit in your cart with the lid closed. You will be able to register an online account with Granger once you receive your first invoice from us. The City's drop-off site at 1800 E. State Road is DPW will be closed for Presidents Day on February 21, 2022 (not Feb. 14 as printed). Want to stay up-to-date on holiday and weather delays? Please use the color-coded map below to Find additional information about East Lansing's curbside and drop-off recycling services at the bottom of this webpage. Current and upcoming weather conditions may cause delays to service for residential customers. East Lansing residents can use the Recycle Coach app below to stay organized with curbside collection calendars/reminders and a comprehensive "What Goes Where?" Web2022 PRESIDENTS DAY HOLIDAY SCHEDULES FOR LANSING; TRASH SERVICE NOT IMPACTED BY HOLIDAY City of Lansing offices will be closed on Mon., Feb. 21 in observance of the Presidents Day holiday. If you must contact us at this time, please contact us electronically. Many of the flags are retired during their week as the Governors Honor Guard each summer at Mackinac Island. Lean more about using our Customer Portal by reading these frequently asked questions.. How do you create an account in the Customer Portal? TOMPKINS COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF RECYCLING AND MATERIALS MANAGEMENT Click here to locate your area's recycling guide andcalendar. WebFall 2022 Dates West Side (homes west of Abbot Road): Oct. 10 and Dec. 5 East Side (homes east of Abbot Road): Oct. 17 and Dec. 12 Dispose of yard waste for free on two Mondays each spring and fall. Sign up to receive our email alerts. The Sign up to receive our email alerts to stay up-to-date on holiday and weather delays. 0000080939 00000 n DeWitt Township/North Lansing Recycling Guide & Calendar. Materials are sorted at a single-stream sorting facility after collection. Store paint properly to keep fresh. WebView the CART collection schedule for the City of Lansing. Government. Recycle/Refuse Collection Schedule Map (PDF), View Notices for Electronic & Special Meetings, Yard Waste Collection Online Request Form, Yard Waste, Composting and Landscaping Tips. Mail in payment to PO Box 602, Comstock Park, MI 49321. Choose your community from the menu. Break down and flatten boxboard and cardboard, Plastic bottles, tubs, jugs and containers, Refrigerator or freezer boxes, including beverage cases, 1. !EARLIER START TIMES POSSIBLE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 3!! Please note, you can still go to the page for your community to access your recycling guidelines. Many of us know not to dispose of worn flags in the trash, so let them reside in the garage with intentions to properly handle them later. If youwould like to request service, please call616-647-1400. 0000043025 00000 n Please be patient with us. How easy is that? [>=xhCy/mQJp6}/wnyg|?>~%Z{6IlQdU1n'^,que+Mn=NK[L}M}+\"iq+YRtKy(uu0T2F)o /IPyQ2\/ntsAk(RT1 AGP}[CUM|># 'b3Damu Curbside Recycling Cart Program. WebDeWitt Township & North Lansing Curbside Recycling Your recycling collection is referred to as single-stream or comingled recycling. Learn More > New Recycling Guidelines Brochure Now Available The new 2022-2023 Tompkins County Curbside Recycling Guidelines brochure is now available. 0000003765 00000 n We feature single-stream, non-separated collection that makes it quick and easy to prepare your recycling for pickup. Advanced requests and City bags/stickers are not required on no-fee days. 2. Follow five steps below to improve the environment regarding paint supply. search tool. If we are unable to service you this week, well be happy to pick up any extras at no charge on your next scheduled service day. Continue south past Mt. Copy and paste this code into your website. We apologize for any inconvenience. Want to stay up to date with recent news and updates? EAST LANSING, Mich. (WILX) - Recycling trucks in East Lansing will be equipped with robotic cameras to sift through your recycling bin. To check for upcoming holidays and impacts to your service, please use the search above. Visit/self-haul-disposal/for information, including directions, hours and pricing. 0000145710 00000 n WebRecycling Center for drop-off recycling Free First Saturdays with opportunities for residents to dispose of furniture and bulky items at our facility Brush Site for disposal of yard waste, leaves, and branches. WebWe are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our recycling calendars that is prohibiting them from populating correctly. Thank you for your patience. We are currently experiencing problems with our phone system. WebIngham County Recycling Sites. PLEASE NOTE:Refuse and recycling collection for today (Wednesday, Feb. 15) will be delayed to tomorrow (Thursday, Feb. 16). Note: Waste collection services typically occur between 5 a.m. and 6 p.m. local time. The Recycle Coach app can also be downloaded to mobile devices from the, Residents can drop off recyclable items at the City's 24/7, Community members with questions about the City's curbside or drop-off recycling programs can contact the East Lansing Department of Public Works at (517) 337-9459 or email, Paper (shredded paper must be contained in a rolled-up paper bag with "shred" on the side), Small Household Goods / Appliances / Electronics (via Simple Recycling), View Notices for Electronic & Special Meetings, 2023 Bi-Weekly Curbside Recycling Schedule & Map (PDF), Recycling Contamination Reduction Pilot Project. If youwould like to request service, please call616-647-1400. Please use the color-coded map below to Thanks for your patience as we work to service customers while keeping our workers safe. We are currently having issues with our phone system. 0000033452 00000 n 0000181911 00000 n We are currently experiencing technical difficulties with our recycling calendars that is prohibiting them from populating correctly. Please be patient with us. Find the curbside recycling schedule for your area, along with acceptable items and preparation instructions. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Thanks for your patience as we work to service customers while keeping our workers safe. ! 0000003317 00000 n We are currently having issues with our phone system. Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. The Sign up to receive our email alerts to stay up-to-date on holiday and weather delays. DEQ Recycling ; State of Michigan Recycling & Household Hazardous Waste Local Contacts ; Michigan Recycled Material Call in payment to616-647-1400 or 1-877-977-3783, 2. For the safety of our associates, we have suspended collection of bulk items (furniture, appliances, etc.) We apologize for any inconvenience. NOT ACCEPTED:paint cans, appliances, hangers, fencing, scrap metal, aerosol cans or containers with food residue. Find your For the safety of our associates, we have suspended collection of bulk items (furniture, appliances, etc.) If your trash and/or recycling is serviced by one of our automated side load trucks, placement of your cart is important. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Labels may be left on containers. Visit one of ourconvenient recycling drop-off locations. The City of Lansing contracts with Waste Management for residential pick up on Thursday of each week. We apologize for any inconvenience. Leonard, though autistic, put a lot of work into its construction with the help of many scouts and adults from his Troop. If you must contact us at this time, please contact us electronically. WebLansing, MI trash pickup & recycling services. Curbside Recycling Service Information. 0000115956 00000 n RECYCLING AND SOLID WASTE CENTER: Webholiday schedule. 0000004172 00000 n 0000061830 00000 n 0000061392 00000 n Make WebRecycle Right Inside WM Support Pickup Schedule & ETA Pickup Schedule & ETA Continue as Guest To view your pickup schedule or service ETA, please select from the following options to verify your account. Green Valleysonline bill payment portal is no longer active, while we are transitioning account information to Granger. 0000375923 00000 n City offices will reopen at 8 a.m. on Tues., Feb. 22., 122 COMMERCIAL AVE. Starting & Operating a Business in Delta Township. ! You must enter the recycling center either from Snow Road or Old Lansing Road.SUMMER HOURS (APRIL-OCTOBER)Tuesdays from8 a.m. 4 p.m.Wednesdays from12 p.m. 8 p.m.Saturdays from8 a.m. 4 p.m.WINTER HOURS (NOVEMBER-MARCH)Tuesdays from 8 a.m. 4 p.m.Wednesdays from 12 p.m. 6 p.m.Saturdays from8 a.m. 4 p.m.DAYS CLOSED2023Saturday, April 8Saturday, May 13Saturday, May 27Saturday, July 4Saturday, September 2Saturday, November 25Saturday, December 23CURBSIDE RECYCLINGGranger and Delta Township have teamed up to bring township Granger customers Curbside Recycling. Turn right on Pearson Highway; turn left on Sanders Road. ); microwave trays; and yogurt containers. 0000016340 00000 n There is no need to sort or bag curbside items as it is a single-stream program. Your recycling day is highlighted on the calendar. 0000161617 00000 n This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Once you have confirmed your appliances are eligible, its time to schedule a pickup. Want to stay up-to-date on holiday and weather delays? Additionally, this issue does not affect the calendars for Kent or Ottawa County, which are in .pdf format. Refuse should be placed at the curb by 7:30 a.m. on your collection day, but no earlier than 8 p.m. the night before. 0000092440 00000 n Includes tin and aluminum cans and aluminum foil and trays. 0000145457 00000 n If you need to contact us at this time, please do so electronically. Remember, you can still bring these items to one of our Disposal Centers. If you are looking to recycle your unused paint contact a local theater organization, church or Habitat for Humanity these types of organizations are always looking for donations.For more information on programs, or for any other questions pertaining to recycling, please contact the Clerks Office at 323.8500.EARTH911.COMEarth911 is a one-stop website for information about reducing your impact, reusing, and recycling. If you were going to pay an outstandingbill today, pleaseuse one of the alternatepayment methods below: 1. Remember, you can still bring these items to one of our Disposal Centers. Please download How to Place Your Curby for instructions. If you must contact us at this time, please contact us electronically. We apologize for any inconvenience. We apologize for any inconvenience. You dont have to! Purchase a new or replacement trash bin here. Visit this website for more TO DO WITH A WORN AMERICAN FLAGWe all know that an American flag should be retiredwith dignity, but what should we do with one that has been tattered by the wind over time. 7:00 AM TO 3:30 PM, MON. WebFind information about yard waste in the City of Lansing, including guidelines and composting resources. 0m$$xcXg,(Tw,$Y L+ 6>w V}!5S%qZvF0/CPc_!l:Nc:jkyL@m7V_h8{1uuc8Yw9u[S#zaq2 :PgSGaU@&iSzGOrxm-44. 0000092894 00000 n Create a Website Account - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more. !EARLIER START TIMES POSSIBLE ON FRIDAY, MARCH 3!! WebSUMMER HOURS (APRIL-OCTOBER) Tuesdays from 8 a.m. 4 p.m. Wednesdays from 12 p.m. 8 p.m. Saturdays from 8 a.m. 4 p.m. WINTER HOURS (NOVEMBER-MARCH) Tuesdays Michigan Recycled Material Market Directory, Cedar Community Health Center - Pediatrics, Breast and Cervical Cancer Control Program, Cedar Community Health Center - Women's Health, Cedar Community Health Center-Women's Health, Community Health, Planning, and Partnerships, Ingham Opioid Abuse Prevention Initiative, State of Michigan Recycling & Household Hazardous Waste Local Contacts, City of Lansing (Capital Area Recycling & Trash) Waste Management Information. The Sign up to receive our email alerts to stay up-to-date on holiday and weather delays. WebRecycling, Trash & Yard Waste | Lansing, MI - Official Website. All rights reserved. Payment must be in the form of a check or cash (no credit cards will be accepted).2022 Dates:December 172023 Dates:January 14February 18March 18April 22May 20June 17July 15August 12September 16October 28November 18December 16Electronics recycling is available from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. on these dates.NEWSLETTER. Residents will be charged a fee based on the weight of the item. Mail in payment to PO Box 602, Comstock Park, MI 49321. Monday - Friday8 a.m. - 3 p.m.Staff Directory. Select Your CommunityAlaiedon Township (Button Road and Meridian Road south of Jolly)City of Alma Monday Week ACity of Alma Tuesday Week ACity of Alma Wednesday Week ACity of Alma Thursday Week ACity of Alma Monday Week BCity of Alma Tuesday Week BCity of Alma Wednesday Week BVillage of BancroftNorth Bath Township (on and north of Clark Rd. Hope Highway. PLEASE NOTE: Yard Waste Online Collection Requests are not accepted during No-Fee Yard Waste Collection days. If you need to contact us at this time, please do so electronically. 0000151175 00000 n Curbside recycling is available in limited areas. Blackman-Leoni Public Safety is pleased to announce the purchase of seven mass casualty trauma kits. NOT ACCEPTED:plastic bags, CRT glass (monitors or TV screens), light bulbs, window glass, mirrors, drinking glasses, cups, bowls or plates. Reuse or Recycle and 5. 0000000016 00000 n WebFind information on trash collection in the City of Lansing, including guidelines, service options, bulk item collection and more. /aXK8 All contents and materials Copyright 2023 Granger, Bulk Collection Suspended Until Further Notice. Your recycling collection is referred to as single-stream or comingled recycling. It has been at several Delta Township locations but now resides in a logical location with access to all.All you have to do is drop the flag in the slot on the side, and the Scouts from Troop 111 will ensure it is included in one of their formal flag retirement ceremonies. 2023 Delta Township Michigan. 0000150918 00000 n 0000115290 00000 n Curbside Recycling Cart Program; Curbside Recycling Guide (PDF) Drop-off Recycling Guide; Other Recycling Options; Simple Recycling Collection (curbside 0000146200 00000 n Current and upcoming weather conditions may cause delays to service for residential customers. LEFTOVER PAINTFollow the 3 Rs Reduce, Reuse and Recycle. Schedule Now Barbara Eckstrom, Director Sign Up For Email Alerts. We are working to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible. If you have small appliances to dispose of, you may still set them out for collection as long as they will fit in your cart with the lid closed. 0000099059 00000 n ITHACA, NY 14850 Green Valley Recycling & Disposal is now a part of Granger! East Lansing residents can use the Recycle Coach app below to stay organized with curbside collection calendars/reminders and a comprehensive "What Goes Where?" Buy the correct amount of paint for your project. If we are unable to service your account this week due to weather or road conditions, we will pick up any extras on your next collection day. Rinse clean and remove lids. We are experiencing some challenges servicing our customers north of Grand Rapids and will likely continue to do so with the snow thats forecasted for later this week. We appreciate your patience as we work to resolve this issue. Sign Up For Email Alerts. Address Address Verify LOCATE CUSTOMER ID OR Log in Email Email Password Show Password Forgot password? Sanders Road ends at Millett Highway where the Recycling Center is located.If you are traveling to the facility from Waverly Road, travel south on Waverly Road until reaching Lansing Road. Published: Sep. 28, 2022 at 7:26 PM PDT. We are currently experiencing problems with our phone system. You can see how this popup was set up in our step-by-step guide: Blackman-Leoni Public Safety Announces the Acquisition of New Public Health Resource, Frequently Asked Questions About the Granger Customer Portal. We are working to get this situation resolved as quickly as possible. Log in Sign up Call in payment to616-647-1400 or 1-877-977-3783, 2. ! WebRecycle Guidelines Recycling Schedule & Guidelines Choose your community from the menu. 01-13-2022; 01-20-2022; 01-27-2022; 02-10-2022 and February. You will be able to register an online account with Granger once you receive your first invoice from us. Thank you for your patience. WebWaste Management is proud to provide trash, garbage, recycling and landfill support across the state. How do you sign up for blue bag recycling? City 0000001276 00000 n Contact / Email the Parks DepartmentTownship Hall7710 West Saginaw Hwy.Lansing, MI 48917, DELTA TOWNSHIP RECYCLING CENTER5717 Millett Highway,Lansing, MI 48917mapDIRECTIONS TO THE DELTA TOWNSHIP RECYCLING CENTERIf you are traveling to the facility from Saginaw Highway, go south on Elmwood Road (by Meijer); Elmwood Road will change its name to Snow Road by the Waverly High School. Refuse collection takes place on a weekly basis. Congressman Mike Rogers and other dignitaries participated in the original dedication at the car wash on Elmwood. Sign up to receive our email alerts. If we are unable to service your account this week due to weather or road conditions, we will pick up any extras on your next collection day. Find your recycling date below or click for information about other recycling options. hb``e`` $f@,` H1!B1*SN}q6:< 9L.LX8`BPO3`ysc1v!Ossv mp a7#@ @f`=g` Bottle rockets are not allowed to be discharged in the State of Kansas. Other Recycling Options. 4. A recycling project in East Lansing aimed at reducing contamination is gearing up for resident outreach. Please follow our residential collection guidelines to help ensure your trash, recycling and yard waste gets collected. We apologize for any inconvenience. How can the Economic Development Office help you? Granger trash customers in our northern and southern service territories can participate in our Blue Bag Recycling program in just a few steps. 3. See links below for more information. We are working to resolve this issue as quickly as possible. Find your collection week using the map on this page of the Departments O through Z. Click here to locate your area's recycling guide andcalendar. - Manage notification subscriptions, save form progress and more.