The dramatic story of the origins of humanity in Greek mythology involves love, pain, and a hefty dose of What is the origin of the legend of the Christed Son who was born of a virgin on December 25th? Although variations in orthography and spelling in different accounts of Zegrus' exploits make matters even more confusing, we note that Tamanrasset is the name of a province and city in Algeria, and Tuareg is the name of a group of people and languages in and around the country of Algeria, it's possible Zegrus hailed from (or claimed to hail from) that region of the world. In 1954, a well-dressed Caucasian man arrives at Tokyo's Haneda Airport. The man from Taured was therefore taken away for interrogation. Zegrus had been arrested in Japan earlier that year for attempting to enter the country using forged documents. And while some people may seem content with the story as it stands, our view is that there existcountless mysteries, scientific anomalies and surprising artifacts thathave yet to be discovered and explained. A mysterious foreigner of unknown nationality and background, accused of illegal entry and fraud, tried to commit suicide in front of the judge who handed down his verdict at the Tokyo District Court on April 10. To protect the identity of his country of origin and their allies, his employer invented a new country, hoping it would pass by an unsuspecting airport official without raising concern. His ultimate fate is unknown. Officials go back to the roomand the man has vanished. Later, when the hotel room he was held in was opened, the man had disappeared. Pha cnh st Nht Bn cng khng khng chc chn v vic khng c quc gia Taured no tng c cng nhn trong lch s. It is written in a language unknown and it has remained un-identified although it has been studied for a long time by philologists. A debate in the British House of Commons on July 29, 1960, on the subject of frontier formalities (i.e., the administrative process by which a person enters the territory of another country) included mention of a man named John Alan Zegrus, who was then being prosecuted in Japan for using a false passport: My hon. The company for which he claims to work has never heard of him. Its now more or less a copypasta, with little variation between retellings. And remember that the Wilson/Grant book says nothing more than that the man produced papers issued by the nation of Taured.. The one distinct detail about that day was that it was "hotter than usual." The man was described as having a Caucasian appearance and was neatly-dressed. Wow. The only information known of the country Taured was told by the man. The bizarre point what if that works wasn't just an innocent dream by a sleeping child? However, it appears that it wasnt made up, but is based on a true story. Regardless of his precise origins, the "mystery man from Taured" was definitely neither an extraterrestrial nor an interdimensional, time-traveling being. While Tamanrosset is actually the name of real life province and city in modern-day Algeria, Tuareg (with a g) is a Berber ethnic group from the Sahara region. Hes from Taured. If so, the solution may be nothing more than the French-Japanese language barrier. Most investigations into the man from Taured seem to hit the same dead end. Haneda Airport, returned to the Japanese by Douglas MacArthur just two years earlier, was churning. 26+ United Nations Airway Bill Receipt. The forged passport used to enter the country was handmade and the name of the country, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious, and the characters written on it were also unclear, even after being authenticated by a specialist, as to what language it was written in.J The defendant spoke 14 countries, and in response to the investigation, he stated that he had come to Japan on orders from an Arab-related agency and was working for a U.S. intelligence agency, but there was no such fact, and the district prosecutor, troubled by the fact that the nationality of the defendant was unknown, prosecuted the case. It vanished from public awareness due to the print only having been published once or twice in small numbers. UFO crashes apparently was becoming an routine thing after, Roswell, New Mexico Unsolved Mysteries made known of an Crash Alien Space Craft somewhere in Texas again it was on some poor farmer's fields. the name of the country, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious, Bolding mine, that just made me chuckle , Actually, I think that was just the Deepl machine translation engine bugging out. Zegrus claimed to be from a city called Tamanrasset, which is a real city in Algeria. He is questioned by the authorities, and his passport is examined. Answer (1 of 15): Doesn't exist and never did. The Most Serene Principality of United Taured is a massive, cultured nation, ruled by Her Royal Highness Princess Margret with an even hand, and renowned for its ubiquitous missile silos, otherworldly petting zoo, and parental licensing program. A summary of a Japanese radio broadcast from December 1961 suggested that Zegrus had not only been making use of a phony passport, but he had also been passing bad checks and claiming to be an agent of both the FBI and CIA: The Tokyo District Court 22 December [1961] sentenced John Allen K. Zegrus, a man without nationality, to one year imprisonment for having illegally entered Japan and passing phony checks. As translated by u/johnmasterof, it reads: A mysterious foreigner of unknown nationality and background, accused of illegal entry and fraud, tried to commit suicide in front of the judge who handed down the verdict, at the Tokyo District Court on April 10. Taured 1000 . Man from Taured, Paperback by Alaspa, Bryan W., Brand New, Free P&P in A debate in the British House of Commons at the time showed that Zegrus described himself as an intelligence agent for Colonel Nasser and a naturalised Ethiopian. Understanding the Mysterious Kingdom of Shambhala. Pada hari itu udara panas sedang menyergap Tokyo, pada awalnya tidak ada masalah pada kegiatan di bandara tersebut. Both sides refused to give in; the Japanese officers insisted that Taured did not exist, and the traveler argued otherwise. The story goes that back to the 50s, when a man arrived at a Tokyo airport in Japan and made his way to customs. Were theonlyPop Archaeology site combining scientific research with out-of-the-box perspectives. This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. In one account, when the man handed over his passport to be stamped the Japanese immigration officer noticed something strange. Tradutor de Google He claimed Taured was a country that resided between France and Spain. The passport looked genuine, except for the fact that there is no such country as Taured well, at least in our dimension. Although, it has been established by Astronomers and Astrophysicist that those Planet's well they're simply too far away to attempt The Voyage. Due to his lack of a home country, he was never allowed to leave Japan. I have first a science Question then a Science fiction Question. He had reportedly travelled around the world with a very convincing, albeit fake passport written in an unknown language. The United Kingdoms Worrying Drift Towards Thought Crimes, The Problem with the Wild Wests Bank Robber Bounty, Fake Anthrax: How Harmless Powder Costs the Government Millions. But the more we ponder on Mr. Zegrus, the more we wish there were really a capital called Tamanrasset, in the delectable county of Tuared south of the Sahara, with a language like the one Zegrus invented. All these he recorded on a passport which he made himself. His action takes precedence, we think, over the American citizen who flew his own plane round the world wearing his own uniform, receiving homage from all and sundry. Zegrus was armed with details about his fictional country and mission. On that particular day, a man was said to have arrived at Haneda Airport, known also as Tokyo International Airport. Uruguayan Air Force Flight 571: The Limits of Survival, Tesla Versus Edison: The Truth About The Infamous Inventors Rivalry. (Page 1 of tag Taured) . Flag Challenge #255: Taured There are several versions of the urban legend, but the crux of the story is a mysterious traveler who is obviously out of place. Taured Sebuah Negara Tak dikenal ~ Welcome To My Blog from Newquay things to do newquay is a small seaside town in the southwest of the united kingdom. [] When the accused was cross-examined he said that it was a State of 2 million population somewhere south of the Sahara. List of fictional countries - Wikiwand The Taured mystery is one that has puzzled us for generations. Image Via Stanislav Kogiku/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images. The Big Tobacco Settlement: $9bn a Year. Officials take him to a nearby hotel room, on the top floor, and put him under guard. Some theorists claim that the man from Taured was a being from another dimension, living proof of the multi-verses existence. Upon the mans urging, the officials checked the rest of his story. [2] (sic) (this could be misspelled, other sources use Tuared). A traveler from time or another dimension arrives in Japan. Too many of the details remain unclear or improbable, if not impossible. He had with him a passport of the state of Taured and several other documents issued by that state. Covering an area of 244,820, the United Kingdom is a part of the British Isles - which includes the two principal islands of Great Britain and Ireland along with several smaller offshore islands. The world of urban legend is one of the areas of the internet and the world prefer to live in. The Directory of Possibilities seemed like the only source of the tale, and its accuracy is already in question. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) is an island country that sits north-west of mainland Europe. Snopes and the logo are registered service marks of One hypothesis posits that the man from Taured is evidence of a parallel dimension, whereby there is another Earth like our own existing in an alternate reality. Would you believe it exists? It could've been from the arabic word "Mumuzaq" ("") meaning "Torn". Who was 'The Man from Taured'? - Medium Today, were going to explore the tale of the Man from Taured. When asked to point to the country on the map,. Rumor and word of mouth then played their part, along with the medias recurring lack of fact-checking and the capacity of social media to rapidly disseminate fake news . Forever. He/she linked to a 1960 Japanese newspaper article that is clearly about Zegrus. Our First Time, an early popularized Internet hoax, involving two purported 18-year-olds who claimed they would live broadcast themselves losing their virginity. Security checked his room and found it completely empty, with no trace whatsoever of any occupant. We seek to retell the story of our beginnings. When questioned by customs officers, he said this was his third time visiting Japan using this passport. Seorang penumpang Eropa tengah melangkahkan kakinya ke sebuah bandara di Jepang. And the spelling is close that I cant believe its a coincidence. While it can all sound like a bit of harmless fun, fake news during what has been dubbed the Age of Misinformation is potentially dangerous due to its ability to feed partisan hostility to the detriment of truth and historical facts. OFFICIAL NAME: United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland FORM OF GOVERNMENT: Parliamentary democracy within a constitutional monarchy CAPITAL: London POPULATION: 67,879,000 OFFICIAL. So understanding how Japan deals with this situation actually makes this portion of the story credible (except for the Svengali bit). His work often required him to travel internationally, and he had picked up Japanese during his regular visits to the country over the past five years. The Mysterious Tale of The Man From Taured - Jack Osborne Blogs No Change in Rank from 2021. A mysterious conspiracy theory about a man from a non-existent country has finally been explained after years of speculation. ( ipopba / Adobe Stock). The part you bolded, "," could be transliterated as "ghouloul" (following the style of the "original" translation), or as "goolool," "ghurhur," etc., etc. Last year, u/NatanaelAntonioli posted to r/japan about the story. John Allen Kuchar Zegrus invented them. Textbook Solution from Others were a little more far out, including the speculation that the man had either time travelled or was from another dimension. By bringing together top experts and authors, this archaeology website explores lost civilizations, examines sacred writings, tours ancient places, investigates ancient discoveries and questions mysterious happenings. Zegrus, self-styled American who has professedly acted as an agent for the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Central Intelligence Agency, entered this country in 1959 on a bogus passport. However it is just a piece of science fiction. The forged passport Zegrus used to enter the country was handmade, and the name of the country it bore, Negusi Habesi Ghouloulouloul Esprit, was completely fictitious. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. There's also another possibility to consider I'm noticing and unusual amount of strange phenomenon seemed to occur in July in the late 40s and 1950s. And as is often the case, the truth isn't quite as exciting as the legend. The mystery man claimed that it was the third time he was visiting Japan from his country. In the 1970s, the Swiss-born Meier was taken on a few chronological joyrides by a race of extraterrestrials called the Plejaren. []. EDIT: u/vegetepal and u/tropical_chancer have pointed out that Tamanrasset is a real place in Algeria with a large Tuareg population. That section of the story reads like a later addition to make the reader think the guy really did come from an alternate universe. Location of Andorra (center of green circle) in Europe. Cloud Ceiling 30000 ft. ( quickshooting / Adobe Stock). The middle-aged stranger was neatly dressed and had a beard. The story goes that back to the 50s, when a man arrived at a Tokyo airport in Japan and made his way to customs. This more mundane story could have been embellished each time it was told, so much so that it eventually evolved into the great mystery that continues to fascinate today. Ive tried setting up an account at the forum to clarify this, but my account is currently awaiting approval by an administrator. I have now been given posting privileges and responded to Anony. EDIT 2: AnonyJoolz at the Forteana forum put all these pieces together months before I did. (We dont know for certain, after all, that the man actually spoke Japanese.) The gallant gesture for the individualist, unfortunately, ended with the Japanese in Tokyo. The Man From Taured: A breakneck mystery-thriller: 3 (World's - Amazon Airport security was lax at this time, but international travelers were still required to present their passport for a stamp by local officials. But, to the surprise of officers, they couldn't find any country named Taured. As unusual as this account may seem in our modern security-conscious era -- that a man had been successful in moving about the world using a fabricated passport issued by a made-up country and bearing writing in a nonsensical language -- it was borne out by contemporaneous reporting, such as the following August 1960 newspaper article: Everyone who has run into officialdom to his cost and wondered at the ridiculous questions asked of tourists will have sympathy for a man sonorously named John Allen Kuchar Zegrus. The storys first telling seems to be in a book called The Directory of Possibilities, published in 1981. The Scopes Monkey Trial: The Man Who Was Prosecuted for Teaching Evolution, The Beale Cyphers: Virginias Unsolved Key to an Enormous Fortune, The Republic of Salo: Italys Short Stint Under Nazi Rule. Just remember, act like youve been there before. [] This man, according to the evidence, has travelled all over the world with a very impressive looking passport indeed. Safe to say that the man from Taured certainly wouldn't get away with his antics in the modern world. He told airport staff that he had arrived in Japan on a business trip - for the third time this year. Whether the author of The Directory of Possibilities mangled a story he had heard long ago, or simply fabricated his own version for the sake of intrigue, it seems clear that the tale of John Allen Zegrus inspired the story of the man from Taured. A totally unlikeable protagonist goes on a clichd romp through an alternative reality. The company he claimed to work for had no knowledge of him, although he had copious amounts of documentation to prove his point. Everything seems to be going normally until the man gives customs officials his passport. According to Snopes, this popular tale of the man from Taured, said to have visited Japan from a parallel universe , is actually a greatly embellished and fantastical version of a far less sensational real story. The origin of this outlandish tale seems to have been inspired by the true account of John Allen Kuchar Zegrus , a.k.a.
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