100mm PVC Tee Flow Sensor - Flanged, SKU-FSM80105 2021 Rain Bird Corporation. 0000001200 00000 n Why is my controller not watering the run times I set the zones for? Begin Rain Bird sprinklers troubleshooting by checking the controller for an error message or light. Also, clear the area around the spray nozzle. How to Fix a Compool LX220 Solar Control System, How to Troubleshoot a Kohler K-1663 Steam Unit, Rain Bird: Troubleshooting and Maintenance Guide for Residential Automatic Valves. 0000028938 00000 n FS150B: Flow Sensor 6.5" x 5.19" x 2.5" (165mm x 132mm x 64mm) Items 1 - 36 of 40 Sort By Anemometer Wind Speed Sensor $1,331.15 List Price $1,774.87 Add to Cart Press - or + to select SENS ON (sensor on) or SENS OFF (sensor off ). Rain Bird SST1200OUT Simple-to-Set Indoor/Outdoor Sprinkler/Irrigation Timer/Controller, 12-Zone/Station (this New/Improved Model Replaces SST1200O) View on Amazon. While the timer acts as the brains for the system, the RainBird valve provides the water to your lawn. FSSURGEKIT is not compatible with ESP-LXMEF and ESP-LXD Controllers, Pre-programmed Rain Bird flow sensor k-factor and offset selection, Pulse Decoder output to various controllers and central controls, Input required: -12-30 VDC/VAC on PT322-12-24 VAC/VDC on PT3002/PT5002, Operating Temp: -4 F-158 F (-20 C to 70 C), Rain Bird designed the WR2 so that one person can install it quickly and easily. . AI Score is a ranking system developed by our team of experts. In order to operate properly, the RainBird valve must not have any debris in the water line nor should it have any debris lying on top of the valves. Learn which plants thrive in your Hardiness Zone with our new interactive map! Weather sensors are connected to the LX-IVM Sensor input in the same way as the flow sensor. For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. In just a few seconds, you can select set points, program the irrigation modes and save your default. 0000003843 00000 n Product Details. 0000007925 00000 n Turn the dial to Weather Sensors. If you have any questions or need personal assistance, give us a call toll-free at 1-800-RAINBIRD (1-800-724-6247) Monday through Friday from 5 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time. 0000024471 00000 n Multi-Jet Totalizing Landscape Flow Sensor with analog register dial readout and wired connection for ESP-ME3 Controller. please call Rain Bird Technical Services at (866) GSP-XPRT (477-9778), After checking for issues with the controller and water supply, check that the valves are working. If you have any questions or need personal assistance, Cracks can allow water to leak out of the system and reduce pressure. Flow Monitors & Pulse Transmitters | Rain Bird Watch the valves to make sure they turn off properly. Blank Tubing - 100 ft. Why does my controller run through all my zones, stop, and then start all over again. RSD Series Rain Shut Off. Rain Bird Sprinkler Sensors Sprinkler Supply Store Monday through Friday from 5 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time. AI Score. The LX-IVM Pro controller supports seven 2-Wire Path weather sensors. eHow may earn compensation through affiliate links in this story. If the display on the controller is blank or frozen, there are a couple of possible causes. 0000303631 00000 n For ESP-LXD Decoder Systems: the Flow Sensor is installed with a Two-Wire Decoder Sensor Decoder (SD210TURF) Unplug the unit and then plug it back in after two minutes. 0000010706 00000 n Monday through Friday from 5 AM to 5 PM Pacific Time. You may have programmed multiple start times scheduled close together. Fortunately, RainBird valves are relatively trouble free to start with and are easy to return to operation if a problem develops. (106.7 cm) length, Rain Bird Academy and Rain Bird Factory Trained, Webinars Insights For Irrigation Professionals, Knowledge Center Free Product Education, Rain Bird Privacy Notice for California Residents. 0000002712 00000 n Set the controller to "bypass.". Weather data is updated every 45 seconds to ensure the most reliable communication between sensor and controller, Enhanced antenna array provides superior signal reliability that overcomes most line-of-sight obstructions, Sensor signal strength indicator enables one person set up, reducing installation time, Convenient adjustment and monitoring of rain or freeze settings at the controller interface, Simple battery replacement without the need to disassemble the sensor, Highly intuitive icon-driven controller interface simplifies programming, Easy to install, self-leveling sensor bracket mounts to flat surfaces or rain gutters, Antennas concealed within the units for greater visual appeal and product robustness, "Quick Shut Off" interrupts active irrigation cycle during a rain event, Electrical rating suitable for use with up to six 24VAC 7VA solenoids plus an additional master valve or pump start that does not exceed 53VA, Controller Interface Wire: 30 (76 cm) length of #22 gauge (0.64 mm) UV resistant extension wire, FCC approved spread spectrum 2 way radio transceivers with FCC Class B approvals, Signal transmission distance of 700 (213.4 m) Line of Sight, cULus [US and Canada], FCC Part 15c [US], ISED RSS-210 [Canada], CE [European Union], RCM [Australia and New Zealand], Smart Approved WaterMark [Australia], ICASA [South Africa], Adjustable rainfall settings from 1/8 1/2 (3 13 mm), Adjustable low temperature settings from 33F 41F (0.5 5C), Three irrigation modes to select: Programmed, Suspend Irrigation for 72 hours, Override sensor for 72 hours, The WR2-48 model replaces the Suspend Irrigation for 72 Hours mode with 48-Hour Irrigation Hold Active mode, "Quick Shut Off suspends active irrigation cycle within approximately two minutes, High-grade, UV resistant polymer units resist harmful environmental effects, Automatic rain shutoff prevents overwatering due to natural precipitation, Robust, reliable design reduces service call backs, Moisture sensing disks work in a variety of climates, Different sensor mounts permit speed and flexibility on the job site, Multiple rainfall settings from 18" " (5 - 20 mm) are quick and easy with just the twist of a dial, Adjustable vent ring helps control drying time, High-grade, UV resistant polymer body resists the elements, Not compatible with ESP-SMT or ESP-SMTe controllers, cULus [US and Canada], CE [European Union], RCM [Australia and New Zealand], Designed for outdoor or underground applications, Available in PVC, brass, or stainless steel construction, Pre-installed in tee or saddle mounted insert versions, Programmable from a computer (PT322 Maxicom and SiteControl Systems only not required for ESP-LXMEF or ESP-LXD), Reliable solid-state design, available with or without LCD display, Turns any controller into a water saving smart controller, Healthier landscapes less prone to nutrient depletion, fungus, and shallow root growth, TDT digital sensor enables highly accurate readings that are independent of soil temperature and electrical conductivity (EC), Displays soil moisture content, soil temperature and EC, Corrosion-resistant in-ground sensor made of high-grade 304 stainless steel, cULus [US and Canada], FCC Part 15b [US], CE [European Union], Smart Approved WaterMark [Australia], Anodized, rust-proof screws, 1.5" (two per package), Multilingual instruction manual, Quick Start Guide, and Soil Moisture sticker, In-Ground Soil Moisture Sensor Dimensions, 18 AWG wire leads @ 42 in. 0000010825 00000 n Low battery (2 rapid red blinks every 3 seconds). Copyright Leaf Group Ltd. // Leaf Group Lifestyle. For Link Radio Satellite Systems (Maxicom and SiteControl): the Flow Sensor is installed with a Pulse Transmitter (no pulse decoder required) 0000331079 00000 n %PDF-1.4 % JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. 0000007095 00000 n If they do, select "manual start" from your controller and see if the solenoid clicks when activated. The MJ-Series flow sensors allow for precise and accurate flow monitoring and make it easy for homeowners to capitalize on the advantages of the advanced Flow Management functionality in the ESP-ME3 Controller. Clean off any grease which could be deposited on the impeller. 0000003225 00000 n It could also mean that there is a problem with the sensor. Barbed Drip Tee - 4 Pack, EC50/2PK - 1/2 in. 0000007467 00000 n FS & MJ Series Flow Meters and Sensors Performance Chart, FS Series Flow Sensors Troubleshooting Guide, Flo-Watch. Rain Bird Privacy Notice for California Residents. Brass Flow Sensor for ESP-ME3 $190.00 ESP4ME3 - Indoor/Outdoor 120V Irrigation Controller (LNK WiFi Compatible) $254.23 LNK WiFi Module for Rain Bird ESP-TM2 and ESP-Me Series Controllers $110.19 List Price $177.55 RSDBEX - Rain Sensor - With Bracket $39.82 List Price $42.21 T22-100 - 1/4 in. Plan the perfect garden with our interactive tool , RainBird: Tips on Installing and Maintaining Rain Bird Residential Valves, Grounds Maintenance: Troubleshooting Irrigation Valves. %PDF-1.5 % Double check the setting in the App or at the controller. If the leak continues, make sure the valve is opening and closing properly. 0000006726 00000 n Rain Bird flow sensors send flow data to central control or stand-alone controller systems for precise and accurate flow monitoring. FloManager determines the optimal station irrigating sequence. The PT322 Pulse Transmitter scales the Flow Sensor or Anemometer Wind Sensor output to provide precise and accurate flow or wind speed data for input into Maxicom and SiteControl Satellite Controller Systems. All rights reserved. Rain Bird - FS100P - 1" PVC Tee Flow Sensor Rain Bird flow sensors send flow data to central control or stand-alone controller systems for precise . iOS: Settings-> Select Apple ID -> iCloud -> iCloud Backup (On) Android: Settings -> Backups (name may vary on different devices) -> Backup (On) (or)Drive (Google Drive App) -> Backups ->