Meaning they can both be played at the highest level of professional golf. Little higher flight, same distance. The True Temper Elevate ETS 95 is the stock steel shaft, while the stock graphite shaft is the UST Mamiya Recoil Dart 75. Im 63, up to a 4 handicap and battling back issues. $75/club +$49 per club upcharge for Steelfibers. PXG 0311 P Gen 2 irons ? 0211DC 6-GW w/ Steelfiber shafts.using PXG Oversize grips. Im staying over 100g and Im worried the E95 will balloon so I stuck with KBS. The Elevate Tour is designed to perform moderately in both swing and trajectory. I hit both pretty well, but coming from the modus 105 am worried the tours may be too heavy and the 95 too light. KBS $-Taper vs Project X LZ | Which One To Choose? I find the 120 stiff does feel pretty stiff to me, but that Ill bet thatis mainly because I like a little lighter weight. Im looking to maybe purchase the elevate 105 and throw those in. [b]Irons:[/b] Mizuno MP 59s Your description leads me toward saying regular, but Ill ask this: how would you prefer to be wrong? Read More. This is not a soft, high launching shaft, merely one that is not as stout as Dynamic Gold. Again, I can get quick in transition, you might be different. If your swing speed with a 6 iron is a bit slower, weve still got a perfect solution for you. The extra weight was better for me compared to the 95, as I generally prefer shafts in the 100-110g range. Im not sure how you can make such a blanket statement about it being a dream shaft for all stiff/x golfers. I have played DGs which I loved but getting older and not able to get all the juice from them anymore however that weight range around 120gr is still my favorite. Youll Be Surprised. Average distance with my 8I in the combo was 145. GolfSicko417 1 yr. ago. Unfortunately, many fitters including your local pro shop do not take all these factors into account, nor do they have the selection of shafts, nor do they have the underlying performance data needed to correctly fit you. For example if you are gonna compare the Tour-V in terms of overall stiffness, you would have to compare it to the True Temper Elevate Tour 120X (which the Tour-V is still stiffer overall). Driver and Fairway Wood Fitting Reg. Thxs again !! Played the Elevate Tour in my 0211 ST and felt like I had to slow my swing down in transition to make them work properly all the time. The weight difference isnt big, but the difference in flex might be meaningful to you. I do appreciate that the zx7s are low launch and low spin for a once piece iron. Smooth players iron with forgiveness! Ping Redwood Anser- the "real deal!". I would suggest, if you have the ability togo get a proper fit. Still,a bit of an eye-opener at the time. True Temper Elevate 95 vs 105 Golf Shaft Comparison (2023) Even though they are similar, there is a 0.5-4.5 inches difference between them. Your shot dispersion can be less than 10 yards right to left and 7-10 yards front to back, ensuring youre getting more greens in regulation. Im not sure what youre trying to get at here. My source is a golfshaft database from a major oem and software subscription. Designed to combat the low spin industry trend, Elevate MPH (Maximum Peak Height) is the lightest and highest launching Elevate shaft ever made, allowing for maximum speed and carry distance. To see our testing and review of the 2021 iron shafts, read more within each of our manufacturers blogs: Project X, True Temper, KBS, OBAN, Mitsubishi, Nippon. Im 72 with a similar slow swing speed, handicap 15 and looking for more distance now.. the E95 shafts sound appropriate for me but the P790 deal has E96s. Have you compared the elevate stuff 120g with dynamic gold S300. #9 - True Temper Elevate 95 VSS. Selling Points:.355 taper tip; High spin; High shot trajectory; The True Temper Elevate 95 VSS would be a great choice for anyone who has a deliberate swing tempo. Being a mid-weight design that helps . Oh man, now I see. Almost all the above factors directly contribute to the higher launch on the 95 and a slightly muted launch on the Tour. Your previous content has been restored. Lets put them head to head to see which fits your type best. There are two models of VSS technology: standard VSS which reduces 71% of harsh . Elevate Tour vs Elevate 95: Head-to-Head Comparison . ), the counter-balance aspect of the shaft has more to do with that than the cpm or flex. My son has the 2021 P790s with the Elevate shafts in stiff ! The Elevate Tour shafts are taper tip and constant weight. PXG 0311 Sugar Daddy Gap Wedge Stiff 50-10 True Temper Elevate Tour VSS flight was noticeably improved with the fit. mpeterson Team THP for Life. Matt, The Elevates are definitely worth trying if looking for a mid-high launching shaft. Thank you its just my set comes with elevate and I have a set of np 950 gh neo at home just to get an opinion about the feel difference. 4-pw True Temper Tour Issue Dynamic Gold X100 .355" Taper Tip Iron Shafts. I didnt test the 95 gram version of the Elevate. Elevates may feel softer in flex than the Tours. True Temper has been an industry leader in golf shafts. I cant speak to the cause, but Id suggest contacting True Temper. Your link has been automatically embedded. Check em out. The weight is about the same (125-130 grams for PX 6.5 and TTDG S-X), but IMO the PX feels heavier because of what most people refer to as the "boardiness" of the shaft. Whereas the 95 comes with regular and stiff variants only. Flexes: Regular, stiff. They have a bend profile that works well for me. JavaScript seems to be disabled in your browser. Again, I can get quick in transition, you might be different. You will definitely feel less "kick" in the down swing to stiffer midsection. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for PXG 0311 Sugar Daddy Lob Wedge Stiff 60-7 TT Elevate 95 VSS Golf Club Right Hand at the best online prices at eBay! The Elevate Tour are some of my favorite steel shafts. If you have stumbled upon this article, you must be curious about the Fujikura Ventus Shafts. How do these compare to the Project X lzs? I went with Elevate Tours in my PXG's. I play the Apex 21 with the Elevate 95 reg. who still loves to practice hours on end. For example if you are gonna compare the Tour-V in terms of overall stiffness, you would have to compare it to the True Temper Elevate Tour 120X (which the Tour-V is still stiffer overall). Most likely, you want to know the core differences between the Ventus Red and Blue Shafts. Its exactly what i did today. It's almost as if I'm the kind of person who wants to be ported into the future A time mayve where we have a gadget fixed to our clubs which track every shot. Our recommendations are also determined by a golfers physical characteristics (height, weight, wrist crease-to-floor), strength (distance), launch characteristics (actual and desired trajectory, spin, dispersion), and swing dynamics (tempo, transition and release point). I hope that for you its the former. Im simply debating if its worth it to go from Stiff to Regular flex? Couldnt be happier with the switch! Ping i210 with Modus 105 R - Very steady and consistent. - Testing True Temper's new Elevate shaft that claims to be able . The Elevate Tour produced numbers that were nearly identical to the C-Taper Lite, which made it a perfect fit for me. The Elevate Tour weighs around 20 gm more than the Elevate 95. It's not as low as the DG, but it's significantly lower launching and spinning than the KBS Tour. I have tried a Mizuno club with a 90 gram graphite shaft and they feel as heavy as lead. C-Taper Lite Vs Modus 105: Which Golf Shaft Will Improve The Game? I dont know the weight of the Reax off hand, but Id guess theyre in the same ~100 gram range as the Elevate 95. You cannot paste images directly. Be interested to see how these compare. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'golfertroop_com-leader-1','ezslot_11',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-leader-1-0'); Both the shafts are PGA Tour legal. Love the distance but want more consistency. But do you guys think is there a big difference ? Others think its night and day. Happy Holidays, Hey matt, i currently have 2019 m2s with the stuff flex reax steel shafts. 2 Hybrid vs 5 Wood: Which Golf Club Should You Choose? I recently asked here and was told that the 95 as sold by PXG is a .370 shaft, which means it's descending weight. were excellent in both feel and overall performance. But the minor differences make a lot of consequential differences at play. True Temper Golf Iron Shafts for sale | eBay Elevate 95 Steel Iron Shaft | True Temper Golf The Mizuno optimizer put me in an R flex and in the 90-110 g weight range with a 75 mph 7 iron swing. Elevate in x is a dream shaft for all stiff / x in between golfers. Required fields are marked *. Project X CYPHER 40-60 52-74gr Mid-High Mid-High. Shop new and used Callaway Apex DCB 21 Iron Set at 2nd Swing Golf today. Our fitting system recommendations include length of iron, shaft weight, shaft trajectory and spin profile, shaft flex, and swing weight. True Temper ELEVATE 95 and Dynamic Gold 95 Shafts The idea for Elevate Tour came directly from tour feedback from players who needed help combating the "low spin" industry trend. But I have tested many times and I am a half-club longer with KBS. Sign up for our Better Golf Faster eNewsletter and receive: 2012 D'Lance Golf. Itjumped carry 7-8 yards for me, which cost me 8th place in myclub championship because there was a bit of whiskey flu going on second day. Elevate Tour is also a good shaft, if that 115g or . I play regular Elevate 95 Stiff. Ive been told that the VSS Tour X Stiff 122 gram is actually not as firm in the tip section as a S300. It brings a deliberate tempo which will greatly help beginners to figure out their swing. On the other hand, the Elevate Tour has a more constrained forgiveness as its mostly dedicated to being a professional shaft. Interestingly hit balls at PXG location for first time last week and focused on Gen4 0311 xp & p with Steelfiber i95 reg & stiff. Not if its well-fit to the player swinging it. Our master insights come from shaft performance testing and player testing during thousands of fittings. Posted June 27, 2019. Im going Tour stiff soft stepped. Thanks in advance. The Elevate is better for more moderate tempos who struggle with delivering enough loft at impact or in other words who struggle to provide enough launch angle, peak height, and decent angle for their ball speed. Lie Angle Standard. [b]Driver: [/b][i]TBD[/i] Im 60 years old and still shoot par or better, having played professionally eons ago!! a little surprised as I sit around 89-91 chs with the 6 iron and I am in the middle of a swing change from draw pattereto fade. The extra stiff option gives the Tour a distinct edge over the regular and stiff on the 95. My experience with Elevate and Modus 105's; I have a 80 MPH SS with my6 iron and a quick transition. Unfortunately I dont know much about the DG High Launch, so I cant compare. Read Also:KBS $-Taper vs Project X LZ | Which One To Choose?if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'golfertroop_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_12',109,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-golfertroop_com-large-mobile-banner-1-0'); The forgiveness on the Elevate 95 is much more than the Tour. Not at the moment. Products . I would hope they would make this right for you. From my experience fitting with the Tour-V, it . True Temper Elevate Shaft Review - YouTube Thanks gotthem finally! Overall, the True Temper Elevate 95 gives the average player more access to a steel shaft that still provides a good amount of accuracy . The Elevate Tour also features True Temper's Vibration Suppression System (VSS) which "dampens . Fujikura Vista Pro 50-80gr Mid-High Mid-High, Xcaliber 75 76 Mid Mid, UST Recoil DART 65-75gr Mid-High Mid-High, Aerotech SteelFiber i70FC 70-75gr Mid-High Mid-High, KBS TGI 50, 60. The Elevate Tour and NEO are similar in weight, though the NEO is noticeably lighter. Gas Club Car Governor Adjustment Everything You Need To Know, How To Remove Golf Cart Steering Wheel? I havent reviewed the KBS Tour 90, so I couldnt give you a good comparison. I could be wrong, but I was assuming the v meant versus not as in Tour V. The regular KBS Tour seems like a good comparable to the Elevate Tour. One of the key technologies in the Elevate Tour shafts is VSS Vibration Suppression System. DG95 is also taper tip .355 so they are constant weight, but typically the DG profile uses a stiffer tip so . Im considering the Apex v the Apex Pro. Display as a link instead, Ended up reshafting with fujikura pro graphite 115x soft stepped. Featuring ultra high strength vanadium enriched steel alloy, Elevate MPH shafts remain stable even at such lightweight designs. You save $24.01. I did enjoy the livelier feel of the shaft. The X-Flex weighs 122 grams, stiff weighs 117 grams, and regular flex is 112 grams. Selecting the best iron shaft or ironshaft combination for your game starts with knowing your game. Yes, I could practice less, and play fewer rounds, but mehthats just not happening. Im 47 and I have ankylosing spondylitis. 8 irons would disperse widely front to back. Gary Player used to say D0 swing weight is heavy enough for we amateurs. Matt lives in the northwest suburbs of Chicago with his wife and two daughters. Go figure. It surprised me, but the stiff never felt loose. So my question is why wouldnt you designate the Tour R for a deliberate type swing? The TTDG feels dynamic in my hands, whereas the PX feels dull. I hit them tonight. All Rights Reserved. I play Project X lz 5.5 Looking for something I can grow into with a new set Im getting and dont want to change clubs for a while. The only difference between the Elevate 95 and KBS Tour 90 is the weight options. The similarities to the C-Taper Lite continued when I got on the launch monitor. Generally speaking, a heavier golf shaft slows down the average . Elevate Tour Steel Iron Shafts | True Temper Golf The Elevate are super smooth, peak flight is higher, still good dispersion with the big difference being a distinguishable kick through the ball and better overall balance. In the Blue/Black Nike Performance II Bag: . The KBS Tour S is significantly stiffer than the Elevate Tour. Notice any real difference/impact from the weight difference betweenthe tours vs the modus?
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