Con Erica Peeples, Tiffany Black, Sean Patrick Thomas, Chris Sakyi. Various identification cards of Lori Ruff (AKA: Kimberly McLean) retrieved from the Social Security Administration. Lori Ruff | Unidentified Wiki | Fandom Or, Lori Erika Kennedy? By continuing to browse, you accept the use of cookies and other technologies. El Sorprendente Caso de Lori Erica Ruff -Documental - YouTube Apparently, after Becky Sue Turner perished, a woman turned up and requested a copy of the birth certificate. For years, it was nothing but a series of dead ends. ", "Three years after Texas woman's suicide, a question lingers: Who was she? Blake had enough with her inability to get along with his family. In life, Lori hadwarnedhimto stay away from it. Visit In the car were two suicide notes: One 11page note addressed to "my wonderful husband" and another addressed to her daughter, to be opened on her 18th birthday. Image: Social Security Administration. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. He filed for divorce a short time later. She arrived at this identity by way of a girl named Becky Sue Turner. She was very private and didn't open to people about her past. The family members identified the picture of the mystery woman as Kimberly Mclean. In addition, there were no matches for the woman in any existing fingerprint and facial recognition databases. The Varangians: Viking Conquerors turned Byzantium Honor Guard, The Secret Necropolis of Ancient Varna and the First Goldsmiths. The grieving husbandrecognized the box. | Privacy Policy | Contact Us | DMCA Notice, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Her father-in-law discovered her body inside Blakes car. Marriage is a sacred act between two people that care deeply for one another. The tall and slender brunette met Ruff at a bible study group and introduced herself as Lori Kennedy. She also took a birth date of July 18, 1969. One of these had notes written and a collection of phone numbers and names. She wanted to live in her little cocoon.. It did. Find ratings and reviews for the newest movie and TV shows. All rights reserved. In the box, which she told her husband never to touch, were all the documents exposing her elaborate ruse the paperwork showing the name change and the application for a Social Security number, among other receipts. A neighbor recalled that she and her daughter appeared to be very thin and that Lori would often ramble incoherently about her problems. Blake was caught in the middle, and eventually he couldn't take it anymore. In the days following her death, he began the grim task of sorting . Lori Erica Ruff was the alias of an unidentified American woman and identity thief who committed suicide on December 24, 2010 in Longview, Texas. The letter failed to mention crucial details such what was her role and responsibilities. After they married, Lori and Blake moved across the state from his parents, and they tried to have a child almost immediately. But it wasn't until Lori ended her life on Christmas Eve that the Ruffs would get answers. Ruffs apparent identity theft pulled in former Social Security Administration investigator Joe Velling, who hoped that publicity from the Times piece would urge amateur sleuths to provide some leads. RedHanded the podcast jumps head first into all manner of macabre madness. Player FM is scanning the web for high-quality podcasts for you to enjoy right now. We don't take ourselves too seriously but we take true crime very seriously. She died by suicide in the driveway of her former in-laws' home in Longview, Texas, on Christmas Eve 2010. Mother and child spent a lot of time together, which is normal for such a doting mother. [2] She would also obsessively track the Ruffs' family history and try to find out their family recipes, but still refused to talk about her past. In the days that followed, Blake tried to make sense of how things had gone so wrong. Lori Erica Ruff was the alias of an unidentified American woman and identity thief who committed suicide on December 24, 2010 in Longview, Texas. [9][6], After Lori's funeral, some of the Ruffs drove to Leonard to see if they could find out more about her in her house. Photo Credit: Alchetron. And, as he flipped through multiple IDs with pictures of his wife at different ages, he realized they all had different names printed on them, according to the Daily Mail. By the time she married Jon Blakely Blake Ruff, of Longview, Texas, in January 2004, her phony identification was as solid as her real past was distant. Also found in the lockbox was a paper with several seemingly random scribblings. Who was she? Lori Erica Ruff's true identity was Kimberly McLean. (Perkins, who was black and who marketed his legal services to LA's African-American community, had never taken on a white client during his career.) In his spare time he enjoys astronomy and Xboxing. Lori Erica Ruff (born Kimberly McLean, October 16, 1968 - December 24, 2010) was a woman who took her own life while living in Longview, Texas. So, it was granted without question. Lori Erica Ruff Suicide Is 3 Years Later Still A Mystery In Texas The house was discovered in disarray, with piles of dirty dishes, laundry, and trash stacked up around the house, as well as shredded documents and papers with incoherent scribblings on them. ", "Texas woman's true identity baffles ex-husband, authorities years after her suicide", "She stole another's identity, and took her secret to the grave. Lori definitely was not who she portrayed herself to be, so who was she? [1] After two years, Fitzpatrick finally identified Ruff when she discovered a third cousin match who was related to the Cassidys. However, over time he began to get the impression that he was the only one trying to make their marriage work. In 1986, Kimberly McLean ran away from her home at the age of 18. Blake Ruff has admitted that he isn't completely sure what drew him to Lori. Four years filled with miscarriages and disappointments passed. Copyright 2023 Apple Inc. All rights reserved. Where is the Body of the Legendary King Gorm of Denmark. It was in 2010 when events finally took their toll on her. The Minds of Madness - True Crime Stories. She also began sending harassing emails to the Ruffs, created a scene at a custody exchange, and stole a set of house keys from them. According to the man, whom Velling did not name, Jane Doe had more problems than he could deal with.. Within the next two years, she obtained the birth certificate of Becky Sue Turner, a 2-year-old girl who had died with her two sisters in a house fire in 1971. But, it didn't happen easily and it took the hard work of a number of people and a little bit of luck to learn the truth. A 2013 Seattle Times feature article about the case was published in news outlets around the world and created enormous interest in the online "websleuth" community. She had stolen the identity of deceased Becky Sue Turner in May 1988 before legally changing her name to "Lori Erica Kennedy ." Following her marriage in 2001, she assumed the surname "Ruff." It's clear that even at this time, Lori knew what she was doingBecky had been born in one state and died in another, making it far less likely that the fraudulent use of her identity would be discovered. After several months living as Becky Sue Turner, she legally changed her name to Lori Kennedy and moved to the Dallas area, where she met Blake Ruff. Other commentators noted that Ruff briefly attended UT Arlington and may have become familiar with the film prior to changing her identity. Lori's husband, Blake Ruff, was devastated. McLean used the child's birth certificate to obtain an Idaho state identification card, then moved to Texas and had her name legally changed to Lori Erica Kennedy . But Lori tragically died by suicide just before Christmas in 2010. The news of Kimberlys death saddened her mother deeply. Upon opening the container, Blakediscovered why: Inside was a birth certificate and IDs belonging to several different people. [1] She eventually gave birth to a baby girl via in-vitro fertilization in 2008. The response? Although she left notes for her husband and her daughter, they didn't provide any clues. Among the various documents was a certificate indicating that Lori Kennedy had changed her name from Becky Sue Turner. They separated, but on Christmas Eve, 2010, the woman everyone knew as Lori Erica Ruff pulled into the driveway of the Ruff family home and shot herself. Lori Erica Kennedy Ruff, was an American identity thief who remained unidentified for nearly six years after her death. Lori Erica Ruff, a Texan who committed suicide in 2010 and left behind a series of puzzling documents hinting that she wasnt who her family thought she was, has now been identified. For example, Lori would often ramble to the minister on a variety of topics; mainly her perceived flaws, problems, and the failure of her marriage. Loris behavior was highly erratic in the timebetween theseparationand her death; she sent threatening emails to Blake and his family, and might have even attempted a break-in at Blakes parents home. Lori acquired Becky Turners birth certificate in 1988. Lori Erica Ruff: The Perplexing Mystery of the Woman - The Lineup This has led investigators to believe that Ruff was much older than she claimed to be. She and her young daughter had visibly lost weight. Lori Erica Ruff - Infogalactic: the planetary knowledge core She told them her parents were dead and that she had no living siblings or extended family. Prior to marrying Blake, Loriwas known as Lori Erica Kennedy. See for more information. At some point in the past, Lori had been a dancer at an exclusive gentlemans club, and a post-mortem examination revealed that Lori, not Becky, had received breast implants. Follows Toni, who has a complete breakdown and ends up in a mental facility after the unexpected news that her husband was murdered, and even she is a suspect. "My God, thats Kimberly! The family member confirmed Ruff was actually Kimberly McLean, daughter of Deanne Cassidy and James McLean, who had run away from home in Pennsylvania at the age of 18. Lori would also spend time fidgeting and stare at the palms and back of her hands. [6] The Ruffs opened and read the letter, but it contained only "ramblings from a clearly disturbed person" and no details about Lori's past. Find a Grave Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Some people can explain all of this with nothing more sinister than the Witness Protection Program. They looked for signs of gambling addiction and sex trafficking. Blake's mom, Nancy Ruff, described facing a stone wall. The other had dates and the letters D and M on it. Lori Erica Ruff was a secretive person. El Caso de Lori Erica Ruff -Documental Facebook: Sigueme en Twitter: It's a big Universe full of wonders. Kimberly Maria McLean, a.k.a. After obtaining the driver's license, Ruff went before a judge in Dallas on July 5 1988 and legally changed her name to Lori Erica Kennedy; a week later she obtained a social security number, effectively erasing her past. Authorities believe she initially traveled to the home with the intent of harming the family.[6]. Lori Erica Ruff's true identity was Kimberly McLean. Hair pulled from the woman's head had skin on it that helped forensic investigators learn she had one of the genes associated with coronary artery disease. As Blake began the daunting task of sorting through his wife's possessions, he knew that he would have to deal with one thing that Lori had always told him he was to never touch. After several miscarriages, the couple finally had a daughter in 2008. Becky was born in one state and died in another, making it much less likely that a fraudulent use of her identity would be noticed. Shewas an accomplished identity thief. But all that he managed to discover was that Lori had something of a difficult upbringing. Join us for a good mix of lesser known cases as well as our take on what we call the "Big Timers". Before 1988, Lori Erica Kennedy simply did not exist. The house was in total shambles. Fitzpatrick found matching DNA records using saliva samples of Blake and Loris daughter. In May of 2016, several commentators on the internet noticed similarities to Ruff's story and to the plot of a 1987 crime drama called Positive I.D., which was directed by a professor of film at UT Arlington. Police also found a curious letter within the safe. In 2010, he moved back across the state to live with his parents. The Strange Life and Death of Lori Erica Ruff She suffered a miscarriage before eventually giving birth to a baby girl in 2008. When Blake met Lori, she went by the name of "Lori Erica Kennedy." Nancy said it was like that all afternoon she asked questions, and Lori provided evasive answers. [8], In the months between the separation and Lori's suicide, she behaved very erratically. Accept Read More, Jeffrey Alan Lash: His Remarkable Mystery. Related: The Strange Case of the Isdal Woman. She refused to let other people hold the child and was overly protective, even for a first-time mother. [3], The suicide notes were quickly determined to be incoherent ramblings that offered no clues to Ruff's identity. In the days following her death, hebegan the grim task of sortingthrough his wifespossessions. [7] She eventually gave birth to a baby girl via in vitro fertilisation in 2008. In 2010, after she took her own life, secrets were revealed and the truth about her past began to unravel. All rights reserved. Blake's parents were suspicious of Lori right from the beginning. A Net Inceptions project. Ruff gradually acquired more documents in her new name, including a Social Security number. On the West Coast, we generally dont have a discernible accent, said Velling, a Seattle native. His letter contained pages of incoherent rambling. Or, Becky Sue Turner? Days later, she applied for and received a Social Security number - a.
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