It's titled "Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America.". Haberman described how delighted he was when the New York Post headlined a piece about him with a possibly erroneous quote from Marla Maples: Best Sex Ive Ever Had. She would repeat versions of these same answers and stories at her book event later that evening. [12], Haberman frequently broke news about the Trump campaign and administration. . Yet her emphasis on her own unspecialness feels more canny than sincere, animated by the need to convey that she is immune to Trumps games. Haberman, for her part, has been on the Trump beat for decades. [9], Haberman was hired by The New York Times in early 2015 as a political correspondent for the 2016 U.S. presidential campaign. Trump responded, jokingly, "Really? he asks, pointing at the recorder between us. And it's just hard to know how much is that vs. he's convinced himself of this. But no matter what Haberman writes about Trump, he has never frozen her out. And, again, I could name many others. Through it all, she never missed a beat in our conversation. "And yet Trump seems driven to connect with her.". Maggie Haberman, a White House correspondent for the New York Times, stops midsentence to stare at his back as he gesticulates broadly and shouts at his dinner companions over the already considerable din at BLT Steak in Washington, DC, downstairs from the offices of the Times' bureau. Washington, D.C.,s power players, a wider swath of whom than wishes to admit it has Habermans number saved, grew habituated to her presence, if not exactly thrilled by it. He was constantly looking for a relationship with him in the past and kept it going out of office still, this admiration. Plus: each Wednesday, exclusively for subscribers, the best books of the week. (One of her refrains is I was shocked but not surprised.) She mounts a similar argument about Trump in her recent book, Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America. The book presents Trump as a bullshit artist whose grand theme is his own greatness. Haberman was born on October 30, 1973, in New York City, the daughter of Clyde Haberman, who became a longtime journalist for The New York Times, and Nancy Haberman (ne Spies), a media communications executive at Rubenstein Associates. Thats what people have really struggled to understand., Articles about Haberman like to say that the mother of three, who will turn fifty this October, desperately needs a break. And he makes that very clear. Many of the juiciest Trump pieces have been broken by her: That story about him spending his evenings alone in a bathrobe, watching cable news? "The news was something my dad did." This past November, by the end of the candidates meandering, hour-long campaign announcement, she had tweeted about the speech more than twenty times. Read Maggie Haberman", "New York Times Staffing Up For 2016 Election With Maggie Haberman Hire", "How Tabloids Helped NY Times' Maggie Haberman Ace Trump White House", "Maggie Haberman leaves huge hole at Politico, moves to New York Times", "Politico's Senior Political Reporter Maggie Haberman Joins New York Times", "The leakiest White House I've ever covered", "Maggie Haberman Hits Back In Twitter Spat With 'Trump Adviser' Sean Hannity", "Biden 'is planning to run again' in 2024", "The Trump Presidency Is Ending. Sister Sites: Techmeme Tech news essentials. He was telling people he wasn't going to leave. There are briefing-room tantrums, incredulous generals, and off-color mutterings. She was a correspondent for Politico with roots in city tabloids, and while I didn't know much about politics or the media, I knew that when she reported. Her daughter was home sick from school with a fever. She wrote fiction. I don't think he figured the office out. Hutchinson had just finished her third deposition with the committee. Is a Woman Ever Going to Win the White House? The New York Times reporter may be the greatest political reporter working today. "Can I come back?" ", "I don't know if the scale was 1 out of 100 or 1 out of 10," Haberman tells me the day after that interview, "and, by the way, the goal is not to be thanked for coverage, to be clear. Haberman once said in an interview that she talked to 50 people a day. She commutes to DC several times a week from her home in Brooklyn, where she lives with her husband and three young children. As the 2024 race gears up, the Confidence Man and his chronicler have become each others context, bound together and propelled by desires that both are and arent their own. In late April, Haberman spoke on (yet another) panel, this one at the 92nd Street Y, with her colleague Alex Burns. Donald Trump reading The New York Times at his Greenwich, Connecticut home in 1987. Why it matters: Destroying records that should be preserved is potentially illegal. Haberman, one of the main conduits of Oval Office drama, came under particular fire for her handling of anonymous sources. He was shaped by how to attract those stories.. "There has been a very protracted shocked stage in Washington, and I think people have to move past that. he says, holding out his fist. One colleague says she didn't realize there was a limit to how many Gchats you could have going at one time until she saw Haberman hit the maximum. Maggie Haberman during a screening of The Fourth Estate at TheTimesCenter on May 9, 2018, in New York City. "She is literally always doing four things," says her friend and former New York Post colleague Annie Karni. Former President Donald Trump said reporter Maggie Haberman was like his "psychiatrist" during one of their interviews, according to Haberman's new book. . She sees herself as a demystifier. [29][21], Haberman married Dareh Ardashes Gregorian, a reporter for the New York Daily News, formerly of the New York Post, and son of Vartan Gregorian, in a November 2003 ceremony at the Tribeca Rooftop in Manhattan. Over the years, she has honed a stable interpretation of Trump, evoking not a strongman but a showman, an egomaniac with shrewd instincts and bad opinions. Because she was literally talking to 16 people within our campaign at the same time.". Ppl don't change." 2023 Cond Nast. Hicks echoed Conway, e-mailing me a few days later that Haberman was "a true professional. I mean, we know it is not true. Honestly, the first name that came to mind as you were asking that question was Richard Nixon, with whom who is obviously not alive anymore, with whom he had a huge fascination. I think that theres a misunderstanding among certain aspects of our readership about what it is we do, she said. ", When I tell Haberman what her colleagues say about her, she shrugs, like she's being complimented for breathing. Dhruv Khullar examines what strategies worked to control the virus, and talks to the C.D.C.s director, Rochelle Walensky, about the issue of misinformation. "The Triborough and Empire State view of Trump is very different from the national view of Trump," she points out. I don't believe that he learned how to be president more astutely. Yes, Haberman does a decent job laying out the business life of DJT, as seen thru her decidedly inhospitable glasses. [19] She has also been accused "from certain corners of the left as a supposed water carrier for the 45th president". Trumps performative macho is scaring voters in both parties away from women candidates. At the annual conference this week, conservative celebrities like Mike Lindell and Kari Lake will attend, as will Donald Trump, but many possible 2024 rivals are skipping it. Adds Haberman, "Some Ed Koch. My job, she said, is to provide as much information on a topic as possible that is significant and relevant and related to events. What a President does, she noted, will always get coverage. He said that to me in one of our interviews. Haberman jumped to Politico in 2010, where she covered him full-bore for the first time; he was then flirting with the idea of joining the 2012 Republican primary and beginning to spread the lie that Barack Obama was not born in the United States. Well be fine.. You know, he plopped himself down on Fifth Avenue"a reference to the 58-story Trump Tower"and he still was not treated seriously by New York's business elite. . he yelps like a sixth grader sent our way on a dare, and dashes off. Habermans particular way of contextualizing often seems intended to puncture or undermine. ", The 1980s and '90s New York in which Haberman was raised is the same milieu in which Trump began his crusade to sand down his Queens edges and gild the Manhattan skyline. Intense is one of the words friends and colleagues most often use to describe her. The aides and advisers who spoke to Haberman for the book - she writes that she interviewed more than 250 people - offer a damning portrait of a commander in chief who was uninterested in. But I do think that he needs whatever he doesn't have, and whatever that might be in any given moment. (The Police Athletic League, a cause beloved by the former Manhattan District Attorney Robert Morgenthau, profited handsomely from his shamelessness, Haberman writes.) "There's an enormous personal price that she pays, that people pay when they devote so much of themselves to this," Thrush says. Would she tell the man to "stop screaming"? She has worked for the trifecta of local dailies The Post, The Daily News and, most. She stared. Her coverage is often grounded in statements about Trumps characterthat he thrives on chaos but loves routine, or that he stirs up infighting among his cronies. But, for all Habermans reticence, she maintains a combative Twitter presence, and is quick to press her case in replies when she believes that shes been mischaracterized. Haberman is famously formidable. Maggie parries, her face inscrutable. [15] Haberman was criticized for applying a double standard in her reporting about the scandals involving the two presidential candidates of the 2016 election. Maggie Haberman is a senior political correspondent who joined The New York Times in 2015 and was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on Donald Trumps advisers and their connections to Russia. Because he is the same person he was during the campaign.". A few minutes later, here he comes. From Eisenhower to Biden, questions of age have persisted. She previously covered the Trump administration and continues to cover Donald Trump and politics in Washington. I care about getting it right. [26][27], In January 2020, attorneys representing Nick Sandmann announced that Haberman was one of many media personalities they were suing for defamation for her coverage of the 2019 Lincoln Memorial Confrontation. Judy Woodruff: A number of news reporters have tried and are still trying to understand former President Donald Trump and his influence on our nation's politics today. You're going to see if people were killed," Marques says. Access the best of Getty Images with our simple subscription plan. [5] In 1999, the Post assigned her to cover City Hall, where she became "hooked" on political reporting. Is it the claustrophobia that bothers her? By 1999, Marques put Haberman on the City Hall beat, where she covered then-mayor Rudy Giuliani, a Trump friend. Most recently, just in the last few days, he put out a statement about Elaine Chao, the wife of Senator Mitch McConnell. "Part of the reason" Haberman is so read in the Times "is because she is writing about Donald Trump. Haberman graduated in 1996 from Sarah Lawrence College, where she studied creative writing and psychology. She's out with a new book. But he and Haberman say it reminds them of New York politics; they see Trump's presidency more as a "national mayoraltyit's got that scale, it has that informality," Thrush says. Haberman was not the only reporter to see the underlying logic in the daily bedlam emanating from Washington. But it gives her added credibility when she argues, as she did when Trump fired Comey, that one of Trump's aberrant moves is a big deal. Mayor Rudy Giuliani and Donald Trump circa 1997, Jeff Greenfield interviews Maggie Haberman and Alexander Burns at the 92nd Street Y. Wanna Know What Donald Trump Is Really Thinking? 75 and the Ethical Culture Fieldston School, a private school in the Bronx. Is there anyone in political life he truly admires? We see many compliments in your future with Maggie, a rectangular frame with a metal construction and vibrant violet hue. Trump is 70. Haberman told me that she believed a number of people from the Trump era remain newsworthy, either because they illuminate something about Trump himself or because they are the subjects of or witnesses in investigations. But who he is is also why he won and why he tripled down after Access Hollywood," the political crisis which Haberman says is probably the yardstick Trump is using to measure his response to the current situation. Its possible that all of the jurors votes recommended against indictment, but it isnt sounding like it. "What do they thinkthat it's going in a secret newspaper?". WeSmirch Celebrity news and gossip There's that Felix Sater character, who was arrested and, I think, did time, for shoving a broken Martini glass in someone's face . This article appears in the July 2017 issue of ELLE.. 14-Day Free Returns. "What you're seeing with Maggie Haberman is, you're watching one of the greatest people to ever do this job, giving a maximum effort. NEW --> Declassified after-action reports support U.S. military commanders who said Biden team was indecisive during the Afghanistan crisis The White House said Friday that no such reports exist. ", And this is the aspect of the job that Haberman tries to focus on in the midst of the storm of distractions his administration provides: holding him to the truth. He has called you, essentially, like his psychiatrist, whether you agree with that term or not. She's perfectly willing to walk like a redcoat into the middle of the field and let everyone know she's there because she's going to get [her story]," says Kevin Madden, a Republican communications veteran who has worked for John Boehner, George W. Bush, and Mitt Romney. Theyre outraged by what were covering, and they dont understand why its not having the effect it should. Organize, control, distribute and measure all of your digital content. She glanced at it, then apologized. "You can change her mind," Madden says. And that's going to mean certain situations are fraught. She was accused of skewing her coverage in exchange for access (a claim she rejects)these allegations sometimes came from the same critics who bristled at her papers studious impartiality. I was somewhat surprised to see that, Haberman said when I asked her about the conversation, characterizing her call as routine. Shortly after Hutchinsons deposition, she notes, the Times published a story on the January 6th committees progress that included the news that at least one witness was willing to testify that Trump had approved of rioters chanting Hang Mike Pence and that Mark Meadows, the former White House chief of staff, had burned documents in a fireplace. But Confidence Man is among the first to seriously consider its subjects backstory, how he sprang from the overlapping scenes of New York real estate, city government, and media celebrity. Greenfield introduced Haberman by saying that he couldn't remember a reporter having established a relationship with a president quite like hers with Trump. I was shaped by understanding what sold in a tabloid, Haberman told me. He confesses that he is drawn to her, like a moth to a flame. Questions about her process elicited similarly guarded answers. ", [youtube ][/youtube], It was at City Hall that she met Thrush, who was working at the New York tabloid Newsday. And he is still surrounded by people who don't take him seriously, who he knows do not value him. And I'm like, This is total bullshit, this is not a real person, nobody is this way," Thrush recalls. She turned the phone over. Highlights from the week in culture, every Saturday. Grow your brand authentically by sharing brand content with the internets creators. Is this something he believes to be true, or what? births and plastic surgeries), and the funerals of firefighters and civic luminaries. And she's got a BlackBerry and a flip phone going at the same time. She never hedges her angle to try to protect her access, only to give politicians an unwelcome surprise when they read the story in the morninga practice some journalists follow that Haberman calls "the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. The former presidents lawyers cited executive privilege, a tactic they have used with other ex-Trump aides. A lot of people would let it go, but Haberman signals to the hostess. Her measured stance infuriates Trump's detractors, who harangue her on Twitter for "normalizing" the president. He clearly, in my reporting and I describe this in the first few days after the November 2020 election, he seemed aware that he had lost in his conversations with a number of aides. For a moment, it seems he might be coming over to tell off the reporter. What Trump tries to do, Haberman told me, is create realities for himself and everyone else. But his conjuring is notshe searched for the right wordfriendly; theres a malevolence to it. She's called me as she was drivingswearing and running latebetween an errand at the American Girl doll store and a dinner party. [4], Haberman's career began in 1996 when she was hired by the New York Post. It was a story about Mar-a-Lago." She was wearing an evil-eye bracelet. The Times hired her to cover the 2016 election five months before Donald Trump declared his first Presidential campaign. How an unemployed blogger confirmed that Syria had used chemical weapons. The former President is not what he seems, she said, but hes not nothing. Haberman has what can only be described as a wildly expressive poker face: her slender, Clara Bow-ish eyebrows lifting, her tired eyes widening behind her smudged glasses, a tiny pinpoint of a mole on her upper lip emphasizing the thin line she's pressed her mouth into, the dimple in her chin appearing and disappearing as her jaw muscles shift. [10], Her reporting style as a member of the White House staff of the Times features in the Liz Garbus documentary series The Fourth Estate. Slate called her Trump's "snake charmer"; New Yorker editor in chief David Remnick recently likened Trump to her "ardent, twisted suitor." Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. But he is one of the things he said to me in one of our interviews was the he uses repetition in interviews to beat something into and I quote "my beautiful brain.". I don't know if you're familiar with the children's book "Harold and the Purple Crayon," but it's about a child named Harold who literally has a purple crayon, and he draws a whole world at night one night. Throughout our conversation, she gave practiced, useful answers that slipped easily into anecdote, and she continually steered the topic away from herself. And Haberman, like Trump, knows how to spin: Confidence Man makes a show of refusing Trumps enticements. So Is Maggie Haberman's Wild Ride", "Transcript: Donald Trump Expounds on His Foreign Policy Views", "EXCLUSIVE: New Email Leak Reveals Clinton Campaign's Cozy Press Relationship", "Nate Silver and Maggie Haberman Duke it Out on Twitter Over Clinton Email Coverage", "Why the medias coverage of Hillary Clinton's emails still matters", "New York Times reporter just demonstrated some astonishing false equivalency", "Maggie Haberman and the never-ending Trump story", "Exclusive: 'I'm just not going to leave': New book reveals Trump vowed to stay in White House", "Confidence Man review: Maggie Haberman takes down Trump", "Combined Print & E-Book Nonfiction - Best Sellers", "CovCath students file 5 lawsuits over Lincoln Memorial incident", "NY Times' Maggie Haberman Criticized for Saving Trump Quote About Not Leaving White House for Her Book",, This page was last edited on 16 February 2023, at 19:13.
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