He had served 12 years of a maximum 20-year sentence for the 1974 murder of Beth Duzenberg, 19. Language. As an honor to Gonzalez, two graduating Delsea Regional High School students are awarded a $1,500 scholarship every year to further their education in law enforcement. You want a partner?
Did They Ever Find The Bodies Of Megan And Amy? A Pennsylvania State Trooper, heading home from work, witnesses a car speeding and crashing into trees. In sometimes emotionally charged testimony, Brown claimed guards at Camp Hill state prison, where he was transferred for his appearance before the committee, threatened to kill him if he went public with his claims. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Advance Local. "From then on, if one cop pulled over a car, a second would come if available," he said, adding that he wasn't sure if directives were changed after Gonzalez's death, but it appeared that way. While in prison, authorities said Harris viciously beat inmate Robert Mudman Simon, 48, to death in a recreation area in 1999. Such is the life of the 1%. After they arrived, Bobby and the guy stepped out to grab some party goods for the night, making the mistake of leaving her alone with the mountain chapter. "I have to do 31 years, four months and 19 days before becoming eligible for parole on Oct. 26, 2026. BLUE ROUTE Author Ed McGinnis Publishes Third Novel, THE DREAM GARDEN, AND A JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE MIND, UNSOLICITED WRITING ADVICE & THE ILLUMINATED SUBJECT, THE FOREVER FAMILY AND THE GENESIS OF A TITLE, PERSEVERANCE, PERSISTENCE AND THE PWP 3850. ``When I sentenced him, he looked up at me and muttered, `F you and turned his back on me., Connect with the definitive source for global and local news. Two busy shopping centers.
Where We Live: Crimes worthy of TV shows - Times News Online Prison officers were reported to have taken at least five minutes to intervene in the fight. "The problem Franklin Township always had was officers didn't have much backup on the streets," Hogan said of the 56 square miles of coverage area. I stood near the top of the long grassy slope behind the local public elementary school. A Jewish cemetery. As a teenager and in my early 20s, I wasnt any angel. Suspiciously, it is known that one of the club's members began to make arrangements for Simon's living arrangements even before Simon's parole was approved. Christie Whitman has asked for a report on the parole bureaus role. Simon had either dropped out of or was expelled from high school. Ominously. "Simon"), isa health care ( provider and is the Plaintiff in the trial court and the Appellant in the District Court of Appeal. Thousands of police officers from around the Northeast attended Gonzalezs funeral Thursday in Vineland, N.J. Ippolito Gonzalez, 40 (Franklin Township police) Method of murder:. Petitioner, Dr. Robert Simon, M.D., P.A. Ippolito 'Lee' Gonzalez during a traffic stop in May. Simon and Charles ``Shovel Staples, the vice president of the Warlocks South Jersey chapter, are charged with murdering Franklin Township Sgt. Seems cool that some writers do come close to the people they write about ie: Ann Rule/Ted Bundy. Although the club was predominately based within their founding location of Philadelphia as well as other parts of Pennsylvania, they also maintained a chapter within New Jersey. He didnt care. March 3 (UPI) -- Firefighters in Britain responded to a home to rescue a horse that had fallen into its owner's swimming pool and was unable to get itself out. You go outside and Ill follow you., Dont worry about it, little brother. All rights reserved (About Us). The jury of five men and seven women had deliberated 11 hours over two days before returning the verdict. They clashed in the New Jersey state prison's recreation area where inmates can play chess and select books from a library. [8][9] According to his fellow Warlock bikers, Simon talked about having sexual intercourse with Dusenberg's mummified corpse after he buried it in a water-filled strip mine near Hazleton and even hoped to decorate his jail cell with physical photographs of such evidence.
One Death Row Inmate Kills Another | AP News 'If what you said is true, there must be some serious charges and changes in the Department of Corrections,' Greenleaf said. Sometimes not. It was self-defense. Questions were asked. He was unpredictable. . HARRISBURG, Pa., Sept. 28 -- A Pennsylvania prison inmate said Thursday that outlaw biker Robert 'Mudman' Simon bribed his way out of Graterford state prison 11 weeks before he was charged with .
Convicted Murderer Who Killed Artist, Fellow Inmate Dies in NJ Prison Get up and fight, flower girl!, I was rescued by the timely arrival of a neighbor, Mr. Carr, walking his poodle Trixie. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez on May 6, 1995. (Complaint at 78-79.) 'I was told if I said anything, they would kill me,' he said.
Inmate says killer bribed jailers - UPI Archives Simon, grinning, said: Now Yo-Yo got a pain in both of his yos. The appeal of Robert R. "Mudman" Simon, who was sentenced to 10-20 years for the slaying of Beth Jean Dusenberg of Drexel Hill, was denied in a short opinion handed down Monday. Your email address will not be published. He was ill-tempered and dangerous. He was far from the monster that the media made him out to be. He casually smashed his face into the brick wall on the side of the store. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez of Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey pulled over Warlocks members Robert "Mudman" Simon and Charles "Shovel" Staples on a traffic stop moments after the two had committed a commercial burglary. A firestorm of controversy swirled around the parole. National Park Service: 'Never push a slower friend down' in a bear encounter, March 2 (UPI) -- The National Park Service offered some sage advice for park visitors who encounter bears: "Never push a slower friend down. I winced. On December 17, 1992, Kristin Huggins, a twenty-two year old graphic artist, left her parents' home in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, to paint a mural at the Trenton . A jury acquitted Harris of Simons death, saying he acted in self-defense. Youre looking at flowers! People, even the worst people, are more complex than that. Gonzalez was 40 years old at the time of his death. Your story is one of the few that actually reflects part of Bobbys real personality. And Camisa worked the halls when Robert "Mudman" Simon - yet another name on his long list of undesirable connections - was housed at his facility. When the authorities caught up with him about seven years later, he was living under an alias, apparently an upstanding citizen with a wife and several children in the Midwest. 03 Apr 1997, Thu Page 3. According to their mission statement: We aren't here to pick sides, it is the stories that we find the most interesting. TRENTON, N.J. (AP) _ Convicted cop killer Robert ``Mudman'' Simon was killed in prison in a fight with another death row inmate, a spokeswoman said today. And who can forget Robert "Mudman" Simon. Ill catch up with you later! he hissed behind Mr. Carrs back. Pennsylvanias parole board chairman, Allen Castor, on Thursday called Simons release ``incomprehensible. He said the Warlock walked free under a state law that requires approval from two of the five parole board members or a board member and a hearing examiner. Im gonna tell! In that neighborhood, one didnt necessarily want to cultivate a reputation as a guy that stood around on grassy knolls looking through books about flowers. Smart money was on the latter. Was he? Bobby and the boyfriend stepped out to grab some beer and the three perverts he left her with killed her. A motorcycle gang member did not live long enough on death row to face execution - instead he was killed by another inmate. Michael Dimauro, also of Delaware County, allegedly shot David Rossillo in the cemetery, then disposed of his body in an underground crypt after tying a . Print length. I eyed the pay phone on the wall, but that didnt offer much of a lifeline in this situation. The Bucks County artist and recent Temple University graduate was painting a community mural in Trenton in 1992. Ambrose Harris, 68, died Tuesday at New Jersey State Prison in Trenton, the state Department of Corrections said. He chuckled and swaggered off toward his house up the block. Cat Zingano is suing award-winning actress turned director Halle Berry for damages over an offered movie role that never materialized in her . Soupy Sales.. One of the more infamous was the late Robert "Mudman" Simon who killed a Franklin Township police sergeant in Franklinville, NJ, in 1995. Officials did not release a cause of death. Gloria Lynne Dunn. I guess they want to make sure they get the details right, wouldnt want any misinformation, or fake news, out there about your motorcycle gang. Roaches, apparently, being considered cruel and unusual punishment for a group of convicted murderers. You bother my cousin here again, doofus, Im gonna throw your sorry ass in front of a trolley, get it?, Simon winked at me. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. Approximately 85 B & W ill., including interior photos of the 1835 prison. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez of Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey pulled over Warlocks members Robert "Mudman" Simon and Charles "Shovel" Staples on a traffic stop moments after the two had committed a commercial burglary.
Warlocks MC (Motorcycle Club - One Percenter Bikers The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, artist and recent Temple University graduate was painting a community mural in Trenton in 1992. After serving 12 1/2 years of a 10- to 20-year sentence for murder, he went free in February and settled in Williamstown with the New Jersey parole boards approval. You plunder and kill, and everythings OK, and the strong survive. Harris, already serving time for murder and rape, was found not . The only thing Bobby was guilty of was helping them to dispose of the body. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. [7], Sgt. On May 6, 1995, defendant Robert "Mudman" Simon shot and killed Franklin Township Police Officer Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez during an otherwise routine traffic stop of a car in which Simon was a passenger. Id forgotten about them. Its a shame that there arent more like him. Apparently he had unsuccessfully attempted to return some items for which he lacked, unsurprisingly, a receipt. "He was a tremendous officer, an example of how dangerous police work can be. Simon and Staples were then taken into police custody. Ambrose Harris, 68, died Tuesday at New Jersey State Prison in Trenton, the state Department of Corrections said. My affection for The Waltons was inexplicable on the surface; the shows setting and characters were even more alien to me than those of another childhood favorite, Star Trek. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez of Franklin Township, Gloucester County, New Jersey pulled over Warlocks members Robert "Mudman" Simon and Charles Staples on a traffic stop moments after the two had committed a commercial burglary. I felt like a paratrooper that had left his chute behind in the plane and was now doggie paddling three thousand feet above sea level. I knew Bobby Simon much better than did any of the reporters whose bylines appear on those stories, which is nothing to be proud of. Simon took a different route in his attempt to stay out of prison - murdering a policeman. Im gonna kick your pansy ass!, While I was hardly a shrinking violet physically, Yo was some three inches taller and twenty-five pounds heavier than I was. [7] Simon was also suspected of murdering an inmate at State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh during his incarceration period. I got your back, no problem.. JayClark 28 Feb 2016. Simon and the driver of the car, defendant Charles "Shovel" Staples, are members of the "Warlocks" motorcycle gang .
He killed another inmate in prison but was acquitted on the grounds of self-defence. Hed only been out three months so I can see why he wouldnt want to go back to prison. "Then he climbed on a table and stomped on his head." March 2 (UPI) -- A Florida woman earned a Guinness World Record when she completed 23 ultra-marathon runs -- 31.1 miles -- in a 23-day period. Founded in 1967, the Warlocks are self-described as a "one-percenter" outlaw motorcycle club and are designated as a violent criminal organization by law enforcement. Previous page. Greg Adomaitis may be reached at gadomaitis@njadvancemedia.com. Simon stood accused of murdering his girlfriend, Beth Smith Dusenberg of Drexel Hill, and dumping her body in a water-filled coal mine pit near Hazleton, where it was . The Lakewood mother who left her child in a hot car for more than two hours with the engine turned off, has plead guilty to Endangering the Welfare of a Child, Ocean County Prosecutor Bradley Billhimer announced on Friday. [14], On January 21, 1993, the Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole (PBPP) denied a parole application they received from Simon citing his high risk of continued involvement with the Philly Warlocks along with his need for substance abuse treatment. Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez on May 6, 1995.
Gonzalez v. State of New Jersey, Civil Action No. 97-2512 (JBS Simon shot Gonzalez twice, in the head and neck, and Gonzalez died instantly. Even by Warlock standards, Simon was a piece of work. While in prison, authorities said Harris viciously beat inmate Robert "Mudman" Simon, 48, to death in a recreation area in 1999. Theres a FB group called, Pagan MC is a bunch of losers. Its a page dedicated to spreading awareness about the crime ridden motorcycle club called the Pagans. The page has 124 followers. A man who raped and killed a Pennsylvania artist and who fatally beat a fellow inmate on New Jerseys death row has died in prison. 6 years later, one of the 3 guys got picked up on a coffe and donuts but and offered up the location of her body in return for being let go. Gonzalez was fatally shot on May 6, 1995 by Robert "Mudman" Simon, who was beaten to death in prison in 1999. While in prison, authorities said Harris viciously beat inmate Robert "Mudman" Simon, 48, to death in a recreation area in 1999. While on Death Row, Harris attacked and killed another Death Row inmate, Robert "Mudman" Simon, a beefy, scraggly long-haired and long-bearded 48-year-old outlaw biker, with several previous murder convictions. [11][12], Simon subsequently received a 10-to-20 year sentence for the homicide and was initially housed at State Correctional Institution Graterford, but later transferred. It was a community of quirky demographics and zoning apparently born of midnight handshakes and envelopes plump with cash. Writers are, of necessity, selfish. No, no and no. Warlocks Motorcycle Club West Virginia. American outlaw biker and murderer (19541999), fatal shooting of Franklin Township police sergeant Ippolito Gonzalez, State Correctional Institution Graterford, State Correctional Institution Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Board of Probation and Parole, Franklin Township, Somerset County, New Jersey, "Unknown dangers: Fatal shooting of N.J. police officer still felt 20 years later", "Jim Six: 'They shot Lee,' the officer cried, 'Get 'em, get 'em, get 'em! [13] Throughout his prison tenure, he received a total of 49 misconducts, which included drug trafficking in addition to drug use. Get lost.. Novelists generally dont have the luxury of making moral judgments, although possibly our moral judgments lie in what happens to characters in the final chapter. And he might be sipping his dinner through straws for a while. They went up the mountains to another chapters clubhouse to see one of the guys staying up there whom the girl was seeing. Publication date. The Mudman was beefy, scraggly-bearded and ponytailed, with an ever-present smile and small, deep-set blue eyes with a lunatic gleam. Staples sped off before surrendering. Ill be waiting for you outside, he promised. There were rumors of money changing hands, of intimidation. Robert "Mudman" Simon By genealogy.com user February 05, 2000 at 06:01:36. The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, artist and recent Temple University graduate was painting a community mural in Trenton in 1992. On May 6, 1995 Police Sgt. It might have been related to a school project. YouTubes privacy policy is available here and YouTubes terms of service is available here. There was Yo-Yo, pacing restlessly, smoking one of those Winstons allegedly purchased for his mother.
Ippolito "Lee" Gonzalez. Simon shot gonzalez twice, in the head and neck, and gonzalez died instantly. The Mudman Cometh Simon and Staples, both members of the Warlocks A lock ( Warlocks Book The Warlocks get a mention in the bookBiker Gangs and Transnational Organized Crime by Thomas Barker. The Bucks County, Pennsylvania, artist and recent Temple University graduate was painting a community mural in Trenton in 1992. Staples, an honorably discharged member of the U.S. Air Force with a nearly clean criminal record, was convicted on a felony murder charge for participating in an applicable felony which involves the death of a person. As an example of Simons extreme behavior, Davis cited the gang members reaction when he learned Dusenbergs body had been mummified in the mine where she was buried: He talked about having sex with the corpse and wanted to decorate his cell with blowups of the evidence pictures. Following a lengthy series of felonies and several prison stints, Mudman Simon was convicted of murdering a local girl who had disrespected him at a party. The configuration of the streets was no more receptive to outsiders than was the citizenry. A rich fantasy life wasnt required in order to imagine whom he planned to take his irritation out on, given half the chance. He was later a Golden Gloves amateur boxing champ.