So when I heard that the Burpin' Burger was looking for extra cashiers, I thought I could take this job. A Loud's Return 27 parts Ongoing Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav. Durin the day, Luna and Luan were doing good at the birthday party gigs. Luan is strong enough to carry Lincoln on her head. However, this episode also shows a jealous side to her, as Luan holds a grudge against Lucy for surpassing her dream of becoming the youngest performer at the Royal Woods Theater; although, she eventually drops her selfishness and encourages Lucy to do her performance. "I think it was Lincoln's turn" Luan said before realizing that their brother was banned from the house. Luan: *Smiles, swallows* Pfft!! I am just happy to help out my sister. Clyde: WowBuddywhy didn't you tell meif you told me, I would've came and taken you here. Luna was annoyed about Luan not asking her for help. Middle School student (before "Rita Her Rights")High school student (since "Rita Her Rights")Owner of Funny Business Inc.Babysitter "Luan Goes Too Far: A Loud House Fanfiction" (Chapter 16 - YouTube Leni: Lincolnwake up! She seems to be sensitive to criticism, as seen in "No Laughing Matter" when she becomes timid as a result of her siblings expressing blunt annoyance to her comedy routine and walks to her room on the verge of tears. After all, you still have a couple months left. Luan: Ha!! It is a disease that is called Zombie-Added. Shehits her ball, making it fly everywhere in the course. Lucy: Of course not, Lincoln. Things like that do happen. But how's Lori doing? When she was a one-year-old, she would go out on her tricycle and pie the mailman in the face. Lincoln: Excellent work Stella. She was sad and ran downstairs back to the kicthen. She also owned another ventriloquist dummy (before Mr. Coconuts) named Colonel Crackers. Lynn: Which is why we only saw Lana, Lola, and Leni. Woman: That doesnt matter. After few hours have gone buy, Luna and Luan were going back home. Leni put the needle and puts the medicine in it. *As soon as he finished that sentence, Lily came down*, *Lily wanted to be carried by Lincoln, so he carried her. You are grounded until June 25th 2021! Lori: No Leni. What's up? Rita: *gasp* Oh no. This fanfiction is an inspiration from The Loud House episode, One of Luans lines is referance from Cartoon Network shows Courage The Cowardly Dog. (In her head) I hope. Lincoln: They're coming for mejust so they can buy me a new one then I'll be tortured every single day *Later, Lincoln hears footsteps into Clyde's room*. But since it's raining, I won't be the queen of-. Luan (guilty): I am so sorry for not asking you and Lori for help. Hey Lori! ), (Lincoln and Bobby turns to Lori and sees her holding her stomach in pain. "I'm a royal "we been together on two different coasts and i don't even know your name yet." In "Making the Case," Luan is one of five sisters with no trophy in the case. Lisa: Actually, Lincoln has suffered food poisoning. Lisa: Techniclly, he isnt poisoned. In "White Hare," where Lincoln imagined how difficult it is to live with 15 extra sisters, Luan is a rabbit named Bebe. (Coughing) (Fart) *Blushes* Excuse me. She also didn't have any braces. Lori: Well we were hoping you would like to go golfing with us. Lisa: Everyone but you, me, Lynn, Lily, and Luna was infected. They were walking back home and were happy how well it turned out. *Then after 44 seconds of silence and eating, Leni says something*. Lori Loud (oldest sister)Leni Loud (older sister)Luna Loud (older sister)Lynn Loud (younger sister)Lincoln Loud (younger brother)Lucy Loud (younger sister)Lana Loud (younger sister)Lola Loud (younger sister)Lisa Loud (younger sister)Lily Loud (youngest sister)Rita Loud (mother)Lynn Loud Sr. (father)Shirley (aunt)Unnamed uncleUnnamed cousinRuth (great aunt)Albert (maternal grandfather)Leonard Loud (paternal grandfather)Unnamed paternal great-grandfatherHarriet (great-grandmother, deceased)Ancestors from 1600s (paternal ancestors) "Luan Goes Too Far: A Loud House Fanfiction" (Chapter 1) By - YouTube She was used a rop and a catapult to throw her pie at her face. Despite Luan's occasional ruthlessness she is mostly friendly towards her siblings, especially to Leni and Luna. They all, except for Luna were having a group hug. Leni: No problem Luan. The Princess and the Everlasting Emerald: A Royal Woods Fairytale. I was the one who gave you food poisoning. Plot: When Luan's not feeling well Leni has to make her better while the other Louds are out. I almost forgot. We have to check it out. You might want to check out up the other drone right now. He join renee and her group of goth friends. at age 14 lincoln loud starts going through a goth phase. Lincoln: Lori, why don't you take this hole first? Lisa: Wait. I hope the next one wont be so bad. Luan and Luna are roommates, and coincidentally, their names are anagrams of each other. We're all sorry, Even Lynn's probably sorry! Luan: Sorry Luna. Luan (catching her breath): I am here. Luan: Oh man! No more squirrel suit! (The Casagrandes)"The Macho Man with the Plan" (The Really Loud House) In the end, Lincoln tells Luan that the moving truck has mostly empty boxes, but the boxes with stuff in them have all of her stuff, which makes Luan chase after the truck. y r the siblings dating- Clyde: (on his knees) But please forgive us for spying on you! Cristina Pucelli Luan's immaturity is also exhibited through her possession of toys of the novelty variety, which are a frequent use in her comedy routine, most especially her dummy, Mr. Coconuts. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! Her nightwear is just a yellow nightgown or a yellow and white nightshirt with matching pants and white bunny slippers. Despite her default cheerfulness, Luan has expressed emotions of sadness, vulnerability, and insecurity a few times in the series and has implied herself to be in desperate need of affection. Lincoln: (hugs Lori) Congratulations Lori! His stomache is. Hope things get better sooner. She is very optimistic, as she likes to support her siblings, and especially make them laugh and feel better. Luna: Dude! She swings. Bye! Stella, can you please zoom the drone closer towards the table? I hope you learn your lesson, young lady! (Lori and Bobby look at each other and start laughing, confusing the others.). Lynn : It's raining Luan : Oh come on! Lunaloud Stories - Wattpad ), (Leni, Clyde, and Cameron grab their burgers and eat them. But you didn't know that you were moving just a house away from the L During his life, Lincoln has found himself in all sorts of situations, but he had his sister Luna, to help him, this story shows why Luna is the guardian sister, and not (another NSL fanfic) Takes place in the middle of the night as lincoln was walking through the streets of royal woods as he was kicked out of his own home by his family Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad luck, once again. Wait I thought you said she wasn't infected. Here's some loud house fanfic ideas I plan to make in the future or some I can give to others if they interested. At 15-years-old (14-years-old before Season 5), Luan is the fourth oldest child of the Loud family, and the second-youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. Luanloud Stories - Wattpad Lisa: She is, but not for long, but she will get healed soon. The final chapter of my Loud House fanfiction!Music used:Temple Of Seasons Remix - Legend Of Zelda: Oracle of SeasonsEternal Hope - Kevin MacLeodThe Purest Sky And Sea - Touhou Project: Concealed The ConclusionIf you enjoyed today's video, leave a like and comment in the comment section down below, and be sure to hit the subscribe button if your new. I can't wait for mom and dad to hear this. Her habits include telling jokes and puns (which many of the other characters don't like), pulling pranks, party clowning, and video production. Likes And I dont have anyone else as a temporary assistant, until Lincoln gets better. The War is over but she doesn't feel that she will be able t Lincoln Loud is the oldest of the Loud siblings but at the age of 11 saw something he shouldn't hav (Remastered) Lincoln Loud, the only boy in his family, is always getting teased by his sisters. How are we going to spy on them now? #theloudhouse #luanloud", Luan bears some resemblance to the 2007 character. The family staged this as an April Fools joke, and Luan, in relief, commended to her family she's glad that they're finally getting the hang of April Fools, but suggests to her family to stop the moving truck. Well, we should all go home, pretty sure even Lily is worried about me. Additionally, she interned at the mayor's office in "Future Tense" and helped solved Royal Woods' parking crisis, although this was done on behalf of her parents. Lynn: Lana became a temporary zombie that spits on people to infect them. Luan has been into comedy since her infancy. Lisa: I have came to my senses and I declare that luck doesn't exist. Lincoln: Oh no. Lincoln: I won't be put in a squirrel suit again, will I? You may catch his unluckiness! Luan later enrolled in a clowning academy to get better at jokes and started her business, Funny Business Inc.. Like her older sisters, Luan attended Royal Woods Middle School and was served undesirable food at lunch from Chef Pat due a grudge held against her mother, Rita. Luna: Its ok sis. Rita: *Smiles* Man, Leni sure takes good care Luan easily. Leni: *Smiles lovingly, kisses her in the lips* Sleep well Luan. Fanfiction - Sick Assistant - The Loud House Encyclopedia Luan walked towards Lincoln and hugged him. He didnt like it, but making his sister happy was all that matered to him. You are going on a party gig without Lincoln? She occasionally jokes around in inappropriate situations, like making a prison joke while her mother is in jail,[9] and planning to tell Rita jokes about how old she is at her birthday party. Lincoln and Luan hugged each other and continued walking home. Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own. Luan was already gone. Lincoln: Something is not right here. We're all free from his bad luck! Luan Loud | The Loud House Encyclopedia | Fandom - Nickelodeon Cartoon Universe, Luan Loud's BEST Pranks! The Loud House gets louder. Evanna, who just woke up from her suicide attempt caused by the continuous abuse and bullying she w "You can't make me leave no matter what you do." What do I do? It is strongly implied she inherited her sense of humor from. (Everyone puts Lana to bed and everyone goes to sleep), (Lana walks around mourning with Leni and Lola.). Who will survive in the end? [15] Back then, she wore a sleeveless yellow dress with a square pattern, a black belt, white socks, and brown ballerina flats. Lincoln answers it and it reveals to be Lori and Bobby.). Lori, Leni and Luna had pancakes, Luan was eating bacon and eggs, Lynn was having a meatball sub, Lucy and Lisa were eating cereal, Lola and Lana were having hot dogs and Lily was eating mashed potatoes. He also plays keep-away with Lincoln's time watch to stop him from going back to his own dimension. She's just. uh, you know what? 1216 Franklin Avenue, Royal Woods, Michigan Loud House: Infection of the Dead Chapter 1: Ch1: The Fall - FanFiction Stella: (to Lincoln on phone) This is Stella to Lincoln. Lincoln: But (Bobby and Lori already left) What was all that about? For the part where Lynn Jr didn't go downstairs to eat and started to regret what she did, Lola and Lisa were planned to be there, but I decided to not do that because the parents weren't there at the moment and Lisa learned it was fake so it would be strange for her to have the talk after she learned the flaws in her ways. In which Alexand What if Lincoln was a worldwalker? In the mini-comic "Deuces Wild!," Luan interprets the superheroine called "The Joker," who is also one of Ace Savvy's sidekicks. Lori: Lincoln, where is your squirrel suit?! Lori put her hand on Lincolns forhead and gasped in horror. Lincoln: (confused) That's weird. "Come on. When a space rock crash lands in the loud family's backyard, Lisa loud began to run some tests on it. Sorry, I can't pick up the phone right now. She's always happy and perky. I thought she was the nice one, but I guess I was wrongsame with you Luna! Lincoln: (to the others) Thanks to Stella's drones, we can spy in Lori's place using my laptop. It references a meme that comes from The Simpsons and Lucy was supposed to say that line, but I instead replaced that with Luan. What would happen if one caught feelings for one another. Coconuts (dummy/soulmate)GigglesColonel Crackers (former)The Santiago familyThe Casagrande family Lincoln: Oh. Anything for my funny clown. Lincoln: You all just don't get the pain of what I went through!! Even if you dont know how will they happen. Really. Luan has prominent buck teeth, which sport silver braces on her upper and lower teeth, and light brown hair worn up in a large ponytail with a small swirl at the end by a yellow scrunchie (presumably the hairtie), with two long protruding hairs sticking out from the center of her forehead. Leni: Oh yeah. (leaves), (Cameron walks towards the table and places Lincoln's, Clyde's, Leni's, and Cameron's order on it. According to Lisa in episode 20 of the Nick Animation Podcast, Luan doesn't go to the movies. He had suffered through so much, Sister Fight Protocol, Bad Luck, everything that was thrown at Lincoln is tired of being pushed around and being abused by his family, and now, he is deemed bad luck, once again. Luan: Lincoln wait! Lynn Jr: Careful! It then cuts to the other siblings*. I am free today. She also wore a pink helmet with dark pink polka dots on it whenever riding her unicycle. No Such Luck Extended - The Loud House Encyclopedia At age six, Luan was the middle child when Lucy was born. I forgive you. So come on Leni, let me have a "shot"!! She is shown to be mature enough to babysit along with her three older siblings.[11]. The other sisters look at each other in worry. Clyde: (to Lincoln) Buddy, you have to eat something. Current The title of this fanfic is based on the title of the 2017 movie "The Big Sick". Luan runs to her room and picks all her comedy props from the closet. Luan: Even though is disgusting I'll take it. Because we are good at keeping ocupied. In live-action media, she wears a white long-sleeved blouse as opposed to a white sleeveless shirt and black boots. (Lincoln is at the Burpin' Burger along with Leni, Clyde, and Cameron.). (There will definitely be No loud house harems and No s Brought on by The Fairly Oddparents being put on Netflix. On the laptop, the others can see the inside of the house.). Luan wears three gag squirt flowers in every episode she appears in, with one on her shirt and the other two on her shoes. Luan (on the phone): Hello? In an alternate universe where the sisters are brothers, Luan is a boy named Lane. Shes also a really good ventriloquist just ask her dummy, Mr. Coconuts! Outside of the original pilot short, the only time she has used her gag flowers was when she tried to cool herself off in front of the freezer before finding out about Lincoln's new pool[18] and when she used it on Lincoln before trying to wake up Lynn Sr.[19]. Luna: Well, I could be your assistant for a while dude. *Lincoln was in his room in tears in what happened at the beach with people calling him a loser while he was sweating so hard he felt like fainting and he couldn't move but he could only stand in a spot alone while other people insulted him. Leni: Wait, they left? Basically Rita and Lynn Sr. want to adopt, and you can figure out the rest on your own. She is prone to bothering others with her sense of humor while they're minding their own business, like in "Garage Banned" where she comes back into Lori's room after the latter demands privacy, and harasses Lori by mocking Bobby on the phone using Mr. Coconuts, making the puppet kiss her; this also sets up the plot. Home *He goes to his room with Lily in his hands, he lets her go in his bed, as he closes the door*. at age 14 lincoln loud starts going through a goth phase. Her entire family was sitting among a crowded restaurant as she was announced onto a makeshift stage. Luan (sad): Im sorry Lincoln. *The 2 friends went to bed and woke up at 7am*, *The siblings (minus Lincoln) are now awake, at the table with bacon and pancakes as breakfast*. But I'm mostly worried about Lori. Non-permitted web videos of othersHer pranks being ruinedLincoln being bulliedScience fiction movies (sometimes)Missing April Fool's DayPrincess PonySophisticated partiesKnock-knock jokes (sometimes)Nobody liking her comedyLynn being competitiveWrong punchlinesHaving her leftovers being stolenStage frightBeing too shyHer spotlight being takenSomeone gets attention more than herLola's bratty behaviorSomeone more talented than herJapanese mecha figuresPimples/zitsMr. "The Loud House" (unofficial)"Left in the Dark" (official)"Cursed!" Comon! Cameron: Thanks (notices Robert working at the counter and gasps in surprise) Dad?! (Stella turns on the drone's microphone and they can hear Lori and Bobby talking.). Leni: I know but promise it will make you feel better. I didn't want to, but I did because I was going through pain. She always has a positive and cheerful attitude. Lynn and Lisa: Operation get to the sink and fill up a glass of water and make Lana drink it, and also think of a shorter name of the operation, into action! (Laugh) Get it?? Lincoln: *takes off the suit* That's it! Hope things get better sooner. First episode Bobby: It's okay Babe, let's just go home so you can rest. Its my sons birthday today and I need you help my son and his friends to have a good time. Bobby: Wait, wait, wait! Age He. While Luan laughs at others' humiliations and often comes off as a nuisance to others, she does it with good intentions and does not mean to harm anyone as she just wants to make people laugh. Lincoln: (in his mind) Or doing one by one is off the tableoh well. journal of market access and health policy impact factor.