By default for non-beast races there is only one texture used by males and one by females (Argonians and Khajit have unique textures). I've been trying to fixe some darkface issues with my game and I tracked the source down to my smashed patch, but when I load it into the creation kit to run facegen, it always comes back with an unspecified fatal error. Log in to view your list of favourite games. - The new CK will work like the old CK when you press , it will put the facegeom data in folders named after the original vanilla or DLC plugin. Most black face issues are simple mod conflicts. You can do this by selecting the entry for the NPC in the Creation Kit, and pressing Ctrl + F4. Problems appear when you use more than one mod that modifies the same NPC face. Black Face Bug even after generating FaceGen data : r/skyrimmods - reddit FaceGenEslify/ at main Michael-wigontherun/FaceGenEslify Any ideas on how I could fix it? Hi, I am obviously a modding noob but I'm trying to patch FaceGen using your guide and the DarkFace script mod. Export NPC Face Textures - GECK - place the script 'Skyrim - NPC Facegen Patcher.pas' in the 'Edit Scripts' folder of xEdit How to use: 1. Unfortunately I'm kinda out of my wits here. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Community Forum Software by IP.BoardLicensed to: Nexus Mods, FaceGen can be a relatively confusing discussion with a new modder, or sometimes an experienced one. Maybe you could still try the "Load order adjustments + bashed patch" method I mentioned above. I haven't figured it out yet, but I've been working on it for the past few days. So for example, if you wanted to spawn Storn you'd type in "player.placeatme 04017935" (without the quotes). Run only for selected files or records' from the main menu, add a option for creating a plugin to collect dark face NPCs. You don't need to include ".txt". !These two mods are a fix for the Mannimarco black face bug that can happen in VR, or in general!! When the FaceGen files are there yet the faces don't match in game, every male NPC affected by the mod has a dark face, and unless I found a way to figure out which FaceGen file belongs to who and delete them then I'd be stuck with dark faces. These "missing facegen data" issues are rather rare and very special cases. You want to leave out the first 3 digits, because if the NPC is from a DLC, those first 3 will be "020", "030", or "040" in the FormID, but the .nif and .dds files will still start with "000". Valve Corporation. Copyright 2023 Robin Scott. Look for the "BSDynamicTriShape" named "FemaleHead" (or something similar). This covers that up. * As the facegen data under ModA.esp folder is not the same than the other two, Lydia's face appears either black, or with some lines over her face, or pixelated, or presenting any other graphical glithes! There's still one thing you could check: Get Nifskope (if you haven't already) and open the head mesh with it. Afaik it is just CK putting facegen files in the wrong folder and you need to move those files yourself where they should be (folder named after the master file of NPC record). Run only for selected files or records' from main menu. However I could do it would be fine, I just need to have a way to actually do it, since currently my only option would be to test it one at a time deleting a single FaceGen file and checking all the NPCs to see if they were affected. Nnnnnope. Been trying for hours to get Fangs and Eyes - A Vampire Appearance Mod to work again. This is really useful for spawning multiple NPCs to test. Click Yes to all to dismiss warnings by category again. - It's possible a bug in the new CK is involved regarding saving of the facegeom data. Launch TES5Edit/SSEdit. The other way I could possibly get the right FaceGen files is to delete all of them and then export the files of the female NPCs like you can do in Creation Kit. No glitches or bugs at all. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. So, apparantly you need to have the last mod that modifies an Actor's Race as well as the last mod that modifies that Actor itself loaded if you want to generate correct FaceGen data. I've attempted to use the Creation Kit to generate facegen data (select actors to regenerate face data for, press CTRL+F4) to no avail. Other than that we can only hope that someone more expreienced than me has a clue. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. This specific character had the "BretonRaceVampire" (or BretonVampireRace?) minor change: log filename change to DarkFaceIssueReporterXXXXXXXX.txt, now you can select which file you want to start from, just select the file, 'Apply Script' then click button '1. If nothing had changed regarding facegen, then we could use NifMerge to simply convert the old game's head nifs into head nifs for the new game, but we can't. - The black head seems to happen no matter what. I don't know the mods you mentioned, so I'm struggling to understand the nature of the mod conflict. Choose 'Apply Script.' and run Skyrim - NPC Facegen Patcher. You will need to seek permission from, You can upload this file to other sites but you must credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to modify my files and release bug fixes or improve on the features without permission from or credit to me, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You are allowed to use the assets in this file without permission or crediting me, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. For vanilla followers, the new Creation Kit creates new facegen data under the Skyrim.esm and under the Mod.esp folders every time the esp file is saved (and everytime i select the "Upload file to" option). fixed an issue. It did not. Now, all modders releasing mods modifying vanilla NPCs need to follow this to avoid problems. then check your Skyrim SE Data directory and see if there is a Textures and Meshes folder there. Some assets in this file belong to other authors. Again: Regenerating facegen data won't help most of the time - on the contrary: You will most likely screw up your beautiful NPCs UGH misinformation is the worst. Are these NPCs supposed to be normal Khajiits? If you want to test multiple NPCs to make sure they look right, download and install the Review Studio mod (and if you don't have it already, SkyUI which includes the mod configuration menu (MCM)). Remove the DDS files from these directories . She still has the black face bug in my game. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. The gray face bug will now be gone for you. New: Added some code to detect broken facegen NIF file, New: Can ignore NPC's EDID (suggested by DarthAncalagon), Change: Separate IgnoreLists to another INI file, named DarkFaceIssueReporterIgnore.ini, fixed an issue: can not turn off creating console command batch file, minor changes: removed some unnecessary logs from log file (suggested by Gaznevada), minor changes: added version info to log file (suggested by Gaznevada), Added ui for 'CreateDebugLogFile','CreateConsoleCommandBatchFile','DarkFaceCollectorFilename' options, Added some races(should be ignored) to INI file, minor changes: some logs changed or fixed, added a log to print out headparts in NIF for helping to fix issues, fixed an issue: when close the main menu with 'create DarkFaceCollector option' checked, will still create collector file. Find which mod alters NPC faces, and which NPCs it alters, and open it in the Creation Kit. Black faces. Tried regenerating faces. Apparently, I'm not doing it There is still one NPC (Felena) who has a black face (I have seen others who also ported the mod to SSE for themselves reporting the same). Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America), I ended up having to revert to release version and opt out of beta patches, in order to be able to use CK again. easymod/ at master focustense/easymod GitHub NPC appearance overhauls that use custom sculpts and custom textures are safe to use with this mod installed, but if you have a conflict in your load order that breaks those mods, this mod will. His FaceGen file is titled "" but that number appears nowhere under him in xEdit If I can find the FaceGen file associated with the NPC somewhere in xEdit, where would it be? If you are using 2 character appearance mods, such as HMB II and VHR, select the .esp files provided by them and click OK. Just made my first weapon in Blender and want to know how to port over to Skyrim. Select all plugins (Ctrl+A). Maybe that was already common knowledge, but I didn't know it. Unfortunately, it's not a case of multiple mods modifying a single npc. This tool doesn't do anything by itself. With this guide, I will take you through the basics of creating a custom FaceGen with two or more Character Appearance mods, such as. Do you mean that, moving the facegen files generated under the Mod.esp folder to the Skyrim.esm and only packing then the ones under Skyrim.esm will solve the problem? This means it will work for mods such as VHR - Vanilla Hair Replacer. This mod prevents the game from discarding tint data, so when errors are encountered, it will regenerate faces with correct colors. It SHOULD read sth. Yours is unfortunately a totally different issue. Log in to view your list of favourite games. If you're still looking for a solution, this is what I do: go to, and enter in the last 5 digits of the 8 digit code (so, for example, if you wanted to know what NPC was 00017935.nif, type in "17935" and boom - it'll tell you "Storn Crag-Strider"). But in SSE things are not so easy. Thanks for pointing that out. They also won't allow certain geometries the old game's head nifs would allow. But, it does not auto-save to the folder named after the original (vanilla or DLC) plugin, where the old CK would put them when pressing . Any ideas why? The only problem is that I cant figure out which file belongs to which NPC since they all have names like "" and I cant do anything with that. Skyrim Generate Facegen DataAnother trick for spawning multiple NPCs All rights reserved. Should fix the void face bug, if you get it, Prevent a crash on startup when using broken mods with bad race (RNAM) data; an error will be printed to the SKSE log instead. - Head nifs from the old game will work in the new game due to a degree of backwards compatibility and they will not exhibit the black head problem. Open the Creation Kit and click File > Data. I have also created facegen data for that npc via the CK which can be seen here: all of which exists in the KhajiitRace in the base game. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. It should have been the mod from which the NPC comes. The NPC in question (xx04C768) has facegen data provided in the mod in question (in a BSA). First, Identify what mod you want to turn into an esl check to see if it has facegen data it will be located under "meshes\actors\character\FaceGenData\FaceGeom{Whatever the plugin name is}" as loose files or using . I think that this is what is happening: * Mod A adds a new face for Lydia under the Skyrim.esm folder and the ModA.esp folder, * Mod B adds a new face for Lydia under the Skyrim.esm folder and the ModB.esp folder, * The game loads the face for Lydia under ModA.esp folder + the face for Lydia under the Skyrim.esm folder added by Mod B + the face for Lydia under the ModB.esp folder. Uses xEdit script. Multiple mods that do the same thing will cause issues. Artigun The Custom Voiced Half-Dovah Follower, Bikini Dremora - Conjuration Followers SE, Fangs and Eyes Fix for A Vampire Appearance Mod, Lorien - A High Poly Head Standalone Follower, LOTR Epic battles Armies Mod (Lord of The Rings) WIP Special Edition Port, M'rissi's Tails of Troubles - KS Hairdo Patch, Needed Just In Case of Facegen Data Issues. Start from selected file' from the main menu, now you can choose which files or records you want to check, just select them, 'Apply Script' then click button '2. Race. Find the entries for the head mesh itself. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You can convert this file to work with other games as long as you credit me as the creator of the file, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets. if you got two mods making changes to Delphine and you want Bijin Delphine, put the Bijin esp after the other NPC replacer. In this particular case I also have a mod called "Fluff's Hybrid Khajiit" which makes significant changes to the Khajiit race. This means it will work for mods such as VHR - Vanilla Hair Replacer. There are already mods that create a framework for this: The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. I appreciate the attempt. I also opened the face mesh in NifSkope, and it looks fine there. - Or, it's also possible it is supposed to work exactly like the old CK and facegeom data is always supposed to be saved to the original vanilla or DLC plugin folder, meaning the auto-saving to a folder named after your own plugin is the bug. Repeat Steps 4-6 for any other mods with broken . facegen data is definitely being output to the data directory. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. a xEdit Script to find "Dark Face Issues" and address them, then create console command batch files for checking in game. Edited by Belegost, 19 November 2020 - 03:58 pm. In particular, to the tint assets: And I have another mod (a skyrim npc beautification mod I can't remember the name of atm) that causes this problem for non-vanilla npcs of man and mer races. 2. Once you got your load order sorted, run Wrye Bash and create a "bashed patch". - The new CK auto-saves facegeom data in a folder named after your plugin when you save the plugin. If you have multiple NPCs, you can hold down Ctrl and left click each entry so all. Site news (important news will be issued), Comments on your files, images and videos, New images and videos added to your files. However, if the head nif was the result of a RaceMenu/NifMerge session and includes custom mesh paths for things like eye geometry or 3rd party hair, those geometries will be missing in game. This seems to have worked better, since now her face looks fine in-game. That site also lets you input the NPC's name and will then give you their code. Black face bug dont effect the way the game works. I then tried also regenerating facegen data with Fluffjiits, MrissisTales, and my patch loaded in the CK which also did not resolve the issue. You can use this fix as a runtime equivalent to Creation Kit's 'Ctrl+F4' to generate FaceGen. Well, that depends on what's causing the blackface bug in your case. Where does CreationKit export facegen data? : r/skyrimmods Guide: Creating FaceGen Data - Articles - The Nexus Forums For example: Looking at tint layers, it seems pretty clear what the issue is. Facegen export requires CK no way around that, but only export it for the npc's you're having proiblems with (use CK Fixes) and if you have any sense you'll put them in matching BSA's as their loading/override will be automatic and avoid loose facegen files like the plague because they always override regardless. Please re-enable javascript to access full functionality. This only happens for vanilla NPCs. If you're still looking for a solution, this is what I do: go to, and enter in the last 5 digits of the 8 digit code (so, for example, if you wanted to know what NPC was 00017935.nif, type in "17935" and boom - it'll tell you "Storn Crag-Strider"). The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. I never before have ran/installed so many mods as I did now (my current build), that's why I have (now) some NPCs with black faces bug. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. Check the box again and the old merges work perfect. This author has not provided any additional notes regarding file permissions, sfts - for devising a clever way of identifying nif blocks based on xEdit's 'NIF - replace string' script and letting me use his codePieron - for the original NPC Appearance PatcherElminsterAU and the xEdit Team - who made it all possible in the first place, This mod is not opted-in to receive Donation Points.