Q. The option for a shrouded hammer. The new Cobra is pricey, too, just like any other Colt. The way Ive heard it, there are two easily defined camps: Sig people and Glock people; every manufacturer and their mother is trying to be the next Glock, but the Sig people have far fewer options. Its gone now and I dont miss it at all. First revolver since my 1932 Nagant, which, sniggers aside, was a fun little gun and just funky enough to enjoy at the range. I think I got quite a bit more for it than I paid. The LCR is the same story. It was supposed to be one of their lightest weight pieces available, and the blue/black finish on aluminum is, well, feh. I am very interested in the Cobra for these very same reasons. There still are some jigs that survive at the East Hartford plant in the testfire area but they look rusted beyond salvation. However, on the Colt as an EDC, since not using it much, pain on the hand is of little concern, because in a real emergency of 1-6 shots, there is no pain in the moment, and even if shooting 40-50 rounds, pain dissipates over a week. Source: What the market really needs is a good hunk of American steel. Springfield XP-9 Cal 9MMX19 in Case, Colt Python 357 Magnum Revolver, Winchester Model 12 12 Ga., Winchester Model 70, 30Gov't06 Cal., Browning Over/Under Citori, 12 Ga., 1871 Remington Rolling Block Rifle, Eclipse Double Barrel 12 Ga., Marlin 30-30 Cal. A Little History According to our friends at Revolvy, the first model of Cobra was made from 1950 to 1971 with a 2-inch barrel. Accuracy was impressive. Instead of a high polish it looks like Colt went for a bead blasted exterior. Ive never owned a Colt, but that may change when the initial hype cools down. Would it have killed them to polish the thing? Your email address will not be published. Alberts achieved six-shotgroups within a 2-inch circle at defense distances with no problem in single-action. Colt also offers a tritium front sight as an upgrade. That had a very rough finish. I agree with you that would have been a much better plan of attack. Fans of Colt revolvers have been clamoring for a new model for years, and the Colt Cobra addresses that desire. I have pictures of handgun. Colt Python: First Shots! - SHOT Show 2020 - GunsAmerica Digest I hope the Cobra fares better. I dont expect Master Blue but still, this Cobras finish is pretty dreary. The New Colt Python 2020: A Powerful .357 Magnum Revolver [Review] Colt Python: Truly The Best Revolver? - Pew Pew Tactical Spl. Will you give an in-depth review of the Nighthawk, please? Stroking the side of the revolver feels less like stroking the slick scales of a cobra and more like a cat licking your hand. Clearly, I am a fan of moon clips! These guns are now held to extremely tight tolerances and Colt isnt shy about rejecting even the smallest flaws. GRIN. As for the finish, I carry concealed. Cougar attacks are on the increase in several western states, and the new King Cobra would be an ideal carry gun for hikers, mountain bikers, and others who would rather not end up as kitty kibble. That $200-$300 will buy a lot of ammo. Yet in this new small Cobra frame. The first six rounds through the gun were impressive; the double-action pull seemed to roll predictably. The New Cobra seems like an updated Detective Special. The coroner testified that EITHER shot would have been fatal. The fit and finish was outstanding and the trigger pull (SA and DA) was a glass-rod dream. The .357 Magnum cartridge in a compact, lightweight package can be punishing. They should make it again . However, it showed my lack of skill with revolver reloads using speed loaders or strips. see fit to give us a longer ejection rod in atleast a 2 1/2 barrel shroud thatll positively shuck out the cases (better even than my K. Cobra)? They seem to really like the gun with its special new grip design & larger trigger & trigger guard. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Colt has made it clear that this is the First offering. In my admittedly limited experience with various revolvers, the only one Ive personally experienced that locked up (and not in the good revolverish way) was a colleagues Taurus. Served me well for many years. The comment above does not have a single sentence without at least one grammatical error. III has a finer finish than this new one. There is a definite market. Was that just my experience? We fed a mix of ammo to the test Cobra with decent accuracy. It was my backup and off-duty weapon since I bought it used in the 1960s and it has never failed me or jammed. Epic 22 Pocket Pistol: The Beretta 71 Jaguar. My wife gave me a new King Cobra Target this morning for Christmas, and it's a dud out if the box. Dont like, dont buy it. Its just a drag when a company comes out with something new, particularly an icon, and its nothing but complaining for the most part. 03/18/23 Firearms & Sporting Goods Auction | Pa Auction Center How about a Smith and Wesson level of fit and finish, guys? Smith & Wesson Model 586: Reviewing A .357 Revolver With Class. Learned my lesson trying to shoot .357s in my J-frame, and now just pack .38s. Keep up the good work. The only chambering currently offered is .38 Special +P. I may even carry it with some Underwood slugs. It made a solid click when I press the cylinder into the gun and I rocked the cylinder left and right to make sure that it was locked up previous to shooting. Guns a Homicide Waiting to Happen, Personal Trauma Kit Micro TRN from Blue Force Gear, http://thetruthaboutguns.com/author/foghorn/, State Judge Issues Order Blocking Enforcement of Illinois Firearms Ban Statewide, Protecting and Serving: Springfield, IL Police Seized Homeowners Gun After Investigating Her Report of a Prowler UPDATED, Chicagos Failed Mayor Lori Lightfoot Loses in Reelection EffortBadly. . The stainless steel finish of the Colt Cobra ensures durability and ruggedness. You could choose between 2-, 3-, 4- and 5-inch barrels. The best gun is the one you have when you need it. Firstly, go to the "Colt" site and select "Customer Service.". Have a gun thats collecting dust? I would sell the Ruger in a second if I found the early shrouded Cobra. Had my dear ol grey haired Mother ship it to me as soon as I had an firm address. The above posters that wondered why Colt couldnt come out with a polished, blued finish like the old ones maybe dont understand what it takes for skilled craftsmen to get that finish. Colt spent many years carefully planning before re-entering the revolver market with the Cobra. the Chrome versions seem out of place today Gun Test: Colt King Cobra | The Daily Caller Feeling that his dad needed something for personal protection, he gave him the Colt Trooper, which served him until he passed away a few years ago. New Colt Cobra target reloading problems - The Firing Line Forums An astute study of the new Cobras internals reveals several Metal Injection Molded (MIM) parts, including the hammer and trigger. Like the 6 rounds. I was hoping for better reviews. The success of the Cobra saw Colt bring two more of its iconic revolvers out of retirement. Not so great for my ex-large hand. At least the current vapor blasted finish (or whatever theyre using) doesnt look nearly as rough as the Parkerized Agent and Commando Special guns of the 1980s strike-era when the few craftsmen capable of creating that Royal Blue finish were not available in enough numbers to handle the lower profit margin D-Frame revolvers (Python and Gold Cup models took priority). The real next question about this gun: When do we get the New Model Diamondback? They should have been making the Magnum Carry, Detective Special, and the Cobra (light weight) right along. You could get the Cobra in .38 Special, .32 Colt New Police, .22 LR, and a few were produced in .38 S&W. Colt didn't stray far from the original King Cobra design with its first new .357 Mag. I like revolvers as they have personality HOWEVER, most of my handguns are pistols (14 total). Dont need 357 magnum. Great to carry brutal to shoot when using the +P loads. Re-design Phase? A. It stood alone not only in Colts line at that time, but in American mass-production gunmaking at that time. There are reports that hundreds of guns have been affected by these issues causing a quiet recall to take place on these 2020 Colt . Many times, small-frame revolvers are suggested for new shooters because theyre easy to handle and dependable. After WWII, the quality of American gunmaking took the first big step down, with Remington leading the way, and Winchester following them down the chute into the crapper. Baby Snake: Colt King Cobra Target 22 :: Guns.com A few days to grind down and re-polish hammer, trigger, cylinder release. For starters, parts were built from 410-series steel, which is stronger than what was used on previous versions. Give us a grip option with more meat in the web area just behind the hammer (like my K.Cobra). S&W 617 vs. Colt King Cobra Target .22. While manipulating the trigger on the gun, I was impressed by just how nice the trigger felt. Some of these vintage gems can be found in the Guns.com Vault. Sure and add a couple of hundred to the price. Hell, TAURUSs stainless looks better than that. And dont think Colt has gotten rid of all those guys that made the pythons and the anacondas and the cobras and king cobras because there are still working for Colt you can still get your eighties model python refinished in a royal blue and it does look amazing. The new Cobra sports a Hogue OverMolded grip. Lets hope Colt ups the finish quality a bit, too. Why cant the mfgs. Keep them coming Colt! Although he wasnt entirely clear, I took his comments to mean that they would have more Cobra options soon. Another modification has been made, this one to trigger geometry. Outdoor Sporting Consignment Online Auction | Harmeyer Auction ***** In memory of Bill West / tommix who shared his vast knowledge and passion of Colt's with the forum for so many years. Colt Python Prices, Values and Trends - Rock Island Auction Company To prepare for my trip to the range, I pulled down that box of holsters that all gun guys tend to have and undertook my best effort to find something that the Colt would fit. It works one time, and then the cylinder doesn't rotate on subsequent shots (double action or single action). (My 53 Colt Cobra is about 15oz, spec sheet for the new model lists 25oz). A. Everything Ive read elsewhere indicates it is closer to the Colt Detective Special, steel frame and substantially heavier. I know Colt is a weird company when it comes to selling Firearms they want to only deal with authorized Colt dealers only. The new Kimber revolver at least looks great for the money. Am I an expert on trigger pull? Colts double action / single action system has been perfected over the years and this trigger benefits from their experience. This little wheel gun is my choice since I dont have to worry about jams and all that other stuff which autos may suffer from. I am not happy with sharp edges on trigger guard.