Offered in a blended online format, the program requires limited onsite requirements offering maximum flexibility to students. [12], Learn how and when to remove this template message, South Orange County Community College District, Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges, National League for Nursing Accrediting Commission, "California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office - Data Mart",, This page was last edited on 7 November 2022, at 20:49. It is part of the California Community College system and awards over 300 associate degrees, academic certificates, and occupational skills awards in 190 programs. They will be provided with exposure to several laboratory tests in accordance with nationally standardized laboratory practices as defined within the scope of the profession. Saddleback College (Saddleback) is a public community college in Mission Viejo, California.It is part of the California Community College system and awards over 300 associate degrees, academic certificates, and occupational skills awards in 190 programs.Established in 1968, Saddleback is the oldest and southernmost institution governed by the South Orange County Community College District. Disclaimer: This site may contain links to web sites not administered by Saddleback College or one of its divisions, departments, units or programs. Students can earn degrees and certificates in, See the Available Degrees and Certificates. Offered in both a traditional classroom format and a combination of distance learning and online format, this program is made up of 70 credits. The MLT generalist certification offered through the American Association of Bioanalysts (AAB) requires candidates to meet one of the following requirements: Candidates must also supply proof that they completed a clinical laboratory training program approved or accredited by ABHES, NAACLS, or other accrediting body, or have three months of documented laboratory training completed in the past ten years. Here are three of the major certifications available to medical lab technicians: To be eligible to sit for the Medical Lab Technician (MLT) certification, offered through American Medical Technologists (AMT), candidates must meet one of the following requirements: The exam costs $200 and consists of 210 multiple choice questions, which must be answered in three hours. 3511 W Saddleback Rd, Park City, UT 84098 - For Sale These points are earned through continuing education activities. Tech Support, - Once invited into the program, the student must accept or decline admission during the required response time as indicated in the acceptance email. 2023-03-04T10:22:13-05:00 Exams are scheduled and administered on specific dates in Florida and California. HW[oJ~7aVt]b'i{l,cilVG~P#v4= *:$?y[l]nR] fpg6gc?le_~dzhcgQ:{.hKQ68[Dq"g-.B|oon,\\\ o^)l-WvaaSumlx^XixtN Salt Lake City, UT 84123 Access to health insurance, driven by new federal legislation, is providing more people with coverage and leading to a demand for more lab personnel. Students will be required to obtain the following titers/immunizations/vaccines: Physical Advisory Statement and InstructionsBackground Check / Drug Screening Students must have a Saddleback College/IVC student ID # to apply. Part of the South Orange County Community College District. Specialties: Our Mission: Saddleback College enriches its students and the south Orange County community by providing a comprehensive array of high-quality courses and programs that foster student learning and success in the attainment of academic degrees and career technical certificates, transfer to four-year institutions, improvement of basic skills, and lifelong learning. The MLT generalist certification exam takes five hours to complete and consists of 240 multiple-choice questions. Thy Nguyen, MLS (ASCP)CM - Associate Faculty - Saddleback College Results are emailed four to six weeks after the exam. Students may be able to find medical lab technician schools throughout the U.S. that offer online or hybrid online programs that offer flexibility for those with work or family obligations. Topics covered in this exam include: Candidates in most states can take the exam at any local university that has a testing center. These courses prepare students to successfully complete the required licensing exams. Disclaimer: This site may contain links to web sites not administered by Saddleback College or one of its divisions, departments, units or programs. To become eligible for an entry-level position, prospective MLTs typically must complete a minimum of a two-year associates degree program. Completion of prerequisite courses will be required prior to entering the program. Student may choose to transfer to CAHIIM accredited college to complete their degree. To maintain certification, certificate holders must pay a $95 yearly fee. Successful completion of the following MLT courses with a grade C or better: MLT 210 - Introduction to the Clinical Laboratory Profession, MLT 236 - Clinical Hematology & Coagulation, MLT 243 - Clinical Immunology Immunohematology. MLT 230 Study Guide 16.docx - Phuong Le Saddleback College Students can earn degrees and certificates in 32 different fields. Graduates of this MLT program will be eligible to sit for the national certification examination through ASCP. Saddleback College is fully accredited and offers over 300 associate degrees and certificates in 190 programs. Completion of pre-requisite courses will be required prior to entering the program. The 62-credit curriculum of the program includes courses such as laboratory techniques; medical terminology; clinical chemistry; immunology; blood bank; medical microbiology; urinalysis and body fluids; hematology; human biology; and human anatomy and physiology. Set up an appointment to speak with a counselor to ensure you meet the requirements to apply to the MLT program, and to discuss any additional courses you may need to take, including GE requirements. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to have the problem resolved shortly. Established in 1968, it has educated over 500,000 students to date, and is focused on helping students reach their professional, educational, and personal goals. We are located in beautiful Southern California and only a few miles away from the sandy beaches of the Pacific Ocean. After gaining work experience and acquiring the proper training, licensed medical lab techs may wish to specialize in certain areas. 801-957-SLCC (7522), Student Services Hours: c. You may also take it at a 3rd party site. Cooperative Work Experience - Phlebotomy (120 hours). GED Preparation. Classes in this program are offered in a hybrid online format. It costs $105 to apply to take the exam and another $165 for the exam fee. This 68-credit program includes courses such as urinalysis and body fluids; hematology & coagulation; immunology; clinical practicum; clinical chemistry; immunohematology; pathogenic microbiology; human parasitology, mycobacterium & mycology; and laboratory operations and leadership. Campus Locations and Hours She is fluent in Spanish and conversational in French. Students enrolling in the MLT 242 and MLT 244 clinical practicum courses are required to obtain the following clearances before participation in the Clinical Training Experience. Programs | SLCC This advanced placement option allows students to complete the degree requirements in three semesters. Please check your submittable accounts/email used to sign up for all communication regarding your application status. Medical Laboratory Technician Program Mission Statement. Must have a Social Security Card or Individual Taxpayer Identification number (ITIN). Graduates of the program qualify for State of California/ Department of Public Health, Laboratory Field Services-approved MLT certification examinations sponsored by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP) Board of Certification or by the American Association of Bioanalysts (ABB) Board of Registry to become California licensed medical laboratory technicians. Students in this program will be prepared to function collaboratively and effectively as members of a medical laboratory team. Weather/Snow Information, - The Associated Student Government (ASG) plans, organizes, promotes, sponsors and finances a comprehensive program of activities and services for all Saddleback College students. The first two semesters consist of didactic coursework followed by a semester of rotations, but these rotations do not align with the schools typical fall/spring calendar. Saddleback College is located in Mission Viejo, Orange County, California. It is the policy of the South Orange County Community College District to fully comply with the requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act Board Policy 5506. In all, ten med tech classes, including four practicums, are completed in the program. MLTs can be found working in hospitals, medical labs, and private physician's offices. To participate in clinical training, students will be expected to obtain the required clearances for both Saddleback College and the training site. Arnold Schwarzenegger, lawmakers, active and former members of the armed services, college students and staff. Good pay, job growth, low need for degrees. Monday - Thursday: 7:30 am - 8 pm | Friday: 7:30 am - 4:30 pm | Saturday: 9 am - 1 pm. Saddleback College Careers and Employment | While no one can deny the importance of physicians, surgeons, and nurses, there are several other healthcare professionals who work behind the scenes, often unnoticed, making significant contributions to healthcare. Designed to be completed in a hybrid format, the program will require students to work with an advisor who will help them in creating a tailored plan of study, helping them in meeting their individual needs. 3 0 obj Saddleback College Reviews - Niche MLT Practice Test (updated 2023) MLT Certification Review - Mometrix A student may not enter Clinical Experience until all courses are completed with a grade of "C" or better. Some course topics include: California medical lab technician programs provide students with the academic and practical training required to become an MLT in the state. Falsification of the Nurse Assistant Certification application may result in adverse action pursuant to the Health and Safely Code, Section 1337.8. Please call or check department websites to confirm. If the student answers yes to a criminal conviction, that student shall be advised to contact the enforcement consultant at (916) 327-2445. 0 Additionally, there are practice exams available for purchase that can help candidates determine their readiness to sit for the test. All Rights Reserved. Many employers now require certification because they know that individuals who are certified are committed to their profession and to quality patient care.. Practical clinical training is also required. 801-957-4073 As of October 2022, the NAACLS website lists 244 medical lab technician programs in the US accredited through the institution. According to the NCES 2017 report, a total of 19,783 students attend the school. [3], Saddleback College is accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges. Graduates will be ready to perform laboratory procedures in a variety of settings such as hospitals, public health, and veterinary facilities, environmental and quality assurance laboratories, and research and reference laboratories. All Rights Reserved. 801-957-4073 The college also offers an advanced placement sequence designed for those who have already completed general education courses. 2 0 obj PETITION FOR COURSE SUBSTITUTION OR WAIVER: Application requirements for the Nursing Assistant Program: Admission requirements for the Nursing Assistant Program: Medical Assisting Program Intake Form 2023, to Medical Assisting Program Intake Form 2023, View Your Saddleback College Jun 2021 - Present1 year 10 months Health Science Department, MLT Program Instruct assigned courses (Clinical Chemistry, Basic Clinical Laboratory Procedures,. Medical Lab Technician Salary - How Much Do MLTs Make? To earn the Associate of Science (A.S.) Degree in Medical Laboratory Technician, students must complete BOTH MLT department requirements and General Education requirements. Keep reading for details on MLT programs in the U.S., including online options for working professionals. %%EOF a. application/pdf Made up of 60 credits, the programs curriculum includes courses such as hematology; coagulation; clinical chemistry; clinical microbiology; immunohematology; urinalysis and body fluids; immunology or serology; and anatomy and physiology, among others. hb``` ,\@(qPPPa~ *W7([qbT;wF7Q0:u`3$i> 0hn2032a3uJ10>b\>@VA@d ` 5 Licensing requirements can vary by state but typically include education requirements, passing an exam, work experience, a background check, and a drug screening. Saddleback College is a Hispanic Serving Institution designated by the U.S. Department of Education. Saddleback College is a public institution in Mission Viejo, California. Topics covered include: Study guides are available for purchase from the ASCP to help prepare for this exam. They perform tests on those samples to diagnose diseases and other medical problems. Additionally, this program qualifies graduates to take the Board of Certification Exam sponsored by the American Society of Clinical Pathologists (ASCP). Must complete/clear background check through CastleBranch - CRIMINAL SCREENING POLICY: Prior to entering the nursing assistant training or Certified Nursing Assistant class, each student will be required to complete an application that will screen for conviction of a crime other than a minor traffic infraction. Any findings may affect the students ability to progress through or complete the program. A previous Associate Degree, Bachelor's Degree or higher degree does not automatically meet general education requirements. This job growth is higher than the national average (5 percent) and is expected to create 21,800 additional positions nationally. College Catalog; Career Technical Education; Early College Pathways; Emeritus Institute; Honors Program; Online Classes; . Popular programs include: Liberal Arts and Sciences, General Studies and Humanities, Business, Management, Marketing, and Related Support Services, and Health Professions and Related Programs. Possess a social security card to enable a background check. Kimmy Gustafson is a freelance writer with a passion for sharing stories of bravery. [10] The Inter-Club Council manages various college clubs that have included the Model United Nations, the Chicano Latino Studies Student Association, College Democrats, College Republicans, Class Action, Students for a Free Tibet, Wilderness Adventure Club, and the Anime Club. Every year 38% of the graduating class students graduate in 150% of the time it takes to complete their studies. The MLS program works in a "ladder" format. Saddleback College in Mission Viejo, CA | US News Education At Saddleback College, 38 percent of undergraduates receive grant or scholarship aid and the average scholarship or grant award is $2,392. Pacific Medical Laboratory . Saddleback College Catalog 2014/2015 117 Medical Lab Technology Certificate and Degree Program The Medical Laboratory Technician program prepares students for employment as an MLT working in a clinical medical laboratory. General Info & Enrollment Help, 801-957-4636 - 6 0 obj Completion of the following prerequisite courses with a grade of "C" or better: CHEM 108 - Introduction to General, Organic, and Biochemistry. A starting point for all CityTownInfo career and college resources. We suggest Insurance. Accreditation means that the program curriculum, faculty, and facilities have been evaluated for effectiveness and learning outcomes.
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