at the length required for it to reach the side property line on the non-patio side. Sun City Grand / 9100 Series Color-Ark Pro - Dunn-Edwards User Guide| If you would like additional assistance, please contact, 19726 N Remington Drive Sun City Grand / 9200 Series Color-Ark Pro - Dunn-Edwards For example, the committeedenied Kehrein's appeal but approved Giel's even though neither had requested HOA approval when they installed their borders. People say it looks great. 17572 W CROCUS Drive Surprise, AZ 8538817572 W CROCUS Drive, Surprise, AZ 85388. Artificial or natural flowers, plants, and trees placed on a front or rear porch/patio. Whether you're the type that likes larger trees or more, , there are options for all of us. These homes include features such as spacious great rooms, eat-in kitchens, walk-in closets, and covered patios. Working at Sun City Grand: Employee Reviews | O The review process ensures that these expectations will be met for all proposals in Portland. Bird Baths/Bird Houses/Bird Feeders hanging from a tree in the front yard. For many houses built since June of 2012 we have the original exterior colors chosen by the owner on file. Lot 38033: can utilize the developer installed fence/wall on the patio side, providing that the following requirements are met: Required only if second segment on the patios side is not on the property line shall turn and run: Required only if second segment is not on the property line shall turn and run: Lot 38034: If granted a lease for the strip of land (Community Association Common Property) between the side of their lot and the developer installed concrete fence/wall (if any), they can utilize the developer installed fence/wall on the non-patio side and the rear, provided that the fencing along the side cannot be closer to the front property line than 55-feet. This form is available from either in hard copy from the Community Standards Department or by email to [emailprotected]. Click the Forgot Password link and enter your resident number. I guess all the folks aren't real concerned with their landscaping if there are 12 inches of snow on the yard right now. Email [emailprotected] with what you saw and where. Roofing materials other than asphalt shingles. T^X/K8QIFa3Ur$,nh!$.E@Z[!1ab/fjtTK$5=2-0? If this segment will reach the rear property line, the third and fourth segments are not required. Sun City Grand is a 10,000-home active adult community with civic and community facilities designed along a garden oasis. Corner lot walled-in (not community maintained)-street side yard requirements. I went to and looked under Governing Documents and selected the Residential Design Guidelines. the length that will produce a clearance of exactly 42" from the edge of the next home's extended patio. Leolinda Bowers Phoenix, Arizona Retirement Communities (602) 403-6865. . These painted bricks line the side of some driveways, which the HOA's Architectural Review Committee says breaks code. The Sun City Grand RDG are detailed in a 72 page document. Mark Bainbridge, founder of Bainbridge Law Firm who specializes in HOA law, said it's possible residents who have had their driveway borders four to six years or longer may bebeyond the statute of limitations. We followed the community's development over the years as we had decided that Arizona would be a frequent vacation destination until our retirement. . This is a good, "Petite pink" or dwarf varieties are permitted, Yellow,White or peach-colored oleanders are permitted as they are not "oleander" but Thevetia peruviana/nerifolia shrub or tree, Yellow Trumpet Vine, Cat's Claw-Trumpet (Doxantha unguis-cati, Bignonia tweediana, Bignonia), Cat-claw acacia (Acacia greggii) is permitted as a shrub or tree, There are so many options when it comes to making your yard the way you want it. make an informed decision when buying or selling a house. Alteration of natural lawn color through the application of any dye, paint or agent other than feeds and fertilizers appropriate for such use. You will need to have the answer to your security question ready. DAHLIN designed the community center master plan, building architecture, landscape and waterscape design concepts, and prepared construction documents for all buildings totaling over 100,000 square feet. The classic white kitchen aesthetic remains a perennial favorite but - inspired by a new-found optimism, the heart of the home is ready for color! 227 0 obj <> endobj 3 Beds 3 Baths 6523930 MLS Lot Classifications: The information you submit is distributed to a Partner Agent, who is a licensed real estate agent. Architectural Review Committee Meetings: 1st & 3rd Wednesday each month. An under age 45 occupant may live in the home with the 45+ owner or with a 55+ occupant. There is a reset lever in the lower left corner of the switch. on ActiveRain. Locate your 7 digit resident number on your membership card. This is a good thing, as you're less likely to be confused about what not to plant. Showing 3 Models with area.floorplan.default_home_size_filter_label for All Collections. If granted a lease for the strip of land (Community Association Common Property) between the side of their lot and the developer installed concrete fence/wall (if any), they can utilize the developer installed fence/wall on the non-patio side and the rear, provided that the fencing along the side cannot be closer to the front property line than 55-feet. Regulations may cover what color you can paint your house, permissibleexterior landscaping, the types or number of vehicles you can park on the street or in your driveway, type of fencingand restrictions on coverings for windows facing the street. Tree removal - any tree that is not on the listed in Appendix D that is less than 19 inches in circumference when measured 12-inches from the ground, may be removed. Sun City Grand | 45+ Community In Surprise, AZ - Sun City Anthem - ARC 2007 - 2023, a division of Interesting post! Architectural Review Committee Chair Martha Bails didn't respond to a requestfor comment. Except for Cottages, it is not necessary to fill out an application for repainting your house the same color, No Paperwork List item #25, Painting a home's exterior without changing the color scheme. FILES ARE READYPlease click the button below to start downloading. Although garage sales can't be held at individual residences, a one-time estate sale can be held when a homeowner has passed away or is relocating due to deteriorating health. Search for a Dunn-Edwards representative if you would like to be contacted. Nighttime illumination of college, university flags or professional sport team flags. Pet door in a side entry door (not a golf cart door) or rear door within a fenced area. The landscape plan shall be a scaled drawing which includes: The lot boundaries, the house, the driveway and any other hardscape features and the location and dimensions of all planting beds. In general, HOAs maintaincommon areas in planned developments andalso set out certain rules that all residents must follow calledcovenants, conditions, and restrictions (CC&Rs). 1. xc```b``e`a``Nad@ Af(T Aa J k&_,s[:O6gOk m7()6:(- EKf What's their objective? Installation of a large gate in that rear yard segment (the same as the developer installed gate facing the street) to permit access and egress of maintenance and emergency equipment. Sun City Grand Residential Design Guidelines spell out the following: -Minimum Planting Requirements (by lot type) -Approved and Prohibited Landscape Plants For example if you have an INTERIOR LOT, you should have the following plantings: Front Yard & Backyard should each have the following amount of plantings: 6 shrubs; 1 gallon size Does not apply to LMH house or lots with developer-installed retaining walls. Sun City Grand Homes for Sale - $150,000 to $200,000. Roof patching, partial replacement or full replacement with a shingle that has a warranty that is equivalent to, or better than, the warranty of the shingles being replaced. A homeowner is responsible for meeting all DG requirements for the modifications listed even though an application and approval from the MC is not required. If you do not find your community or property, or are not clear on the use of the colors in your scheme, contact us now. Search for a Dunn-Edwards representative if you would like to be contacted. Sun City Grand is near multiple parks and greenspaces, such as Stonebrook Park, Surprise Community Park, and the Phoenix Sonoran Preserve. The switch is available from: Westside Electric Supply, Inc. Residential Projects: The most often missed items found during plan review are the connection details that provide information about how the structure needs to be put together in order to resist the wind forces we sometimes experience here in the Valley. 3.10.a), 3.15, 4.8, 4.11, 4.23, 4.23.2, 4.23.3, 4.23.4, Diagram 4-2, 4.24, 5.9, 5.9.f)- 5.9.h), 5.10.6, 6.9.1, 6.14, 6.16, 6.17, 7.4, 9.4, 10.1, 11.1, 12.1.1, 12.3.3, 14.1, 14.5.c)-d), 14.6, 14.7, Appendix A, Appendix C, Appendix F. The use-easement provisions for Neighborhood 38 residential lots and existing drainage easements combine to make fencing guidelines for this neighborhood particularly complex. to the fourth segment on the non-patio side lot line. The plan review phase of the process provides a second pair of "eyes" to review the final construction documents and to insure compliance with locally adopted codes and ordinances. The basic segment descriptions that follow apply in their entirety to all the lots in Neighborhood 38, except for those lots indicated in the table below: from the house, starting anywhere between the very front of the extended patio (including any steps and landing area). Streamers or reflective material on mailboxes. Does not apply to Cottages. If the switch does not turn the outside lights on, try pulling this reset lever down with your fingernail and push it back up. Association shall be responsible for the structural repair and maintenance of those walls identified as The Design Guidelines have been prepared by the Sun City Texas Community Association's Modifications Committee and approved by its Board of Directors in accordance with the Third Amended and Restated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions for Sun City Texas dated August 6, 2009 and recorded in the Official Public Records of Williamson County, Texas as Document No.2009063124 . # 0200209 and mention green match that is a blended color created for the trim (a sort of turquoise). In other words, he said, the committeemay have taken too long to enforce the rule. No portion of the fence can cross over a lot line and encroach on the neighbors' property unless it is necessary to meet an already installed fence segment on the neighbor's property, or to provide for the clearance specified in this article. Sun City Grand average rent price is above the average national apartment rent price which is $1750 per month for a 2 bedroom apartment. Below is a list of what you'll find to stay active outdoors: The Sonoran Plaza is located at 19753 N. Remington Drive. The Adobe Spa and Fitness Center is located at 19775 N. Remington Drive. retaining walls. Netta McCreadie Visit the office or call 928-252-2105, or email Below is a list of estate sale agents who have conducted estate sales in the Community. a) Along the pathway from the front entry to the driveway and/or to the street. 1530 N. LaFox St. $2,365 USD/mo. For our small business owners, their business is what supports them and their families. All calculations for percent: plant coverage, lawn grass coverage, drought tolerant plant coverage and inert material coverage. - Certain construction noises prohibited without permit. Our Community is the premier active, age-restricted community in Arizona. Boundary marking, except with approved fencing, or as specifically provided. Roofing any patio enclosure with transparent material (i.e. Cheron (like your name by the way, it's unique in the way it's spelled)-Thanks for your comments-I do love living in the desert, especially this time of the year. "I acknowledge that that was my problem. Bedding plants can be freely changed out in existing beds, No Paperwork list #4 which refers you to Design Guidelines 4.4. Gutter guards that match the existing trim paint color. Does not apply to Cottages. The Grand | Surprise AZ - Facebook If your 911 locator light switch stops working, it may not be broken. Homebuyers looking for homes for sale in the city of Surprise, AZ will enjoy all Sun City Grand has to offer. Unless youre really doing a lot to a home, you wouldnt be dealing with most of these areas. Any permanent or temporary devices not specifically allowed in the DG or GD. and Surprise real estate Yes, as long as the impervious coverage percentage remains at 65% or less you can extend your patio within three feet of the property boundaries. e) Seasonal flags, pennants, or banners. It is not inclusive and does not name all of the items that are prohibited. Required only if second segment does not reach the property line shall turn and run: Required only if second segment on the non-patio side is not on the property line shall turn and run: The rear yard segment shall be on the rear lot line and cover the entire distance between the two side segments that terminate at the rear lot line. Design Guidelines and Design and Historic Review The committee reduced the number to 223 after finding several hundred residents had received approval from developers or the committee itselffor the borders. Sun City Grand is a 45+ community located in Surprise, Arizona. September 23, 2010: A backyard patio fence and a perimeter fence cannot both exist on the same lot. the length that will produce a clearance of exactly 42" from the edge of the patio wherever the second segment runs parallel with the patio. Directional signs are not allowed but one sign may be placed in the front yard of the home on the day of the sale. Residents of Sun City Grand enjoy a low-maintenance lifestyle thanks to the homeowners' association (HOA)that takes care of common area maintenance, and, in some neighborhoods, landscaping services. Unsubscribe at any time. Sun City Grand Homes for Sale - $200,000 to $250,000 I was curious as to the minimum amount of landscaping a home must have and in general what Im allowed to do to the exterior of my home as a resident here in Sun City Grand. the rear property line. I too have so many unique cacti and plants within our yards and the homes around us! Flower pots, decorative objects, and other artifacts in LMH house beds or on porches/patios. The address of the home can't be published prior to the day of the sale and the sale must be held in a way that doesn't adversely impact the neighbors. All Rights Reserved. Skylights, tubular variety that do not contain internal lighting and attic fans. In many cases, the disciplines are from different offices or even different States, so during the design phase one discipline change will likely affect another discipline. Please wait, your files will be ready for download in a minute An error happened while processing your download request. The third Del Webb active adult community in Phoenix's northwest valley, Sun City Grand hosts a bountiful lineup of amenities, social activities, and golf courses. Consolidated Design Guidelines dated March 24, 2005, Design Guideline Revisions dated July 27, 2006, and Interpretive Guidelines developed by the Sun City Texas Community Association Modifications Committee after July 27, 2006 and prior to September 27, 2007. With a national network of hand-selected real estate experts, plus comprehensive information, unbiased content, and on-the-go insight about thousands of communities across the country, we're a trusted resource paving the way from here to home. Welcome to The Grand! . "Well that's handy, but we need some dialogue about this thing and so forth," Stolarz said. It's in the Euphorbia family and therefore it's approved. I really enjoy the friendly atmosphere of Sun City Grand. Interim Guidelines, 1.7.4; Religious Displays 5.10.8, August 23, 2012: We find ourselves in possibly the best physical conditions of our lives thanks in large measure to the many recreational opportunities the Sun City Grand community and our surrounding area offer. Sorry, no listings in this community match your search criteria. Sun City Fire and Medical Department18602 N. 99th Ave Sun City, AZ 85373, Copyright 2020 | Sun City Fire District. he asked. 9,800 residences make up Sun City Grand, with floor plans for villas, condos, and single . The application will be tabled and referred to the Architectural Advisory Group for review prior to a determination being issued for the project. Trees or tall plants that are taller than 3-feet, within the "sight triangle" of a corner lot or tree branches lower than 8-feet that over-hang into the "sight triangle" of a corner lot. Get the latest color trends and design inspirations. 134 talking about this. White screening structures, trellises and arbors. Fence segments may not encroach upon any drainage easement area. Mailbox replacements other than the developer-installed type. Chapter 1- PURPOSE OF THE RESIDENTIAL DESIGN GUIDELINES 1.1 Introduction Sun City Anthem at Merrill Ranch is planned as a self-contained and self-sustaining community with diverse neighborhoods. The approved landscape plants list is pretty big, however the non approved is pretty darn small. Clotheslines or clothes poles and similar items. Fence segments shall turn and run parallel to the drainage easement area. Plan & Development Review | Sun City Fire Residents,please follow the steps below to access your online profile. Temporary Variances 2.7.2, May 26, 2011: On the 1st Thursday we break for an open meeting at 9:30am. Surprise, AZ 85374, T. +1 623 546 7500 Maricopa County Superior Court doesn't list any recent civil suits with Sun City Grand Community Association as a defendant. glass, Lexan). at the length that will cause this segment to reach the neighbor's fence- if the neighboring fence is already approved for installation. The premier age restricted (45+) community in Arizona. Color lights are prohibited. The Modifications Committee, when reviewing applications for fencing in Neighborhood 38, will apply these provisions carefully. There are dozens of clubs, activities, and classes that regularly meet, as well. Potted plants or free-standing objects on the driveway. We offer resort-style living for 9,550 homes and 252 condos. Get the latest color trends and design inspirations. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing. The Sonoran Plaza features a 9,000-square-foot grand ballroom, a meeting room, and multipurpose hobby and craft studios. c) Flag Mounts attached to a building. Please verify your final color choices with your community's governing body before undertaking any exterior painting project. A closed meeting is one in which the Committee reviews the applications in a private setting as opposed to an open meeting in which no files are open or applications reviewed. [emailprotected], T. +1 623 546 7500 Homes For Sale in Sun City Grand in Surprise AZ Homes For Sale in Sun City Grand in Surprise AZ 19688 N Shinnecock Drive, Surprise $869,000 Welcome home, 1st time offered, Impeccable maintained, Estate Model Mesquite at ''The Point'' on the 10th Green of Granite Falls North. These real estate profiles, blogs and blog entries are provided here as a courtesy to our visitors to help them Sun City Anthem Architectural Review Committee (ARC) The ARC committee is made up of six current members. Surprise, AZ 85374, 623 546 7500 - Welcome Center I couldn't find it on the list. From the CC&Rs: With respect to Party Structures located between residential lots, The Community a) Display of the US Flag, any US State Flag, or any US Armed Service Flag. In total, there are9,802 attached, condo, and single-family homes available on a resale basis. The switch will fit right into the place of the old one. Interiors By Thomas - Sun City West, AZ - Yelp With the exception of its challenging winters, we were happy with our lives in Akron but we are absolutely thrilled to have 'made the jump' here. Painting a home's exterior without changing the color scheme. Wall-mounted light fixtures conforming to the referenced articles and: Adjustable Pergolas, 12.2; Fences, 9.1(h); , Gates, 9.8; Solar Energy Systems, 6.7; Variance, 2.7.2 e), February 13, 2012: The original switch was made by Leviton, but they no longer make that switch. Requirements for a "no-paperwork" installation are: The Sun City Grand RDG are detailed in a 72 page document. Monitors, Community Standards Office, Member's Services currently have them for free. Find AZ real estate agents Knox Box, 3.9.3; Peephole,3.9.6; Color Coatings, 3.13, February 28, 2013: Bird Baths/Bird Houses/Bird Feeders in rear yard that are 6-feet tall or less. 2023 Dunn-Edwards Corporation. HOMES FOR SALE IN SUN CITY GRAND By Price Range. T. +1 623 764 0809 Sun City Grand homes for sale can range from the low $220's for the condos and the mid to upper $200's for a single-family home. W1/I;qQ6&ynD] Bl0X:d5u I{4.[t+GrEd!w3&7emO^G`%}U _~=zWS-. Limit 2 items. Sun City Texas Community Association View Inserts The Adobe Spa and Fitness Center offers state-of-the-art equipment,an indoor lap pool, outdoor resort-style pool, indoor walking track, and dance and exercise studios. "No person shall cause, suffer, allow or permit during nighttime [defined elsewhere as between 10pm and 7am] and/or on Christmas, New Year's Day or Thanksgiving, the creation of noise in connection with construction, drilling, earthmoving, excavation, demolition, alteration or repair work or the operation of any tools or equipment used for any such work, including the operation of a machine that separates, gathers, grades, loads, or unloads sand, rock, concrete or gravel without first obtaining a permit from the Director pursuant to Section 8.16.050. Lights may be closer at steps, elevation changes, and changes in pathway direction. Sun City Carolina Lakes 1353 Del Webb Blvd . Sun City Festival - Community Standards place are defined as landscaping walls and the adjoining residents shall be responsible for the repair the length that will cause this segment to reach the property line. a) Fits in the existing door opening and the same style and color as the original. Fences with scrolls, patterns or straight elements that are not at right angles to each other. d) Flags or banners celebrating holidays listed in Appendix C. Michael and Karen Giel felt the same confusion when they received a similar letter. When in search of entertainment and dining options, members of the community can travel down Bell Road, which is home to multiple restaurants, bars, and shops. g) Light fixtures with non-reflective finishes must be used. Such noise is declared to be a nuisance and does not have to exceed the specifications for sound levels contained in this Chapter or disturb a particular person in order to constitute a violation of this Section. Such devices may include, but are not limited to: gas or electric lampposts, basketball hoops, purple martin houses, bat houses and mailbox bird deterrents like pinwheels and owl figures. These Sun City Grand floor plans depict the original Del Webb design; any modification or alteration . Brent Kehrein was confused when he received his letter from the committee. Every part of the country requires something different in the way of plantings to thrive. Houses for Rent in Sun City Grand, AZ - 24 Rentals | Point2 Sun City Grand - Surprise Arizona - Portal. Includes ridge vents. Concrete extensions-rear patio, driveway. Select shopping experience to find products and pricing. Fencing configurations which create a "dog run" or the appearance of one. Design guidelines are intended to aid designers and developers in understanding Portland's urban design expectations and to aid them in preparing for the urban design review process. INTERIORS BY THOMAS - 51 Photos & 22 Reviews - 13521 W Camino Del Sol, Sun City West, AZ - Yelp Interiors By Thomas 21 reviews Claimed Painters, General Contractors, Countertop Installation Open 9:00 AM - 3:00 PM See hours Write a review Add photo Save Photos & videos See all 51 photos See All 51 Services Offered Verified by Business Features in some units include spacious living rooms, walk-in closets, eat-in kitchens, and a patio for outdoor living. Compare pay for popular roles and read about the team's work-life balance. Each house was provided with a binder that included all the warranty information for appliances, windows, etc. DAHLIN | Sun City Grand You are so right about the different areas of the country and specific landscaping. Placement of objects on the driveway or around the storm drains. Artificial Flowers or Foliage anyplace other than a porch or patio and in courtyard areas. Sun City Grand Careers and Employment |