Easily passing the Bechdel test, Dead to Me brings together two women with completely different ways of being in the world together to deal with some wild bananas weird stuff. How Accurate Is 'Cocaine Bear'? We Went to See it. Euphoria doesnt shy away from topics that would never have been included in a teen show ten years ago. In 10 hours, not one interaction? Cue epic action sequences, horrendously troublesome gameplay tactics, and even a little bit of romance. This movie about the pressures and pleasures of family-life, will have you teary . (will pass the test, but female characters are still underrepresented) Each step was calculated by scene and aggregated to episode level. 20th Century Fox EEEP! Heres an excerpt on research conducted on film and gender in 2021: After reaching historic highs in 2020, the percentages of women directing top grossing films declined in 2021. Basically, theres a lot to talk about other than men. For the most part, the shows that pass the Bechdel Test are shows about women who are devoted to their careers, Leslie Knope, Olivia Pope, Alicia Florrick. When you finish the breakdown, you will have a full measure of the quality of the female presence. Does 'Firefly' pass the Bechdel test? - Quora They confront him, defeat him, age weirdly, and everyone lives happily everafter. The test and its rules were first mentioned in Bechdel's 1985 comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For and has three (and later added four) simple rules: Hm, Red Dwarf probably cuts it, too, with only one main character even arguably female, and very few appearances by any character not in the main cast. CONTACT. The women of this show are complex and the show does a wonderful job of passing the Bechdel test, focusing on their friendships, their careers, their kids. But its still surprising to find out that some of the most popular films of all time fail the test, and often for reasons you may have never considered. The Morning ShowOof this last season was a toughie (hello, news media + New York + #MeToo + Covid = messy! A film that excavates layers of myth and memory to find the elusive truth at the core of a family of storytellers. Rate. (Lets ignore the fact that the alien was a walking penis-monster, as this was before the Xenomorphs had established sexes the Queens werent introduced until 1986sAliens.). Votes: 13,610 | Gross: $1.60M. The Wheel of TimeIn a rare turn of events, we have one of two fantasy series on the list! Broad City created by Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson super modern and funny. Since an episode passing the test is usually achieved by one pair of speakers only, the results are sensitive to plot arcs in each season that affect who is present in the scenes and who the female regulars spend more time with, as indicated in the figure for the more recognisable cases. Girls TripGirls Trip is everything. Lauren OCallaghan. Omit "The" from search term for best results. How is that hard to write? Now its up to Elsa to find her and help her get control of her powers so she can unfreeze their home. Padme speaks to Shmi Skywalker in Episode I and to her handmaidens at various points in Episode II, and in both cases, they discuss things other than men. This evil stepmother figure in Disneys 1998 remake is finally receiving the appreciation she always deserved. Although there is some discussion about the beauty of Chris Hemsworths character at some points - and how ditzy he is. So viewers would expect it to pass the Bechdel test with flying colors - and it does. The film follows three different possible outcomes for her actions and explores her relationships and interactions with the people and the world aroundher. By providing the information below you will receive early-bird invitations to our events, exclusive musings tailored to your interests, and access to our curated mentorship program. Yes, Good Girls is about three women who find themselves caught in an organized crime ringyet its not that dark (except for a few scenes). This is straightforward, as the transcripts contain scene indicators, usually. Movies That Fail The Bechdel Test But Have Feminist Themes - Bustle Lers kick things off with a choice that surely wont disappoint. Friends, Will and Grace, and Married With Children had more conversations between different gender characters than same gender. The Bechdel Test is a type of sexism test in the bracket of films. Anyone else feel like going for a little drive? 20th Century Fox. Issa Rae embodies all of these qualities in her character, Issa. 10 Movies That Definitely Don't Pass The Bechdel Test - TheThings What Insecure does better than most shows is showcasing real vulnerability and raw honesty, and therein lies its beauty. These movies also happen to be very female-positive overall too. They exchange quips a few times, such as when Mrs. Weasley utters the iconic line of "Not my daughter, you bitch" to Bellatix as she protects Ginny. That said, I wouldnt be terribly surprised if MASH** didnt pass even that loose version of the test. Movies That Surprisingly Pass the Bechdel Test And its been surprisingly challenging for movies and TV shows to pass this basic test, even in our current golden age of media consumption. There arent enough shows that embrace female insecurities. 95 percent of the characters are female, and they communicate with each other constantly throughout the series about non-male-centric topics. Was it perfect? Cinderella. Most are finally passing the Bechdel test, aka a test that analyzes a scene where two or more women talk about anything else other than men. They discuss many different topics through the film, including the trajectory of their lives after graduating high school, but rarely men. Sam Loveridge. The actresses, who play characters of the same first names, started the show as a web series that was later picked up by Comedy Central. The rise in the overall number is due to increases in the percentages of women working as executive producers and producers. and TV shows. The best movies that pass the Bechdel Test are the ones that really, truly, pass with all the flying colors. A scene fails this step if any of the three lines in the back-and-forth mention any of the main male characters by name, a male pronoun like he or his, or any of a short list of other male identifiers, such as men, boyfriend, dad, or mr. The movie: The all-singing, all-dancing movie adaptation of the stage musical Chicago (opens in new tab) sees Rene Zellweger, Catherine Zeta-Jones, and Richard Gere sing their hearts out as two female jazz stars/murderesses and the amoral lawyer trying to get them off. That doesnt mean its not funny, though! A few years ago, we compiled a list of recent TV shows and movies that pass the Bechdel test and thought it was time to revisit this with a focus on TV we live in a golden age of television! Take Game of Thrones for example. posts, comments and submissions available. 5. Avatar (2009) James Cameron's 2009 blockbuster movie does have strong feminist themes but fails the Test in one key aspect: its strong female leads Neytiri (Zoe Saldana) and Dr. Grace Augustine . Happily there have been some absolutely stellar standouts as of late which not only pass the Bechdel test, but also move beyond this low bar into portraying powerful and moving performances with real substance and impactful storytelling. Answer (1 of 3): Disclaimer: I love Firefly. Despite having an array of fierce and funny female characters, the last movie of the Harry Potter installments disappointingly doesn't feature a single conversation between the women. In fact, no two female characters actually even speak to each other. Hulu's The Handmaid's Tale, adapted from Margaret Atwood's critically acclaimed novel of the same name, does justice to the book which cannot be said about most TV/film adaptations out there. The percentage of women working as directors on the top 100 films retreated from 16% in 2020 to 12% in 2021. TV shows tend to run far longer than movies and thus, most of them end up passing the Bechdel Test. A hobbit gets caught up in a huge war when he has to take a magic ring right to the bad guys front door. Why Are Films Failing The Bechdel Test When TV Has Progressed? We encourage you to, Nine Recent TV Shows and Movies That Pass the Bechdel Test, have a look at this article to see who sits behind the camera, Ghostbusters (The one with all the women), How to measure the impact of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Training, Understanding Social Identities in the Workplace. It originated in a comic strip by Bechdel in 1985. The Bechdel Test, if you're not familiar with it, is a benchmark for movies developed by Alison Bechdel in 1985. Having a lot of lines between different gender characters makes it harder to pass the BT; from this perspective, it is better to concentrate the male characters in one storyline/scene, and the female characters in another. 10 Films and TV Shows that pass Bechdel's Test. Zoe Delahunty-Light. The Bechdel test is a simple test to evaluate films (and other media) for portrayals of women. Lauren OCallaghan. The movie's total kill count of . Yes, please. Plays And Musicals That Pass The Bechdel Test - The Odyssey Online The model also addressed men profiting off her body. (Wikimedia) Virginia. That means having at least two, named, female characters in the movie, who talk to each other about something other than men. Kate McKinnon was everything. It doesn't cover the case when the lead character is female. Couldn't have used all that time to write in a conversation between two female characters that wasn't Neytiri and her mother discussing Jake, about, I don't know - like the fact that their whole planet was under threat of being destroyed? More. (Episodes with scene breaks not properly detected are excluded from the step 1 calculation; this applies to all The Office episodes, so no step 1 point is drawn.). Its just something that makes you think how few fully developed female characters there are. As the first woman to become pregnant in years, she carries an extremely precious cargo and faces danger on all sides. The movie: When Princesses Elsa and Annas parents die, Elsa must become Queen, but during her coronation party everyone finds out that shes been secretly hiding powers (which she can use to freeze anything) all this time. Will and Grace also scores highly, through Grace-Karen and to a lesser extent Karen-Rosario conversations. How it passes: Both the main characters are named women, who talk to each other a lot about football, their families, and yes, occasionally boys. Despite all the bitchy girl-on-girl crime that goes on though, at its heart this film is about female friendships and how complicated they can be. All the Charlize Theron. supports the work of the Press Council of Ireland and the Office of the Press note Additionally. Heres how it works. The movie: In this particular post-apocalyptic world, children are sent to battle to the death on TV. As well as showing that they kicked ass at the lab at the same time. How about Girls? How it passes: Its true that Frozen (opens in new tab) only has two named female characters, but the movie is literally about them and their relationship to each other. Not only are the relationships between the female characters strong and loving (see: Rebecca and Keeley, Nora, Noras mom Sassy, and the powerful moments between Rebecca and her mother), one might argue that Teds lack of patriarchal bullshit is what makes him a part of the feminist society ideal that many of us wish for. Her character, Cassie, is a fun-loving flight attendant who gets into a huge problem. This test, put forth by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in a comic strip from 1985, posits . A paraplegic dude gets his brothers hand-me-down remote control alien, falls in love with another alien, fights off a bunch of humans, and decides he likes being an alien more, because apparently he thinks living on a planet full of terrifying animals and waiting for the humans to come back sounds like a goodtime. In some cases, my processing couldnt pick up the scene breaks, or the transcripts didnt contain any; these episodes are each treated as one long scene, which makes it easier to pass this first step, but only slightly easier to pass the other steps than when scenes are properly detected. None of the women in the movie ever talk to each other. The Bechdel test is the most popular tool for assessing female representation in film. But it goes much further than this, with Katniss having a variety of conversations with other women, ranging from her mother and Rue, to the delightfully colourful Effie Trinket, and only once does a romance get mentioned in one conversation between Katniss and Rue. If you havent, then youre missing out on the creative genius that is Ilana Glazer and Abbi Jacobson. The Bechdel test is named after Alison Bechdel who introduced the concept as part of her Dykes to Watch Out For comic series in 1985, but she attributes it to her friend Liz Wallace, who attributed it to Virginia Woolf. 4. Its much more about familial love and, you know, surviving. What is the Bechdel Test: And How to Actually Pass It - StudioBinder Does Your Favourite TV Series From 2017 Pass The Bechdel Test Or Not Each of the 12 districts must send one boy and one girl into the fight, and our heroine, Katniss Everdeen, actually volunteers to be the female tribute for Sector 12, in place of her younger sister. In order to pass, the film or show must meet the following criteria: It includes at least two women, note who have at least one conversation, note about something other than a man or men. The Bechdel Test is a measure of gender bias in movies. If you were ever looking for a film that could pass the Bechdel Test, this would be it. Seriously? The Bechdel Test, if youre not familiar with it, is a benchmark for movies developed by Alison Bechdel in 1985. Her pregnancy is discussed with the surprisingly sympathetic assassin Karen Kim, plus her last talk with O-Ren Ishii in the snow in particular is touching as they gradually admit their respect for each other. 6) Encanto. Paramount Pictures. The characters must talk about something other than a male character. Thankfully, by Toy Story 3 Pixar had included a conversation between female characters that involved something other than men. Cartoonist and graphic novelistAlison Bechdel came up with a test when she was younger that a movie had to have: For her to see the movie, it had to pass these three standards, and this test was first featured in her 1985 column Dykes to Watch Out For.. According to the . Spoiler alert: Her secret doesnt stay a secret, and when her real age is revealed, she has to figure out how to repair broken relationships. Of course, people watch movies for the simple pleasure that the story brings. Im not completely certain, but possibly the original Star Trek? The WitcherAnd our second fantasy series is The Witcher, which, despite a lot of male energy (wayy more um, cleavage, in this one), does indeed pass the Bechdel test a few times Yennefer and Tissaias complicated relationship, as well as Ciri and Eithns short time together, and honestly probably more but were still working our way through this story (hey, we still have pandemic time to watch!). Fantasies are notoriously male-dominated (Game of Thrones, Lord of the Rings, we see you!). Women make up more than half of the population, but it seems that theres still a problem with representation in films and on television. And it definitely passes the Bechdel test, with a diverse cast of women focusing on their careers and friendships. The Bechdel is a good test to show general representation of women in film/tv, and should not be used to critique the value or lack thereof, of any specific film/tv. . Shes not like those other girls because shes basically one of the guys. Its about a group of young gay men in San Francisco and the only named female character is Doris. Women are not always these well-dressed, confident, and successful creatures; sometimes were just uncomfortable in our own skin. Please know that these are only a portion of the new television series passing the test. To pass this step I looked for a three-line sequence. Alison Bechdel Has Amended the Bechdel Test Just for People tend to have strong feelings about the Lena Dunham-created comedy. She works closely with Abbey Whalen (Darby Stanchfield), and has numerous confrontations with First Lady (Bellamy Young). G LOW, Netflix's new series about a troupe of female wrestlers in the 80s, opens with a dig at the lack of roles for women in the entertainment business. For a movie or TV show to pass the test, it has to feature at least two women talking to each other about a topic other than a man. Were trying to be conscious of not just meeting this bar. It has to have at least two [named] women in it 2. Who talk to each other 3. Fail. Seriously, George, why is the whole galaxy a sausage fest? In a world where superhero movies reign supreme, it's hard to imagine any of them not passing the Bechdel Test. To identify female characters, I manually selected names from the list of all speaking characters in the dataset, including both major and minor characters, but excluding unnamed characters like Waitress. Definition Of Bechdel Test. Stay tuned by signing up for our newsletter! The Bechdel (pronounced beck-dell) Test was first created in 1985 by cartoonist Allison Bechdel. The information needed to compute the BT for every scene and episode can be obtained from these transcripts with only a little further work. Bechdel Test: Which 2016 Movies Passed (And Failed)? - The Hollywood American supervillain. Great movies that pass the bechdel test - IMDb Ombudsman, and our staff operate within the Code of Practice. Currently, only the titles of the movies are searchable. Kee talks to revolutionary leader Julian and her midwife Miriam at many points throughout the movie, and its almost never about a man. About something besides a man. It shows what women can do when theyre on the same side with the same goal. The Bechdel Test is a metric used for measuring how women are represented in a given film. 10 Best 2019 Movies That Passed The Bechdel Test, Ranked Nope. One difference between what we found in our broader sample of 1,794 films released between 1970 and 2013 and the analysis at BechdelTest.com of about 5,000 films is that BechdelTest.com shows 56. unless otherwise stated. It doesnt matter what age you are or if you have kids or not, because its that good. The Bechdel test was designed by cartoonist Alison Bechdel in 1985. This method probably fails to catch some cases where the topic of conversation was, broadly speaking, a male character, but a three-line sequence occurred without mentioning him by name or pronoun; but it seems too harsh to throw away the whole scene if a male is mentioned anywhere in the scene, since often scenes can involve multiple conversations between different groups of characters. When she meets Jules, a fellow female footballer, she cant help but join the local womens football team, but this causes major problems for her home life and Jess finds herself torn between what she wants and her familys expectations. The titular named Lara is the only named female in this movie. 10 Best Things to Watch That Have Passed the Bechdel Test Its clear that their relationships with each other, as well as with the larger community of human computers, gives them the support they use to succeed. For fun, how about shows that not only regularly pass the normal test but fail the reverse Bechdel Test? Animated films that pass the Bechdel test - Letterboxd At this point in time, the SGO team is fully remote, and we are located across the United States. Disney Plus. The Bechdel test ( / bkdl / BEK-dl) [1] is a measure of the representation of women in film (and, by extension, in fiction in general). Land acknowledgements are a way for us to reflect upon the duality of our work while we work within our team, our community, and our client organizations to promote greater inclusivity and abolish inequities, we ourselves still perpetuate and contribute to various forms of historical and present oppression. So real. Now, thats not to say that theyre all friends or even that their relationships are all healthy. Seriously, in the entire 10-hour trilogy, no two female characters ever actually speak to each other. Rick coaches him to tell a story that passes the Bechdel Test, providing a succinct explanation: "Two women, they both have to have names, and talk to each other about something other than a. Christina Applegate and Linda Cardellini form an unlikely friendship over, well, the death of Applegates late husband. Ted LassoWhile it may be a mans name in the title, this might be one of our favorite TV shows that passes the Bechdel test with flying colors. Um, no. It is important to note that many fans refer to the queen as Queen Grimhilde, so she may in fact have a name. Most of the cast is female. Her struggle with alcohol comes to a head and it was powerful to see how her friends supported her without enabling her. The Marvelous Mrs. MaiselYou must have been living under a rock if you havent heard of this one. When they do interact its usually to talk about their place in society with regards to the men and their plans. The Bechdel Test (BT), which checks for a rudimentary level of female-centricity in media, has elsewhere been covered thoroughly for movies, with a crowd-sourced manual approach, but not, to my knowledge, for television, except at a high level or in very selected cases. Wonder women: how this summer's TV passes the Bechdel test The dramedy follows Issa, her best friend Molly, and their other girlfriends as they navigate life in Los Angeles. The best part about Girls is that the characters arent that likable. The three female mathematicians in the 1960s (played masterfully by Taraji P. Henson, Octavia Spencer, and Janelle Monae) rarely talk about a man, focusing instead on their goals, their work, and the obstacles that they overcome every step of the way. Yes, but her relationship with French agent Lasalle is significantly more interesting. This test is otherwise known as the Bechdel/Wallace test or the Bechdel Rule or Mo Movie Measure and is marked as a measure of gender depiction in the films. Wire service provided by AFP and Press Association. The movie: The 2016 Ghostbusters (opens in new tab) film is technically the third film in the franchise, but actually serves as a reboot, replacing the four main male characters with female alternatives - played by Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon, and Leslie Jones. Here are our favorites! The test is named for Alison Bechdel, creator of the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For, who made it known to the world with this strip. The test is named for Alison Bechdel, creator of the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For, who made it known to the world with this strip. It also crushed the Golden Globes in 2017. City Lights (1931) G | 87 min | Comedy, Drama, Romance 8.5 Rate 99 Metascore She-Ra and the Princesses of Power. If so, then the very first episode aired passes. All rights reserved. 1. We can look at the results for each show, broken down by test step. Having acquired hundreds of sitcom episode transcripts, I can apply the test programmatically to each episode of these sitcoms, to compare the shows and track changes over the course of their runs. Alright, now were heading into the darker category. Honestly, if you dont know this, then I hope that 35-year coma was really peaceful andlovely. Are there any TV shows you can think of though that fail the Bechdel Test? Alex and Bradley, newly brought together co-anchors for The Morning Show, have a complicated relationship. More than that, all the women are fiercely strong and morally questionable, presenting a version of women not often seen in the cinema. You can obtain a copy of the Paramount Pictures Remember the test was originally invented to help lesbians find movies theyd like. To pass the test, a film must have: 1) Two female characters (some variations of the test say that they must have names, which is fair I think) 2) Who talk to each other. Note: Your privacy is important to us, so please know that your information will always remain confidential! Directed by Amy Poehler, Moxie is an overt rebellion against the toxic patriarchal systems that are rife in youth culture. Fox Searchlight Pictures Anything, even if its something stereotypically feminine, like shopping or shoes. #ForeverAlone. Women comprised 17% of directors working on the 250 top grossing films in 2021, down from 18% in 2020. The Bechdel Test / Useful Notes - TV Tropes Most are finally passing the Bechdel test, aka a test that analyzes a scene where two or more women talk about anything else other than men. This was probably intended to refer to a one-on-one conversation, but in sitcoms often a larger group of characters are present in a scene. The Bechdel test is too incomplete to be effective. Never saw it, but Im to understand its woman centric. But the shows that dont pass the test are about men who already have established careers, and so the relationships between women fall to the wayside. Lola must figure out how to come up with 100,000 Deutsche Marks in twenty minutes or her boyfriend will be killed. But times are changing and there are a handful of incredible examples of ladies crushing mainstream media. 5. It's a quiz developed in 1985 by graphic novelist Alison Bechdel and her friend Liz Wallace that reveals just how sexist (or not) any given work of fiction might be. Were there any women on F-Troop aside from Wrangler Jane? Yes, theres boy drama and girl drama (Kat identifies as bisexual), but the show isnt about romantic relationshipsits about friendships.
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