Let us now examine the most significant events that happened during the fateful weekend of Houstons death. If you dont like the music, or the message it conveys, dont listen. They throw away their morals and do the evil things their label tells them. Heavy metal music has now become almost completely demonic per se and many performers revel in this fact, openly flaunting it. The State of the Music Industry in 2020 | Toptal - Toptal Finance Blog The devil's chord: A history of Satanism in popular music - Crack Magazine Since the 20th Century, Lucifer's nefarious aesthetic of blood, sacrifice and blaspheme has wormed its way into subversive art, literature and most significantly 'satan music'. The Illuminati in Hollywood: Celebrities, Conspiracies, and Secret Societies in Pop Culture and the Entertainment. But, if you ask a musician or a singer, they will let you know the true hassles of having a career in the music industry. My name is Gavin Alvarez, and I am a graduate of Full Sail University's music production degree program. Many well-known rock artists are well-versed in the occult and are aware that spiritual entities and multidimensional demons can manifest themself through music of a lower vibrational nature. Most big websites do this too. Throughout the twentieth century and now into the twenty-first, music has been manipulated from its initial state of innocence, goodness and wholesomeness to become in many cases, downright vile and nasty. But, for most newcomers a little push and a financial stability is needed. Streaming services like YouTube and Spotify are taking advantage of the technological innovation and thus, singers are unable to get the benefits. Bullying was experienced by 76% of survey participants at some point in their career in the industry. (@_1dreem_): "But your so fucking toxic #foryou #fyp #fyo #artist #hiphop #pop #juicewrld #999 #justintimberlake #thekidlaroi". 10. When Mick Jagger of The Rolling Stones wrote the song Sympathy for the Devil, in the 1960s, this was one of the first examples of Satanism in rock music. Sorry, but I believe it is artistic for people to sing of pain and suffering and sadness. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event, Old Weekly Ascension Meditation Instructions, Grid Work: Delivering Light to a Sacred Site Near You, The Prepare For Change Community Leaders Brief, Join Sisterhood of the Rose and Newsletter Sign-up, The Goddess Vortex and Transmuting All Darkness, Depopulation as Public Policy: A Rationale for Vaccines, GMO, Poisoned Food and Cancer Misinformation, The Many Dangers And Effects Of Vaccines For Dummies, Holistic Cancer Treatments What The Doctors Wont Tell you, Dangers Of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) Links and Information. Global revenues from physical was $9.4 billion, a 5% decrease on 2011's total of $9.9 billion. 'Twitter for iPhone', Kabbalists tend to associate this number with transgression of the law, sorcery and possibly significantly, martyrdom. According to this man, it was the bathtub that was overflowing but he noticed that a large-screen television had also been smashed. The music industry is broken. In charge of music for the 5 pm mass, retreats, and nights of worship. . Try to advance the skills sets and technique. Sacrifice. Vinyl, HBO (2016) Sex, drugs, and rock 'n' roll - such was the New York City music scene in the 1960s. Rock and Roll originally emerged as a defined musical style in the United States in the early to mid-1950s. How and why the founder of BET Black Entertainment Television became the first African American billionaire. Topics explained in Sacrifice: Magic Behind the Mic include: Origins of hip hop ; How the Illuminati manipulates the black culture through an industrial prison complex and negative messages in rap music ; The use of magical spells used in lyrics and music videos ; Demonic possession and MKULTRA mind control ; Magician Aleister Crowley and his . Accounts of strange events before the death, the bizarre behaviour of the so-called authorities when the death was discovered, conflicting reports, the vagueness surrounding the cause of the death and last but not least, a typical response from the music industry via the Grammys ceremony. How did XXXTentacion know he was going to die? Was he a sacrifice for SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! Following are 15 celebrities accused of worshiping Satan: 15. Many metal bands shift through members like a baby goes through diapers. Todays music industry is rife with such characters, people who have been chosen and indeed created to be focal points and the personalities, celebrities if you will, who carry the burden of providing profits for an intensely money-focussed industry, ultimately regardless of the degree of talent they may or may not possess. Even before hearing a song, a record company wants to know about where you have performed, how many people have watched you play and how many units did you manage to sell. document.getElementById('af-form-430377240').parentElement.removeAttribute('target'); Sir Elton Hercules John CH CBE (born Reginald Kenneth Dwight; 25 March 1947) is a British singer, pianist and composer.Collaborating with lyricist Bernie Taupin since 1967, John has sold over 300 million records worldwide, making him one of the best-selling artists of all time. It is descended directly from the rhythm and blues music of the 1940s, which itself developed from earlier blues, jazz and swing music and was also influenced by gospel, country and western and traditional folk music. It is actually an essential aspect of the latter-day degeneration of music and the lowering of consciousness. Gemtracks houses award-winning melody composers for you to work with. Your beat will set the vibe and structure of your song. There are a multitude of photos of him on the Internet posing with almost everyone who is anyone. Thu, Mar 02, 2023 LOGIN Subscribe for $1 - http://kdmr.us/subBlog - http://kdmr.us/blogMerchandise - http://shop.kdmrmusic.com*****. a few years ago on the history of rock and heavy metal. There is also a long history of connectivity from music to mind control going back to the 1950s when pop music in its present form was first pushed upon an unsuspecting world by the mass-manipulators of the Frankfurt School and the Tavistock Institute and many performers, singers and members of bands are manipulated into promoting a satanic agenda by recording labels and producers who are also up to their eyes in the deadly scheme. After that all i need is 3 or 4 showers. It is also about having dedication towards the art. They become valuable commodities. Yes, unfortunately the. X spoke too much about it in his songs, never camouflaging for anyone but instead to educate the masses that followed him. Elton John - Wikipedia As such we prayerfully rely on the support of our readers/listeners. But, it is also important for musicians to do the right thing at the right place. I was asked by a family member, who knows I'm an occult researcher, to look into Whitney Houston's death, as being a sacrifice. It is a wet Saturday, here in Irvine, California. As I say, many artists are aware of this and some became aware of the fact that they have been manipulated by the music industry or began to recollect memories of their brainwashing, either through the military or through handlers who often happen to be their manager. People now don't pay attention to the music and lyrics they are listening to. He wanted to give the sage . Throughout the course of time, the concept of Satan has become less of an effigy of religious torment and more of a trendy reference point in pop culture. Music together has no longer the cultural significance that it once had. I wanted to thank Whitney, because when I wrote Born this Way, I imagined she was singing it because I wasnt secure enough in myself to imagine I was a superstar. Photo credit: okmagazine.ro. 'WebView', Why an aspiring rapper in Virginia shot his friend as an "Illuminati sacrifice" hoping it would help him become rich and famous. Audience & Fan Attention. Music Personal Statement Example 1. Thus, it becomes difficult for artists with capability to make a mark. The vast majority of pre-1950s music calibrates in our consciousness as positive and positive consciousness in turn creates high levels of confidence and a healthy self-esteem. It is also important for the artist to have proper healthcare facilities, retirement benefits, and good financial backup. Without the fan base, no industry can flourish. A lot of robotic-transhumanistic symbolism and motifs in Hollywood and the music industry today, from Madonna and Beyonce to Queen, Lil Wayne, and Daft Punk, are rehashed elements from Fritz Lang . I wasn't expecting something so great at such reasonable price! This information emanates from many sources; there have been many books written and several films made on the subject and many well-known artists have been exposed and even admitted themselves that this is taking place. BLOOD SACRIFICES -music industry | Wiki | Conspiracy Theory Amino if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2','ezslot_20',188,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-mobile-leaderboard-2-0');Here is another article on 10 Steps to Make a Music Video Storyboard + Free Template as well. Unfortunately, rock and pop music has become mostly a grossly degenerative art form. Beyonce's alter ego hints that she is controlled by the Illuminati (par. Blood Sacrifices in Music Industry. She had been discovered dead in her bath, but it is unclear exactly by whom as there were several people in her suite at that time (3.50pm local time). 9. But, it's been downhill since then. Christian Music Industry Exposed - SafeGuardYourSoul https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DDMw_t15mso\u0026list=PLV9MjJoZATb_GvpR-4xb6AxwIdEOyrt5F Enroll In Our Top Rated Music Marketing Course: https://www.group82university.com Become A Group 82 University Affiliate and Make $1,000 Per Sale (50% Commission) - https://www.group82university.com/affiliates TubeBuddy: How did I grow my YouTube Channel to 100,000 Subscribers and $70,000 in Revenue in 11 months? Advertising: Tailor information and advertising to your interests based on e.g. U.S. music industry - revenue . But, how did this happen? Despite all the negativity and controversy surrounding the self-proclaimed antichrist superstar, the musician has tons of fans around the globe. Very easy to browse! and shortly before her death she allegedly passed a note to her friend, the singer, Brandy who flatly refused to reveal its contents, other than to ambiguously state thatWhitney meant everything to me. His usual entourage was there with him, including Quinton Aaron, a Hollywood B-grade movie actor and despite his terrible shock at Whitneys death he still somehow managed to force himself to attend the party in the ballroom. Major artists work with dozens of partners as they tour around the world, release singles, videos and albums, make appearances, sell merch and promote their music and shows. It is alleged that members must make a blood sacrifice to [] Please understand however that the above events are just one example and one tiny pinprick on the finger-tip of the very large body of evidence linking show business to the satanic arts. The teams of developing acts are usually much, much smaller, but someone . The band's were divided into groups and subgroups. THE JOE ROGAN & KANYE WEST INTERVIEW WAS VERY INSIGHTFUL. Even if a person decides to join the path of music in spite of all odds, they have to tour to different places. The involvement of occultists in the creation of the superstars of their day, such as Mozart, Beethoven and Haydn, cannot be ignored. The problem with the music industry is that it has very little to do with how talented an artist is. Disturbing scenes from Astroworld have seen claims emerge the concert was a "blood sacrifice" as the rapper's promotional material features demonic imagery. Indeed, music has a very strong, very definite physiological and psychological effect on people, especially the more impressionable among us. Lala Kent on Twitter: "Still think Hollywood-Music Industry-Washington Audience & Fan Attention. In addition to this, they always remained in the news and part of all conversations. The disparity is obvious and it needs to change. Throughout the world many people, especially the 10-30 age range are listening to vacuous, emotionally-numbing and trance-inducing negatively-vibrational music and demonic lyrics, which at one time were uniquely present within heavy metal rock, but now seem to emanate from and be present in all genres. Are Chaka Khans references to demonic and sacrifices, to be taken literally? THE MUSIC INDUSTRY'S BIGGEST LIE EXPOSEDSubscribe for more videos! Hollywood has used this trick, invented originally by Disney, for many years. KANYE WEST: MUSIC INDUSTRY IS TREACHEROUS & FILLED w/ CRIMINALS & NOT A Work with an award-winning songwriter from Gemtracks to brew up something poetic and meaningful. I'm excited to announce my 2nd book entitled SACRIFICE: MAGIC BEHIND THE MIC. (Currently we do not use targeting or targeting cookies. And so the Elite now performs its satanic rituals upon us all, via our favourite musicians and through all the dozens of pop music TV channels that exist today and also their contrived, highly ritualistic awards ceremonies in front of millions of deluded viewers. He was present in Whitneys suite of rooms at the time of her demise and apparently appeared downstairs in the hotel lobby shortly thereafter wearing aviator-type sunglasses and ostentatiously weeping and wailing. (dont be scared now..) I have you sweatin so hard you need 3 or 4 towels. Take this body to the project for a sacrifice. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'gemtracks_com-portrait-1','ezslot_27',189,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-gemtracks_com-portrait-1-0');For more in-depth information on this subject, read our article on 20+ Best Sites to Make Music Online FREE . List of famous people killed by the Illuminati, with information about of each death and sacrifice. But if you wish to direct your life towards a professional music career, you must be ready for tremendous sacrifices. return !pattern.test(userAgent); Music for everyone is getting rid of the chaos and hassles of life. It is important to be passionate towards the goal. (function() { The Illuminati and Satanism in the Music Industry: What is it?, How It As stated above, Michael Jackson would fall neatly into that particular category, as would Whitney Houston who died shortly before my writing of this article in early 2012 and as the most recent incidents tend to be the ones that are freshest in the mind, let us concentrate on that particular one. Its insidious influence on our psyches has no doubt left its mark on us all to a greater or lesser degree and there is no doubt that certain songs, artists and lyrics contribute in some way, however large or small, to the huge increase in suicide among the under 25 age groups, which stands at record levels and is no doubt welcomed enthusiastically by the Elite in line with their stated policy of huge population reduction. Ritual Sacrifice and the Political Economy of Music - JSTOR The entire music and entertainment industry is an important indoctrination tool used by and for the Elite and many musicians are introduced to Satanism and occultism. Otis Redding is believed to have been an Illuminati sacrifice. The music video portrays the birth of her alter ego Sasha Fierce. The True Sacrifice In The Music Industry - YouTube Find a mixing engineer to combine your beat and vocals so they "sit" together. The industry is quite competitive, and it is one of the most difficult industries to break into. Nevertheless, well-known musicians are often reported as admitting to the practice of Satanism and their friends or colleagues will often mention that they have multiple personalities and that what you see on the stage is not really that person. Great article! With a demo track, you have a track to sing along with when you record your vocals in the studio. To many observers, the occult and Satanism began to expand its influence through such bands as Led Zeppelin and even the Eagles a band which is generally regarded as being soft rock oriented. is so prevalent among this group of people? It also directly affects the course in which our society takes. Illuminati in the Music Industry - amazon.com Those at the top rake in millions while artists often struggle to get by. In the present time, music is not all about artistic ability and the voice of the singer. Rock and Roll in turn gave birth to rock music in general and over the last fifty years the individual musical genres have expanded greatly, presumably in order to cater for everyones individual tastes and ensure that no-one escapes the net. It sacrifices peoples lives and their essences at the drop of a dime I had a manager once say to me, You know youre worth more money dead than alive. Chaka Khan. THE MUSIC INDUSTRY'S BIGGEST LIE EXPOSED - YouTube The 2030 estimate was an increase on its original . The OTT platforms don't lay too much emphasis on musical shows. On Tuesday, the major labels protested police brutality with a "blackout." Executives and artists say industry . Oversee budget and vision/mission of music . Anyone with a computer and a music gear and record music from their bedroom. Gone are the days when the industry was about right talent. "SONG NAME" what a wonderful name for a(n) GENRE song! Illuminati in the Music Industry - Mark Dice - Google Books Phenomenon like brain drain and lack of new talents have accelerated the fall of the music industry. The Illuminati In The Music Industry - Essay Examples What happens when you have everything? Incorporated in the videos, photos and shows of Lady Gaga and many other pop icons, is symbolism that refers explicitly to the Elite and to mind control. This Week at a Glance February 26 to March 4, 2023, Greenpeace Betrays Founders to Peddle Junk Science. Also, at 2.30am during the night immediately preceding Whitneys death, a man in a 3rdfloor room immediately beneath her suite complained that water was cascading into his room from above. Thus, it is highly important to have a consistency towards the goal you have. Hollywood studios are "drenched in the blood of innocent children" according to Mel Gibson who claims the consumption of "baby blood is so popular in Hollywood that it basically operates as a currency of its own." In a shocking expos, the famed movie producer has blown the whistle on the . Blood Sacrifices in Music Industry - Virily $14.95. Luck can be created and directed. I just wish he did. Today, the most popular musicians, such as for example, Lady Gaga and Britney Spears are totally controlled by the occult and the music industry and Hollywood are fixated by Black . The Church of Satan was then headed by its high priest, Anton LaVey but many people believe that LaVey, was just a front man for the real high priest, Kenneth Anger, the man who had been responsible for introducing the Rolling Stones to the occult. These days many stories come up where you may find singers have to hold a day job so that they can keep their lives together and they can work on their music. Some people paint, some write or exercise or cook or garden, (or take drugs) and some people write music and sing. The week around November 1st is known to be the time of the year when the "veil" between this world and the "underworld" is the thinnest. Even if you are standing by yourself. You see a lot artists selling their soul to the Devil when they sign that contract. Great songs and great lyrics writing becomes challenging because of the tough competition. These days too many options for entertainment are available in the form of social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The American researcher and author, David McGowan in his serialised Internet story, The Strange Story of Laurel Canyon, relates how most of the popular musicians and entertainers in the 1960s had some connection to the American military and thus to the myriad of intelligence networks. . Many, many artistes are said to be involved in this whole charade, many knowingly but nevertheless unable to escape its clutches for fear of the Michael Jackson / Whitney Houston experience befalling them and many unknowingly through subtle mind-control techniques as described previously in this book. Music industry | Business | The Guardian The rise of the internet from the late 1990s has played a crucial role in how music is consumed globally, setting up a butterfly effect that inadvertently affects how musicians and artists are . Answer (1 of 4): I saw a documentary on t.v. July 9, 2019 February 10, 2022 Entertainment Industry Videos Whenever you see an actor with all these perfume commercials, that comes at a price for selling your soul, having homosexual acts with global elite and even animals. KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES HOW MUSIC LABELS SACRIFICE RAPPERS IN THE INDUSTRY Suspense, horror, piano and . What They Will Never Tell You About Met Gala: Hollywood`s Satanism The trick is to learn how to deal with the setbacks and to continue moving towards the goal. It has been reported that she had had premonitions about her own demise (where have we heard this before?) Tonight's event is an intimate affair for 99 people and features two performances: a live threesome and a sexy fire-eating show. Radio. Every move. But, it's been downhill since then. the content you have visited before. Many studies reveal that technology is everything that music is not today. You have entered an incorrect email address! However, I also believe that many of the household-name musicians early in their careers are lured into a subtle trap baited with money and fame but then once their handlers in the recording companies completely sink their claws and teeth into them, they realise that they are caught, with no possible escape route and thus are condemned to continue with their charade for the rest of their careers, which often ends prematurely for one reason or another. Israeli parliament passes death penalty bill: The law would apply to Fingerprints of Unvaccinated NYC Teachers Flagged to FBI. 1 George Michael Was An Illuminati Sacrifice. Often today music is excessively depressing, replete with songs contain lyrics extolling the virtues of extreme selfishness, greed, violence, death, suicide and murder. With your demo track ready, it's time to hit the recording studio. Tekashi 6ix9ine. Ye says his mom was sacrificed in new video : r/Kanye He was bearing Whitneys entry ticket in his hand when he entered the room to what was apparently an outpouring of sympathy, but obviously not enough sympathy to actually halt the party. For example, 9/11, the twin towers looked like a large number11and Remembrance/Veterans Day the11/11at the11thhour. Many people feel that in revenue terms, the music industry is flourishing, but in the artistic term, it is going down the hill. Ray Daniels & Wendy Day, break down the true sacrifice in the music industry. Source: http://falsificationofhistory.co.uk, Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. At the beginning of your career, your team may solely consist of the people who perform with you. For people who have a goal to have a successful music career, it is important to have knowledge about the artistic ability as well as the commercial benefits of music. Since music is losing the pool of talent, it becomes difficult for newcomers to make a mark into the industry. They choose which ones we think consciously about and which are just subconsciously absorbed as programming. KAT WILLIAMS EXPOSES MUSIC LABELS #fyp #trending #celebrities #illu Thanks again. So, was Exel an instrumental part in Whitneys death in any way and had she become persona non gratis to the Elites music industry in some way?