To work the tubular cast on you're going to need some sm ooth waste yarn, your actual "name": "6 Stretchy Cast On Methods", Get out the way you came and tighten up. This is an intermediate bind-off for ribbing that is super stretchy. Note: I earn a small commission for purchases made through links in this article. Repeat steps 1-2 of the first set up row above until all the stitches have been worked, end with a slipped purl stitch. A super stretchy cast on for ribbing! Acquire tons of intermediate skills while keeping a canine pal of any size snuggly warm. } Im making a 22 rib hat in the round. First, you make a loop and then knit into it as many stitches as you need to cast on. Als je rond gaat breien kun je ook de eerste en laatste steek samenbreien, heb je ook meteen de ronde gesloten n die ene steek geminderd. Bring the needle around the yarn connected to your index finger coming from above & behind. Some of these Ive found in the book Cast On, Bind Off and some just found on the internet by googling. It's basically the same stitch, but you alternate 2 knit stitches with 2 purl stitches. Avoid Common Mistakes; Tackle New Projects; Knit With . Our step-by-step tutorial shows you how to work the most basic and versatile version of this cast on - the long tail tubular cast on. Ill show you what I mean. Stretchy Cast-Ons/Cast-Ons for Ribbing - However, it's difficult to keep your tension even with this super-quick cast on, so it's really recommended for short lengths, such as thumbholes or buttonholes. The thumb finger strand is positioned at the back of your needle. and its fairly easy. They are so well done, moving neither too fast nor too slow, and the viewing angle is just right! The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Thanks, DROPS just what I was looking for! I just couldnt get into a good rhythm until I figured out how to do it while holding the yarn with my left hand. It is definitely reversible and looks like its got a little crochet chain underneath. The Double Start Cast Onlooks really interesting and pretty. The first is to adjust the placement of your stitches as you put them on the needle. Twist the yarn tail and working yarn once to lock the purl stitch in place so that it wont unravel before you work the next steps. Bring the yarn between the needles to the back again ready to knit the next stitch. Bring the yarn up and over the left-hand needle, then around the back of the right-hand needle in a figure-8 motion (this is the same as step 4). PDF Tutorial - Tubular Cast On Work the first row close to the needle-tips so the cast-on doesnt get stretched-out. pattern suggests you use the Twisted German Cast-On as a way to start your ribbing. Stretchy Bind Off Step-by-Step. This cast on creates a nice decorative edge. Making an L-shape with your left thumb and forefinger, wrap the two ends of the yarn around them. "url": "", Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. Im also curious if there is a matching bind off please This is a beautiful cast on. If written step-by-step instructions arent your thing, skip ahead to the video below. Knitting needles appropriate for yarn (check yarn label if unsure) Instructions Begin with a slip knot on your needle. Even if you will be knitting in the round it's a good idea to cast onto a straight needle and then transfer the sts to double pointed needles. The work a complete long tail tubular cast-on involves several rows. You can read what you are allowed to do in the Copyright text at the bottom of all our patterns. It works well in projects where you knit in stockinette stitch or rib stitch at the beginning. Is there a matching bind off? Youve now completed the full Tubular Cast On! If ever you find yourself unsure of which cast on method to use for a stretchy edge, the long-tail cast on should be your go-to. The tutorial shows you how to work a tubular cast on designed to work best with 11 ribbing or brioche projects. How to knit the Italian cast-on - perfect for ribbings [plus slow Hi Liz! To cast off knitting, start on a new row, and knit two stitches loosely. I love how easy this cast on is to work. Place the slip knot onto your right needle. Tip: use your right index finger to pin the previous stitch in place on the right needle while you work these steps. Its stretchiness is slightly better than the knit cast on method's. However, if you've mastered the long-tail cast on method and you're ready for something new, just a little bit of practice is all it takes to figure this method out. }, With that technique, you create the knit stitches. And don't forget to check out my Etsy shop with all my knitting patterns. 12. "@type": "Organization", But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Previous Chapter: Stretchy Long-Tail Cast-Ons. Get Free Access to the 10-Video Course that Will Change the Way You Knit. Start the Italian cast-on with a simple twisted loop. How to cast on thumb method) . Pro tip: use your right index finger to hold the slip knot in place while you work. The Alternating Cable Cast-On is a very stretchy and almost invisible cast-on for any combination of knit and purl stitches. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. inserts: {google_ad_channel: '4472300285'}, Close up of Tillibuddy's Very Stretchy Cast On Another very different kind of cast on. The one-by-one rib stitch is a simple 2-row repeat that alternates knit and purl stitches for a super-stretchy and reversible fabric. In this case, you have to grab the yarn connected to your index thumb (step 4) coming from below. Brioche is easier than you think! pull the index finger strand downward, behind the thumb strand. weggegeven. Super-Stretchy Cast On Talena Winters Insert your needle through the purl stitch normally. This video shows you how to cast on extra stitches using the Chinese Waitress cast-on so you can have a stretchy, reversible edge in the middle of your project. In this DROPS video we show how to cast on in rib. You cast on an even number of stitches with this method. Very Stretchy Cast-on SHORT VERSION - YouTube Just remember: if the last cast on stitch was a knit cast on, then knit that stitch. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. "mainEntityOfPage": "", sctHl = document.getElementsByTagName("script")[0], A stretchier version of the easiest pattern is the 22 rib stitch. If you need a quick refresher, check out our full tutorial for tying a simple slip knot here. You now have a knit stitch on the right needle! It was taught to knitting author Cap Seases friend by a waitress in a Beijing restaurant, hence the great name. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Weet iemand het antwoord? If so, other videos show it done another way. Anonymous, Bless you dear lady for the wonderfully helpful videos you have posted! Single rib is a stretchy piece of knitting often used for cuffs and hems. Itll look like a purl. The edge is just so crisp and invisible. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. "url": "", When you join in the yarn for working in the round, this stitch will be your first knit stitch in your 11 rib. If Im honest, while Ive tried a lot of other cast on methods, the long tail is still my favorite, and I am a creature of habit. If you're looking for more stretch in the brim of hats, tops of socks or cuffs of mittens, then this stretchy cast on is the knitting tip for you. Copyright 2023 Prime Publishing, LLC. This unique cast on method involves a series of slip knots, but requires very basic, smooth yarn with no extra frills, such as fur or loops. Why do my knits look like purls? How to Work Jeny's Stretchy Cast On in Knitting | Hands Occupied Hands Occupied 6.41K subscribers Subscribe 972 164K views 5 years ago Cast on & Bind Off Tutorials If you're looking to give. Optional set up rows: You can also repeat the two set up rows once more (for a total of four set up rows) for a more rounded edge. If you look at a loosely cast-on set of stitches, youll see there are gaps between the stitches. Here are instructions for two of my favorite stretchy cast on methods. Now finally a cast on that does not remind me of the Long Tail Cast On! I thought this cast on was a bit fiddly to do first and it took me a bit longer to get into a nice rhythm with it. Make a slip knot and place it onto your left needle. The "knit version" is the regular Long-Tail Cast-On you've already learned. Rib Stitch knitting - Step by step tutorial for beginners [+video] Youve finished a beautiful hat for yourself, but when you put it on, the very edge of the brim cuts into your head. Hello, I just tried this for a cuff, and I love it. Especially, since I mostly use circulars and its very hard to keep the cast on stitches placed right on the cable of a circular. Its a bit tricky at first, but once you get it, itll be hard not to whip it out for all your ribbing needs. Im confused about joining this in the round you say to knit the first row flat and then join together on the second round. We are experiencing a problem with the video player on our online classes. This blog post will address what to do when you need a stretchy cast on but theres no give in your stitches. Position the strands of yarn over your thumb and finger again, just as they were when you started. Do not slide the slip knot off the left needle. March 20, 3:15pm CST. Step 2: Insert your left needle through the front loop of the first stitch on your right needle. Any yarn works. Not only is this cast-on very stretchy, it also doesnt curl on stockinette, and it creates a reversible double-chain effect along the bottom edge that is very pretty. Jeny's Surprisingly-Stretchy Bind-Off (JSSBO) for 11 Rib This double stockinette stitch headband is super c, Lets make a bobble! flow.flowID = '0'; This is the best cast on for sweater bottoms and tight ribbing out of this list, so use it if you know you're going to need a lot of extra stretch. The 1x1 Rib Cabled Cast On provides a sturdy, elastic edge for ribbed hats, mittens, socks, sweater hems and sleeve cuffs. The Long Tail Cast On. Your email address will not be published. This was the edge with the most stretch. I got the toe up sock and your videos make everything so clear, it's easy to scroll to the place I want and I can work at my computer without having to make the rest of the household watch my DVDs. Its tough to join in the round on round one. Sorry for the late reply. If the working yarn is behind two stitches, this means that your last cast on was purl-wise. The slip knot should be knit as two stitches usually. Oh, and dont forget to check out my tutorial on casting on for beginners if you are looking for alternatives that are just as easy. Is there a video for instructions on how to join in the round after knitting the first row flat? That is likely the trickiest part of it but again not as difficult as it seems and a really good specialized cast on to know! Half of it is exactly the same as the standard Long Tail Cast On. I've never seen someone knit with the yarn in their left hand. Start the German Twisted cast on purlwise with a slip knot around your knitting needles leaving a tail that is around 3-4 times as long as your project will be wide. Pick up the yarn with your left hand. medianet_versionId = "121199"; These cookies ensure basic functionalities and security features of the website, anonymously. The cookie settings on this website are set to "allow cookies" to give you the best browsing experience possible. STRETCHY CAST ON KNITTING TUTORIAL :: 2 favourite methods for knitting flexible cast ons The Crimson Stitchery 14.7K subscribers 27K views 2 years ago The CABLE CAST ON and the OLD. Finally understand and follow any brioche pattern. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Analytics". Well, then the Italian cast-on method might just be what you are looking for. In fact, I sometimes refer to it as my "ribbing cast on"! This method of tubular cast on still works with the original way of doing Judys Magic Cast On, so use the method you prefer. Heading to follow you on Instagram. In this case, I urge you to follow the exact same steps I showed you above and only join in the round after you finished the first row flat. Suddenly, they're just telling you to "use a stretchy cast on" for your hat, sweater, or socksand you're left to your own defenses to figure out exactly what they mean by that. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. How To Knit a Stretchy Cast On There are two primary ways to fix a knitting cast on that has no stretch. While this cast on is more advanced than a long tail cast on, it's a great technique to use for hats, mittens, socks and sweater sleeves. So, it may take more practice to get stitches to look neat. Instead, theyll put it on the needle a little distance away. This video shows you how to do it the right way, so that your Chinese Waitress Cast-On is as stretchy as it should be. "width": "940", If you don't want to knit the first round with twisted knit stitches, then yo have to change the way you cast on the purl stitches. In addition, it results in a rim that is both consistent and beautiful. Start the Italian cast-on with a simple twisted loop. It seems slightly more flexible to me than the standard Long Tail Cast On and it gives you a clean and simple edge to any ribbing.
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