He told her not to pay. Unsurprisingly, an even higher percentage of prisoners, almost one in three, expect to be homeless when they get out. DONKMASTER on Talks about going to prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lb's also White Guy's starting to race Donk!#Donkmaster#PrisonSubscribe NOW to BO. Basically at the end of the day , it doesnt matter what you do you get sent to jail. However, the creator's name, DonkMaster, explains it all. Read moreYouth minister used his position to take advantage of young girls, documents allege, While 12 jurors decided they were convinced of Murdaughs responsibility for the killings, the six-week trial did more to sketch the outlines of what happened on June 7, 2021, than it did to answer how and why it did. I like anyone, know that jail is not a Disneyland but there are standards that should be met, none which have been with the Don. In December 2009, the Ministry suspended all recruitment programs for COs while it overhauls the entire vetting process. Gina Because it houses people who are presumed innocent, the jail is not even intended to be punitive. Autoweek participates in various affiliate marketing programs, which means we may get paid commissions on editorially chosen products purchased through our links to retailer sites. Speaking on Boss Talk 101 in 2022, Donkmaster said that he was "caught for trafficking marijuana. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. The point.if you were being held @ the Don, and died before being found innocent it would rock your family. Please dont assume that because you read something in print that all the facts are correct. The new series, Donkmaster chronicles the journey of Sage Donkmaster Thomas, often referred to as the Michael Jordan of donk racing. Over 100 pounds of trafficking marijuana." He added that after seven months of serving time, he got a call from a farm in California, adding: "I get a . Montgomery Motorsports Park 7/1/18DonkmasterSavijLifeIn & Out CustomsSTAY TUNED THERE'S A LOT MORE CONTENT COMING AND OTHER BUILDS ARE ALREADY GETTING STARTE. The disappearance was sad, but not so the compensations, for . Akos Peterbencze. At the end of the day NO ONE will be satisfied with the outcome. Before you post try reading facts. And the Don is not a place for people that have broken the law ,,it is a HOLDING place for people who have been CHARGED with breaking the law..a big difference. "Things can deff get worse with that. Robbescheuten says staff began taking Jeff out of his cell in order to transport him to hospital. We promise not to use your email address for anything but exclusive updates from the Power Automedia Network. When Christine Munro thinks about the Don finally closing, she feels nothing but relief. At the Don, there are accused murderers and drug dealers, but also people like Jeffthe homeless, drug addicts and schizophrenics, who are routinely shuttled in and out because weve yet to figure out a better place to keep them. The segregation cells, which were once used to punish prisoners, are filled with the mentally ill (and in many cases, the private cells are preferable to being triple-bunked in the general population anyway). the fact that the court system is so over crowded cases are being push back and back and even bail hearings are delayed. The mother requested anonymity because she is fearful for her family's safety. YesI get that maybe Jeff was more appropriate for CAMH and eventually would have been assessed and transferred therebut you dont admit everyone to a hospital, who is exhibiting unusual behaviour. She was also given two years of supervised release, and a fine of $40,0000 . instead of focusing on the semantics of the article, perhaps you should focus on why it is you find it so easy to sweep those in need of mental help under the rug and out of sight. Nationally, individuals have been critically and even fatally injured due to this senseless behavior. Memphis Police Department said it received several complaints about drag racing happening near Riverport Road. Given that we live in a free country and someone charged with a criminal offence in this country deserves their day in court we at least owe it to those who have not been convicted of an offence and trust me some of whom have done nothing wrong to make sure that they are not beaten to death over a bag of chips while awaiting trial. Despite federal directives that say single-bunking is the most correctionally appropriate policy, the jail often houses three prisoners to a celltwo in bunk beds and a third on a mattress on the floor wedged between the toilet and the wall. Prices range from $1,000-$3,000 for a set, but again, these things can go up into the stratosphere. 'Donkmaster' is a high-octane drag-racing competition that airs on Vice in the US. u will be happy to know it is no disneyland as u say. Instagram: Prior to other smaller publications putting out their DVDs covering the south Florida car shows back in the early 2000s, it was an unknown underground culture. Frequent lockdowns at the prison disrupted weekend visits. Architectural preservationists saved the building itself from being demolished, but the gallows were destroyed before macabre souvenir seekers could get their hands on them. The cookie is set by the GDPR Cookie Consent plugin and is used to store whether or not user has consented to the use of cookies. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. @ EVERYONE except Gina. It depends on where theyre placed, what shift schedule theyre placed on, et cetera., Even if the province wanted to hire new correctional officers, it couldnt. A $90 Walmart money transfer there. We must change a system that punishes the innocent along with the guilty. NO ONE deserves that even if they ARE guilty but especially not for his alleged misdemeanor crime. But soon enough, they approached him in the common area and demanded that he pay $50 in exchange for "his protection." But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Familys fault,wasnt first time hes been arrested? Just Say No 2 Sko on MO3, BigXThaPlug, Bugatti Casino, Trapboy Freddy,and Yella Beezy +More (Part 9), Mike Tyson in Prison But Smart & 100% For His People a Genuine Brother | OG PIRU Ayatollah (Part 17), Big Boz on Freeway Rick Ross Name Was on My Paper Work, My Transcript, I Never Known Him! https://www.instagram.com/e_ceo_/?hl=en On November 11, just five days after Jeffs murder, Kevin Pereira, a Don Jail prisoner held on drug charges that were later withdrawn, was found viciously beaten in a common area. Corrections officials said they had no record of such a complaint. "Somebody driving more than 100-150 miles per hour anywhere in this city.". Functional cookies help to perform certain functionalities like sharing the content of the website on social media platforms, collect feedbacks, and other third-party features. Maybe we need to look at our mental health laws/act and change aspects of it. Likewise, programs run by outside organizations like the Salvation Army and John Howard Society and even visiting hours are frequently cancelled, leaving hundreds of prisoners stuck in their crowded cellblocks for days at a time. However, while it may help them gain fans, they might just find themselves losing their licenses in the process. How many of you posting to this link have ever done time in the don? Christine cant count the number of times she was woken up by the phone in the middle of the nightsomeone from a hospital telling her that they had her mentally unstable son, or a panicked Jeff himself, warning her of outlandish plots and powerful people out to get him. I then discovered, in the winning circle, that the thousands of spectators that witnessed it first hand were highly entertained and wanted more donk racing by the day So thats when my business partner, my main man, Country C, and I put a plan together for In and Out Customs to host our own Donk Racing event Fast and Flashy now running six summers strong. Its really unfortunate that this is still going on, and no one is doing anything to fix it. We have no reason to doubt him. He says that one of the reasons its difficult for COs to control prisoners in the Don is that theres no system of rewards or punishments. Would love your thoughts, please comment. His death, while tragic is probably not an unusual occurrance in the prison system in Toronto, Ontario, Canada, North Americahellthe world. There is a guard for each range sitting in a booth in a glassed off area why not have him on the range hes there anyway. An inmate will come up and say, Can I get my cell opened? And Ill say, No, absolutely not, Robbescheuten explained. police, crown, even your lawyer and judge, co-operating with big fish, and people innocently go to jail and losing their life, I am one of them, more than two years, I am back and forth to court, no one helping me, I know I did mistake, but when they threaten you and your family life in other country, what do you do,you cant talk to police, police does not give you witness protection, police doesnt care, police get paid, to torture you, I think Canada has worst system to defending on innocent people. Yes these people are prisoners and yes they are there for a reason. Solitary confinement was designed to be punitivethe ultimate violence a state could inflict on one of its citizensbut today its used to hold the most vulnerable prisoners. I Held on To It For a Very Long Time (Part 4), Dj Bootzie on Lil Jon Who You Wit to Bih Bih He Came To Louisiana Stole The Sound (Part 2), Mr Mike on I START BUSSIN AT HIM! Over 100 pounds of trafficking marijuana." He added that after seven months of serving time, he got a call from a farm in California, adding: "I get a . No prisoner should be subject to any form of torture and should have access to safe security. the stack seaburn menu. Lots of the popular manufacturers make them, including Forgiato, Asanti and Lexani, in sizes up to 32 inches. Looking entirely out-of-place on this drag strip is a 1971 Caprice convertible on donks. If we, as a society, are to take away individual rights and freedoms as recourse for misdeeds, then we owe it to those individuals to at least treat them with some measure human dignity. Within a few decades, conditions had deteriorated to the point where the Provincial Inspector of Prisons described it as the worst jail on the Continent of America. That kind of full-voiced criticism would become commonplace. By clicking submit, you agree to receive emails from Rolling Out and accept our web terms of use and privacy and cookie policy. The prison industrial complex is a for-profit government business. The condemnations go on and on. To be clear, flashy wheels arent required, but if you want a showstopper, they certainly help. The Don is a wretched, dangerous dungeon that should have been shut down ages ago. Hoping to connect with car lovers everywhere, Vice TV is tapping in on . Read moreAlex Murdaughs double murder trial leaves enduring mysteries, even after guilty verdict, Mable Clarke will host a one-day fish fry to raise funds the fix storm damage to the histoically Black Soapstone Baptist Church in Pickens. CLICK HERE for a slideshow of the arrested people. He saw no other option but to pay. Apparently potential guards were lying on their applications. Some cite the Impala logo, which sort of looks like a donkey. She also has two grown daughters, Brittany and Melanie, who visit often. In a separate ruling later that year, Schneider said that the Don didnt even comply with the UNs minimum standards for the treatment of prisoners. After 13 years, shes developed a good enough ear to recognize a serious assault by the sound of the inmates provincially issued rubber shoes against the floor. Its a characterization the Ministry vigorously disputes, but Eduardo Almeida, chair of the corrections section of the Ontario Public Service Employees Union, believes it has a kernel of truth. https://www.instagram.com/e_ceo_/?hl=en, Instagram: Corrections spokesman Jeffrey Taillon said the inmate's transfer from a low- to medium-security prison was appropriate because he had been caught with tobacco-related contraband. He had fallen victim to gangs who controlled Evans Correctional Institution, a medium-security prison in rural Bennettsville near the North Carolina border. There wont be a good day.. Sixteen things to see, do, read and hear in Toronto this March. Christine wants to know why Jeff, with his history of mental illness, was placed in a unit with dangerous criminals. So open your eyes and understand Gina said nothing wrong, and im sorry to the family of Jeff but dont push the blame on the system, it was the humans that killed jeff, NOT the system. "Once you do start paying, you never get to the point of dont pay now, he said. I have seen more than my fair share of murders, beatings, sudden deaths and suicides, she told me. Jeff Munros death prompted a renewed spate of condemnations, which only grew more intense when the violent incidents continued. Donkmaster threw something off the passenger side and it hit 2 spectators. If the history of Torontos most notorious jail demonstrates anything, though, its to be wary of high-minded talk of prison reform, Guards believe that a larger staff would make the Don a safer place. Pre-built donks get up into . A classic Impala anybody can enjoy! what i saw n heard while i was going through the SYSTEM i would be scared to live in toronto and not because of street crime. Based on a British model, it would have a central observation post from which guards could watch their prisoners, who would live in cells that had access to light and heat. He was known to police, but in the past theyd usually delivered him to the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health. When Christine heard about Phillip, she realized her sons death wasnt an anomaly. Charleston, SC 29403, News tips/online questions: newstips@postandcourier.com, Delivery/subscription questions: subserve@postandcourier.com, var html = new Date().getFullYear(); We will not tolerate this behavior and allow participating individuals to endanger innocent citizens.". This story represents a failure in our city to adequately deal with Torontos mentally ill population. https://open.spotify.com/show/0yD2UzYyp3Pg9JwBjgK92j, Copyright All rights reserved - Boss Talk Podcast 101, DONKMASTER: Going to Prison for Trafficking Marijuana over 100lbs & White guys Racing Donk (Part 4), Pimpin Ken on Pimp C Being a Rapper with the Name Pimp and Not Pimpin | Two Type of B*tch*s (Part 1), Columbus Short on Mark Zuckerberg own Your Content & People Only see 1.2% of what you Post (Part 8). With Donkmaster in prison, everyone wants to be the new king of donk racing. When theres a lot of squeaking, you know somethings going on that you should check out, she explains. Currently, two officers are in charge of up to 79 prisoners in a single unit. The cookies is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Necessary". Until you walk a day in my family shoes, you should know that we will fight to have things changed in our correctional facilities, as Im sure you would if the tables were turned. Topics: Our car experts choose every product we feature. It is a warehouse. MPD towed away the racing vehicles. https://www.instagram.com/bosstalkpodcast101/?hl=en, Apple Podcast: You mean the the Don Jail is a dark usually underground prison or vault (taken from the Merriam Webster Dictionary)? Good for the Munros for taking a stand and making this public knowledge. Donkmaster has one more race before six months in prison. It was reported that Shakur agreed to pay a settlement of between $300,000 and $500,000 to the parents of the slain child. When the jail opened its doors five years later, it became clear that it wasnt the place of humane incarceration that had been promised. Gangs allegedly operate from within the prison walls, and correctional officers have a hard time simply maintaining order. If the Don really is demolished in three years, a particularly dark corner of Toronto will finally be eliminated. The police usually recommend a psychiatric assessment of incoming prisoners. Last July, I visited a dusty site near Islington and the Gardiner Expressway, where construction workers were building the future of Toronto incarceration. The Don, if all goes according to plan, will empty of prisoners and close its doors shortly thereafter. He disputed her. Subscribe NOW to BOSS Talk 101 its a Unique Hustle: https://youtube.com/c/ECeoUniqueFashions, Instagram: As the sister of Jeff Munro, I am still trying to grasp my head around your thoughts as posted above. I truly believe that if this was you in this position, there would be no comment as above. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Im with Gina. Stop using it as a place to stick the homeless and mentally ill when you have no place else to stick them. A recent report by John Howard showed that one in five prisoners going into Toronto jails is homeless. Didnt any one spend 10 minutes to know that he has a problem? The woman's son landed in prison after he was arrested in connection with an armed hold-up shortly after his 19th birthday. The only method officers have to maintain order is physical force, which no one likes to use., The province is building a new, more spacious prison to replace the Don. A search of eBay Motors will net you a ton of results, with the cheaper donor cars starting at around $7,000. Troy victor campbell is a moron. Two of them were also arrested for drag racing and reckless driving. Its therefore being replaced by one that does, many years late. At least we can proudly say that correctional officers go home safe everyday and have always at the Don Jail which unfortunately is not so true of correctional officers working in jails around the world. Sadly too few people are heartless Rather most are inane bleeding hearts, who in fact are the root of the broader victimization of many by the few. Even with evidence that states a person being innocent, people are still be held in jail to await there trial dates. Hey,Gina,guess what I was at the Don Jail this past 2010 To throw your hands in the air and say hey, its jail. He spent this past Monday night at the Don..he was released on Tuesday after all charges were dropped..But his experience at the Don has forever scarred his life..he was sexually assaulted. Nobody wants to go to the Don.. Last year, Jeff Munro was beaten to death at the Don Jail over a bag of chips. I dont really see much difference. Talk about stating the obvious. Copyright 2016 WMC Action News 5. The stray bullet killed 6-year-old Qa'id Walker-Teal. Subscribe NOW to BOSS Talk 101 its a Unique Hustle: https://youtube.com/c/ECeoUniqueFashions This article first appeared in the March 6 issue of Autoweek magazine. what if that was you; your brother; your dad; uncle even No one deserves to be treated like sacks of bones and useless. Grow up Go ask victims of violence and parents of murdered innocents about the fate deserved by those who endanger the rest of us, better put the fate earned by the underbelly of mankind. He said he had fully expected to die like that while at Evans. One person was charged with having 14 grams of marijuana. Building his first Donk at the age of 16 gave him a high that is repeated every single time he completes a project. Donks now have dedicated shops, clubs and car shows around the U.S., and the trend isnt slowing, according to Randy Cabrera, president of Riding Clean, a production company thats finishing up DONKumen-tary, a film on the subject. This isnt Oz folks. When the Don lacks sufficient officers, and this happens a lot, that time is cut. Low 54F. Tobe honest system is wrong, the big fish all round and making more mess on people life, Low 54F. The trend used to be about height, and the term was hi-risers, says Cabrera. Pre-built donks get up into the $30,000 range, and some complete cars eclipse $100K. Got a SURPRISE phone call from Donkmaster while he's on his "vacation" and he wants his fans and supporters to know he'll be home soon! My husband was remanded there, and he got stabbed . They have the right to humane conditions and treatment. Some high-performance street racing cars also arrived. Is it hard to pull his record out of the archives? We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Summary: why did donkmaster go to jail. Its not Disneyland, people. We paid for Karla to get a University degree in our prison system, no doubt that made her a wonderful human being that youd trust to teach sex-ed. not one stab, but multiple stabs and do you think they did anything, no. This place is messes up, the cops are messed up, there is no protective custody,"he wrote. Reach Hannah Alani at843-937-5428. Didnt any one talk to him? A lot being said here, but my thoughts are this. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "© " + html; In the jail, three other prisonersTroy Victor Campbell, Osman Sarikaya and Kevin Andre Veiro, all in their early 20saccused Jeff of stealing a bag of chips and, in retaliation, allegedly punched and kicked him to death. jail is not a pretty thing to go through and cases where people are getting beat up in there for absolutely nothing is the norm at the Don. At the end of the shift, whoever has the most nos wins dinner. Why did Donkmaster go to jail? This should stay the case if we want our next generations to live in dignity. Apple Podcast: Whatever helps you sleep better at night. Because prisoners are, in theory, supposed to spend no more than a few weeks at the Don, there is little attempt to rehabilitate. Building a massive new jail to house more and more Torontonians is a simplistic solution to a complicated situation. You have no facts, you are simply stating the obvious. He was the driver of the getaway car.
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