To tell you truth, I also am a hardcore fan of geeky and nerdy guys! Whos there? Try to think of them as if they're jokes. Honeydew who? City boys got pickup lines. COPY. (WINK), Are those space pants? Because that ass is calling me! Pick Up Lines By Name - Megathread : r/pickuplines - reddit Knock Knock! If you want to make your partner/friend/crush go awww and make them blush, check this list of pick-up lines that are sweeter than honey! Did you call me yesterday? Do you know how long I have been looking for you? There are several variant spellings of the name Chloe. Me who? 5. I want to see if its true that food tastes better when Im with you. You know, hottie, my lips cant just kiss themselves. Wanting to approach your crush by playing dumb? Im Kevin, can I buy you a drink? You turn around just as I catch my breath and make me lose it all over again. Tis the season of giving, so give me your phone number? I need a motivating quote, and you look like someone who could motivate anyone. Ahhh Im guessing your crush is a stickler for details? Who doesnt love cheese? Do you want to know a dirty little secret? Hersheys who? Knock, knock. I didn't know we would have a good time, till you showed up. Well, maybe you just rocked my world! Honeydew you know how much I love you? Cuz Ive been waiting for you all day. Kiss me! You must be Espresso cause youre so fine. Les-bi-honest you were checking me out, werent you? You are already gorgeous but my love can make you more beautiful. Without you, life is as dull as a broken pencil. And if youre feeling to see more like this, then dont forget to check out the list down below thatll make you wanna do something super fun. I like to imagine myself as the polar opposite of your mother; you slid out of her, but youll slide inside of me. When in doubt, try something like: Of all your curves, your smile is my favorite, which is just corny enough without being over the top. I was feeling a bit off today until you came along you turned me on! Plus, most of the time youd be cringing so lets not waste time and get our minds corny! If life was a deck of cards, you are the queen/king of my heart. Do you have beryllium, gold, or titanium in your body? Because Ive been studying you like crazy. Would you mind loaning me a quarter? Let me hold your hand because Im afraid someone will kidnap the beauty that youre. The room became so lovely when I saw you. 10. With a generous amount of cheesiness and cringiness, these pick up lines are both intriguing and fun. Happy birthday sexy! You came in hot and left me drenched. So for all the women who cant wait to sweep her partner off her feet here are a few failproof lesbian pick up lines. She puts her heart and mind into whatever she pursues and craves for creative ventures. Its time to pay up because youve been living in my mind rent-free. Do you have a captivating personality to match your captivating eyes? But trust me, these kinky pickup lines are the best of the lot. Because I want U, K? Nice legs! Because Im getting a strange feeling in my stomach that I should take you out. I just had to tell you. Heres my address: 69 Nood Avenue. Whether they're successful depends on the scenario. Forget the butterflies, I feel the whole damn Zoo when Im looking at you. Your dad must be a terrorist because youre the BOMB. 2. Did you know that your body is made up of 60% water? Check out our top 21 questions to get to know someone better before you try out the pick-up lines. Knock, Knock. I will let nothing but latex stand between our love.,, Girl you know what rhymes with Anmol? I have a feeling Joshi has heard a Mario joke once beforeand from the looks of it, it didnt end well. For more information, please see our What would you suggest to a guy who cant get enough of you? Whos there? 4. 69+ Best Alphabet Pick up Lines (U & I) ?. Its been a day. You see, Im getting old. Are you an exam? I bet you invented the airplane because you feel Wright to me! . Hey, my names Microsoft. 6. If I was a watermelon, would you spit or swallow my seeds? 7. Im not feeling myself today. [What for?] If your eyes were the sea, I would swim in them forever. Because I want to Merry you. Well, you sure are my type. A (wo)man as hot as you shouldnt be allowed to roam around freely. I am working on a presentation on the finer things in life, could I put your picture in? Hey! Your smile is more contagious than the COVID-19 virus. What pick up lines girls like the most really boils down to the type of gal. Would you say the same thing if I asked you out on a date as you did in response to this question? I need to run to the nearest bakery to order a sweet dish like you! Take my breath away, I want to feel breathless. 4. Do you work at Subway? Because its a long way from here to heaven. Gillette must be your middle name. I think theres something wrong with my eye. 5. I like you like I like my coffee. How do you like your eggs, scrambled or fertilized? Isnt the next step to set a wedding date? Kiss me if Im wrong but dinosaurs still exist right? I just finished my Amazon wishlist last night, and you were at the top. Wanna f*ck without taking them off? Hey sexy! To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. That was so much fun. For others, happiness might start with h, but mine starts with you. Im a little tied up right now but youre always welcome to come join the fun. Youd be a damnnn-delion if you were a flower. Will you be the peanut butter to my jelly? Now that you have these cheesy pick up lines ready to go, add these flirty knock-knock jokes . Do you intend to make any New Years resolutions? We have a lot in common, according to a mutual friend. Because I am diggin you. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. How would you punish? 4. Are you from Tennessee? Best Pick Up Lines 1. Someone call the cops because that hotness has to be illegal. I havent visited Australia yet, but Id love to go down under. I just had to tell you that your beauty made me realize how fortunate I am to be able to see. If you have a heart to give, I will be the place to keep. 101 Weird & Best Pick Up Lines For Girls (Make Them Laugh!) - STYLECRAZE I gotta show you the most handsome man I have ever seen. Check out these related baby name lists for even more options: Social Security Administration. Pick-up lines are very common these days as they are super fun and are a great way to break the ice with that special person. You right swiped recently and had a Tinder date. Dont worry if a fat man puts you in a bag at night; I told Santa I wanted you for Christmas. Popular Baby Names. You have everything Ive been looking for and believe me, Ive looked for quite some time. Water you doing tonight? Because Im gonna ask your father for your hand. Hey, I know you! For more information, please see our I woke up thinking today was just another boring Monday, and then I saw your photo on my app. The smile you gave me! So, put some of these spicy, tangy and racy pick up lines and up your game buddy! Knock, knock. . Copy This. Are you a package handler? If gorgeousness was time, you would be eternity. Youre the one Heaven is searching for, but luckily I found you before them. mind. I dont have any pillows at home, can you lend me your b**bs? Nothing more attractive than a person who knows their history and apocalyptic conspiracy theories. Because Im the only one left for you PROM? Thats a nice shirt youve got there. Id say God bless you, but it appears that he has already done so. Is your phone in your back pocket? While pick-up lines are certainly cheesy, getting the girl to crack even the tiniest of smiles may just be enough to break the ice. 4. Cause I really wish you were a bit closer. Because youll be coming soon. I have Vitamin D deficiency. Oh, never mind, it is just my heart taking off. You make the Queen of Sheba look like a hobo. Please let me know what time youll be back at my place. Do you have a trip planned soon? Because you are in your Prime. It was a huge mistake to leave my inhaler at home. I saw you in my dreams last night? This list can be used whenever your conversation takes a bad or boring turn. Best, Cleverest Pick Up Lines - Guaranteed to Impress Because you look like a work of art. Is your name Dunkin? The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. They say that when you dont want to sleep because reality is better than your dreams, youre in love. You are definitely as hot as hell! Because he never met you. Id like to learn more. my momcalles me chlo-belle sometimes idk where it comes from but i find it cute. The next set of pick up lines actually has the ability to turn your dream date into a nightmare! Are you http? Lets play Whack-A-Mole, because your buddy is about to pop out. Give me yours so I can prove it to you. Lets commit a crime together: Ill steal your heart and youll steal mine. (She says yes I do) Oh fuck! However, when you buy something through our retail links, we may earn an affiliate commission. Clochella: A nickname for Chloe inspired by the Coachella concert. India who? This is the same prefix in the word chlorophyll, the substance that gives plants their green color, and through which they convert sunlight into energy. Hey, I misplaced my underwear; may I borrow yours? Did you just come out from an oven? So, avoid trying too hard to impress someone, as that would eventually appear as cringey and corny even though that wasnt your intention. Im going to make you come with a toy inside because you remind me of a Happy Meal. Well how about IHOP on that ass? Do you mix concrete for a living? Im not religious, but youre the answer to all of my prayers. 3. Chloe Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity & Nicknames - FirstCry Parenting 8. Cause Yoda only one for me. Do you have the w-Hole because I just have a thing. woah this is actually good. Cause youre stunning. It sure did your body good. Are you a ground coffee? Cause I wanna take a Pikachu! So make sure you use it with someone youre comfortable with or is on the same page as you. Is that a mirror in your pocket? I promise I will give it back! Do you want to visit Pisas Leaning Tower? You have the curves, and I have the angles. 9. I didn't Chloe would have a good time, till you showed up. Do you wanna go on a date with me or do you wanna go on a date with me? If I could make you come with just one finger, imagine what I could do with my whole hand! Because Im keeping an eye on you. A life without you, would be like a computer without an OS. How many girlfriends have you had? God! My friend over there is desperate for your phone number so they can contact me in the morning. Your beauty had blinded me. What is a smart, attractive man like me supposed to do if he doesnt have your phone number? I wish I could be one of your tears, born in your eye, running down your cheek, and dying on your lips. If I were an octopus, all my hearts would belong to you. 2023 Dotdash Media, Inc. All rights reserved, Verywell Family uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. My Name is Chloe and i also am called Chlo Chlo or Coco But i would really like to be called C.C, My name is Chloe, and I HATE my name bc everyone pronounces it wrong and also I hate the meaning of my name. If I were a stop sign, Id turn red every time you drove by so I could stare at you for a little longer. Is your license suspended from driving all these guys crazy? When it comes to breaking the ice, theres nothing quite as effective as one of the best pickup lines. Knock, knock. Clearly, these two users know the keyto being successful on Tinder is being upfront andforward. I am tired. Do you have any ideas about what would look good on you? Lets be honest, guys with glasses look like SNACC! Describe your sex life with a movie line. This thing is an hour fast. If you were a fruit, youd be a fine-apple. Are you a perfectionist by nature? 8. I heard you like raisins. Are you a time traveler? Are you a plastic water bottle? Which one is good for us? Its important to select a name that you feel suits your new baby the best. Do-ya want to be my girlfriend? Also my last name is Coyne pronounces coin and I would love to have people call me penny because, ya know penny Coyne would be an awesome name. Are you tired? Did you invent the airplane? Pick-up lines may seem funny and flirty, but thats not always the case especially if you dont know how to use them. Because youre CuTe. Can you help me? Are you a boxer? Its no surprise that the sky is grey; all the color is in your eyes. The best Tinder pick-up lines on Reddit 1) Titanic references Screengrab via Reddit Imgur Alternatively, start off by asking your match if Jack would have fit on the door. Because your ass is outta control! Were you in Boy Scouts as a kid? Taking the mysterious, dark humor route may attract some, but it seems Julia passed on this match. If the chair is uncomfortable, you can always use my lap. Are you sunscreen because I need you every day? Me. One is me, and the rest, 69! Knock, knock. Four and four become eight, but you and I can be fate. 9. Take that lead and carry the conversation! I got the cake but I need your cream to fill it up. Is your last name Campbell? Let me tell you the history of the number 69. Do you like Kelloggs? But wait, I am not letting you go without a quick guide on. Once I pop you, I cant stop you. Because youre looking Gouda tonight! If you're trying to use a pick up line without looking like an idiot, then confidence is key. For your morning coffee, do you prefer a French Press or a Bialetti? 5. If I could rearrange the alphabet, Id put U and I together. You can try pick-up lines like There seems to be a devastating problem. Do you have glitter in your eyes because they are so damn sparkly! And Id like to invite you to dinner. So, next time when you use a one-liner at the time your partner is trying to tell you something serious, beware of the consequences. Your beauty made me truly appreciate being able to see. Save the high-quality PDF version on your device now. Can you help me with the application to be your boy/girlfriend? Because you blew me away! (Give him the phone with the front camera on). Now that youve all that you need to impress your date its time for some action. Would you hold it against me if I said you had a good body? I have these chicken b_rgers. Plus, using corny pick-up lines demonstrates that you have a playful personalityand who doesnt like that? I think youre a haunted house. Im feeling provo-lonely. Today, Chloe is a popular name for girls in the Western world. Are you a supermarket sample? You got something on your chest. If you were a vegetable, I bet you would be cute-cumber. What pick up lines do girls like the most? You would be the richest person on Earth, if beauty was currency. You exactly appear to be the naughty girl I was looking for. I can totally see the diamonds you stole and hid in your eyes. 7. Even if youre not, you will be after checking out the most perverted one-liners and pick-up lines that I have listed out for you! Old school Pick up lines that still work today. You are not an apple, but I may bite your red cheeks. 2. This thing is an hour fast. Are you Prince Charming? But most times, women know what hits straight home. I just had to tell you. Did it hurt? 12. Iguana who? Kissing is said to be the language of love, so do you want to start a conversation with me? Lets create a hybrid. Is it made of BOYFRIEND material? Are you Nemo? Kiss. 80 Clever Pick Up Lines - Use these to break the ice! - Mantelligence Im no photographer, but I can picture us together. Excuse me, do you know how much a polar bear weighs? The more you play with me, the harder I become. Would you hold it against me if I told you: you have a hot body? Manage Settings Id be delighted to jingle your bells. Do you have a map? If you were a teardrop in my eyes, I would never cry because I would be too afraid of losing you. The best pick up lines are the creative ones people havent heard before. This name is used chiefly in the English-speaking countries of the world like Ireland, Germany, the UK, and Australia, along with newfound usage in Spain and Italy.This Greek Christian name can be found in the Bible's New . You must be the COVID vaccine because I need you in me. Your sexiness is killing me! Do you know why you are beautiful? Blood is red, cyanosis is blue, I get tachycardia when I think of you. 7. I put the "stud" in bible study. Is it okay if I curl up in your arms and fall asleep to the beat of your heart? Because you look out of the world! Pick Up Lines By Name - Megathread : r/pickuplines The next set of pick up lines are legit, trust me! Next up is clever pickup lines to help you strike a wise conversation in every situation whether youre looking to ask a special person out on a date or just want to get their attention. Adore who? 2. Mine appears to have been stolen. My love for you is like a concave function. Are you at the wrong office? I am sure as hell that my mouth will be perfect for your thingy. Sorry, I cant hold on anymore! Im willing to take the chance that a date with you will ruin me for everyone else. Can I follow where you are going? Wire. Sweet and cute pick up lines are all good and funny. Tinder isnt just a hookup app. Im the (wo)man of your dreams! I know where youre coming from. 117 Of The Best Pickup Lines: Our Greatest Smooth, Funny And Flirty Cause your ass is refreshing. Can I borrow a kiss? The first day I saw you will always be a moment in my life. 3. I think I fell for you; the way snowflakes fall. Wendy who? 3. Because you dont look like an Earthling! Make these pick up lines written for the different common girls name work for you! If you were a transformer, youd be Optimus fine. I hope you know CPR, baby because you take my breath away. Females are some of the most mystifying creatures on earth, so cut right to the chase with the best pickup lines for women. Because it's a biblical name, different languages have adapted the spelling to fit into their stories. Baby, theres no one like you, in the whole wide world. 6. Then please be Rachel to my Ross! Stop undressing me with your eyes! The sparkle in your eyes is so bright; the sun must be jealous. Would you mind if I carry your babies, or do I just swallow tonight? Id say youre as beautiful as a Greek goddess, but what I can remember from history class, they were all pretty crazy. So, be wise while framing your pick-up lines for her. Your hand looks heavycan I hold it for you? These pickup lines are an easy way to break the ice. Cheese who? I ought to complain to Spotify for you. I saw it on another site, My XC team calls me CD. You didnt think you stood a chance against me? BTS Reference Pick-up Line. Finally, dont give up if your attempts fail. You look so good, I could put you on a plate and sop you up with a biscuit! Are you an exothermic reaction? To swallow you, I dont need a spoonful of sugar. This opener lasted way too long, but 10 points for the respectful tone and actually setting an IRL date. I usually go for 8s, but I guess I can settle for a 10. Hit your man with these super fun and flirty pick up lines and lock your date for the night! Is your name Rudolph? You have to stop, drop, and roll right now! 120+ Cute And Flirty Pick Up Lines For Her To Fall For - MomJunction I see you have a nice TikTox, girl. The government just collapsed. Im in the mood for pizza. Wire who? Baby, if they made you in C, you would have a pointer to my heart. Fortunately, I have another pair. You must like Harry Potter because adumbledore you! Pick up lines are a type of conversational starter. God must be panicking as he is missing an angel. You have no idea how many times I had to swipe left in order to find you! Im thirsty, so can I get some of your milk? Knock, knock. I couldve called heaven and asked for an angel, but I was hoping youre a slut instead. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. my mom has always called me chloebelle, i think thats just so cute. 101 Best Pick Up Lines: Cheesy, Funny, Cute - Parade: Entertainment I dont care about your last name, but dont worry; I can change it. Im not an interior decorator because when I saw you, the room became beautiful. 8. If I had a choice between watching the Olympics and talking to you, I would rather talk to you. Whos there? She'll get wet from that. Plus, who doesnt like a few harmless jokes? You have everything I am searching for. 3. Dont just stop after the pick-up line, keep the conversation going. Because youre the best a man could hope for! So, be careful of what you say, because you dont wanna offend anyone at least not your crush. Girl, youre my great white whale, and you make my dick be mo. I have heard nothing lasts forever. Because I want to take you home and show you to my mother. Katina Tarver, MA (Mental Health and Wellness Counseling) , Life & Relationship Coach 14. If you want to impress your crush, opt for witty and intelligent (but dont be Sheldon from The Big Bang Theory, unless she likes that).