And yet his dreams say otherwise: rain "like fresh motor oil", frenzied neighbours and murders . Nostradamus Predicted It Centuries Ago Here comes the Zombie ApocalypseAccording to the Annual Horoscope, 2021 could mark the rise of the living dead. Its true that health officials in New York recently identified the first basilisk in nearly a decade in the United States. About the Author Offers may be subject to change without notice. Wonder why zombies, zombie apocalypse, and zombie preparedness continue to live or walk dead on a CDC website? The CDC says it would conduct an investigation, as it would for any disease outbreak, and provide assistance to states. Trapped students must fight their way out or turn into one of the rabid infected. All in all, given the fact that zombies are not real the answer is no - there's no looming zombie apocalypse in China, despite what your For You page might suggest. With checklists for emergency preparedness kits, creating an escape plan, and information on how the CDC would theoretically respond to such a contagion spreading, a lot of the information is delivered in good fun, staying true to its zombie character, and doubles as useful survival tips no matter the case they're applied to. This blog is especially relevant given the pandemic and last month's extreme winter weather in Texasthat caused 4 million people to go without power for days. It's a fascinating manga that makes zombies one of the more basic story elements. Although the undead creatures are fictional, people still believe a zombie apocalypse could happen. CDCs updated guidelines for living with the zombie apocalypse, Sign up for a weekly roundup of thought-provoking ideas and debates. bodies in the fire.. If the zombie apocalypse does break out as Nostradamus may have predicted there is no need to fear, the CDC is here. He also allegedly threw in a famine, a couple of asteroids smashing into earth, oh, and he even is believed to have predicted COVID-19. People all over the world are busy getting rich in front of our eyes. 2. A global famine Zombie apocalypse is a genre of fiction in which society collapses due to overwhelming swarms of zombies. While you may be rolling your eyes at it all, Elon Musk doesnt think its that far-fetched. so who wants to set up a zombie apocalypse team, y'know just in case, After seeing #zombievirus is trending :, #zombievirus #Zombie_Virus When you survived in Covid Virus and then you see Zombie Virus, "Scientists in Russia revive 48,000 year old #zombievirus" COVID-19:, Russian Scientists after discovering #zombievirus :, Russian scientists revived a 48,500 yrs old virus. You've just got to hope the zombies don't follow you there. Absolutely! Is there a zombie apocalypse in 2022? A "zombie apocalypse" might even seem possible if an outbreak of these conditions spread rapidly and mutated. His works been featured on Forbes, RealSimple, USA Today, MSN, BusinessInsider, Entrepreneur, PCMag, and CNN. However, it's important to note that his prophecies are in poetry form, and are oftentimes vague. No, a TikTok video about zombies in China is a hoax. FANS CREATE FUNNY SPOTIFY WRAPPED TEMPLATE MEMES ON TWITTER, THE HIGHEST SPOTIFY WRAPPED 2022 MINUTES FROM SOCIAL MEDIA REVEALED, Who is Paul Vallas? "There will be a twin year from which will arise a queen who will come from the east and who will spread a plague in the darkness of night, on a country with 7 hills and will transform the twilight of men into dust, to destroy and ruin the world. 67 Hail Hail chats to Ange Postecoglou and Matt ORiley as controversial TV deal dominates headlines, According to Nostradamus, 2021 will be packed with events that will forever shape the future of humanity. Okay, well, is there any actual good news here? Best Takeout Meals for Cannibal Movie Night, 13 Horror Moments That Are Still Stuck In Our Brain, Population density in the U.S. by federal states including the District of Columbia in 2020, State-by-State Map Solar Energy Industries, How to Watch the Crunchyroll Anime Awards 2023. CDC would provide technical assistance to cities, states, or international partners dealing with a zombie infestation. Aside from seeing your dead-eyed friends munching other humans, youll notice more and more news reports of unusual activity, viral outbreaks, and strange crowdspossibly involving cannibalism. This site is part of Newsquest's audited local newspaper network. Oct 31, 2017. Of course, this assumes. If you have a complaint about the editorial content which relates to And if they want to bring a bat or other kind of zombie repellent with them, we do hope the schools wont take punitive measures against that! Address: Riverbank House, 1 Putney Bridge Approach, London, SW6 4TJ. . 30. While the US military was prosecuting a marine for posting a video, China test launched a hypersonic nuclear missile that traveled the globe in low orbit and our military never even knew about! But there are examples of "zombification" in nature . The article, which is labelled an opinion piece, refers to the novel World War Z by Max Brooks, which follows afictional Zombie World War. Related:Weeks after Mississippi winter storms, some residents still don't have water. More (undead) people, more problems. Become a super scavenger. ( Canva) (Circle) TikTok on a phone screen. Nostradamus evidently predicted Zombies and asteroids for 2021, so there's that.. Nostradamus allegedly predicted that in 2021, Few young people: half-dead to give a start, which some people are reading as "zombie attack." Next, you should create an emergency planwhen a zombie, or a hurricane, isoutside your door. It's a genre that just won't die. And we are sure we can come together as a nation, take appropriate precautions and stop this basilisk in its tracks so nothing gets in the way of returning to normal life as quickly as possible! This includes where you would go and who you would call if zombies started appearing outside your doorstep, the CDC informs. These adverts enable local businesses to get in front of their target audience the local community. That spread would be much easier to contain than a mutant virus. But did he predict zombies in 2021? Many of his predictions later illustrating the rise to power of Adolf Hitler, and the Second World War. Fact of the Day Sunday, 5 March 2023, Guinness World Records: Longest tongue on a living dog, Free State Education MEC Tate Makgoe dies in car crash on Sunday, Weather warning issued for SEVERE thunderstorms TODAY, Weather warning: Cut-off low to affect the Western Cape TODAY. You can get back to your normal, pre-zombie-apocalypse life, unless, again, you think you would not win a fight with a zombie because, to be clear, they are still out there. The research is being led by microbiologist Jean-Marie Alempic, from the French National Center For Scientific Research. Apocalypse is a resounding success. And while wed like to take them with a pinch of salt, were ready to admit that theyre more than plausible. Sound like the rise of robots? The famous predictor shares that in 2021, a scientist will create a biological weapon and produce a virus that can turn humankind into zombies (as interpreted by astrologists). World War Z (2013) Film. If you love reading about eerie predictions and the end of the world, you've come to the right place. The first is simply that it was an Australian zombie movie. But, even if some evil genius intentionally distributed alkaloid toxins to a population to turn them into a shambling, mindless horde, there is no way to make these zombies aggressive or cannabalistic. The zombie apocalypse usually comes in the form of some sort of disease spread through blood, bites, and barely recognizable undead bodies chasing down the living. The most obvious first point is to stay away from any areas that are swarming with zombies. The first step is to prepare for zombies or any disaster: Create an emergency kit with essentials to last a few days. If you need to move on to a new location, travel with a group so you'll have more of a chance of defeating any zombies if they come your way. Nostradamus was born in Saint Rmy de Provence, southern France, in December 1503. According to the website, people trying to survive against flesh-eating zombies would have the best chance in states like North Dakota and Nebraska, locations where there are fewer people and. If theoretically, a zombie apocalypse was to happen, the containment would all depend on how the outbreak would have started. But in general, you want to look for less-populated areas, plenty of farmland, and ways to power up any devices or tools that may be useful when fighting for your life. This, after it emerged that China had already tested a nuclear-capable hypersonic missile in August that circled the globe before speeding towards its target, claimed the New York Post. Instead of wasting all that effort trying to get to zero zombies, which is, like trying to get to inbox zero, futile and probably impossible, we are going to devote ourselves to seeing positives in our new zombie-enriched normal a world not overrun by zombies but one where lots of gatherings now happen to include surprise walkers. 2010-2023 CableTV. But if North Dakota, the best state in the US, got a 79basically a B- scorewe may be in trouble . Many films and television shows would . He wrote: The copies of gold and silver inflated/ Which after the theft were thrown into the lake/ At the discovery that all is exhausted and dissipated by the debt/ All scripts and bonds will be wiped out.. The population density in the worst 10 states, which are all east of the Mississippi River, is roughly 550 per square milethats a lot of potential people to ward off or keep supplied and sane. The claim: Nostradamus predicted there would be a zombie apocalypse in 2021 and the CDC is giving advice on how to prepare for it The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has provided. Again, though, Nostradamus's wording is always vague and can pretty much be applied to a lot of catastrophic historical events. 1. In Christian belief, the Last Judgementis an apocalyptic event where God makes a final judgement of all people on Earth. Photo by Jane Barlow - WPA Pool/Getty Images. Click the upvote icon at the top of the page to help raise this article through the indy100 rankings. inaccuracy or intrusion, then please (Our time-honored schools philosophy is that they are where we go to ignore that horrible things can happen, so we understand the impulse to punish anyone who wants to bring in a reminder about the Z-O-M-B-I-E-S. Last Train To Busan. No, not the friendly kindthey will be bloodthirsty monsters, resulting in, you guessed it, the end of humankind. Some may see the surviving zombie apocalypse as a zero sum game, and those on the East Coast are far more likely to be right about that. The story references the novel World War Z by Max Brooks, which chronicles the fictional Zombie World War. [More] Starring: Lennie James, Alycia Debnam-Carey, Maggie Grace, Colman Domingo. 2023 USA TODAY, a division of Gannett Satellite Information Network, LLC. on the plus side of playing the walking dead VR . Although it's far-fetched to believe that we could actually see a zombie infection come to fruition any time soon, given the wildly unprecedented year the world has experienced, it's better to be safe than sorry, right? Dawn of the Zeds: Manage multiple lanes of zombie invaders and heroic townsfolk in this solo-friendly survival game. Last Night on Earth: Embrace the silly tropes and ridiculous characters of the cheesy horror genre in this very self-aware zombie adventure. Sanitation and hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.) The TikTok page is literally called @zombiesinchina. Yes, technically, in the most literal sense, the zombies are still among us, but much as we would like to be living in a totally zombie-free world, that was never the goal, except for a brief. is all about South Africa and the stories that affect South Africans, wherever they are in the world. One white man said if it were merely about surviving the zombie apocalypse, he'd have chosen the Republicans. In our ranking criteria, the Midwest stands out as being the safest haven when people turn craven. Stars: Park Ji-hu, Chan-Young Yoon, Yi-Hyun Cho, Park Solomon Votes: 53,656 2. But what did Nostradamus predict about the year 2021? Here are some of the predictions that Nostradamus foresaw for the year 2021: A zombie apocalypse: In the book, he writes about 'few young people' who would be 'half dead to give a start.'. Get ready to bug outwere taking a look at which hills you should head for in the event of an undead uprising. Experts have presumed Nostradamus' warning of "two brothers torn apart" as a suggestion that "the third big war" will begin between two allied countries. Fathers and mothers dead of infinite sorrows, Women in mourning, the pestilent shemonster: The Great One to be no more, all the world to end.. Frankly, since natural disasters and globally-impacting events command headlines nearly daily nowadays, maybe having an emergency plan isn't the worst idea in the world. Although there have been more conversations about zombies in the last week or two, some thought the apocalypse would happen on 2/2/22, owing to the sequence of the date which is a palindrome. Wonder no more. So, while you cant join the task force or buy any gear anytime soon, the advice still stands. To help calm fellow qualms and concerns the Center of Disease and Control and Preparedness shares tips on how one can be zombie ready in case of a sudden outbreak. Pick a meeting place for your family to regroup in case zombies invade your homeor your town evacuates because of a hurricane. This is good because it is freedom. Researchers have developed a list of the worst places to live in the event of a zombie apocalypse. At some point, Musk even claims the Tesla bots will fill in the gap of a shortage of labour and do wonders for the economy. There is no proof that a zombie apocalypse could be on the horizon but anything can happen. Users have been taking to social media to express their thoughts - ranging from panic to setting the record straight over the bizarre trend. Inspired by the CDC's Zombie Preparedness 101 guide, lawn care services company Lawn Love has ranked 2022's Best Cities for Surviving a Zombie Apocalypse..