Find Wayne Simmons's phone number, address, and email on Spokeo, the leading people search directory for contact information and public records. They thought Iraq would be a cakewalk with relatively low troop commitments for a short period of time. If SOFREP knew that Wayne Simmons was never in the CIA, then it is hard to believe that two retired generals like Vallely and McInerney did not know. In the end, Wayne Simmons was probably a useful idiot, but one of his specialities was finding other useful idiots. [3], Simmons lived in Annapolis. I think a lot of people are feeling the same right now, and should be. Wayne Shelby Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, a former on-air pundit for the cable network, was arrested Oct. 15, 2015, after being indicted by a federal grand jury on charges of major fraud against the United States, wire fraud and making false statements to the government. His dramatic 27-year career with the CIA gave his opinions credibility until the government he says he risked his life for branded him a fraud. What makes the already curious case of Wayne Simmons more interesting is that he seems to have been able to obtain employment with the DOD using his fake CIA credentialswith the Human Terrain System,for example. [1][2] He pleaded guilty to major fraud against the U.S. government, wire fraud, and a firearms offense,[3] while maintaining that he had worked for the CIA;[4] on July 15, 2016, he was convicted and sentenced to 33 months in prison plus three years of supervised release, restitution, and forfeiture of criminal proceeds. Prince Andrew has 'offered to manage prestigious Royal estates including Balmoral but King Charles has told Royally hard work! He also once claimed that there are 'at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities' scattered around the US. by Simmons, Dan. Cultivating a tough-guy persona on air, power tie and all, Wayne has made all kinds of outrageous statements such as: Since the coronation of the boy king 15 months ago, it is again not an accident that every third-world despot from Venezuela through Cuba to North Korea, virtually anyone in the Middle East that decides they want to take a shot at the United States and our allies, is doing just that. by Wayne Simmons ( 62 ) $0.99 In the UK, a teenager goes missing every three minutes. In his author profile on Amazon, he claims to have 'spearheaded Deep Cover Intel Ops against some of the world's most dangerous drug cartels from Central and South America and the Middle East. While innocuous sounding, the program was actually a Pentagon propaganda effort to sell the 2003 invasion of Iraq to the American public. Moment British man is arrested at Colombian airport as he tries to fly to London with 23 kilos of cocaine Do YOU know your Adam and Eve from your Ruby Murray? According to neighbors, including Zeyher, Simmons, 62, has two adult children and lives on a large property in Annapolis where he cares for two dogs and two horses. And that Operation Kazakhstan was not an intelligence-gathering mission involving the Central Asian country in the 1990s but a business venture undercut by Simmonss excessive drinking. Creative Ladder Is Partnering With Cannes Young Lions - Wayne Aaronson U.S. Attorney's Office, Eastern District of Virginia, CIA Imposter Sentenced to Prison for Fraud, Jury Convicts Man of Retaliation Against Federal Officer, Man Sentenced for Defrauding Woman of $377,000, Former Army Investigator Turned Commercial Beekeeper, CIA Imposter Sentenced To Prison For Fraud. They were tales of intrigue and covert operations. Peak Human Condition Athleticism Martial Arts Genius Level Intellect Tactical Analysis Science Gadgetry . With robust designs and vintage classic style, discover the heritage of military timepieces today! The website also came to feature loads of anti-Catholic, anti-Islam Illuminati conspiracy material. 1: 15-cr-293. But in 2010, he was hired by a defense subcontractor to advise on counterinsurgency tactics in Afghanistan, a position Gen. Stanley A. McChrystal told prosecutors was hugely important to the war effort. Wayne billed himself as a black ops spymaster, as you can see from the biography on his website: Wayne joined the U.S. Navy in 1973 where he was recruited by the Central Intelligence Agency to became part of an Outside Paramilitary Special Operations Group. According to court documents, Simmons admitted he defrauded the government in 2008 when he obtained work as a team leader in the U.S. Armys Human Terrain Systems program, and again in 2010 when he was deployed to Afghanistan as a senior intelligence adviser. He claimed to be ex-CIA and was quoted as an expert on Fox News He traveled to Guantanamo Bay with the group. executive producer (10 episodes, 2019) . Dena Simmons: How Does Imposter Syndrome Affect Students Of Color? wayne simmons imposter - Run by John Loftus, the Intelligence Summit website (recently taken down, probably due to the attention drawn to it by SOFREP) featured names as big as former CIA director James Woolsey. In the end, Vallely has been taken for a ride by the FSA which is hoping for U.S. government handouts, and the retired general does not appear to understand the complicated local and regional dynamics at play in Syria. A Fox News guest terrorism analyst was arrested on Thursday after a grand jury indicted him on charges of falsely claiming to have been a CIA agent for decades, US prosecutors said.. Wayne Simmons . Some of those tales are just too ticklish to tell. Wayne Simmons is a fraud, said Dana J. Boente, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia. Wayne Shelby Simmons (born 1953 or 1954) [1] is a former Fox News guest commentator who claimed to be an ex- CIA agent. Wayne Simmons Career Stats | He lost his wife of 36 years, Corinne, to breast cancer in 2012. Wayne Simmonds' seemingly endless energy and his willingness to grind it out along the boards and in front of the opponent's net has helped to make him a fan favorite everywhere he has played. Instead, official say Simmons spent the money on himself and there was never an actual real estate investment project. Attorneys Paul J. Nathanson and James L. Trump prosecuted the case. In 2010 Simmons served as the S-2, for the Counter Insurgency Advisory and Assistance Team, CAAT, at ISAF HQ, Kabul, Afghanistan. Wayne Aaronson Regional and National Media, Marketing and Content Development Specialist Focused on Brand Engagement 3. His actual experiences include nightclub doorman, bookie, manager of a rent . Both he and McInerneyinsist that the United States government has supported the wrong faction of the FSA. 0:00. Wayne Simmons is a fraudster and imposter. Simmons will have to pay $175,000 in restitution to the government and to the woman, who came to court Friday but declined to speak publicly. Batman: The Imposter Shows Terrifying Reality of Raising Bruce Wayne Wayne also tried to deflect the criticism by writing an email to the Washington Timessaying, Some of my colleagues are convinced that it is related to my outspoken membership on the Citizens Commission on Benghazi. Wayne Simmons was a Fox News star. 2023 The SOFREP Media Group. Kent Clizbe claims that when he began questioning Simmons service in the CIA that Kerry wrote a disguisedrebuttal to Clizbes questions and concerns in the form of a SOFREP article. wayne simmons imposter - Warning! Simmons also defrauded an individual victim, identified as E.L., out of $125,000 in connection with a bogus real estate investment. There are many folks like me out there who cannot protect themselves because they did not keep op files to prove activity. Wayne Simmons - Historical records and family trees - MyHeritage How many sacks did Wayne Simmons have? We know they are breeding grounds for terrorism, for fundraising.. Fox News commentator who feds say faked a CIA career sentenced to 33 They came under the false pretense of investigating a financial crime, a crime which never existed. Through his Fox News contacts, according to prosecutors, Simmons in 2008 got a job with defense contractor BAE Systems to help the military in Afghanistan deal with the local population. [He claimed to be ex-CIA. Wayne Simmons - (An example of the whack job tin foiler propaganda which appeared on the Intel Summit website). There was never any actual real estate investment project, and Simmons simply spent the funds. Fox News' Wayne Simmons arrested after falsely claiming to have been a After former CIA case officer, John Kiriakou exposed the governments torture program in 2007, Simmons justified the use of torture on a radio show hosted by Judge Andrew Napolitano and Brian Kilmeade. Impostors: The Commander | Podcast on Spotify Wayne Simmons Attack | American Patriot operative. The assault on Wayne Simmons, an outspoken member of the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, reached critical mass after the indictment by the Obama Administration of Simmons' good friend and partner, American arms dealer, Marc Turi. The firearms charge was filed when Simmons admitted that at the time he was arrested, he was unlawfully in possession of two firearms, which he was prohibited from possessing on account of his prior felony convictions. What is interesting about this is that Wayne is actually confessing to a felony if his words are true. The Navy declined to comment further on Mr Simmons' case. Wayne Simmons, recurring Fox News guest, charged with lying - CNNMoney Alex French is a Contributing Editor at Vanity Fair and Fatherly. The probe ended up going much deeper. Then one ex-spook got suspicious", "Former Fox News commentator sentenced to prison for faking CIA ties", "TV pundit who claimed CIA ties pleads guilty to fraud",, Articles needing additional references from June 2018, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 18 January 2023, at 20:45. Wayne Simmons was indicted last week on multiple federal fraud charges for allegedly lying about being employed by the CIA and making a false statement to government officials in 2009 in order to obtain a top secret clearance. His dramatic 27-year career with the CIAtaking down cartels, busting arms smugglers, conducting interrogationsgave his opinions credibility. Rolling Stones article criticizes Fox producers for a lack of vetting Simmons, which was explained by his initial appearances on weekends, when a source says the network abandons most checks into guests backgrounds. Wayne Simmons Trading Card Values | Sportlots Price Guide Language: English . Simmons has no military or intelligence background, or any skills relevant to the positions he attained through his frauds.. ', The profile also says his operations 'helped lead to the seizures of marijuana, cocaine and heroin with a combined value of over $1billion. wayne simmons imposter Best Selling Author and International Speaker. Waynes cronies Paul Vallely and Thomas McInerney co-wrote a book titledEnd Game, in which they push for massive war against a good portion of the world all at once in order to defeat terrorism. The absurd claims in the book are too numerousto cover in this article, but suffice to say these two military analysts are purely amateur hour. Simmons never worked at CIA and we are pleased that justice was served in this case, said Dean Boyd, director of CIAs Office of Public Affairs. Simmons pleaded guilty in April to major fraud against the United States, wire fraud and being a felon in possession of a firearm. Simmonds, 34, scored five goals and 16 points in 72 games with the . We did not know they were working together until I ran an intel op against one of them and made the link to the other. Over the years, Simmonss claims were convincing enough to get him a regular spot as an unpaid commentator on Fox News; a post on a 2013 civilian panel investigating the attacks in Benghazi, Libya; and two jobs with defense contractors working in Afghanistan. by White, Randy Wayne. When will the Beast from the East be at YOUR door? He also spoke at a 2013 forum sponsored by the Citizens Committee on Benghazi probing the deaths of four Americans in Libya in 2012. Welcome to the Coronation! Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. Added Dec 03, 2022. Assistant U.S. We may never know the full extent of the private intelligence network and shady cabals trying to hijack American foreign policy behind the scenes, but it appears thatsome folks in the CIA and Department of Justice finally got fed up with it. We hypothesized that those who attend more LC events will score lower on the IS scale and lower on the social loneliness scale. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "The Plot to Take Down a Fox News Analyst: For years, Wayne Simmons claimed to be a former C.I.A. Secure .gov websites use HTTPS Wayne is the sole inventor and PATENT holder of the Fraud Prevention Software, HADRiAN. Interactive map reveals when you may see SNOW, Revealed: The top 10 fastest-growing destinations for UK pensioners retiring overseas. Simmons allegedly tried to use that claim to get government security clearances and work as a defense contractor. The Wayne Simmons Story: "The Truth Behind the Conspiracy to Destroy an Wayne Simmons was a professional football player, a drug trafficker, a nightclub doorman, a Fox News guest analyst and an intelligence adviser in Afghanistan. So who is Wayne Simmons? Wayne Simmonds Stats and News | ALEXANDRIA, Va. - Wayne Shelby Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, Maryland, a former Fox News commentator who has falsely claimed he spent 27 years working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for major fraud against the government, wire fraud, and a firearms offense. And what are deep-cover intel ops? He also appointed a public defender to represent the former TV pundit. Rachel Weiner covers federal courts in Washington, D.C. and Richmond, Va. Keep supporting great journalism by turning off your ad blocker. Wayne Simmonds: Hockey & Wife [2023 Update] - Players Bio I stand before you a shameful and broken man.. Simmons has no military or intelligence background, or any skills relevant to the positions he attained through his frauds. Off-the-books black ops against drug cartels, assassinating Iranians on American soil, and all sorts of black helicopter nonsense. Not only did Simmons dupe the government and FOX into believing he was an expert, he also managed to hide the fact that he was a two-time convicted felon, claiming the convictions were part of his CIA cover. Wayne Simmons had 11.5 . His wife, Corinne, a military hospital administrator, died in 2012; they had two children, one of whom is in the Secret Service.[1][2]. Current literature links imposter syndrome (IS), isolation, and locus of control (LOC). One thing is certain, however, and that is the fact that FOX News and the federal government will most certainly not attempt to reverse any of said damage as it helped them to accomplish their divisive and hateful agenda. While they plotted out the invasion on a cocktail napkin and pitched their plan on Fox News, our soldiers fought, bled, and died in the streets of Basra, Baghdad, Mosul, and Ramadi for another eight years. For more than a decade, Wayne Simmons was a Fox News star. He also duped the U.S. military who employed him as an Army trainer in 2008 and deployed him to Afghanistan as an intelligence advisor in 2010. I left school at 16 with six GCSEs - and became a self-made millionaire. Did they know he was a fraud? leonard williams spotrac; Simmons has been a Terrorism Analyst for the Fox News Channel since 2002. His dramatic 27-year career with the CIAtaking down cartels, busting arms smugglers, conducting interrogationsgave his opinions credibility. At one point he said he was deployed overseas as an intelligence adviser to senior military offices. Learning communities (LCs) serve to directly and effectively combat loneliness, feelings of isolation, and better promote students' wellbeing and success. Simmons is a contributor to the conservative publication Human Events, the profile said. If anything pissed off the Obama administration and prompted a DOJ investigation, it certainly wasnt the Citizens Commission on Benghazi, but rather this groups unilateral push for intervention in Syria with the completely unreliable FSA. But in 2001, a chance meeting with a public-relations professional helped Simmons parlay his supposed CIA career into the commentators spot on Fox News, according to court filings. by June 7, 2022. written by . Clearly, in hindsight, those were dangerous liaisons, Patten said. Visitation for Wayne will be Saturday, September 17, 2022, from 11:30 to 1:00 p.m. at Howard Funeral Home. Prosecutors say it was a lie.]. He is quite simply a criminal and a con man, and his fraud had the potential to endanger national security and put American lives at risk in Afghanistan. Considered the world's largest city with more than 37 million people, Tokyo is a mesmerizing mix of age-old tradition and futuristic modernity, high-octane energy and hidden retreats. Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. Supposedly, Wayne is said to haveclaimed that the CIA had partially lifted his cover so that he could serve in the program. wayne simmons imposter - In this case, they pulled pictures off of SimmonssFacebook profile showing himalongsideright-wing heroes such as Allen West and Michelle Bachman. How much did Wayne Simmons weigh when playing? These arelikely to be the go-to defensive arguments for the true believers: Very convenient for him, but unlikely to stand up under the scrutiny of the court. Im not certain. But he insists his CIA career really happened. After rationalizing the destruction of the 92 videotapes that recorded enhanced interrogations, Simmons refused to admit that waterboarding is torture. In short, Vallely wants to become the Thomas Jefferson of Syria,and he wants to be at the forefront of any U.S.-led covert-action programs that support rebel forcestwo things thatwill certainly never happen. ALEXANDRIA, Va. Wayne Shelby Simmons, 62, of Annapolis, Maryland, a former Fox News commentator who has falsely claimed he spent 27 years working for the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), was sentenced today to 33 months in prison for major fraud against the government, wire fraud, and a firearms offense. Wayne Simmons Obituary Wayne married Bonnie Scott May 10 . In the twisted logic of Wayne Simmons, this proves that he was in the CIA because someone who was not in the CIA would never have been manifested on the flight. Wayne Simmons weighed 245 lbs (111 kg) when playing. Join now Sign in . wayne simmons imposter. Tokyo Internship - TEAN Published by on June 29, 2022. brian kim, cpa clearvalue tax net worth / california state senate 38th district candidates / california state senate 38th district candidates Official websites use .gov He has written a novel, The NATANZ DIRECTIVE to which the movie rights were purchased by PATRIOT PICTURES LLC, for production in 2016. What's frightening about the revelation that Fox News was relying on an impostor to provide analysis of national security is that the phony analysis he . In the process, he becamea member of the faux-CIA industry, people who claim to be working for the CIA, and even recruit others to work for himother useful idiots who think they are working for a legitimate CIA operation. Wayne Simmons, a recurring guest on Fox News who claimed to have 27 years of experience with the CIA, was arrested Thursday after being indicted by a federal grand jury on charges that he lied. For starters, there is no such thing as outside paramilitary operations in the CIA.
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