It was even better than I remembered! When he arrives, he is amazed to be greeted as an old friend. They keep journals to record the challenges Minli faced, and how she met the challenges. Minlis parents desperately hope she can change the familys fortune. But the stories that the dad told I did like and it added more fun to the book and made me want to finish it. will help you with any book or any question. Grace Lin introduces Minli, the main character well, as a girl who wants to change their fortune when her mom repeatedly talks about how poor they are. Difficulty Level 3 (Developing to Mastery), (You can also create your own on Quick Rubric.). . Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. Ma and Ba camp in the forest, and Ba tells the story of a greedy magistrate who tried to steal the secret of happiness from a poor but otherwise perfect family. Jade Dragons four children took pity on the people and transformed their bodies into great rivers to nourish the land. On the journey, Dragon tries to protect Minli from a poisonous Green Tiger but gets injured in the process and would have died had Minli not sought help from a nearby village of Moon Rain. After her mother ridicules what she believes to be a foolish purchase, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, who, it is told, may impart the true secret to good fortune. Minli is a strong-willed, young Chinese girl who lives in the Village of Fruitless Mountain. The goldfish man asks a child in the street to direct him to Minlis house. JOIN GRACES MAILING LISTYoull receive her Author Newsletter in your email inbox! What an engaging book! 8-12), Reading level: Ages 8-12Pages: 288 pagesPublisher: Little, Brown Young ReadersLanguage: English ISBN: 0316114278, 978-0316114271. The next day she finds a stream, but it is salty. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Grace Lin 4.30 45,753 ratings5,600 reviews In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. The goal of this activity is to have students engage with the text through a series of focused questions listed by chapter and page in Worksheet 1. [1] [2] The novel received a 2010 Newbery Honor [3] and the 2010 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make yourown. After a brief discussion of types of challengesphysical, emotional, economic, etc.students read the entire book, focusing on the main narrative. However, what she especially enjoys are her father Ba's stories, which are often told at the dinner table. Jennifer Rothschild from School Library Journal stated in her review: "The author's writing is elegant, and her full-color illustrations are stunning. Be sure to include evidence from the text in their answers. Common Sense and other associated names and logos are trademarks of Common Sense Media, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization (FEIN: 41-2024986). Eventually she decides to run off on a quest to change her family's fortune. What do you think is the secret of happiness? This time, it says, You only lose what you cling to. After thinking this over, the king decides that giving the paper to Minli is the only way to avoid losing it. Also, she is full of bitterness and resentment due to their poverty. After you claim a section youll have 24 hours to send in a draft. This brings enormous wealth to Minlis village which alters her familys fortune dramatically. This character was a cruel ruler of the land in which all the main landmarks (save the moon) were located over a century ago. Written by people who wish to remain anonymous Minli Minli (her name means "quick thinking") is the main character. His fortune is even poorer than hers, but he does not seem discontent. Students reading the book will not only share the adventure, but will learn much about traditional values in Chinese culture. Worksheet 2. One exceptionally effective way of conducting a critical discussion is by the Socratic seminar method which is increasingly popular. If you read Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, you wouldn't be disappointed because it is an incredible book. What challenges does this character face? Which characters in the book prove to be true friends? Ask students to think of and share other types of challenges they have seen or experienced. Using the borrowed line of text and the line of destiny, the adventurers stitch a kite that stretches into a bridge, and Minli goes on alone to meet the Old Man of the Moon. This book will be a highlight of your life, so go and check out Where The Mountain Meets The Moon, and you wont regret listening to me! With beautiful language, Lin creates a strong, memorable heroine and a mystical land. He remembers a story he has recently heard about a family from the area giving a dragons pearl to the king of the City of Bright Moonlightwho responded by bestowing the familys whole town with generous gifts of seeds and equipment for farmers. "Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Summary". She supported herself designing for a party company, two years contributing to the worlds landfills as she puts it, until her first book was published. Resources for Socratic seminars for elementary school students can be found online. publication in traditional print. What is the setting of "Games at Twilight" by Anita Desai? As you look at the embedded folk tales in Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, what are three values that seem to be important? At the end of Where the Mountain Meets the Moon and in her essays, Lin shares photos and drawings and discusses how she came to use and adapt elements of Chinese culture in her stories. When they first meet, he has been bound with ropes and she cuts them off of him. Teachers can view all of their students storyboards, but students can only view their own. When she does so, the goldfish tells her directions to Never-Ending Mountain, where a wise immortal known as the Old Man of the Moon lives. [7] These characters are the parents of the heroine. Write the definition of a frame story on the board (a main story which has other stories contained within it) and have them copy the definition in their notebooks. Log in here. I enjoyed every moment if this book and could not put it down!! We walked down the hall and into the classroom. Minli's brave, clever, kind, and earnest character is utterly endearing. [1][2] The novel received a 2010 Newbery Honor[3] and the 2010 Mythopoeic Fantasy Award for Children's Literature. Assess the second copy of Worksheet 2 for completeness, accuracy in recalling details of the story, and mechanics of writing. It was written and illustrated by Grace Lin and published in 2009. Written by people who wish to remainanonymous. What details do you notice that show that this story is not taking place in the United States? It says the word thankfulness over and overand nothing else. When the magistrate heard about this, he decided that the family must have been trying to trick him. They identify the friends and mentors who helped her, and the character traits that led to her success. Ask them what qualities she showed as she overcame these challenges (for example: courage, cleverness, persistence). Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a Chinese fairy tale about an adventurous girl who searches for the Old Man of the Moon in hopes of changing the fortune of her poor family. Meanwhile, Minli sleeps for the night in the forest, only to wake up to find a trapped dragon, which she saves. Order our Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Study Guide, teaching or studying Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. Write The house was on the hill on the board. Have them compare their experience with Minlis adventure. young girlflowing black haircaringadventurousgenerous. This beautiful book is bound to become a classic. *(This Will Start a 2-Week Free Trial - No Credit Card Needed), This Activity is Part of Many Teacher Guides. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon By Grace Lin Chapters 1-4 Before you read the chapters: The protagonist in most novels features the main character or "good guy". Lin has fleshed out this . After clicking "Copy Activity", update the instructions on the Edit Tab of the assignment.). Think About Your Own Answers (with a reading guide) She refused to let it rain anymore, thus leaving the people of the earth to suffer and starve. It is not too scary. Explain what you mean by each value and show how it is illustrated in one of the embedded folk tales. Not affiliated with Harvard College. The main characters are Minli, Ba, Ma and Dragon. It blends an adventure narrative with a female hero, a collection of traditional and invented folktales, and an array of Chinese-style paintings and woodcuts into an appealing and challenging reading experience. ", Grace Lin, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. They stop at the City of the Bright Moonlight to meet the King. Because of Minli's sacrifice to help a friend, she and her family receive everything they could ever have hoped for. We are thankful for their contributions and encourage you to make your own. *, Can u describe the character 'talking goldfish'. Meanwhile, as Dragon waits outside of the city, he receives a string of destiny from one of the Guardians of the City. Dragon cannot fly. Character map is unfinished and/or disorganized. Then photocopy the sheet to have students keep in their binders. Each figure tied to the next with the fine red thread of fate. Identify (4) Traits for this character and supply evidence2. "Bringing fortune to our house! However, at the last moment, the Old Man of the Moon transported the family magically to a new home, where they continue to livepoor but contenttoday. The child of immigrants from Taiwan, Grace Lin was born in the United States in 1974 and grew up in New York State. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.SL.5.5: Include multimedia components and visual displays in presentations when appropriate to enhance the development of main ideas or themes. How can the links between the frame story and the embedded Chinese folktales be represented to show how they reinforce the underlying themes of courage and generosity? Have them write three sentences about this challenge in answer to these questions: What qualities did you have to show to meet this challenge? date the date you are citing the material. When he was a teenager, he learned that he was going to die young. The two then meet and after relating their adventures, set off once again, puzzled as to which is the real borrowed line. Soup of the Day at Jama Rattigans Alphabet Soup, Book of Color Pick of the Day at Galley Cat. When students have finished reading the book, hold a Socratic seminar or other type of discussion. After contemplating her choices, Minli chooses to ask Dragon's question for him: Why can he not fly? Tell students that they are going to read the book and keep a reading journal; explain how you would like them to proceed, i.e., how many pages or chapters to read and which journal questions to answer. Distribute Worksheet 3 and go over the directions with the students. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon characters in a Character Map Minli Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has Where the Mountain Meets the Moon characters in a Character Map Minli Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has Recursos Precios Crear un Guin Grfico Read More Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Characters Visual Vocabulary Theme Answer the Prompt Figurative Language Text Structure Create a Storyboard [Ripping a page from the Book of Fortune will not change one's fate.] Bitter and resentful, Minlis mother complains when her husband fills Minlis imagination with enchanting tales of Never-Ending Mountain and the Old Man of the Moon. This Study Guide consists of approximately 29pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - Make two copies for each pair of students to use in analyzing the embedded stories. After learning about the concept of the frame story, pairs of students take one of the folktales to analyze and then illustrate a key scene from it. Use evidence from the text to argue who is the most generous character in the book. Ask students: Suppose Grace Lin had just written Their village was dirty and their work was hard. How is this paragraph different? Back in their hut by Fruitless Mountain, Ma tells Ba a story., Inc. online is the same, and will be the first date in the citation. Have you explained how you felt when you had met the challenge? Reunited with her son, Jade Dragon transforms Fruitless Mountain into Fruitful Mountain, allowing it to grow again. The boy is poor and has nothing but a buffalo but helps her find the king, who possesses a borrowed line of text, which is essential to finding the Old Man of the Moon. Without even asking the Old Man of the Moon, Minli has come to understand why people like the buffalo boy and A-Fu and Da-Fu seemed so happy: they are thankful for what they have rather than bitter about what they do not. Why or why not? This character visits the Village of the Fruitless Mountain early in the book and at the very end. How can students use Where the Mountain Meets the Moon as a mentor text to write a personal narrative with vivid language? I definitely recommend this book! Wishes to find Old Man of the Moon in order to change her family's fortune.Has to choose which question to ask Old Man in the Moon. For years, she and her siblings were the only Asian American children in her school and she was the only one in her class. Man of the Moon The angry magistrate tore a page from the Old Man of the Moon's book, which was the paper with the secret of happiness. This allows him to fly, and he takes Minli back to Fruitless Mountain. While her mother worries and complains about their lot, her father brightens their evenings with storytelling. Students will provide detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as well as challenges the characters face. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a juvenile fiction novel by Grace Lin, author of The Year of the Dog. Dragon realizes that this must be the borrowed line, so he tells them about Minli. Minli's mother, Ma, instead despises the stories that Ba tells, feeling that they are simply "nonsense." Where the Mountain Meets the Moon begins with a description of a small girl, Minli, and her parents, who live in a poor village at the base of Fruitless Mountain. Mix well, a soft dough should form. As an optional activity, they may make a bulletin board or wall display that shows the embedded stories within the frame of the main narrative. She decides to let it go because of how bitter it made Ma. The boy finds out that the king is supposed to appear in the Market of Green Abundance. Her mother, Ma, complains that these stories are foolish and harmful. Finally, see if students can come up with a vivid verb to replace was: sat, clung, perched, etc. Image Based Life > Uncategorized > where the mountain meets the moon character traits Encourage students to consider why Grace Lin chose those particular words to describe the mountain. Determine the Age of the Dragon (using peach math) She says they make Minli dream instead of focusing on the reality of the familys poor fortune. Minli thus begins a traditional quest. Where the Mountain Meets the Moon Buy It Now In the valley of Fruitless mountain, a young girl named Minli lives in a ramshackle hut with her parents. This outline can serve as a reference for the teacher for the entire lesson.). Under house have students brainstorm as many words as they can for house: mansion, shack, apartment, rancher, hut, etc. What words do you think make the description colorful? The characters and scenes are both appropriate for the book's characters. Give students a clean copy of Worksheet 2 and tell them that their classmates will be reading their work. [8][9]. The "rock" turns out to be the coveted Dragon's Pearl, which brings enormous wealth to her village. Symbols & Motifs. While waiting in the Market of Green Abundance, Minli spends her coin buying a peach for a beggar. Get Started Fruitless Mountain Village. detailed information regarding how the characters interact with the main characters, as
I was glad to see a few things from when I was younger and I started to play with them. CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RL.5.2:Determine a theme of a story, drama, or poem from details in the text, including how characters in a story or drama respond to challenges or how the speaker in a poem reflects upon a topic; summarize the text. If preparing a "Gallery" for the Optional Day 2. the end with a mysterious gift. Lin deftly incorporates elements from Chinese folk- and fairy tales to create stories within the main story and provide context for Minlis quest. You may value money, friends, family or ideals like honesty, generosity, and faith. Perhapsyou need to trust her, the goldfish man says. Ask students to write one final paragraph in which they compare themselves with Minli. The blooms of the flowering trees also provide the antidote to the Green Tiger's poison, which saved Dragon. Along the way, Minli meets a special friend. Every day, the family works in the mud growing rice. Common Sense Media. He takes Minli there, and she tries to give him the one copper coin she has left. Minli is a young girl, the only daughter of her mother, Ma, and father, Ba. The rock that Minli removed from Dragons head turns out to be the coveted Dragon Pearl. Determined to change her familys fortune, Minli sets out to find the Old Man of the Moon, urged on by a talking goldfish who gives her clues to complete her journey. Then, my mind suddenly shouted, How about that book from the library? I bolted to get the book and started to read. 1. Tell students that they are going to use their three sentences as a basis for writing a kind of story called a personal narrative. Do you like books with magical elements? Themes. As she works, Minli wishes she could change her familys fortune. A fantasy crossed with Chinese folklore, Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is a timeless story reminiscent of The Wizard of Oz and Kelly Barnhill's The Girl Who Drank the Moon. The CharactersThe Characters Where the Mountain Meets the Moon is filled with rich and varied characters: Minli, whose name means quick-thinking; Dragon, her companion on the . Read the Study Guide for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon, View Wikipedia Entries for Where the Mountain Meets the Moon. The principal told me that was not a good idea. Students will provide
She notices that he is wearing a piece of golden dragon jewelry, and she follows him. Already a member? Personification is a literary device that give human traits to nonhuman objects. Far away from here introduces the suggestion of an exotic location and/or time; The Jade River suggest China, which is known for jade. How does this character interact with the main character. I think it is good for many different ages, from 7-year-olds to 12-year-olds. Grades 3-6. When she arrives to find the Old Man of the Moon, he offers her what seems to be a Spartan gift: she can only ask him a single question. Where The Mountain Meets The Moon Chapters 1-4 Summary & Analysis. well as challenges the characters face. Draw a Dragon (that could come to life) Then do the same for high ground: mountain, hill, crag, and slope. Get Where the Mountain Meets the Moon from In thanks, the fish tells Minli how to travel to Never-Ending Mountain to find the Old Man of the Moon, who may know how Minli can change her familys fortune. Both Minli and Dragon have unique character traits and well-thought character development.