Orb ball of light night sky stationary then started moving low altitude: 3/4/22: 1/15/22 02:35 . Modern Masters ethically serves small businesses in metaphysical, paranormal, healing, spirituality, homesteading, acupuncture and other related fields. And they're a bit controversial. What is the mysterious global Hum and is it simply noise pollution. The next time that you hear any weird sound that you cant immediately identify, please notify us. April 19-20-21 Humming noise in Rockhampton Queensland Australia (comment): Since this lockdown, traffic and people noise is gone. International UFO Report Index For We have been hearing weird noises for the last 3 days. *NEW* Strange Trumpet Sounds in the Sky compilation MARCH 2020 (#20) We are seeing, hearing all this while speaking ill words about or towards one another. Woke up and the noise was still there. There are over 150 million asteroids in the solar system that are constantly drifting in space. Lights On The Sky TonightSkywatchers will have a chance to see one of 2 world wars plus numurous wars, research all the deaths of people, through famine pestilance, and war . Alaska Railroad spokesman Tim Sullivan said if there was an unusual sound coming from trains, the public would promptly let him know. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Annual Fast Will Begin With A Crescent MoonAnd End With A Total Eclipse Of The Sun. How about this, that Heaven is using the Shofar (Hebrew trumpet) as an amplifying devise, to carry their message great distances. Wife heard them Dec.2ed 2020 at around 3am. All Rights Reserved. Several days ago, we published the story about the eerie trumpet sound heard in different countries around the world. James hoped her Nextdoor post would lead to answers. What's That Really Bright 'Star' In The Night Sky? - Forbes I have heard the Trumpets like 4 or 5 times. Night Sky Map & Planets Visible Tonight in New York - Time and Date Unusual and unexplained noises are recorded in various locations around the world from time to time. Interesting that one hypothesis mentioned in this article is high-speed traffic. When we should be hearing no evil, speaking no evil and seeing no evil. Scientists Continue Doing Weird Things With Video Games, Engineered Arts Unveils Ameca, the Most Advanced Humanoid Robot. But it was constant, directionless and difficult to say if felt or heard. Also think some of it could be GWEN towers working together with HAARP. Others had more rational theories: snowplows moving up and down a metal ramp, a squeaky FedEx door hinge at the airport, runway construction or an electrical transformer. On Wednesday Philip Jaekl reported on a mysterious phenomenon known as the Hum. A video is doing rounds online purporting to show a Strange Creature Caught on Camera Over Sky in 2020. I live in a high rise apartment near Sydneys CBD, and a stones throw from the Southern Cross Drive, which I have long considered to be the cause. I was out side working in the barn, and this crazy lound sound,, was so lound,, , It seemed to last for ever,,, I could not figure out where or what it was Cant believe no one ,has mentioned it.., This sound has stayed with me,, it is something that you never forget,, I also thought this is it,, its Jesus,, coming back. moon night sky stars sunset starry sky space nature night city galaxy landscape clouds dark night sky moon forest mountain. LZephania A neurological internally generated perception of sound seems a likely explanation. You have entered an incorrect email address! Trumpets heard last week in central Wisconsin. https://youtu.be/-dIG3sWhyuc. thats it. Its around the range of 50-60Hz. Venus is in the morning sky, shining at around magnitude -4. UPDATED Why Are People Hearing Strange Jet-like Sky Sounds, But Not First two days it happened in the afternoon but today it was just before 6 am. Those who saw the video were really amazed by the sound. A lot of them are clearly hoaxes, with sounds from movies or other effects playing over ordinary outdoor scenes. Strange sounds in the sky over Satu Mare, Romania on April 2 , Into the Storm (Hosted by Justin Deschamps), Media Archive (Shows, Videos, Presentations), Barbara H Whitfield RT and Charles L Whitfield MD, EMF Harmonized (Cell Phone, Wi-Fi, Radiation Protection. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. The strange sounds which allegedly came from the sky played once again, but this time, the hair-raising noise was heard last June 4th at around 3 P.M in Batangas, Philippines. Each of these pieces of debris can then also impact other satellites. These lights are actually satellites, launched into space by the U.S. company SpaceX, run by South African entrepreneur Elon Musk. No, it's not an app you downloaded (although third-party apps can have their own notification sounds). "Just saw. Alan Czajkowski, Anchorages director of maintenance and operations, said whatever it is, its not coming from city workers or equipment. do you have a record of the noise? Here it is 2022 and no new trumpet sounds? While the specific origins of all such sounds may not yet be known, most scientific research. Jesus will be coming back to the sound of a trumpet yes, however this will not occur until after the rapture. Learn how your comment data is processed. A few nights ago (I think Friday or Saturday) sometime between 10 and 11 I was browsing the internet when I heard this loud, haunting wail noise coming from somewhere outside. According to Dean Regas, astronomer at the Cincinnati Observatory, those Erie lights are Starlink satellites, a fleet of communication satellites orbiting several hundred miles above earth . January 5, 2015, CBS-affiliate WSBT-22 in Mishawaka, Indiana. I went to investigate looking up . Sounding like a trumpet or a collective from a brass. Some who heard the noise looked to government officials. That may now change. Sun & Moon Today Sunrise & Sunset Moonrise & Moonset Moon Phases Eclipses Night Sky Night Time 12 hours, 35 minutes Wed, Mar 1 at 6:05 pm - Thu, Mar 2 at 6:40 am Visible night of Mar 1 - Mar 2, 2023 Venus-Jupiter Conjunction Venus will appear very close to Jupiter on the evenings in early March. Some articles reference NASA saying the sounds are naturally occurring background noise from the planet. What star in the northeast flashes colorfully? That's Capella! if you notice most of the sounds are from the year 2020, the time when the world was in lock down, hence clearer sky, less movement , everything was quiet . Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. Aubrey Wieber covers Anchorage city government, politics and general assignments for the Daily News. May 2021 saw the return of Venus to the post-sunset night sky after six months in the morning sky. I dont hear it often but when I do, it is quite noticeable. Strange Sounds Coming From the Sky in Lakeland, Florida - 2020 Each time the satellites are launched, on the companys own reusable Falcon 9 rockets, they are placed into orbit about 290 kilometers above the surface of Earth. When Noah built the ark, God sent signs and wonders and Im sure Noha tried to warn people but no one would listen, no one would follow their heart. This isnt the first place Ive heard about HAARP, however its the first place that I send new inquirers on the topic. The only possible conclusion he could offer was. At first, I thought it was an old DC3 or similar circling overhead, but it wasnt that. But just as everyone has a different description for the sound, they also have a different explanation. Claims of trumpet sounds today in the center of Georgia, Macon area. For every explanation floated on social media, theres a counterargument. Thanks in advance! Many Hearing Mysterious Hum and Strange Sounds Around The World - Gaia If its there and screaming like that, the commenter wrote, I worry something is very, VERY wrongto me this really marks the end of the world., There are hundreds of strange noise videos on Youtube. Weird and strange news stories from across the globe. No single scientific cause has been suggested, and the wide variety points to multiple causes. According to his description, the sound seemed to originate from a great distance away, and yet was extremely loud. The bright star Capella in the constellation Auriga the Charioteer is the star in the northeast that flashes red, green and blue. I've never heard anything like it before." A study later confirmed it was likely to be coming from a US Steel plants blast furnace operations on nearby Zug island. Finally unable to sleep, I grabbed my phone and began recording them.Strange sound in the sky, Albacete Spain-Strange \"metallic\" sounding noise recorded between 6:30 - 7:30 AM on Saturday, September 30th, 2017 in Albacete, Spain. International UFO Report Index For It was loud, long, and almost peaceful but yet super weird and almost supernatural. I have years of experience listening to all sorts of radio, including a solid working knowledge of morse code. I remember looking to the sky and wondering if Jesus was coming back. News outlets and message boards around the world have documented the reports. This week readers proposed theories about what the mysterious worldwide hum is and several, more sceptical readers, cast doubt on the idea that it exists at all. What to see in the night sky in June 2022 - Skymania Mysterious Elsa Doll Ironically A Bit Clingy, Has Trouble Moving On, Thousands of Birds Swarm Road, Take Over Gas Station In Texas. While there was debate about whether the hum is in fact tinnitus, Glen MacPherson, a mathematics, physics, psychology, and Russian Language teacher and former Mathematics Education lecturer at the University of British Columbia (UBC), who has been investigating the Hums source, said: As several posters mentioned, classic tinnitus is profoundly different from the Worldwide Hum., He added: While it must be stressed time and again that there are many sounds created by human activity that can sound like the Hum, and it takes some effort and knowledge to track those sounds down. These cookies do not store any personal information. New Study Identifies China As Worlds Biggest Generator Of Single-Use Plastic Waste, Kim Jong-un Bans Mullets And Skinny Jeans In North Korea, US, China Must Find Common Ground Or War Could Ruin Us All, Said Singapore PM Lee Hsien Loong, Mexican Drug Cartel Uses Drones To Drop Bombs On Police Headquarters, Swiss City Offers Free Ticket To Europe For Beggars If They Agree Not To Return, Worlds Tiniest Injectable Chip Can Monitor Medical Conditions And Treat Diseases, China Allegedly Copied The Mars Rover Animation From A 2011 NASA Video, China Successfully Lands Its Own Rover On Mars, Reports State Media, After Over A Year Into The Pandemic, WHO Finally Admits Coronavirus Airborne Transmission Is Possible, Royal Navy Tests Iron Man Jet Suit To Fly Assault Teams And Storm A Ship, Scary All-Glass Elevator Climbs Over 1,200 Feet Is Being Built In New York, Maldives Plans to Build the Worlds First Fully Floating Island City, Diners Eat Inside An Airplane At This McDonalds In New Zealand, Monsanto, A Unique, Quiet Town in Portugal, Kazakhstan Uses Borats Line Very Nice! For Its Tourism Campaign, Eating Too Much Salt Causes One Major Side Effect, According To Science, Pfizer/BioNTech Says New COVID-19 Vaccine is 100% Effective on Adolescents. It was heard from Midtown to West Anchorage, from Spenard to the Old. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Despite being heard for miles, no one seems to know the origin. Now check the strange sounds recorded in February 2020 and January 2020 The list is long! I swear it sounds like a trumphet. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Its definitely weird, sounds like a trumphet. Followers have trickled in over the years, Kettleson said, but in the last week she approved 126 requests. STRANGE SOUNDS IN THE SKY JANUARY 2019 COMPILATION (#12) Dillon Dickerson 60K views 4 years ago ASMR Rain Sounds For Sleeping - Rain and Thunder Sounds for Studying, Relaxing or Reading -. Last night February 7th between 2:00 am and Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Sensel Could it be updates and use of high pressure natural gas lines in many cities and suburbs? If there was a sound that could just change your matter or something, I dont know, she said. Ah, speculation, but the point is, that the trumpet or Shofar, is being used by those Above, to reach specific individuals for their own reasons. As they pass overhead, they appear like a bright train of lights as the satellites follow one after the other in orbit. The rumor-debunking website Snopes says that scientists point to natural causes, such as earthquakes, tidal waves, methane explosions and even shifting sand dunes, as the possible reasons for the . Not just trees but everything that we take out of the earth. Cant hear a thing. Nothing here that I am aware of, other than our usual industrial sounds, he said. It came in bursts, getting louder, then evaporating. Most came Monday and Tuesday. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. The next one on our list of strange sounds from the sky is from Germany. Thank you! There's interference in the radio signals. Latest Strange Sounds from The Sky In March 2020 - And Some Are Really Do you hear the strange trumpet sounds from the sky? The National Aeronautics Space Administration (NASA) explained that neither angels nor aliens have anything to do with the event. Starlink has already caused issues for some astronomers. I heard it three or four times in the 70s. the earth was quiet under house arrest, lockdown . Navaa - Roaming Through the Woods 4. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. April 19 Mysterious sky noise in Buenos Aires, Argentina article, video 1, video 2, April 14 Strange sounds in the sky over Drogheda, Ireland video. Get the perfect website for your sacred work at Modern Masters. Hums have been reported all over the world, including the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. Video say 10thbut it was the 11th. At 20:00 pm on the 29th of Dec 2020. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. In Sweden, the odd noise sounded like a trumpet. 6. Ive never heard anything like it before., Robb began by filming the storm through his apartment window at around 8:30 p.m. The reader approached the Derby Telegraph for help after hearing the "strange noise." They tweeted the paper and police asking for an explanation for "trumpet-like booming sounds" which he heard . Because of this, astronomers have reported that the satellites are hampering their ability to study the universe. The strange title of the album was the name of member Markus Gurk spellt backwards. Updated list of loud booms in 2020 - Strange Sounds There have been numerous reports from places like the U.S. and U.K. of people seeing them, with explanations ranging from UFOs to an alien invasion. It was quite a loud and unmistakable mechanical whirring hum. He later discovered he was not alone. The satellites are launched in batches of 60, with SpaceX aiming to launch roughly two batches very month although they havent quite achieved that frequency yet. According to Robb, theres not a railroad yard nearby, nor a factory, or anything else he can think of that might be responsible for the unusual loud noises. Fact Check: Can Mouthwash Help Prevent Covid-19 Transmission? We have been hearing weird noises the last 3 days. Weatherwatch: 'apocalyptic' sky sounds baffle experts YouTube has ample audio posts. I have noticed that some of your videos I can hear morse code. The Sky Tonight | National Schools' Observatory She ran inside. The Monday sounds left CBS Denver's meteorologist Chris Spears baffled. Thompson first heard the sound in Anchorage about four years ago, and it scared her. Surprisingly, no one has raised the obvious. Louise Paxton is also one of the creepy unexplained YouTube channels. Metallic Sasquatch Leads to Flat Tire In Montana, Watch SpaceXs Starship SN10 Launch, Land, and Eventually Explode, Not Quite Ghosts: When Radio Waves Make the Walls Speak. Some Anchorage residents went on social media to joke about the sounds origin, saying it was someones hungry pet dinosaur or that a big backhoe was giving birth.. So when are the horsemen of the apocalypse coming to get us? Question: This person as said, must be very powerful, perhaps even a god-like being, that can do awesome things, yet chooses to hide out, amongst the likes of us mere mortals and is strong enough to do as he/she pleases. Your email address will not be published. The first two days it happened in the afternoon but today it was just before 6 am. And take care! Residents Heard A Loud Boom In Northwest Last Night - DCist Mysterious blast confuses citizens of Jakarta and West Java - N USA Daily Rare cosmic vent triggers strange happenings with the earth and the weather - Bended Reality Loud explosion noise on April 9 - Anniston Star triangular UFO with three white lights on corners was seen hovering without movement or sound at night near Charlotte, NC. As it is now all around the world. Hundreds of readers responded to an article about the phenomenon, with many claiming to have experienced it themselves. Ive never known the source of the noise. This movie needs to be boycotted globally. The hum I hear is largely omnipresent but only indoors. Researcher Claims: Deep Underground Military Bases Recently DestroyedAnd Has Some Evidence to Prove it. And then the screaminig sound began. NEW SHINDIG AND MORE! - Bomp Records However, after suffering this for months at a time I decided to do proper research into ship and train movements to try and isolate the cause discovering that it was neither. Since the first launch in May 2019, SpaceX has launched about 360 of these satellites. She personally believes the sound is coming from the Earth and is connected to earthquakes. Because the NSO is in the UK, the pictures show the view from the UK. strange noise in the sky at night 2020. strange noise in the sky at night 2020. The satellites can appear as bright streaks in telescope images, ruining observations of galaxies and stars. It would be hard to believe that it would be loud enough to be heard all the way over by Lake Otis, he said. There were rumours about it during the war such as the enemy tunnelling etc. "Its a sound thats so internally loud. Turns out, the bright lights appearing to be in groups of up to 60 in a long line are. It's definitely not people making this noise, there is no construction happening nearby, and no trains make that noise. At first, he thought it was an appliance. To me, it sounded like a large diesel engine, probably a ship or a train both of which would be close by. An unmistakable mechanical whirring hum, said another. Can you hear the mysterious 'global Hum'? Apparently - the Guardian Anyhow, consider the trumpet sounds as a carrier to transmit their voices vast distances, and using noise reduction filters to clarify what they are saying. 10 Apocalyptic Strange Noises/Sky Trumpet Heard ALL AROUND THE WORLD DURING LOCKDOWNS 53,528 views Premiered Oct 20, 2020 1.1K Dislike Share Save NFT Savvy 56.9K subscribers Subscribe In the. Very heavy metal. Venus will be higher and easier to see from the southern hemisphere. He often referred to the Suffolk Hum or Suffolk Noise which, he said a small proportion of people could sense when he was a child and later on. and the earthquake was of higher magnitude, hence louder tectonic sound. I didnt record it but Ill never forget the sound. "Its definitely a phenomenon of some kind.. Recorded at 11:48pm. The person I was with heard it too, and we joked about UFOS. Comment: It sounded like a high pitch noise for nearly a 1 minute over Gainesville, Florida. According to The History Channel, UFO sightings doubled in New York City in 2020.Some experts feel that like moths, extra terrestrials are attracted to light, and there's a lot of that in NYC. we are so busy in the east, and even otherwise over the globe, we cannot hear these sounds due to man made noises. It is raw radio power, from a human source, bouncing off our atmosphere. [People report odd interactions with lynx as their numbers grow in Anchorage]. Anchorage resident Jennifer Kettleson created an Anchorage-specific trumpets in the sky Facebook group in 2016 to track local reports. Trevor Hutton My father was a suffolk coastal child during WW2. nowplows moving up and down a metal ramp, a squeaky FedEx door hinge at the airport, runway construction or an electrical transformer, published a paper in 2011 about reports of mystery boom sounds. You have entered an incorrect email address! This was in Bethel, Alaska. Some ressemble a loud engine, a rumbling, the slamming metallic door or even a lithning stike, others more like a groaning. timbomachino I dont think its tinnitus because thats a very high frequency sound. I am not going to be a conspiracy theorist. February 2020 and January 2020 The list is long! Any chance you can post a soundfile of the voices you hear? Editor-in-chief of Stranger Dimensions. Video, Weird sounds from sky on the Island Nttery in Norway, Europe Video, Mysterious humming noise in rebro, Sweden on March 24 Video, Mysterious noises at midnight on March 24 Video, Terrifying sounds recorded in the Sky of Middle East Video, Creepy trumpet sounds in the sky compilation Video, Strange Shortwave Radio Oddity Signal Findings UVB76 on March 22 Video, Creepy sound of earthquake in Zagreb, Croatia on March 22 Video, Strange sounds in Nashville, Tennessee on March 21 Video, Strange sky noises in Singapore on March 19 Video, Strange sounds in Novosibirsk 19.03.2020 Video, Angel Moroni Loses Trumpet in Earthquake on March 18 Video, Strange Sounds in Hialeah, Florida at night Video, Are You Hearing Very High Up Engine Sound In The Sky?
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