The Washington State Department of Health presents this information as a service to the public. WebDOH Interim Recommendations for SARS-CoV-2 Infection Prevention and Control in Healthcare Settings 2022. These rates will provide transparent benchmark estimates of provider payment rates for Medicaid-funded behavioral health services. WebOur Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) mission to Transform Lives requires that we come together with a sense of belonging, common purpose, shared values, and meaningful work.
Developmental Disabilities Administration Contracts HCS Management Bulletins The Health Care Authority intends tosubmit State Plan Amendment 21-0003 to update the languageof Attachment 3.1-A and 3.1-B, Section 13d: Rehabilitation Services, of the Medicaid State Plan. Individual Provider Training Requirements, Standard Provider, category 1: hired after 1/6/2012 with without a qualifying credential, Complete 70 hourBasic Trainingwithin 120 days of starting toprovide care, Required, must obtain within 200 days of starting to provide care, Required by your birthday one year from your first HCA credential issuance date, Standard Provider, category2: hired after 1/6/2012 with HCA credential, Yes, your credential must be Active and in good standing, On or before your birthday following your first HCA credential renewal date. In this case the training would be free to the member., Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Facilities, Finance and Analytics Administration (FFA), Find Local Services, Information and Resources, Roads to Community Living: Supportive Housing Services, DSHS Regional Map with ALTSA Housing Team Contacts, List of Community Hospitals and Certified Evaluation and Treatment Facilities in WA State, Behavioral Health Agencies Directory WA State, Monthly Activity Records (MARs) Adobe Reader Template, Monthly Activity Records (MARs) Excel Template, Find Local Services, Information, and Resources. If you have any general questions about DDA Quality Assurance, contact Lori Gianetto Bare, Residential Quality Assurance Unit Manager. If you do not have software that can open these files, you may download a free file viewer . The language changes to the State Plan will include: If approved by the legislature, a new provision will be added that would allow Medicaid funds to be used on problem gambling treatment services, which are currently paid for with state funds. The presence of information in this system doesn't imply a provider isn't competent or qualified to practice.
These records are considered certified by the Department of Health. Downloading and editing spreadsheets will not affect original files. The contract amount is endobj
The Governors Opportunity for Supportive Housing (GOSH) was established as part of the Washington States Mental Health Transformation projects five-year plan to modernize the mental health system. WebMeet the Steve Jobs of the Washington State Dshs Contracted Providers Industry. DSHS interim guidelines may be read here: DSHS Electronic Signature Interim Guidelines. Washington State Department of Social and Health Individuals terminated without cause pursuant to WAC 182-502-0040 are not included on this list. As part of the services, our contracted Supportive Housing Providers would be expected to help facilitate access to, and promote collaboration amongst the participants wrap-around support services in order to stabilize the participants transition to the community. For information on those and other DVR contracts and resources, please read below. If your agency has experience in providing supportive housing services (e.g. DSHS Developmental Disabilities Administration is seeking a qualified contractor to complete a study of Medicaid rates for contracted community residential WebDevelop and administer service contracts with service providers statewide. <>/Metadata 92 0 R/ViewerPreferences 93 0 R>>
WebThe State of Washington, Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS), Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA) intends to award a Sole Source Contract to Ascellon Corporation from March 17, 2023, through June 30, 2023, to conduct assisted living facility and adult family home complaint investigations. DSHS WSH Institution Counselor 2 As the Institution Counselor at Western State Hospital, you will report directly to the Civil Social Work Manager. Privacy Policy| Alternate Format Requests | Notice of Nondiscrimination, File Complaint About Provider or Facility, Healthcare Enforcement and Licensing Modernization Solution, Healthcare Professional Credentialing Requirements, Veterans, Service Members and their Families, Emergency Information for Specific Groups, For Public Health & Health Care Providers, Public Health System Resources and Services, Psychiatric hospital inspections and investigations, Behavioral Health Agencies Directory (PDF), Nursing Care Quality Assurance Commission, Chiropractic Quality Assurance Commission, Health Systems Quality Assurance Call Center, Verify your license (Provider Credential Search), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Local Health Jurisdictions and Tribal Directories, Northwest Center for Public Health Practice, For RN, LPN, ARNP, or nursing technician credential assistance, contact the, For allopathic physician (MD) or physician assistant credential assistance, contact the, For chiropractor or chiropractic x-ray technician credential assistance, contact the, For credential assistance with all other professions, contact the. This web page is intended as a resource for residential providers who contract with DDA. If you would like more information on becoming a contracted supportive housing agency, please contact the GOSH program manager in your area. Please contact our Customer Service Center at 360-236-4700 for information about actions before July 1998. Complete all required training through a DSHS community instructor.
State The CIL Services contract provides an array of independent living services for DVR customers who may be experiencing IL related issues that create barriers to achieving competitive employment. Documents and other materials of interest to residential News releases about disciplinary actions taken against Washington State healthcare providers, agencies or facilities are on the agency's Newsroom webpage.
Information for Adult Family Home Providers | DSHS - Washington Not every action taken by the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) or the Health Care Authority (HCA) involves a finding of wrongdoing (see WAC 182-502-0030(b)). Removingoutdated mental health peer language. If you are interested inproviding services directly to DSHS clients,including such services as medical and dental services, training programs, residential care, or respite care, please contact theDSHS Community Services Office(CSO) in the area nearest you.
Contractors | DSHS - Washington endobj
DSHS Get email alerts based on your topic preferences like news releases, job openings, emergency updates and more! Child Care & Early Learning Professional Development, Mandatory Reporting of Child Abuse or Neglect, Office of Innovation, Alignment, and Accountability, Since Time Immemorial Early Learning Curriculum, Contracted Out of State Health and Safety Report, Emergent Placement Service Child Transition Summary, Emergency Placement Services Fee Schedule, Pre-Service Training for Family Time/Sibling Visit Services Contracted Providers, Family Time Visitation Location Resources, Child Specific Caregiver Notification Report, Contracted Health and Safety Visit Referral, Contracted Health and Safety Visit Report, ILS FamLink Documentation for Service Providers, Documenting Highest Grade Completed for Service Providers, Substance Use Disorder (SUD)Assessment and Treatment Services, Evidence-Based Practice (EBP) Reporting Guide, Special CPA Group Receiving Care Services Tier 2 Transition Summary.
Washington State Department of Social ** When a respite care Individual Provider works more than 300 hours in a calendar year the training will revert to the Standard Individual Provider category unless they meet the conditionsto be considered an exempt Individual Provider. HCAMedicaid providers listing 4 0 obj
Change your contact information | Find application status | Renew your license, File a complaint | More resources for health professionals | Verify your license (Provider Credential Search). You may search using a credential number, individual name or business name. WebDSHS contracts with many individuals and companies to provide services to DSHS clients, and to purchase or contract for services necessary to improve DSHS business practices. RCW 19.360.020 requires that each state agency electing to accept or require electronic signatures or records adopt and publish a policy that describes the methods and processes of electronic signature and record submission consistent with published guidelines. This survey is an opportunity for BH treatment agencies to let us know about their agency, the improvement efforts they are currently undertaking, and the diversity of their behavioral health clinical staff. <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/Annots[ 19 0 R] /MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>
Details and guidance on such coverage can be found here:Insurance Requirements for DSHS Contracts. Newly hired employees are required to complete all 13 modules within 90 days of the employees hire date. Medicaid providers who have been excluded from participation (see 42 CFR 1001). 2 0 obj
hosting quarterly webinars with your statewide peers. (360) 764-9909 Thank you for your patience as we continue to update our new website. Neither the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), the State of Washington nor any of its employees makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, translation, product or process that is disclosed, displayed or appears on the DCYF website. WebThe state of Washingtons Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) is putting up $116 million to settle a class action alleging that it did not pay certain individual providers WebDCYF is a cabinet-level agency focused on the well-being of children. %
EmailJessica.Diaz@hca.wa.govto make any comments on the State Plan Amendment. SESRC invites a random sample of enrollees who received outpatient behavioral health services. Website feedback: Tell us how were doing, Copyright 2023 Washington Health Care Authority, I help others apply for & access Apple Health, Apple Health for Workers with Disabilities (HWD), Medically Intensive Children's Program (MICP), Behavioral health services for prenatal, children & young adults, Wraparound with Intensive Services (WISe), Behavioral health services for American Indians & Alaska Natives (AI/AN), Substance use disorder prevention & mental health promotion, Introduction overview for general eligibility, General eligibility requirements that apply to all Apple Health programs, Modified Adjusted Gross Income (MAGI) based programs manual, Long-term services & supports (LTSS) manual, Medical plans & benefits (including vision), Life, home, auto, AD&D, LTD, FSA, & DCAP benefits. The Affordable Care Act requires that all ordering physicians or other professionals who prescribe, order, or refer services to Medicaid or provide services under the State Plan or under a waiver of the plan to be enrolled as participating providers (see 42 CFR 455.410(b)). To provide transparent payment rate benchmarks for use for all, including during negotiations between payers and providers. ob{>>*Ggy;J! Individuals or entities whose participation in the Medicaid program has been terminated for cause under the provision of WAC 182-502-0030 (HCA) or388-113-0020; 388-113-0030; 388-71-0540 (DSHS). 1 0 obj
3 0 obj
*These lists were updated February 10, 2023.
Contracts WebOur vision is to ensure that Washington states children and youth grow up safe and healthythriving physically, emotionally and academically, nurtured by family and It gives users a variety of searching, filtering, and data exporting options. Increasingtransition of care services to substance use disorder (SUD). Documents and other materials of interest to residential providers will be posted here. These programs provide a variety of services to help DVR customers obtain and, if needed, maintain competitive employment. The information on this site comes directly from our database and is updated daily.
Becoming a GOSH Contracted Provider | DSHS - Washington This site provides true and correct copies of legal disciplinary actions taken after July 1998. For more information about GOSH, please see Roads to Community Living: Supportive Housing Services.
Washington State The Health Care Authority (HCA) partners with the Social and Economic Sciences Research Center (SESRC) at Washington State University to conduct yearly surveys for behavioral health providers and enrollees. WebThe state of Washingtons Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) is putting up $116 million to settle a class action alleging that it did not pay certain individual providers (IPs) of services all the wages they were owed. Get updates on the statewide plan to address the spread of COVID-19 and any new developments on the disease. For questions about the Group Training Home or Group Home program contact: This unit can help providers in a variety of different quality assurance areas. Ensure services are consistent with federal and state regulations. Residential Quality Assurance Program Manager: Residential Quality Assurance Program Specialists. assigning a regional program manager to help facilitate referrals to your agency, facilitating regional community partner meetings to build collaboration in your area, and. If you are interested in becoming a contracted provider, please call your localDDAoffice and ask for the contracts department: Developmental Disabilities Administration Contracts, Washington State Department of Social and Health Services, Aging and Long-Term Support Administration (ALTSA), Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA), Facilities, Finance and Analytics Administration (FFA). 07-73149, which was
Contractor and provider resources | Washington State How do I notify PEBB that my loved one has passed away? You will work in close collaboration with social workers, psychologists, contracted staff, community providers and treatment team members to promote individualized wellness and recovery. Exempt Provider, category 3:Has an active Nursing Assistant, Certified credential, No, as long as NAC credential is Active and in good standing, On or before your birthday in your first year of work, Exempt Provider, category 4: A certified teacher with a special education endorsement from the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction, No, as long as special education endorsement is maintained in good standing, Before your birthday in your first year of work, NON-DDA Parent Provider: Individual caring for his/her biological, step or adoptive child (over the age of 18), CompleteBasic Training (30 hours)within 120 days of starting to provide care, Not required, unless you voluntarily obtain your HCA credential, DDA Parent Provider: Individual caring for his/her biological, step or adoptive child (over the age of 18), CompleteBasic Training (7 hours)within 120 days of starting to provide care, * Limited Service Provider: Provides 20 hours (or less) of care a month for one person, Complete Basic Training (30 hours)within 120 days of starting to provide care, *Adult Child Provider: Individual caring for his/her biological, step or adoptive parent, On or before your birthday in the next calendar year after completing Basic Training, ** Respite Care Only Provider: Providing care for individual(s) on DDA respite care only, working 300 hours or less, Complete Basic Training (9 hours)within 120 days of starting to provide care. How do I notify SEBB that my loved one has passed away? The BHDS incorporates integrated behavioral health and substance abuse data, storage, and supporting reporting functions. The Mental Health Consumer Information System (MH-CIS), covering community mental health clients and services.